First Minister of Ming Dynasty

First Minister Section 28

"Chongba, you talk about the overall situation, but others don't! Zhao Jun used his daring to avenge his revenge and became murderous. No matter what, he can't be spared!" Guo Zixing took the initiative to move closer to Zhu Yuanzhang, "Chongba, you can fight, my subordinates Soldiers and horses are also elite... As long as Zhao Junyong is eliminated, the old man's foundation is not all yours!"

Good guy, just now he said that he wanted to kill the traitor and give the foundation to Zhu Yuanzhang. Now he has taken a big step back. He has to kill Zhao Junyong. When Zhao Junyong is killed, he doesn't know how far he will retreat.

Zhang Ximeng simply turned his head to the side, so he couldn't see.

At this moment, Zhu Yuanzhang looked dignified, he sighed slightly, and then said: "Commander, we really don't want to see cannibalism. Haozhou has just experienced war, and the people are suffering too much. Tens of thousands of people raised their swords and soldiers, and I don't know how many people will die. People, and now it is the time of spring plowing, after the fight, the harvest will be gone. Even if we can win, what will we eat in autumn? To rob? As the leader of one side, the commander should be more sympathetic to the people."

Guo Zixing's face was black, and he was burning with anger. Zhu Chongba became more and more determined. He originally said that although he developed independently, he still listened to his own orders. Looking at it now, it is completely nonsense.Let him beat Zhao Junyong and refuse to agree, this little thief is bald, really not a good guy!

"Chongba, you must not want to help me vent my anger?"

Zhu Yuanzhang said: "Marshal, it is really inappropriate to go to war at this moment. I also plan to use troops to the south to investigate in the direction of Dingyuan. If it can open up another world, it will be easy to talk about."

"What?" Guo Zixing was startled, he almost doubted his ears, Zhu Yuanzhang actually wanted to develop south?What did he think?

"Chongba, do you think Haozhou is too small? As long as you annex the soldiers and horses used by Zhao Jun, then attack Sizhou and Huai'an, the sky and the earth are all yours..."

Before Guo Zixing finished speaking, Zhu Yuanzhang shook his head. Unexpectedly, Guo Zixing also planned to develop eastward, or he just wanted to keep himself as a thug!

"Marshal, we have already discussed with the big guy, and we will go south soon. The matter in Haozhou needs to be handled properly by the marshal. Zhao Jun used to offend the marshal, so naturally he won't let it go, and he must be allowed to come to the door Make an apology, and then we can get back together, help each other in the same boat, and fight the Yuan Tartars..."

Zhu Yuanzhang put forward the idea of ​​going south, which completely disturbed Guo Zixing's mind.

In his opinion, Haozhou's foundation is very valuable and can be exchanged for Zhu Yuanzhang's allegiance. As for whether it can be passed on to him in the future, it depends on Zhu Yuanzhang's performance.If the son really can't do it, and Zhu Yuanzhang is obedient, it's okay.

Of course, he is only 50 years old and in good health, so he will not let go so soon. After three to five years, ten to eight years, and then pass it on to Zhu Yuanzhang, he is also old and can hand over power with peace of mind.

This guy has thought so much, but he never thought that Zhu Yuanzhang actually looks down on Haozhou and wants to develop by himself!

It made Guo Zixing no longer know how to do it, and even forgot what Zhao Jun used.

"Chongba, do you really want to leave?"

"Yeah!" Zhu Yuanzhang nodded vigorously, "Yuan tartars robbed the territory of the Han people, and they must take it back. The humble post is gone, and the commander should take care!"

Guo Zixing confirmed again and again that seeing that Lao Zhu was sincere, he couldn't help but fell into deep thought... Zhu Yuanzhang's departure can be regarded as a cure for his heart disease. As for Zhao Junyong's matter, maybe he can let it go. A gentleman's revenge, ten years not late!

But there is one thing, the person surnamed Zhao must come to the door to apologize, otherwise there will be no place for his old face!

Speaking of this, Zhu Yuanzhang had nothing to say, he just let Guo Zixing rest, and then he said goodbye to Zhang Ximeng... They didn't leave the city, but went to the small courtyard next to the commander's mansion.

