First Minister of Ming Dynasty

First Minister Section 2

Thinking of this, Zhang Ximeng finally had a little bit of hope burning, and there was a smile on his face, everything will be safe...

Chapter 2 Zhu Chongba

Little Muying had just lost her mother, and she was crying again. After a while, she lay on the carriage and fell asleep. Mother Zhang put a piece of clothing on Muying's body.

The carriage continued to move forward, and Mu Ying didn't wake up until the afternoon. At this time, Zhang Ximeng held a quarter of a pancake and brought it to his mouth.

"Hungry, eat!"

Mu Ying didn't dare to answer, but raised her head, looking at Zhang Ximeng and Zhang's mother next to her uneasily.

Mother Zhang's eyes were red. When was their family in such distress?

"Don't be afraid, this is yours, all of us have it, all of it!"

That's right, this is the last pancake in the car, and it is divided into four equal portions, one for each person.

"Since we are together, we are a family. If there is a grain of rice, we should cook it into porridge and share it. This is the rule of our family!"

Dad's words came from outside the car.

"Thank you, thank you benefactor."

The little guy took it tremblingly, and looked at it stupidly, as if he was so precious that he couldn't bear to say anything.It's just that it was so fragrant that it made his mouth water.

Suddenly, the little guy bit down violently, chewing big mouthfuls, a happy smile appeared on his little face...

The carriage was still moving forward, Father Zhang encouraged them from time to time, there was nothing to be afraid of, he has studied for so many years, he can write and count, he is also proficient in medical skills, and even understands photo books.As long as there is a place to stay, even if you set up a stall, write letters for you, or measure characters and fortune-telling, you can still live.

As long as this scholar is not decent, there is no reason why he can't live!

The old man's words made the wife in the carriage laugh and want to cry, but the words came from the husband's mouth?Don't you often recite Prime Minister Wen's righteousness song?Don't you often say that you don't bend your waist for five buckets of rice?Where is your pride?

The old lady wanted to laugh, but also felt sad.

Father Zhang seems to have guessed it.

"Ma'am, are you going to laugh at me? Let me tell you, I haven't changed. We are going to Haozhou, not Yuanting's world. If, if the leader of the Red Scarf Army is really talented, I, I will assist He might still be able to make a good story about Han Gaozu and Xiao He!"

Madam really laughed out loud, she is so thick-skinned, don't think about good things, just be safe and sound.

Zhang Ximeng didn't dare to laugh, but he discovered some of his father's strengths, making fun of hardships, at least not pedantic.It seems that there are not many civil servants under Lao Zhu. As long as he arrives in Haozhou safely, he will still have a chance in the future.

As the carriage got closer and closer to Haozhou, Zhang Ximeng became more and more active.

But at this moment, a group of Yuan soldiers suddenly appeared not far away, and they escorted the looted property and food back to the camp.

On the horse mane of some people, there are bloody heads tied, there are old and young, male and female, it seems that they are triumphant after meritorious deeds.It's just that they are the only ones who know whether they are killing the good and pretending to be meritorious.

Seeing this scene, Zhang's father suddenly lost his mind. He quickly turned the carriage and ran away from the gang of plague gods and evil spirits.

But just when Father Zhang was about to flee, Yuan Bing seemed to have spotted them, and even separated into two riders, chasing after the carriage.The two Yuan soldiers held up the weapons in their hands and made strange screams, as if they saw a wild animal prey.

"not good!"

The old man hurried to the car and fled, and Zhang Ximeng and his mother in the car were also terrified.

What should I do?

At this moment, Father Zhang's scalp is also numb, and his hairs stand on end.Looking back, Yuan Bing was getting closer and closer, how could his broken carriage outrun others?

Is their family going to die?

In his eagerness, Father Zhang found a ditch beside the road, with a few willow trees and a clump of dead grass beside the ditch.

There is a way!

Father Zhang reined in the carriage, he turned his head and stretched out his hand, and grabbed Zhang Ximeng's arm, "Get out of the carriage!" The old lady helped Zhang Ximeng get out of the carriage. As for Mu Ying, the little guy was very flexible and followed her down. He closed his lips tightly, his small eyes rolled around, Yuan Bing was getting closer.

"Take them and hide inside."

Mother Zhang was taken aback, "Master, what about you?"

"Don't worry about me!"

Father Zhang just said this, and then jumped on the carriage again, flailing his whip desperately, the old horse galloped in pain, Yuan Bing saw the carriage and chased after it.

Zhang's mother was startled at first, why didn't she understand that her husband was protecting them with his life!

After 20 years of husband and wife, her husband is her heaven and everything to her, but now her husband wants to sacrifice his life for her and her son.

Zhang's mother wished to die with her husband in the past, but her son was still by her side, and her heart was torn into two.

At this moment, Zhang Ximeng's face was pale, and his eyes were burning with anger. He knew that Yuan soldiers were cruel, but when the butcher's knife fell on his family's head, the anger was really indescribable.But at this moment, it is difficult for him to even walk, and he fell down in a gust of wind, so what?

