First Minister of Ming Dynasty

First Minister Section 20

He conserved his strength, leveraged his strength, and checked and balanced each other. He obviously played very well. Why did this result happen?

Guo Zixing looked at his few gains, and his stomach was full of anger.

Seeing his son Guo Tianxu and his brother-in-law Zhang Tianyou, they are so angry!

"Trash, you are all trash! Things are there, people are there, why don't you know how to grab them?"

These two people also cried, if they can grab it, what else would they say!

Peng Da's subordinates were yelling at grabbing things, they were a pack of wolves, eager to eat people, Guo Tianxu didn't have the guts to confront them.

Zhang Tianyou thought for a while, then suddenly said: "Brother-in-law, I saw Tang He. He captured a lot of things, including thousands of war horses. Where did Tang He go?"

Zhang Tianyou's words finally reminded Guo Zixing, that's right, Mrs. Ma disappeared, Zhu Chongba disappeared, even Tang He disappeared... Where did they go?

"Look, look for it!"

Guo Zixing yelled loudly, Zhang Tianyou ran away with his head in his arms, and Linhuai Town was not too far away, so the news came soon.

Zhu Chongba took his subordinates and many seized materials and ran to Linhuai Town!

What does it mean?

Is he going to make himself king?

"Father Commander, Zhu Chongba is ambitious. Hurry up and order troops to seize his military power and kill this white-eyed wolf!" Guo Tianxu gritted his teeth and was very active.

But Guo Zixing didn't really lose his mind. His poor structure doesn't mean his brain is completely broken.

Using troops against Zhu Chongba now would only make the other tigers cheaper...but he couldn't just let Zhu Chongba go. Gradually, Guo Zixing had an idea.

"Order two thousand soldiers and follow me to Linhuai!"


After Zhang Ximeng counted the harvest, he sent the thick account book to Zhu Chongba.

"Congratulations, my lord, I finally have the initial capital to compete for supremacy and achieve supremacy."

Facing Zhang Ximeng's congratulations, Zhu Chongba was not very relieved. Instead, he looked dignified. After pondering, he let Zhang Ximeng sit down.

"Sir, you think we betrayed Marshal Guo and led the big guy to become independent, how is this going?"

Zhang Ximeng was taken aback. In his opinion, Zhu Chongba was certainly right... Let the readers read it, and it is estimated that more than [-]% of them agree.

But at this time, it may not be the case.

Seeing that Zhang Ximeng was lost in thought, Zhu Chongba asked again, "From now on, how should we get along with Marshal Guo?"

Zhang Ximeng was at a loss for words once, not because he didn't know how to answer, but because this matter depends on Zhu Chongba himself, how he wants to choose...

"My lord, no matter what, the humble position is on the lord's side."

Zhu Chongba couldn't help laughing, "Sir, this is a trick!"

After a while, Zhu Chongba stood up slowly and sighed: "You follow us, naturally you hope to follow an indomitable hero. Although we are not heroes, we can't be ungrateful villains..."

At this moment, Tang He suddenly rushed in.

"Chongba, Marshal Guo is here!" Tang He changed his face and lowered his voice, "Chongba, do you want to call the brothers and fight!"

Zhu Chongba immediately waved his hands, "Don't mess around, we are still under Marshal Guo."

Tang He grinned, "I'm afraid Marshal Guo doesn't regard us as his subordinates!"

Zhu Chongba thought about it again, and then said: "There is no need to be afraid, let's go to see Marshal Guo and explain it to him."

Old Zhu walked outside with big strides, Tang He and Zhang Ximeng followed.

At this time, dust was flying in the distance, people were screaming, and Guo Zixing had already arrived.

Tang He brought the war horse, and he was going to follow Zhu Chongba to protect him.

Unexpectedly, Zhu Chongba stopped him.

"No need, just let us go there alone."

Tang He will follow wherever he can rest assured. Zhang Ximeng thought about it, but nodded.

"Tang Qianhu, this level belongs to the lord himself, how should we go, let's wait for the lord's order!"

Tang He still didn't understand what Zhang Ximeng meant, but he couldn't stop him.

Zhu Chongba didn't even ride a horse, and ran towards Guo Zixing's team at a trot. With a few dozen steps away, Zhu Chongba lifted up his shirt and knelt on the ground.

"Meet the Master!"

Guo Zixing reined in his horse, looked down at his son-in-law, and gritted his teeth.