In this small courtyard, Zhu Yuanzhang married his wife and began to change his luck; in this small courtyard, Zhang Ximeng recovered his health and decided to follow Lao Zhu.Once you go south, I'm afraid it will take a long time before you can come back, and revisit the old place...

Zhang Ximeng packed the things in the study room, including books, Mo Lantu, the study plan he made for Lao Zhu, and even Mu Ying's tiger head hat...all the things were packed and put into boxes, and they were packed together There are still a few months of good memories.

Zhu Yuanzhang entered the city and rescued Guo Zixing, all the pressure fell on Zhao Junyong.

In particular, Lao Zhu didn't say anything, and didn't directly tear his face, making Zhao Junyong at a loss as to what to do.Not surprisingly, Zhao Junyong and Sun Deya got into a fight.

Originally, the two of them wanted to join forces to deal with Guo Zixing, and deal with Peng Da later.

But now that Guo Zixing is safe and sound, and Peng Da is eyeing him fiercely, once they join forces, the weak combination of the two of them really won't work!

How to do?

Fish dead and net broken?Or lead the troops to flee?

At this time, more than 100 Haozhou gentry, distinguished figures, hula la came outside Zhao Junyong's camp and knelt down together.

The leader, with a blood book on his head, came to ask Zhao Jun to use it.

Please King Yongyi, for the sake of the people of Haozhou, no matter what happened before, come to the door to apologize to Marshal Guo and resolve the hatred. Everyone will help each other and continue to protect Haozhou and fight against the Yuan Tartars.

This statement also stunned Zhao Junyong.

What are you people involved in the matter between him and Guo Zixing?

Zhao Junyong didn't understand it, but Sun Deya understood it. He walked up to the big guy, and before he spoke, his eyes were red.

"Fathers and folks, I understand what everyone means. Thank you for reminding me, I won't be confused." Sun Deya turned his head to look at Zhao Junyong, and said directly with grief: "King Yongyi! Marshal Zhao! The people's hearts are so, is it really necessary to Doing it right with everyone?"

Sun Deya's questioning made Zhao Junyong shudder, and his heart was completely cold. Even Sun Deya betrayed himself, and he really became a loner.

"Sure enough, you are all from Haozhou!"

Zhao Jun gritted his teeth, but there was nothing he could do.

At this time, Peng Da came again, and he was willing to guarantee the safety of Zhao Junyong... At this point, Zhao Junyong had no other choice but to run to Guo Zixing to plead guilty with his upper body bare and thorns on his back.

It doesn't matter what they say, Zhu Yuanzhang really doesn't want to get involved in these messy things and waste energy, he is leaving!

But when Zhu Yuanzhang and Zhang Ximeng left the small courtyard and were about to return to Linhuai, countless people had already gathered outside, more than a few thousand people, and more people were coming here.

Before Zhu Yuanzhang could speak, someone knelt down, crying, "Thank you, Mr. Zhu! Thank you, Mr. Zhu, for resolving the conflict, avoiding the disaster of war, and saving the big guy!"

Zhu Yuanzhang was slightly taken aback. It turned out that his strength was not in vain, nor was his mind in vain.

"Folks, we, we don't know what to say, anyway, we are from Haozhou, so we can't let the folks down!"

"well said!"

From the crowd, many young men came out, and the leader was Li Xincai, who had tried to follow Old Zhu, "Young Master Zhu, no matter where we go, we will obey you! Take the big guy with you!"

"We are all willing to follow Mr. Zhu!" Hundreds of young people shouted in unison with a firm attitude.

Chapter 42 Zhang's Old Servant

Zhu Yuanzhang and Zhang Ximeng returned to Linhuai Town. It looked like they had a hard trip, but they brought back nothing except a few hundred unarmed young men.But they both knew that this time they made a lot of money, and they made a lot of money, all of which flowed out.

After rescuing Guo Zixing and forcing Zhao Jun to apologize, Zhu Yuanzhang's reputation suddenly reached a new height, comparable to those generals, and even better than Guo Zixing.

Zhu Yuanzhang's bravery and wisdom have been clearly revealed in the battle to defend Haozhou, and there is nothing to say.

This time, regardless of past suspicions, it was Lao Zhu's benevolence and righteousness to save Guo Zixing... Not only did he pay off all the previous debts to Guo Zixing, but it was also Yongquan's repayment.

