First Minister of Ming Dynasty

First Minister Section 23

In an instant, thunderous cheers erupted from the crowd, and some even fell to their knees, kowtowed to Zhu Chongba, and shed tears of excitement.

Looking at those fellow villagers again, the look in Zhu Chongba's eyes has also changed. He is not the big guy's childhood playmate, but a life-and-death superior.

Chapter 34 Yuanzhang

Zhu Chongba killed Lu Anmin, and Lu Anmin's uncle, two cousins, and eight slaves were all killed... They carried their lives on their backs, and they committed such a heinous crime that no one could save them.

The Lu family, which once ruled the roost, was reduced to ashes so easily.

The common people finally believed that there was a power that could shatter the dark sky above their heads.

In the midst of despair, there is a glimmer of hope.

It is not enough to smash an old world, a new world must be built.

Zhang Ximeng personally organized and disposed of the property of the Lu family.

First of all, all kinds of floating wealth... Due to the collapse of banknotes, in addition to hoarding a small amount of gold and silver, wealthy families prefer to hoard real goods for food and clothing, and use them for everything.

Zhang Ximeng even suspected that they were hamsters who had become spirits.

That's all for storing food, why are you still hoarding salt!How many people are there?The entire cellar is full of high-quality sea salt, enough pickles for them to eat for ten lifetimes.

With Zhang Ximeng's order, they all moved away and handed them over to the army's kitchen.

There is also cloth, which is even more outrageous. There are almost a thousand pieces of silk, earthen cloth, and cotton cloth from Songjiang.

Zhang Ximeng even discovered many medicinal materials, spices, and copper and tin utensils.But what shocked Zhang Ximeng the most were the land deeds, which consisted of two wooden boxes.

When he sorted it out and sent it to Lao Zhu, Zhu Chongba was holding a stack of IOUs, his eyes were red and tears welled up. "At the beginning, in order to marry our eldest brother, the family borrowed five guan banknotes. A year later, it became fifteen guan...Our father, our eldest brother, and our second brother work in the fields all day long, tightening their belts to earn money. Money is neither black nor white. I have been busy for two or three years. But the more I pay, the more I owe. In the end, my father was tired and sick, and died within a few days."

"This thing is the most harmful thing! We burned it all!" Zhu Chongba said viciously.

Zhang Ximeng agreed, "That's natural. The Lu family is dead. Who can ask the people for money? But what should we do in the future? The people are still short of money and need to borrow money. What should we do?"

Zhu Chongba paused. With the hard work of the farmers, even if the grain was not enough to eat, he could go up the mountain to write wild fruits and vegetables, and go down the river to touch some fish and shrimp, so that he would not starve to death. There are not many places to spend money.

But once there is a natural disaster, or if there are red and white things at home, you have to borrow money.At the beginning, the Zhu family borrowed money just to arrange the marriage for the elder brother.

The result of this incident was that the second brother became a door-to-door son-in-law. There was no other way, and he really couldn't afford a second wedding.

If there were no accidents, Lao Zhu would also be the door-to-door son-in-law just like the second brother... But something happened, and the interesting thing is that Lao Zhu still became the door-to-door son-in-law.

It can only be said that some people are born to do this, it is a destiny that cannot be violated!

"What's your idea sir?"

Zhang Ximeng said with a smile: "Is there any way? The easiest way is to limit the interest. You can't roll around. It can be up to [-]% a year. If it is higher than [-]%, you don't have to pay back the money. But I think that the people's strength is withered, and the common people don't have much money. Borrowing money from abroad naturally requires a higher interest rate. I wonder if we can set up a permanent warehouse, where we can borrow food and money, and the annual interest rate is lower, which can not only make things convenient for the people, but also increase some income..."

Zhu Chongba nodded again and again, this is a good thing!

"Let's do it!"

Zhang Ximeng shook his head, "My lord, the matter is not that simple. We set the interest rate, but the people below may not follow it... Besides, it's hard to say whether we will be corrupted if we allocate the food and money."

Zhu Chongba also frowned, he knew how greedy the officials were, what Zhang Ximeng said was only pediatrics, reality often breaks through your poor imagination.

But just because of this, why not do it?

Zhu Chongba shook his head, he is not of this character.

"Sir, you see, we don't have a big territory right now. There are 8000 people below. I personally lead the army and patrol every day. If there is any injustice, I will help the people to solve it. This limit interest, set up Changping As for the matter of the warehouse, let’s settle it like this, and we will talk about the future things later.”

Of course Zhang Ximeng nodded and said yes, "It's just that I have to work hard, my lord."

Zhu Chongba laughed loudly, "We are not afraid of suffering."

Lao Zhu sighed very much, "Seeing that the soldiers are strong and the horses are strong every day, we have lived for more than 20 years, and we have never lived so happily, good! It's good!"

