First Minister of Ming Dynasty

First Minister Section 17

"This... the commander is too unfair!" Fei Ju said with a dark face: "Mr. Zhu was born and died, and everyone has risked his life! Kill the enemy with his head up, and ask the whole of Haozhou, who else is better than us?" Great merit? If the commander dares not promote Mr. Zhu, I am afraid that he will not be able to convince the public!"

Zhang Ximeng's smile remained unabated, and he asked again: "If the commander-in-chief insists on going his own way, what should we do?"

Fei Ju was asked again, what should he do?

Overthrow the commander-in-chief and be your own master... If you don't have enough strength, you can pull people along and develop independently, making decisions yourself.

In this troubled world, nothing is strange.

I just don't know Mr. Zhu's attitude?

He didn't dare to talk too much now, Fei Ju thought about it, and could only say: "Little Mister, you are Mr. Zhu's confidant, if you have any arrangements, just tell me, I will obey you."

Zhang Ximeng smiled and said: "We are all benefactor's people, so naturally we listen to benefactor's actions... There is a town twenty miles west of Haozhou City called Linhuai. You lead 50 people there first. Take Linhuai immediately, and if you encounter a strong enemy, hurry back and deliver the letter."

Fei Ju thought about it, and his eyes lit up involuntarily!

Mr. Zhu is going to develop on his own!

This move is a good move, a wonderful move!

The reason why Fei Ju chose to seek refuge with Zhu Chongba was that Guo Zixing didn't expect him to be like a gentleman, so it would be difficult for him to accomplish anything.First of all, in terms of employing people, Guo Zixing prefers his son and brother-in-law. After finally finding a capable son-in-law, he is reluctant to promote him.

He couldn't get along with those people who were also commander in chief.

Before Yuan soldiers besieged the city, Guo Zixing often worked at home and didn't like to go to the barracks... As a result, Sun Deya and others were always in the barracks, mingling with soldiers and getting along with each other.

When something happened, Sun Deya got together and came up with a solution, but he didn't pay much attention to Guo Zixing. He was occasionally called to the commander's mansion by Guo Zixing, and they often argued.

For example, when Zhu Chongba and Ma Shi proposed to build trenches and strengthen the city defense, Sun Deya strongly opposed it... It is really not that Sun Deya does not understand the importance of city defense, but that he is used to arguing with Guo Zixing, and he can't change it for a while.

After observing for a while, Fei Ju found that the city was in such a mess that he wanted to seek refuge with Liu Futong.

As a result, Yuan soldiers besieged the city, but he failed. He also found that Zhu Chongba had a good way of defending the city, cared for his subordinates, and had rules in his speech and actions.Take the matter of Li Xincai going to join the army, Zhu Chongba did not accept him hastily, but asked him to settle down at home first and take care of his mother. This alone is ten thousand stronger than the army leader who just blindly recruits strong men and expands troops. times.

Now he followed Zhu Chong's eight major forces to break the Yuan army, and the killing was hearty and incomparable.

Fei Ju approved Zhu Chongba from the bottom of his heart, but Lao Zhu's status was really embarrassing, and his subordinates were uncomfortable following him.

It's really great that Lao Zhu is going to develop alone at this time.

"Don't worry, Mr. Linhuai is a good place, I'll go get it right away!"

Fei Ju led 50 people, rode on the captured horses, and went down in a hurry.

After seeing Fei Ju off, Zhang Ximeng followed Madam Ma to the place where the spoils were stored. This was a small stronghold of the Yuan army. It used to store weapons and armor. At this time, Tang He's subordinates were guarding it.Since Zhang Ximeng often discussed the military situation with Zhu Chongbatang during the defense of the city, everyone knew him and was very polite to him.

"Look, little sir! This thing is much older!"

Zhang Ximeng smiled and nodded, as far as he could see, they were all good things, including swords, armor, weapons, everything that one could expect, and even more than a dozen return guns.

Zhang Ximeng simply inspected it, and couldn't help nodding his head. As expected of something made by the Minister of Industry, it's more exquisite than the ones in the city. Well, it's really a good thing!

In addition to weapons, Zhang Ximeng found a lot of food, one bag after another, piled up like a hill, and it looked like at least tens of thousands of stones.

Next to the grain, there are no less than three hundred carriages, as well as animals driving the carts, everything is available.

Zhang Ximeng went around and found a pile of books and manuscripts in the corner.