The mother pulled Zhang Ximeng and ran into the bushes. She looked to both sides, but fortunately there were some withered grass and leaves to cover her body... She didn't care about anything, and she grabbed it with her hands. Blood flowed from her white fingers, as if she didn't know the pain. As if, cover Zhang Ximeng and Mu Ying.

Just as Zhang's mother was about to find a hiding place for herself, suddenly the sound of horseshoes approaching from far away, Zhang's mother was shocked again.

Bad, the husband didn't lead the brutes too far, and they're back!

With so few trees, how could three people be hidden?

Her husband is already dead, so why not let him die in vain?

"Son, mother can't take care of you anymore, you have to live well!" Zhang's mother stared at her son, as if she wanted to engrave his appearance in her heart, then rushed out of the grove with tears, and ran in another direction resolutely go out.

Zhang Ximeng was stunned. Has anyone who came from the Taiping era ever thought that a group of officers and soldiers dared to openly slaughter the people?Parents died one after another in order to save themselves.

What kind of world is this?Zhang Ximeng felt that he was about to explode. He was angry and sad. He didn't want to lose the parents he just got.

"Mom, come back!"

Zhang Ximeng wanted to stand up and stop his mother, even if he died, he would die together.But he was too weak, and he only got up halfway, and when his eyes went dark, he fell down.

In a daze, Zhang Ximeng heard screams, and his mother died... In grief and anger, Zhang Ximeng fell into a coma, and Mu Ying, who was curled up beside her, suddenly moved. He quickly covered Zhang Ximeng's face with dead branches and leaves, and then He remained motionless, curled up beside Zhang Ximeng, and his skillful movements made people feel distressed.


The night was cold, Zhang Ximeng woke up slowly, still alive!I don't know whether Yuan Bing was deceived, or he was too lazy to search, but he escaped a catastrophe.

He gritted his teeth and tried his best to get up from the ground little by little. He finally stood up, but his body was still too weak and he was about to fall down again.

At this time, a little guy hugged him, it was Mu Ying!

"Thank you."

Zhang Ximeng and Mu Ying came out slowly, and after a little identification of the direction, Zhang Ximeng walked down. Not far away, a woman's body lay across the road.

It's Zhang's mother!

Zhang Ximeng's body shook and tears poured out.After a while, he turned his head and walked to the south again, the distance was three times farther, and the old man's body was also there!

Zhang Ximeng couldn't bear it anymore and cried out loud.

Zhang Ximeng really wanted to bury the husband and wife together...but he didn't even have the strength to drag the corpse, let alone dig a pit for burial.Zhang Ximeng hated it to the extreme, if given the chance, he would destroy Yuan Ting a hundred times!

Helpless, Zhang Ximeng and Mu Ying could only cover their parents' bodies with branches, stones, clods, etc., and Zhang Ximeng solemnly kowtowed in front of them.

After all this was done, it was already dawn.

Getting up from the ground, Zhang Ximeng and Mu Ying headed towards Haozhou. They were not sure how far they were, but they just walked step by step... It's just that Zhang Ximeng was weak and had difficulty moving. .

She was walking forward entirely by the will to survive, one step, one step... Zhang Ximeng staggered with his empty stomach, spasms of emptiness, and the cold wind.

From morning, noon, and afternoon, Zhang Ximeng couldn't remember how many times he fell down, but he got up every time and kept walking.

It's just that a person has a limit after all, Zhang Ximeng fell to the ground without any strength.

After driving Mu Ying away, Zhang Ximeng passed out completely, just waiting for death to come.

I don't know how long it took, suddenly a carriage appeared on the main road and was rushing towards it.

Sitting on the shaft of the car was a burly man, who was anxiously searching while driving the car.Suddenly, he noticed something on the side of the road, and the man slowed down the carriage.

At this time, a small head poked out from the carriage.

It's Muying!

He actually came back!

The little guy recognized Zhang Ximeng, threw himself on him, shook him vigorously, and wailed loudly.

At this moment, another woman got out of the car, and she also rushed over. Seeing Zhang Ximeng's sallow face, which looked like a dead person, her heart was suspended.

"Heavchi, is he still alive?"

The man grabbed Zhang Ximeng's wrist and said after a while, "I still have a pulse, but I don't know if it can be saved!"

Mu Ying immediately stopped her grief, and looked at the couple pleadingly.

The woman stretched out her hand, took Mu Ying into her arms, and then said to her husband: "Chongba, today is the winter solstice. Let's come out to pay homage to our ancestors. I think this is the spirit of my parents-in-law. Let us help. Whatever No matter what, you can’t ignore it.”

The man nodded, "What the girl said is that we have to save people!"

The man leaned over and picked up Zhang Ximeng, and the woman also carried Mu Ying, and they got into the carriage together, and then galloped eastward, and at dusk, they arrived outside the city of Haozhou.

"Master Zhu and Miss are back, open the city gate quickly!"

The soldiers guarding the gate shouted excitedly.

It turns out that the man's name is Chongba, and his surname is Zhu...