Zhu Chongba's joy is beyond words.

After disposing of the Lu family, those fellow villagers finally realized that Zhu Chongba was doing a great thing.

Kill corrupt officials and advocate justice for the people.

How could this thing be like what they had dreamed about?

Officials show off their power, go to the countryside to collect taxes, and beat whoever they want.The landlord would arrest them at every turn, force them to pay rent, hang them from the beams of the house, and beat them to death with cowhide whips.

At this time, I look forward to a master Qingtian who can make decisions for the people.

It turned out to be a good thing, the old man didn't come, but Zhu Chongba did the work of the old man, and he wanted to invite them to do it together... In this case, what else can we say!

From it!

"Sir, you help the big guy register."

Zhang Ximeng nodded in agreement, and prepared his pen and ink. At this time, someone was already waiting.Walking in front was a young man in his early twenties with prominent cheekbones and a handsome appearance.

"I, my surname is Xu, the eldest in my family, and I'm usually called Xu Da. Sir, yes, can you think of a new name for us?"

Zhang Ximeng frowned slightly, Xu Da thought it was inconvenient for him, and said, "Then don't bother Mr.

"No...I just want to ask, why do you want to change your name?"

Xu Da sighed, "I heard from the old man that the names used to be elegant and catchy, but under the hands of the Yuan Tartars, the etiquette is broken and the names are all messed up. Don't you want to go against the Yuan now! Just name it Change it too!"

Zhang Ximeng laughed, "That's a good point! Everyone should have this request, right?"

Everyone nodded together, "That's right, Yuan Tartar is too bullying, even a decent name is not allowed, it's the other way around!"

Zhang Ximeng smiled and nodded, "Okay, Xu Da... How about adding a few strokes and changing it to Xu Da?"

"Xu Da?"

"Well! A master knows his fate, and he is known to the princes. A master is a master. Since he follows the lord and assists the overlord, this name is the most appropriate."

The young man thought for a while, his eyes lit up, and he nodded repeatedly, "Can you write it down, sir?"

Zhang Ximeng smiled and swiped the ink, and rewrote the word Xu Da.

The young man took it with both hands, folded it carefully, and put it in his arms.

"Thank you sir."

Xu Da went down, and the guy with the big black head shaking his nose came over.

Before he spoke, he grinned, "Mister, I, I am a fool, I can't speak, don't be surprised. Look, my surname is Hua. It turned out that my parents called me Sanqi. Later I found out that this is a medicinal herb. , I, I am not a cure? We, we are murderers! Take a look, can you change the name used by the fierce general?"

Zhang Ximeng smiled, "Okay, then change the name to Hua Yun, this is a famous general during the Three Kingdoms period, loyal, courageous, and most importantly, good-looking!"

"Okay, okay!" The guy shook Xu Chu's head, accepting Hua Yun's name happily.

Zhang Ximeng also wrote it down for him.

With these two examples, the enthusiasm of others came, and they couldn't wait to get rid of the ugly and even shameful names in the past, and changed their identities one after another.

Wu Liang, Wu Zhen, Chen De, Gu Shi, Lu Zhongheng, Zheng Yuchun, Zhang He... are all well-known figures.

Zhang Ximeng also recorded very excitedly, with this gang of strong generals, the future can be expected!

After working hard for more than two hours, dozens of people were registered. Hua Yun happily pestered Zhang Ximeng and asked what happened to Zhao Yun. He wanted to be a role model.

Xu Da squatted aside, scratching and pulling with a small wooden stick, trying to write his name well.

At the end, someone suddenly coughed, Zhang Ximeng raised his head, and then he noticed Lao Zhu.

"My lord, what's the matter?"

"It's something!" Zhu Chongba stared at Zhang Ximeng angrily, and asked angrily.

"They all have new names, what about us?"

Zhang Ximeng was stunned, he really forgot about Lao Zhu.At this time, it is suggested that I should let myself help to change the name?He didn't dare to make decisions on his own, but suggested: "Master, you need to think of your name yourself, I can only help you as a reference."

Zhu Chongba paused, "We were thinking about this just now. Our surname is Zhu, and we want to oppose the Great Yuan Dynasty. The word Zhu Yuan is good, but I always feel that it is not loud enough. I need to fill in another word." Zhu Chong Ba frowned, "We want to add a weapon or something, just to kill the Yuan Dynasty, but swords and sticks are not good!"

Zhang Ximeng laughed loudly: "Then use Zhang!"


"Yes, it is a kind of jade Zhang shaped like a dagger. The lord is named after the sharp arrow. It is too murderous. Yu is the weapon of the emperor, and it just happens to be used on the lord!"

