First Minister of Ming Dynasty

First Minister Section 122

Being able to save Tuotuo's son under their noses was like a slap on the emperor's face, and he also spat out a mouthful of thick phlegm.

The big guy looks cool enough and comfortable enough!

The anger that has been suppressed in my heart for many years now has a channel to vent.

In addition, the Zhu Jiajun represented by Wu Datou strongly advocates that the tillers have their fields, and sincerely works for the poor people... Although the people may not fully understand what is going on, the people also regard Zhu Jiajun as hope.

They didn't want that glimmer of hope to disappear, and they didn't want Wu Datou to fall into the hands of the Tartars.

What should I do?

Yuan Ting is about to send someone, and Wu Datou is about to be taken away.

Don't sit idly by, act now!

Finally, someone came to the prison, and he took a bag of gold and sent it to the head of the prison.

"Please save face, let me go in for a quarter of an hour."

The cell boss was not surprised at all, the whole city was boiling, it would be strange if no one stood up!He took a look at this person, saw that he was tall and strong, and there was a machete behind his back, so he had already guessed his identity.

"A quarter of an hour is enough? Let's set fire!"

"set fire?"

"Yes! Lock up the prison and let everyone out!"

"Then, isn't that too much noise?"

The cell boss sneered, "You have to make a lot of noise to save people! Don't worry, I will leave after I set fire to it... This bag of gold is placed here, and whoever escapes will take a piece of money!"

Good guy, is it okay to release all the prisoners?

The swordsman was skeptical, and the cell boss dragged him in. When he arrived at Wu Datou's cell, he split the lock.

"Master Wu, you said that if you die, thousands of people will attend your funeral... Now that I have saved you, some people will remember me. Let's meet later!"

Wu Datou frowned, "I, I'm leaving, what should you do?"

The cell boss laughed loudly, "What else can I do, run separately! If God blesses me, I will also go to Chuzhou, I just ask Master Wu to take me in when the time comes!"

As he said that, he urged the swordsman to take Wu Datou to leave quickly... Then he called all the jailers, and everyone opened the cell door together, released all the prisoners, turned and fled.

As soon as they escaped, they found that the warehouse was also on fire, and the small official in charge of the warehouse also set it on fire.

How is this going?

It's just a coincidence, right?

It doesn't matter, when I turned around, even the county government office was on fire!

Crazy, really crazy!

In order to save a person, as for making it like this?

The prison boss ran away, hurry up, I don't know how this matter will end!

Two full days later, the officials from the Ministry of Punishment of the Yuan Court arrived late, and as a result, the entire Handan City, counting from the county magistrate down, all the officials disappeared.

I wanted to ask someone who understood, but I couldn't find anyone. A key criminal who was number one in the sky just disappeared out of thin air.

Faced with this situation, this official from the Ministry of Punishment was still so lucky that he did not fall into my hands, otherwise this old life would be lost... He simply told His Majesty that the Handan incident There was a plague, and countless people died. Presumably, the red thief has been punished by heaven!

Chapter 164 The World's Number One Thief

Wu Datou went south from Handan, and he didn't know what happened, so it spread, saying that there was a great hero who made a big fuss in Dadu, robbed two key people, then went south calmly, and beat Yuan Ting severely. mouth.

And as it was passed on, the two key figures became the two imperial concubines, and in the eager expectation of the people, His Majesty the Emperor of Dadu became green.

There is also a version that said that this great hero returned from thousands of miles south, alone, beheaded several generals of the Yuan army, and crossed states and counties, as if entering a land without people.

That's right, without this ability to penetrate the heavens and the earth, how can you retreat from the dragon's lake and the tiger's den without overturning the river?

Wu Datou never thought that one day, he would become a brave and invincible image!

What's even more outrageous is that someone mentioned that the scene of "capturing the thief alone" was played by this hero. It's just that he didn't catch anything thoroughly, which is why he is so famous!

It was Tuotuo who was arrested, and it was due to this person that Yuan Ting's million-strong army collapsed overnight.

It's so outrageous, don't ordinary people know it's fake?

Of course I do.

The question is does it matter if it's true or not?

Everyone just wants to vent their anger.

So all kinds of news are flying all over the sky.

Under such circumstances, Wu Datou arrived at the bank of the Yellow River in a donkey cart under the protection of an old swordsman brother.

Since he was going south from Hebei, he couldn't go back to Lao Zhu's territory directly, so he had to go through Henan.But the difficulty is not too big, he went to Dadu from here last time.

Just put on a disguise, find a fishing boat, and cross the river easily.

Wu Datou had a good plan, but he had just arrived at the shore, and before he had time to look for it, there was a big boat waiting here.