Sure enough, he recruited a group of people and betrayed himself. The old man's kindness to you, you white-eyed wolf, have all forgotten!

"You still have the face to call me Marshal?" Guo Zixing said coldly, "I should call you Marshal Zhu!"

Zhu Chongba knelt on the ground, stunned for a moment, and suddenly kowtowed hard.

"Back to the Commander, he came from a humble background in a humble position, and thanks to the support of the Commander, he is able to become what he is today. The kindness of the Commander, the humble position will never be forgotten. No matter what, the humble position is the Commander's pawn!"

"Good words!" Guo Zixing didn't believe it at all, and said with sideways eyes: "In this case, I will let you go back to the city with me and be my personal guard honestly, are you willing?"

Zhu Chongba said without hesitation, "Humble job!"

"Yes? Then you can follow me now!" Guo Zixing sneered.

Zhu Chongba paused for a moment, kowtowed again, and when he raised his head, tears were streaming down his face.

"Back to the Commander, as far as Zhu Zhongba is concerned, the Commander treats us with great dignity, even if he wants our head, we should obediently give it to him, and there must be no complaints."

Guo Zixing said: "This is the best, and it will save me a lot of effort!"

Zhu Chongba's face became more solemn, he took a deep breath, and then slowly said: "Commander, Chongba was ordered to defend the city, and for two months, he lived and ate at the top of the city with his brothers, and fought the enemy with one heart and one mind. In two months, we have not returned to the room to rest once, nor have we slept for a whole night..."

Zhu Chongba talked about the process of defending the city, and Guo Zixing's momentum couldn't help but weakened by three points. He also knew the hard work, so he dumped it to Zhu Chongba.

"You want to show merit to me? Let me spare you your crimes?" Guo Zixing was still condescending.

Zhu Chongba shook his head, and said sincerely: "Responding to the Commander's words, Chongba did not dare to ask the Commander for forgiveness. It's just that during this period of time, too many brothers have tied their lives to us, and they all count on humble positions. We are not living for one person, we have to be worthy of these brothers."

"So you betrayed me?" Guo Zixing growled and questioned.

Zhu Chongba still shook his head, "I dare not betray the commander, I am still the commander's subordinate, with money, food and weapons, I will respect the commander, and in the event of a war, I am willing to fight for the commander, and I will never regret it. It's just the humble I can't serve you at the commander's side, please ask the commander to learn!"

"You!" Guo Zixing was furious. After all, his wings were still stiff and he wanted to go it alone.

"Zhu Chongba, you're fine! I want [-] shi of food from you now. Are you willing to give it to me?"

"Yes!" Zhu Chongba resolutely agreed, "If you go back to the commander in chief, I can now let someone transport [-] shi of grain back to Haozhou to honor the commander in chief."

Guo Zixing was also fooled by Zhu Chongba, is his ear broken?

Zhu Chongba is willing to give himself the food he eats?

This kid is not making fun of himself, is he?

"Zhu Chongba, you have to keep your word!"

"Returning to the Commander, we dare not lie to the Commander." After a pause, Zhu Chongba said again: "It's just that I have a request for the humble officer, I implore the Commander to reward the humble officer with two thousand stone salt for raising soldiers."

Chapter 30 Huaixi

Ten thousand shi of grain is exchanged for two thousand shi of salt.

It’s hard to say who wins and who loses in this business. In troubled times, the price system has long been broken. Sometimes a gold ingot can’t be exchanged for a bag of japonica rice.

In other words, this matter is not a business at all, but a gesture.

You Guo Zixing want food, I will give it to you, but you also have to pay some price.

We are still your subordinates, but we also have our own subordinates. It is impossible to listen to you unconditionally. It should be ours, so we will fight for it!

Although Zhu Chongba is kneeling, his spine is straight and his will is like a mountain, which cannot be shaken.

Guo Zixing, who was riding on horseback, was still aloof, but only on the surface,

This stinking muddy leg, a shabby little bald donkey, dares to bargain with himself, damn it!

Guo Zixing gritted his teeth, and Guo Tianxu beside him put his hand on the saber, looked at his father, and said in his heart that as long as you give the order, Zhu Chongba will be killed.

Similarly, on Linhuai's side, Tang He, Fei Ju, and the other soldiers were all ready to fight. If Guo Zixing was willing to fight, they would die.