The soldier next to him laughed and said: "Mr., this is what we Qianhu ordered. He said that it was given by Mr. Zhu. Mr. Xiao likes to read books. In the barracks, all those with words will be snatched and left for you." Little Mister... In fact, Mr. Zhu was wrong too. No one likes these things except us. Some bastards brought them to light a fire, and I scolded them a few times, but they were brought back."

"Sir, do you think this thing is useful?"

The soldier leaned over to ask, but found that Zhang Ximeng was holding a volume of manuscripts in his hand, staring blankly, and lost his mind.

The big guys don't understand, what is a good thing that deserves so much attention?

They didn't understand, and they didn't dare to ask, so they could only quietly retreat to the side to do other things.

By the way, why did Zhang Ximeng pay so much attention?

It turned out that this was a manuscript written by Jia Lu... It recorded Jia Lu's experience in surveying the Yellow River and controlling the floods.

Every river, every section of embankment, has detailed data, which section of the river is seriously silted, which section of the river needs to be many people will be used, how much money will be spent on food, everything is available.Even in some key places, pictures were drawn, meticulously detailed.

In view of the severe flooding of the Yellow River, Jia Lu proposed the river repair method of "one is to build the north embankment to prevent the collapse; the other is to dredge the blockage simultaneously and pull the river eastward to restore the old road."

After receiving the support of Yuan Ting, Jia Lu personally deployed and commanded, and mobilized 15 civilians to control the Yellow River.

The Yellow River control construction site stretches for more than [-] miles. Jia Lu adheres to the principle of "sparse if it is suitable to be sparse, block it if it is suitable to be blocked, prevent it if you need prevention, and release it if you need it".

Especially when blocking the breach of the Huanglinggang embankment in Caoxian County, Shandong Province, due to the large force of the breach and the autumn floods, the estuary brushed the bank northward, and it was difficult to block it due to the rapid turnaround.

Jia Lu mobilized 27 large ships, loaded stones in the cabins, sank one by one, built stone embankments layer by layer to stop the torrential flood, and finally completed the interception... When Zhang Ximeng saw this, he was dumbfounded. This method is still used in later generations, but it is replaced by trucks filled with sand, gravel and soil, which are thrown into the torrent one by one.

"This old man is really a genius!"

Zhang Ximeng closed the manuscript, and couldn't help sighing that since the late Northern Song Dynasty, the Yellow River has been flooding and diverting... Needless to say, the famous Sanyi Huihe.

When the Jin soldiers went south, Du Chong decisively broke the Yellow River embankment and drowned more than 20 people, but he did not stop the Jin soldiers. In terms of operations, he was about to catch up with the God of War at Huayuankou.

Since then, the Yellow River has been a scourge from the Jin Dynasty to the Yuan Dynasty. It has lasted for more than 200 years, and there has been no result.

Frankly speaking, Jia Lu's water control this time was effective. For hundreds of years after that, the Yellow River generally flowed into the sea according to the channel after Jia Lu's control.

However, as we all know, many major projects have disadvantages in the present and benefits in the future, such as the Great Wall of Qin Shihuang, straight roads, such as the Grand Canal of Emperor Sui Yang, including this river governance!

Zhang Ximeng was stunned. Now the common people are scolding the river to change money, thinking that this is a sign of the Yuan Dynasty's fall, but in all fairness, the Ming Dynasty will also need to control the river in the future.

These precious materials must not be destroyed casually, Zhang Ximeng immediately put away the manuscripts, and ordered the soldiers to collect them as much as possible, and they must not be destroyed by the rebellious army.

After he finished his orders, Zhu Chongba and Tang He returned. Zhang Ximeng couldn't help being surprised when he saw their team. He clearly remembered that when Lao Zhu left the city, there were only two hundred horses. How could he look at people like that? People ride horses, some people have two horses, three horses!

This is a fortune!

Unexpectedly, Zhu Chongba was still not satisfied, Tang He cursed even more, "Let the old man Jia Lu run away, if it falls into my hands, he must be crushed!"

Zhu Chongba took a deep breath and temporarily put Jia Lu's matter aside, "Mr. Xiao, how is the commander?"

This time Zhang Ximeng didn't speak, but asked Ma Shi to come over and talk to Lao Zhu!

Ma Shi came to Zhu Chongba and told Zhang Tianyou about arresting her, Zhu Chongba was speechless for a long time.

Originally, Zhu Chongba just wanted to keep some of his spoils, so as not to be completely controlled by others. To put it bluntly, it was just a small treasury.