A general in armor and holding a sword is waiting here.

"Is it Wu Yingxiong? Your Majesty, Mao Gui, has come to welcome Wu Yingxiong!"


Wu Datou didn't know this person, but looking at the other person's posture, he also knew that he couldn't run away, so let's go and see.

Wu Datou was also dizzy. To be honest, he felt that he would die for a long time.

But it happened to come out of Handan.

He even felt that he was already dead, this was just going to the underworld, otherwise how could there be so many things in the underworld?

It's His Majesty, it can't be Lord Yan!

Facts have proved that Wu Datou really guessed wrong, he is indeed the genuine His Majesty!

The one who sent Mao Gui to meet Wu Datou was none other than Xiaoming King Han Lin'er.

Just outside Gaoyou City, after hundreds of thousands of troops broke up, the momentum of the Red Turban Army suddenly changed. Zhu Yuanzhang unified Huaixi, accumulated strength, and prepared to seize Jiqing.

Zhang Shicheng guarded the land of Huaidong, relying on the benefit of salt to restore his vitality.

Xu Shouhui, the great emperor of Tianwan, came out from the mountains and attacked the city.

As for Liu Futong, who was the first to raise the flag of rebellion, he found Han Shantong's son Han Lin'er, supported him as the master, established the Song regime, established his capital in Bozhou, and was named Longfeng.

Then they captured Kaifeng, Xuzhou, Luoyang and other places, completely occupying the south of the Yellow River.

Liu Futong is a very ambitious person, and he has always kept in mind Han Shantong's slogan: three thousand tigers and scorpions reach the land of Youyan, and ninety-five flying dragons reopen the sky of the Great Song Dynasty.

Now that the Song Dynasty has been restored, the next step is the Northern Expedition.

When he was planning the Northern Expedition, he learned about Wu Datou, and Liu Futong didn't believe those rumors, but since Wu Datou was so famous, wouldn't it be possible to bring him over to become a living sign of the Northern Expedition.

So Liu Futong sent Mao Gui to meet Wu Datou and invite him to Bozhou.

Wu Datou was alone, and he had no choice but to come and have a look.

Needless to say, Han Song gave Wu Datou a big face, Xiaoming Wang, Du Zundao, Liu Futong, Sheng Wenyu, Luo Wensu, many other prominent figures, received them together.

This scene is much bigger than that of Lao Zhu.

"Wu Yingxiong, you made a big fuss in the Yuan court, but you slapped our red scarf army in the face. I just got the news that the frantic dog tartar has already offered a reward to capture you and say you You are the number one red thief in the world, no matter what, I will take your head!"

Liu Futong's voice was loud and husky.

Wu Datou grinned, compared to you, what am I, the title of the world's number one red thief can't be pinned on me?But he didn't have anything to explain, he just bowed and said: "I don't dare to do it, I'm just following orders, it's all planned and arranged by my superiors."

"Your family's superior? Is it Zhu Yuanzhang?" Liu Futong stood up, smiled and walked in front of Wu Datou, "What official position are you?"

Wu Datou moved slightly, then smiled and said: "Although our theater troupe only has dozens of people, the superiors favored me and gave me the position of a hundred households."

"Hundred households?"

Liu Futong laughed out loud, and the others also laughed.Zhu Yuanzhang is too stingy, with such a great reputation, how should he be given a decent official position!

After Liu Futong laughed, he said to Wu Datou: "How about this, let His Majesty King Xiaoming make you General Longxiang, and do it with us!"

Wu Datou was taken aback, although he didn't know what General Longxiang was, but he sounded much taller than Baihu.

But he wasn't very interested.

This is not to say how enlightened Wu Datou is, but his narrow escape this time has already made Wu Datou understand some things. The prison chief and jailer are willing to let him go. How high is your official position.

In fact, Tuotuo was deposed. Although the Yuan army was in chaos for a while, no one directly raised troops to protect Tuotuo.

In the final analysis, he is the boss he serves, he can stand up, the poor are willing to support him, and the hearts of the people want him.To put it more bluntly, the hundred households given by Zhu Yuanzhang are hundreds of households, and the general you Liu Futong gave may not take long, it is just a fart!

"Thank you for your kindness. I don't have any skills. Being a hundred households is already a blessing from the superior. Now I just want to return to Chuzhou as soon as possible!"

Liu Futong frowned, "Why, you want to go back? Is it because you don't have enough official positions? Or because you don't think there is any reward? I'll give you 1 taels of silver, and I'll give you a house, plus ten beauties, and let them serve you. Is this all right?"

Wu Datou smiled helplessly, "This matter is not a matter of reward, no matter what, I will not betray my superior!"