At this moment when swords were on the verge of breaking out and the atmosphere was becoming more and more dignified, suddenly a group of soldiers and horses galloped towards them with the sound of horseshoes from a distance, and the leader was Peng Da.

This handsome red scarf who escaped from the death in Xuzhou was in high spirits at the moment.

He laughed and rushed over, first fisted with Guo Zixing.

"Brother Guo, hello!"

Before Guo Zixing could reply, Peng Da looked at Zhu Chongba again, jumped off his horse, and reached out to support Zhu Chongba.

"Good brother, I just discussed with my brethren that I am going to be king."

"Being king?" Zhu Chongba was taken aback, "Marshal Peng, have you discussed with Marshal Peng?"

Peng laughed loudly and said, "Why don't you come here and discuss it!"

As he said that, Peng Da turned his head and said to Guo Zixing: "Guo Shuai, this time we defeated the imperial court's [-] troops, our reputation was greatly shocked, and all the heroes in the world were shocked. I am going to strike while the iron is hot, and call myself Luhuai King. Addiction... By the way, Marshal Zhao also said that he wants to call himself King Yongyi... This guy is more talented than me, always loyal, King Yongyi! Hahahaha!"

Peng Da laughed loudly, he had no intention of asking Guo Zixing for instructions, it was clearly just an announcement, and not only Peng Da, but Zhao Junyong also wanted to become king.

After a battle, the balance of strength has changed dramatically, and people's mentality is also very different.

Both Peng Da and Zhao turned over with salted fish and became king first.

Guo Zixing's old face collapsed in an instant, this matter is broken!

As mentioned earlier, Guo Zixing also has plans to become king, but his strength has not improved much and he lacks courage, so he dare not take this step.

Now that Peng Da and Zhao Junyong are kings, it means that he, the lord of Haozhou, has already existed in name only, and he might even try to overwhelm him.

Guo Zixing was full of calculations, and at this moment, he seemed so powerless.

He kept his face sullen and did not speak, his anger was beyond words.

But Peng Da didn't care about him at all. Instead, he continued to say to Zhu Chong: "Brother Zhu, you are brave and resourceful, and I admire you very much. Let's join forces, enter Dadu, and seize the dragon chair of the dog emperor. Don't worry, we won't I have treated you badly!"

When he said this, Peng Da cast a mocking glance at Guo Zixing.

To be poached, this Marshal Guo is not much better than the clown.

Zhu Chongba was slightly startled, then shook his head and said: "Marshal Peng, Chongba owes to Marshal Guo's grace to be here today, and Chongba only recognizes Marshal Guo alone. Everyone is a red scarf, and it is incumbent on us to overthrow the Yuan court together. "

Cooperation is fine, but we will not switch to your sect.

Peng Da also understood what Zhu Chongba meant, so he didn't mention it any more, but said with a smile: "Chongba, are you going to garrison in Linhuai?"

Zhu Chongba said calmly: "Yes...there is a shortage of food in Haozhou City, and now that the Yuan army has also retreated, we plan to eat in Linhuai temporarily."

Peng Da nodded, "Okay, Chongba's ability is clear to me, I have nothing else, I snatched [-] bolts of silk from Yuan Tazi, and I will give it to you as a gift!"

As soon as he turned his head, Peng Zaozhu asked someone to drive a car, and Xing hurried over.

These [-] bolts of silk were all carefully selected and not damaged at all, and Peng Da made a move, which was really generous.

After delivering the presents, Peng Da had a lot to do.

"Chongba, I'll be the king and hold a banquet later, you have to go over and drink."

Zhu Chongba only agreed.

Peng Da jumped on the horse again, he didn't rush to leave, but came to Guo Zixing, and smiled, "Guo Shuai, if I have a biological daughter, I will marry Chongba!"

After saying this, Peng Dayang left, leaving Guo Zixing depressed and exploded.

Peng Da, this bastard, made it clear that to win over Zhu Chongba, this white-eyed wolf turned out to be a favorite... At this time, if he attacked Zhu Chongba again, it would only be easier for Peng Da.

Moreover, Peng Da and Zhao Junyong want to become kings, which is the most important thing right now.

Thinking of this, Guo Zixing didn't want to get entangled with Zhu Chongba anymore.

"You are fine! Send the food to Haozhou first, and then send you salt!"

After saying this, Guo Zixing took his son and his subordinates and left in a hurry.

As soon as he left, the entire Linhuai town fell into a sea of ​​joy.

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