Zhu Chongba frowned slightly, "Yuzhang who killed the Yuan Dynasty, Zhu Yuanzhang, Zhu Yuanzhang! Good! We will be called Zhu Yuanzhang from now on!"

Chapter 35 Transport Captain

Lao Zhu successfully changed his name, and he felt like a new man.

This is indeed the case. The names obtained by adding up the numbers in the past represent the humiliation of the Han people being oppressed. Now throwing off the burden and moving forward, is there any reason not to be happy?

Xu Da, Hua Yun, all the Huaixi disciples, why not!

It's time to make a big deal... Shit!

Changing the name is awesome?

That is dreaming.

What needs to be done now is to allow these peasants to quickly adapt to life in the military camp.

The first point is to get the appearance right.

Like Hua Yun, it is absolutely impossible to smoke a tube of snot in a big tube.But Hua Yun was not convinced, "I'm used to it, it won't stop me from killing someone!"

"It's delaying your becoming a famous general!" Zhang Ximeng laughed suddenly, "Zhao Zilong is a dragon and a phoenix among men. Do you want people to say that General Hua is sloppy?"

Hua Yun was stunned for a moment, then let out a strange cry, and hurried to wash up, for fear of falling behind.

After they changed their appearance, Zhang Ximeng explained to everyone again.

"First of all, let the big guys wash up and look decent, which can improve a person's spirit, make people envy us when they see it, and dare not underestimate us. As a martial artist, I just want such a breath, a breath of high spirits. .Only by striving for the first place can we be indomitable on the battlefield.”

"Besides, if you wash your hands, you can avoid many diseases, develop good living habits, and don't have diarrhea. Don't think that only the sword on the battlefield can kill people. Unacceptable water and soil, disease, plague, dysentery, and death on these There are far more soldiers than those who died by the sword."

Zhang Ximeng explained, and everyone listened patiently, especially Xu Da, who was extremely focused, and every word was engraved in his heart.

Zhang Ximeng also popularized health regulations for them, and told them that walking, sitting, lying down, eating, drinking and lying in the army must be done in accordance with the rules, and everyone happily wrote it down.

Then there is practice.

Zhu Chongba personally grasped this matter, beat the big guys to work hard, and practiced horseback riding and shooting, without any ambiguity.

Zhang Ximeng also wanted to recommend the content of military training for later generations to Lao Zhu, but he saw that Lao Zhu practiced much more than military training.He held a bamboo stick in his hand, to see who did something wrong, not to mention anything else, a stick first.

In his words, you must be in pain before you can remember it, and the longer the pain lasts, the clearer you can remember it.

Zhang Ximeng shrank his neck and left the camp quickly. He still didn't want to join in the fun. It was good to be the secretary honestly. His small arms and legs couldn't hold up to Lao Zhu's stick.

Zhang Ximeng's main task is to settle the accounts. For a good strategy, from the very beginning, the various factions fought against each other and fought for the budget. After dozens of episodes, the matter could not be resolved at all. is reality.

In fantasy plots, the young master came out of the mountain, surrounded by countless masters, riches, and intelligence. With a wave of his hands, he overthrew the important officials of the court and emptied the imperial power. He was indeed unparalleled in talent.

Obviously, Zhang Ximeng is in reality and has to worry about daily necessities.

Taking advantage of the great destruction of the Yuan army, he robbed a large sum of money.

Zhang Ximeng thought it could last for a year or so, but when it really started to work, he discovered that it would only take a month or two at most.

These big belly guys are simply a bottomless pit.

Take the most gentle Xu Da as an example, a meal of steamed buns the size of a fist can eat five or six, and he can also drink two large bowls of vegetable soup. Others never know how full they are...

The soldiers are like this, and those captives are not easy to dismiss.

In particular, they should be arranged to dig trenches, build camps, and have at least two meals a day... Of course, they can also be given a little less, or even let people die of starvation and exhaustion.

It's just that Zhang Ximeng has his own plan. When the captives are used well, they will be the strongest source of supplementary troops. He has to observe during labor and pick out those who are honest and willing to work. When the next step is to expand the army, he will take them to the top.

Basically a reserve force.

After all the calculations, there is no way to save, so there is only open source.

At present, in addition to checking the powerful, the only thing left is to get food from Huaiyuan.

Zhu Chongba bought two thousand shi of salt from Guo Zixing, and then Tang He took it to Huaiyuan to exchange for grain. This business has been going on for a while.

How about Yuwa's harvest?

"It's a full exchange of [-] stones!"

Tang He announced the good news to Zhang Ximeng, and Zhang Ximeng was also taken aback, "More than double the profit, can you live with such a profit?"

Tang He nodded... Huaiyuan is located in Bengbu of later generations, next to the Huaihe River, with fertile land, sufficient irrigation, and a large grain output.

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