Chapter 3 Books and Paintings

Zhang Ximeng didn't know how long it had been. When he opened his eyes again, he found a little guy lying on the pillow, it was Mu Ying. He was sleeping soundly, but his fists were clenched tightly, and he was not sleeping peacefully.

Zhang Ximeng looked around in a daze. It was a clean and tidy room. Although there were no expensive furnishings, it was very warm and comfortable.

He couldn't help closing his eyes, was he saved?

It seems that Mu Ying found someone and saved herself.

The person Mu Ying found... Zhang Ximeng suddenly didn't dare to think about it. Could it be that he really met that man?

At this moment, the door opened, and a woman came in with a medicine bowl.

Fortunately, it wasn't... Zhang Ximeng breathed a sigh of relief subconsciously, but the next second he felt worried again, it wasn't Lao Zhu, could it be his wife?

Zhang Ximeng glanced at her and saw that she was wearing a plain black jacket with a pleated skirt underneath, which perfectly covered her feet.He is not very old, but he is clean and tidy, with good looks and clear eyes.I don't know if it was because of the filter, but Zhang Ximeng actually felt that she was a bit extravagant, so he just glanced at her, and quickly lowered his head, for fear of offending her.

The woman was much calmer. When she saw Zhang Ximeng woke up, she immediately smiled and said, "Is it better?"

Her voice is beautiful, gentle and kind.

"Many, thank you, for saving my life." Zhang Ximeng's voice was hoarse. The woman signaled him not to speak yet, and brought the medicine bowl to Zhang Ximeng's mouth. After he finished drinking and moistened his throat, the woman said methodically, "Not yet." Know how to call it? Is this child your brother?"

Zhang Ximeng shook his head and said, "The boy's name is Zhang Ximeng, and his name is Mu Ying. We just met by chance. We just supported each other and walked for a while."

The woman put the medicine bowl aside and said casually: "Really? But how did I hear that you helped him bury his mother?"

Zhang Ximeng was stunned for a moment, and said in a low voice: "My father did it. He doesn't want people to suffer, but..." Zhang Ximeng didn't intentionally grieve, but just mentioned his father, which still made him hate it.

The woman also knew from Mu Ying that the couple had been killed by the Yuan army, so she changed the subject because she was afraid that he would be sad, "Brother Zhang, what do you want to eat?"

"Anything will do."

The woman nodded, and not long after she left, she made Zhang Ximeng a bowl of japonica rice porridge and fed him to drink.

With food in his stomach, Zhang Ximeng's spirits improved a bit.

At this moment, the door opened, and a burly man walked in. His bright red war jacket was neat and tidy, and he was covered with iron armor.The face is square, the nose is straight, and the eyes are bright.A full-fledged heroic man, a great man.It's no wonder that he was favored by others and recruited as his son-in-law.As for the scary big chin, it doesn't exist.

Zhu Chongba came in and saw that Zhang Ximeng was awake, so he asked directly: "I haven't asked about your hometown yet, how did you get to the boundary of Haozhou, can you tell us?"

Zhang Ximeng said honestly: "My ancestral home is in Jinan Prefecture. My family name is Zhang. I have an uncle named Mr. Yunzhuang, named Zhang Yanghao."

Zhu Chongba couldn't help being surprised, "We seem to have heard of this person, so you are still a scholarly family, an official family? How did you end up in this situation?"

"Returning to Engong... Ever since my uncle died of exhaustion in disaster relief in Shaanxi, my father decided to study behind closed doors, cultivate and study his family, and never serve as an official in the Yuan court. It's just that the recent war broke out, and my father wanted to escape the disaster of war and go to relatives and friends. In the end, there was an accident on the road, and he died in the hands of Yuan Tartar. Fortunately, Mr. Benedict saved his life, otherwise the boy would have become a dry bone on the side of the road."

Zhu Chongba sighed: "That's a poor you have any plans? You still want to rely on relatives and friends?"

Zhang Ximeng shook his head and said dejectedly: "Nowadays wars are everywhere and wars are raging, even if you want to, I'm afraid you can't."

Zhu Chongba thought for a while, and then said in relief: "You don't have to worry, since we have taken you in, you can live in peace of mind. When you recover from your illness, let's talk about it."

He still had something to do, so he got up and went to the Marshal's Mansion after a few words of comfort.

When Zhu Chongba left, the woman suddenly noticed that Mu Ying, who had been sleeping all the time, had woken up. The little guy was lying on the bedside, staring at Zhang Ximeng with tilted head, not speaking, just grinning.

She liked this little boy very much, and couldn't help but praise: "Brother Zhang, Chongba and I went to worship our ancestors that day, and we happened to meet him. He ran in front of us and kowtowed. We are going to take him back to the city. He is alive and well." Promise, kneel down and beg us, we must find you. Fortunately, God bless us, let us meet. This child is affectionate and righteous!"

Zhang Ximeng knew what had happened, and his heart couldn't help but feel hot, this little guy saved his life!And he believed that Mu Ying had no calculations, the little guy was just doing it for his own benefit.Not brothers, better than brothers, Zhang Ximeng suddenly felt his heart warm up a lot.

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