Anyway, as long as you have a normal mind, you won't feel that Zhu Yuanzhang owes Guo Zixing, a son-in-law, who helped you defend the city and saved your life, what else do you want?My son is nothing more than that!

Secondly, Zhu Yuanzhang did not turn his back on Zhao Junyong, and still maintained the overall situation of the Haozhou red scarf. This alone made the people who had been devastated by the war feel grateful and surrendered.

Everyone knows that it is impossible to live in peace forever, but at the juncture of spring plowing, there is no problem and there is no need to fight.If you plant food, you can harvest it in autumn, and you don't have to starve to death. There is nothing else to ask for.

There is no way, in such an apocalyptic world, I really can't think too much.

In other words, so far, Lao Zhu decided to develop alone, and the waves caused finally have no waves.

Moreover, with the increase in prestige, there are groups of people coming to seek refuge every day.

There were as few as dozens of people, as many as hundreds, and it was even more grand that a village was full of young and strong people.

Zhang Ximeng was in charge of registration every day, and he was so busy that he was dizzy and spinning like a spinning top.Within a few days, he got a thick copy, and Zhang Ximeng went to show Zhu Yuanzhang a look.

When Lao Zhu took it, he was surprised at first, "So many?"

Zhang Ximeng said with a smile: "My lord's reputation has grown greatly, and all directions have been attached to him, which is also what it should be."

Zhu Yuanzhang didn't even read it, but put it aside casually, and then said to Zhang Ximeng, "Sir, you said that it is a good thing that we have recruited so many folks?"

Zhang Ximeng was a little bit stumped, okay?In fact, in his opinion, it is easy to form xenophobic hills when fellow villagers hold groups together.

Looking at the establishment of Daming, the biggest mountain is Huaixi nobles, followed by the literati in eastern Zhejiang, and the military generals who followed up, including the sons of Lao Zhu... They are intricately intertwined with each other, and they are privately taught and received. , corrupted the law, corrupted the national code, and done too many bad things, which is why Lao Zhu had to raise the butcher's knife.

"My lord, Emperor Wu of Wei started his family by relying on the clans of the Cao and Xiahou clans, Li Tang by relying on the Guanlong clan, and Zhao Kuangyin by relying on the brothers in the Forbidden Army... Without a group of reliable people, it is really impossible to accomplish great things."

"But the Cao family also has stupid pigs and cows like Cao Shuang, and the Guanlong family clan is also fighting with each other endlessly, and Zhao Kuangyin will finally have a drink to release his military power!" Zhu Yuanzhang sighed repeatedly, "We have been thinking about this these days, and we are just starting now. To make the big guys willing to do things with us, apart from being fair in rewards and punishments, we also need to rely on fellowship to form a fist, so that we can swing it hard!"

"It's just that we discovered that in the annals of history, whenever a business is started, this group of people will be arrogant and reckless later on, completely ignoring military regulations and laws, and becoming a scourge to the country!"

Old Zhu turned his head and stared at Zhang Ximeng.

"Sir, do you have an opinion?"

Zhang Ximeng was startled, "My lord, since it has been like this in the past dynasties, I don't know!"

Zhu Yuanzhang nodded, and suddenly said with a smile that was not a smile: "Has your father said that? Can you tell us?"

Zhang Ximeng was taken aback again, he did let his father take a lot of scapegoats, he would say that his father came up with any new ideas, and made his father become a talented prime minister hiding among the people.

When Lao Zhu asked this question, he didn't know whether he was teasing or sincerely asking for advice.

"My lord, can you tell me what you plan to do?"

Zhu Yuanzhang sighed lightly, "We don't know either...but let's say, they are really corrupt and perverting the law. We won't bear it. We came from poor people, and we know how much the common people hate those bastards... we , we can't be the bastard's boss!"

Old Zhu was categorical and broke his heart, and Zhang Ximeng suddenly became enlightened, and he had some new views on the future Hongwu Emperor.

Zhu Yuanzhang is right. At the beginning of your business, you must have a group of people following you.

Fairness in dealing with affairs, appropriate rewards and punishments, wisdom and wisdom, and compassion for subordinates... These advantages are all based on a certain foundation.

If you want to love your subordinates, you must have subordinates first!You want to be strict with discipline, but you need someone willing to take care of you.