But knowing that the Guo family father and son are going to use his wife to hold him hostage, Zhu Chongba no longer hesitates, independent development is imperative!

At this moment, Fei Ju rushed over on a flying horse, his expression was strange, as if there was some great happy event.

He got off the horse, hurried to Zhu Chongba's ear, and said in a low voice: "The old man ran to Linhuai, and the villain caught him right away!"

Chapter 25 Zhu Chongba's Road

Got Jaru!

Zhu Chongba and Tang He all stared with excitement, looking as if they wanted to eat old things... There is no way not to hate, Jia Lu repaired the river, conscripted so many civilian husbands, how many families were destroyed, and in the process of repairing the river, there were How many people died of exhaustion?

A widely circulated little order can best express the views of the people.

"Great Yuan, treacherous and sycophant dictatorial power. Opening the river to change the root of the disaster, causing thousands of red scarves. The official law is indiscriminate, the criminal law is heavy, and the people complain. People cannibalize people, and money buys money. Never seen before. Thieves become officials, officials become thieves, mourning How pitiful."

Turning banknotes into rivers is the two things common people hate the most. One of them was done by Jia Lu, who is almost half the culprit.

At least that's what most people think.

I can't wait to light up Jialu's sky lantern.

Zhu Chongba grabbed Fei Ju's arm and asked eagerly, "Is it really an old man? Don't lie to us!"

Fei Ju hurriedly said: "How dare you be humble! It's a coincidence that when I went to Linhuai Town, I happened to find someone robbing the ferry and trying to cross the river, so I blocked it. At first, I only found a civil servant. It was a big box, I thought it was treasure, so I cut it off, opened it, and it turned out to be a person!"

Fei Ju saw that the other party was old and sick, but he didn't realize that he was Jia Lu.

In the end, the old man spoke up by himself, not to mention his identity, but also told Fei Ju that his head was very valuable and could give him a bright future.

After Zhu Chongba heard what he said, he slowly said: "This old man is right. If you give Jia Lu to the commander, you will definitely get a big reward! You give it to us, we have nothing to do." For you."

Fei Ju was startled slightly, his heart beating wildly.

In troubled times, there are nothing more than two roads.Either start your own business, or follow a promising boss, as long as you see it right, you will benefit a lot and benefit endlessly!

Of course, if you choose the wrong one, the consequences will be very serious!

Fei Ju suddenly fell to his knees, "The villain comes from a reckless background, and he doesn't understand any major principles. He just thinks that if he wants to achieve great things, he must have a heart and ability... Let's not say anything else, I just obey you! From now on After that, I will follow Mr. Zhu!"

Lao Zhu was also stunned for a moment. He would experience this kind of thing countless times in the second half of his life, but no matter what, the first time was unforgettable.

In fact, Fei Ju was not the first, or even the second.

After all, Zhang Ximeng was the one who first encouraged Lao Zhu. As for Tang He, when he was guarding the city, he also placed himself under Zhu Chongba, and he was an obedient subordinate.

But Fei Ju was Lao Zhu's plan to develop independently, and he was the first simple subordinate to formally vote for him, which was of great significance and unusual.

Lao Zhu pulled Fei Ju up, patted him on the shoulder vigorously, then untied his saber and handed it to Fei Ju.

"From now on, you will be my bodyguard! We entrust this life to you!"

Fei Ju took the knife with trembling hands, his heart was racing and his blood was surging, "With me here, no one can hurt Mr. Zhu even a single hair!"

Zhang Ximeng watched from the side, and could only nod secretly. He deserves to be the founding king of the country. This method of winning people's hearts is really powerful!

Now that Linhuai has been captured and Jia Lu has been captured, it must go there without delay.

Even Zhang Ximeng got a horse, Fei Ju led the way, Zhu Chongba led the big guys, and five hundred soldiers, and went straight to Linhuai.

Zhang Ximeng followed the crowd, and they passed a place. Zhu Chongba suddenly remembered something, and sighed: "Sir, I remember correctly, I found you here at the beginning. We can have today, but we need Thanks to Mr. Xiao for teaching well."

Zhu Chongba is not lying, although he stumbles and will go on this road, but with someone to assist him, there is no doubt that he will walk more smoothly, at least at this moment Zhu Chongba is much stronger than the original time and space.

"Xiao Mister, can you tell us no, what should we do next? Show us and the big guys a clear way!"

While Zhu Chongba was speaking, he had already slowed down his horse, and the others also slowed down. Several pairs of eyes fell on Zhang Ximeng.