Liu Futong said in his heart that you are a hundred households, and I offered such a high price, why don't you agree?This is too ignorant!

"Let me ask you, how are we inferior to Zhu Yuanzhang? Speaking of which, we were the first to raise the flag of rebellion and fight against the Yuan army. We were the ones who broke the Central Plains and defeated the enemy in Shahe. Now we are the ones who have restored the Song Dynasty and prepared for the Northern Expedition... …In contrast, what did Zhu Yuanzhang do? What’s more, he didn’t have the courage to use people, but he gave you a hundred households, and the difference is so big that it goes beyond the world, so don’t be confused!”

Wu Datou faced Liu Futong, the difference is huge, but he is not afraid at all, the reason is very simple, because Liu Futong is still the old way of being a high-ranking official, while Zhu Jiajun is already working hard to build another set of new things.

It's not that Liu Futong can't do it, but that the realm is different, and it's right to reduce the dimensionality.

Datou Wu took a deep breath, and said calmly: "I came to Beijing this time with the intention of dying. The superior didn't promise me anything, but I think it's worth it...My superior is not just to overthrow Yuan Ting .In Chuzhou, in Huaixi, we divided the land evenly, eradicated the powerful, corrected unjust, false and wrong cases, and closed hundreds of brothels. We believe that the world should be better and fair, so that everyone can live and live well Better. Because of this, even the Mongolians, as long as they agree with these, will follow the superiors, and we will take one step at a time. Steadily achieve our goals."

Wu Datou has performed more and preached more.Coupled with his early travel experience, he has developed a good eloquence.

"We not only want to overthrow the brutal Yuan court, but also build a world of Datong. The style and style are far from being comparable to money, beauties, and high-ranking officials. I'm not working for the superior alone!"

Liu Futong's face was gloomy. Not only did he not persuade him to surrender, he was also given a lesson, which really hurt his self-esteem, but he is not good at words, so he didn't know what to say.

At this time, Du Zundao, the prime minister of the Han and Song Dynasties, stood up. He was thoughtful. As a neighbor, he also knew something about what Zhu Yuanzhang did in Huaixi.

Frankly speaking, he also thinks some things are good, but other things are nonsense, such as the abolition of brothels, how is that possible!

In addition, he heard that Zhu Yuanzhang had arrested many generals of the Yuan court, but he never killed them, but locked them up. Isn't this pampering and raising traitors!

No matter how you look at it, Zhu Yuanzhang still can't do it!

"Wu Yingxiong, eradicate the bad government, help the people, even grant land, exempt exorbitant taxes, clean up unjust prisons... We are also doing these things. Not only that, we are also preparing for the Northern Expedition to destroy the Yuan court. In comparison, we More ambitious than Zhu Yuanzhang, you are both civil and military, and if you come here, you will naturally be reused and have a bright future."

Wu Datou laughed, "You are different from the superior. The superior really cares for the people, but you just want to win over people's hearts. And let me say that it is very inappropriate for you to name the country Song!"


Du Zundao said angrily: "What's wrong with us restoring the Great Song Dynasty? How dare you talk nonsense?"

Wu Datou smiled lightly. In fact, Zhang Ximeng made it clear very early on about the controversy about the Song Dynasty.

"The 300-year Song Dynasty is nothing more than going from one failure to another... If you want to restore the Great Song Dynasty, I'm afraid it will not be as good as the original Great Song Dynasty. On the contrary, my family's superiors are determined to change the world and reorganize the universe. Cleaning up the Han family's mountains and rivers and achieving the prosperity of the Han and Tang Dynasties, isn't it a judgment?"

"Shut up!"

Du Zundao was so angry that his beard pouted, and Liu Futong had an old face.

They were thinking of easily persuading Wu Datou to surrender, but they didn't expect that this thing not only refused to surrender, but also spoke eloquently and said the same thing.

It is rumored that your martial arts is so high, it is really wrong, your ability is on the tongue!

It's not bad for Liu Futong and Du Zundao to think so. After all, Wu Datou's job is to sing operas and promote them. They have hit the iron plate!

What can we do now?

Honestly send Wu Datou back?

In that case, why not be laughed at by Zhu Yuanzhang?

Buckle it down?

But Wu Datou is so famous, if the news leaks out, it will be difficult for Zhu Yuanzhang to know.

Or simply kill?

As soon as this idea came up, I quickly interrupted it, but don't think about it blindly, how can they call for the Northern Expedition after killing the number one red thief in the world?

Liu Futong and Du Zundao suddenly discovered that they brought Wu Datou here by stuffing a hedgehog into their crotch. If it wasn't for being too idle, who would have caused this trouble?

If I had known earlier to pretend to be confused, I would have let Wu Datou go.

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