He is full of strategy, but has nowhere to display it. He can only go to the political circle, not the emperor's way.How many people have studied business administration, but later found out that they are managed by others.

After all, everything starts with an initial team.

For Lao Zhu, this team is his hometown in Huaixi!

He wants the approval of this group of people.

From the current point of view, Lao Zhu is successful, even very successful.

Just judging from the number of people who come to seek refuge every day, Lao Zhu is overwhelmed.

And for those ordinary people.What is a country?What they don't know, at most they can vaguely know that being Han Chinese is already pretty good.

What the common people care most about is their fellow countrymen, even civil servants who have read a lot of books.

These Huaixi fellows are familiar with each other, even relatives. When they are on the battlefield, they take care of each other and fight hard.

But I have to admit that because they are familiar with each other, they handle the matter in private, completely ignoring the people above, acting boldly and despising the law, there are also some, and they are very serious.

"My lord, these people should be used and must be used, and at the moment, I can only use them." Zhang Ximeng carefully chose his words, but he didn't dare to say a wrong word, because he knew that this conversation might affect countless hearts in the future. Head, don't be vague at all.

"However, use it for the purpose, but you must restrain and discipline it. When necessary, you will be severely punished, and the law is the first!"

"Well said!" Zhu Yuanzhang nodded vigorously, "That's exactly what we mean. We see more and more soldiers and horses, and our hearts are open, but we are also worried, for fear that we will not manage well and cause trouble. Speaking of which, thanks to Mr. , These days we have read a lot of books and understood a lot of truths!"

Zhu Yuanzhang paused for a moment, and suddenly thought of something, couldn't help but said: "Sir, you said that we read well, can you let the people below also read? If they all understand the truth, we don't have to worry about it."

This remark made Zhang Ximeng's eyes bright. In history, Zhu Yuanzhang would reason with his subordinates, reward what should be rewarded, and punish what should be punished... But Lao Zhu may not have thought of letting them study. This is also Zhang Ximeng's teaching. party.

"My lord, do you want me to arrange it?"

"It's not your arrangement, it's for you to give them lectures, just like you taught us."

Zhang Ximeng's head got bigger when he heard that, Lao Zhu's team is expanding, he is the busiest, and now he is asked to give lectures to generals, won't this exhaust him to death?

Zhang Ximeng wanted to refuse, but Zhu Yuanzhang smiled slightly, "Sir, don't be in a hurry to object, we have something that I want to show you."

"What?" Zhang Ximeng didn't know what old Zhu could come up with to move his heart.

Zhu Yuanzhang stretched his hand into his bosom, touched it for a long time, then carefully took out a gold lock and two gold bracelets, and placed them in front of Zhang Ximeng.

"Is this sir's?"

Zhang Ximeng glanced at it, as if thinking of something, he quickly grabbed it in his hand, and saw eight words on the golden lock: Ximengwu'er, live a hundred years!

Looking at the bracelet again, there are also these eight characters.

Zhang Ximeng couldn't calm down anymore, he stood up suddenly, trembling slightly all over.

This was what he carried with him before he was eight years old, and his mother put it away when he was older. It should be put together with his mother's dowry jewelry.

On their way to Haozhou, they were stolen by did they fall into Zhu Yuanzhang's hands?

"My lord, is this?"

Zhu Yuanzhang stood up, "Sir, come with us."

Zhang Ximeng's heart was beating wildly, and he remembered that the old servant, surnamed Wang, stole jewelry and ran away under the pretext of finding medicine for him... He, is he really still alive?

Zhang Ximeng originally thought that in this troubled world, once we parted, there would be a huge crowd, and there was no face recognition, so we would never be able to find them, but he didn't expect that they would actually meet again.

"Small, young master!"

When Lao Wang saw Zhang Ximeng, he was hesitant at first, but when he recognized him, he was scared out of his wits!

"Master, please spare me! For the sake of serving the three generations of the Zhang family, please spare the little one!"

Zhang Ximeng just smiled coldly, Old Wang realized that something was wrong, and hurriedly kowtowed, "Young master, master always loves his servants, I know I was wrong, please forgive me..."


Zhang Ximeng slapped Lao Wang's face hard.

When Dad was mentioned, his whole body trembled and his pupils burst into flames.

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