Zhang Ximeng thought for a while, then reined in the horse, jumped off, went straight to an open space by the road, and sat down on his buttocks.

Zhu Chongba, Tang He, Fei Ju, and Ma Shi all followed.They didn't have too many thoughts, they just sat around casually, waiting for Zhang Ximeng to talk.

"Engong, in fact, the boy can't point out the way for Engong, the road is at Engong's feet, it depends on which direction Engong is going!" Zhang Ximeng kicked the ball back to Zhu Chongba's feet instead.

Lao Zhu looked dignified and thoughtful. He was holding back Guo Zixing's subordinates everywhere, and because he teamed up with Peng Da to force the palace, Guo Zixing was annoyed. In addition, Guo Tianxu and Zhang Tianyou wanted to arrest Ma Shi, so Lao Zhu had no choice but to seek develop individually.

But it's easy to say, what are they going to do when they get together?


Or do you want to be king?

Zhu Chongba had a vague idea in his mind, but it was too far away from reality, and Zhu Chongba was a bit speechless, so he wanted to ask Zhang Ximeng.

When Zhang Ximeng kicked the ball back, Lao Zhu had no choice but to speak. Before he could speak, his face turned red, "We are not afraid of the big guys making jokes. We, we hope that the world will be peaceful and that everyone can live and work in peace and contentment."

After Lao Zhu finished speaking, he looked at a few people and said to himself, you can laugh if you want to!

Unexpectedly, not only did these few people not laugh, but they nodded frequently, as if it should be like this!

Zhang Ximeng said with a smile: "Mr. Enzhi is in the world, and he has a broad mind. It really makes people feel envious."

Zhu Chongba laughed at himself: "Don't praise us, who can make the world peaceful? It's not like we don't know... We... I'm afraid we don't deserve it!"

Zhang Ximeng shook his head, "Grandfather, Emperor Gaozu of the Han Dynasty started his army at the age of 48 with a pavilion leader. He first destroyed Qin, and then Chu and Han fought against each other. Six years later, he ascended the throne and proclaimed himself emperor. The Han people live on their own. Now that the world is in trouble, heroes are everywhere, and the Yuan court is about to fall, En Gongyi should have great ambitions!"

Zhu Chongba listened patiently, straightened his back involuntarily, and frowned slightly, "We have ambitions, but we still can't figure out what to do!"

He looked at Zhang Ximeng.

"Grandfather, if you want to win the world, you must train your soldiers, train them to be strong! Soldiers come from the people, and you must be close to the people and love the people, and be supported by the people... I think that strengthening the soldiers to save the people is what Engong will do!"

Zhu Chongba took it seriously, nodded vigorously and said: "This statement is reasonable! But how to strengthen the army and save the people?"

"If you want to have a strong army, you need to be disciplined, well-trained, and have money, food, and weapons. You must love the people, don't burn, kill, loot, rob civilian women, and harass the people."

Zhu Chongba immediately said: "Well said, these are our military orders, anyone who dares to violate them will be executed without mercy!"

Zhang Ximeng said again: "The people have suffered from Yuan court's maladministration for a long time. It boils down to the annexation of land, and the refugees are everywhere. The officials exploited, the big families oppressed, and the small people have no way of living. To save the people, the first thing is to give the people acres of land and let the people live. Go on. Abolish exorbitant and miscellaneous taxes, severely punish corrupt officials, and eradicate powerful households who oppress the people. The people can live and work in peace and contentment, and the supply of money, food, and soldiers will be continuous, and the ambition of the benefactor will be achieved!"

When Zhang Ximeng said this, Zhu Chongba stood up excitedly... Although these words are not even a framework strategy, but telling him clearly, how to go next, can be called a definite strategy!

Zhu Chongba couldn't help bowing deeply to Zhang Ximeng.

"Mr. Zhang's kindness in teaching and the virtue of guiding us are engraved in our hearts, and we dare not forget them!" Zhu Chongba blushed and said excitedly: "If there is a day when you are done, Mr. Zhang will be the number one hero!"

Zhang Ximeng was also very excited when he was told, he believed 1 times that what Zhu Chongba said must be the truth.Who doesn't want the big guys to work together with one heart and one mind to do a great job.

It's just that as the status gets higher and higher, the heart becomes more and more unsatisfied... The emperor sitting on the dragon chair is certainly not the same person as before, but how many of the founding heroes still remember their original intentions?

This number one hero should also be, but if you really feel that you are the number one hero, can do whatever you want, and be superior, then you should die.

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