First Minister of Ming Dynasty

First Minister Section 11

However, because the artillery tore open the opening and the wind dried the outer cowhide, the rocket finally ignited the Lu public car.

Seeing the fire, Zhu Chongba and Tang He were desperate, and the morale of the Red Scarf Army was greatly boosted!

"Kill! Kill all the Tartars!"

After two lines of fierce attack, all the yuan soldiers who rushed to the top of the city were killed except for a dozen who fled back.

Three huge Lu public cars were destroyed, and Haozhou survived the most difficult day!

Chapter No.16 Whack-a-mole

Zhu Chongba was injured, his left arm was scratched by the tip of a knife, the wound was not deep, but the flesh turned out, it was very frightening.With tears in his eyes, Ma wrapped her husband up with clean gauze.Zhu Chongba frowned slightly, moved a little, endured the pain, and went to see the other wounded soldiers.

Mrs. Ma wanted to let her husband rest more, but when the words got to the tip of her tongue, she just sighed and turned her head to go back to work.

After days of fighting, the Red Turban Army paid a heavy price, and faintly, weeping sounds could be heard.

Everyone else was doing things, but Zhang Ximeng squatted on the ground with his arms around his knees, silent, secretly calculating, and it was true, he was the half of Zhu Chongba's brain, the one responsible for thinking...Three fights today Lu Gong's chariot was completely damaged, and only the elite Yuan soldiers had more than [-] casualties.Not to mention the gathered soldiers.

Looking at the Red Scarf Army, there is nothing to be happy about. A thousand households died, and the total number of soldiers and horses lost was even more than Yuan soldiers, more than a thousand.

Judging from the casualties alone, it seems that the red scarf suffered a loss.

But anyone who knows a little bit of military common sense knows that this battle was won by the Red Scarf Army, and it really won.

This conclusion was not only determined by the situation of the Red Scarf Army, but also by the characteristics of the city defense battle.

Lu Gong's car was considered an artifact, and it was burnt down by the red scarf. For this alone, the morale of both sides went up and down, which greatly benefited the defender.

Moreover, after a brutal battle, the combat effectiveness of the Red Scarf Army will increase rapidly, and they will get rid of the state of mob.

On the other hand, the Yuan army did not capture Haozhou in one fell swoop, but suffered heavy losses and the hearts of the people were shaken.All kinds of pressure will fall on Jia Lu.

Jia Lu is a Hanchen, holding a large army in his hand is a sin in itself, and he has been unable to make meritorious deeds for a long time, and Yuan Ting will definitely not let him go.In fact, even the Mongols, when the country collapsed and the wind and rain were in turmoil, the most important thing to watch out for was not the enemy, but the powerful ministers of their own side, so in the future there will be a coquettish operation to remove Tuotuo.

From the looks of later generations, he may have lost his mind and is completely brain-dead.But if Tuotuo came to Beijing with the power of a great victory, and went to Beijing with a knife, and bitterly confessed his interests to the dog emperor, then it is hard to say whether the great Yuan Dynasty will end, but a living Cao Cao and a Han Xiandi will not be able to escape.

Put yourself in Jia Lu's shoes, this old man will not let it go, he will definitely risk his life.

Zhang Ximeng thought about it again and again, and felt that it was necessary to discuss it with Zhu Chongba.

At this moment, Guo Zixing arrived just in time.

He had a happy face and opened his mouth to praise, "My son-in-law, Yuan soldiers attacked the city from all directions today, but you are the only one who fought the hardest and defended the best. You are really a pillar! Father-in-law has you like that!" Son-in-law, you can finally rest assured."

Guo Zixing felt very relieved, with a smile in his eyes.

Zhu Chongba felt helpless, why didn't you come earlier?

He was not qualified to question Guo Zixing, so he could only say: "After days of hard work, the equipment used to defend the city is almost exhausted, arrows are severely lacking, and rolling logs and stones are also lacking, especially the strength of the troops... I implore the commander-in-chief for support!"

Hearing that Zhu Chongba wanted something, Guo Zixing's old face lost its smile and became cold.

"If you complain about suffering, others will suffer too. Especially since we are still our own family, this commander is even more reluctant to be partial."

What he said made Zhu Chongba stunned for a while, the Haozhou red scarf has always openly favored his own people, when did he become selfless?Could it be because of the previous incident that the commander-in-chief blamed himself?

It's just that you shouldn't ignore the city defense!

"Back to Commander, Jia Lu crushed all three LV buses in the West City. This is a well-known fact. Give the brothers some equipment. Who can say anything? I beg the Commander to have mercy!" Zhu Chongba said. , Kneel down on one knee.The soldiers around noticed it, and they also turned their attention to Guo Zixing. In their eyes, respect was not much, but torture was real.

Guo Zixing took a deep breath, Zhu Chongba was right, he destroyed all three Lu Gong cars, but you are too good at fighting, so it is difficult to handle!

After a while, Guo Zixing said slowly: "Since there is a shortage of soldiers and horses, I told Marshal Peng to send his son Peng Zaozhu to help you defend the city."

Zhu Chongba naturally needed to replenish his troops, but sent Peng Zao to stay here, what does that mean?

"Marshal, Brother Dahu, father and son in the battle, it might be better for Shaoshuai Peng to follow his father. Can you send some veterans from Haozhou to the humble position?" Zhu Zhongba dared to ask, but he didn't finish. Guo Zixing's expression changed.

"Don't talk about it, act according to the military order. Let Peng Zaozhu lead 500 people to help you, and defend the city well!"

Guo Zixing whipped the horse and left quickly without giving Zhu Chongba a chance to refute.

Old Zhu stood on the spot in a daze, and Zhu Chongba didn't recover until Zhang Ximeng came from afar.

"Sir, the commander-in-chief is restricting you!" Zhu Chongba frowned.

Zhang Ximeng nodded helplessly, indeed.

Under pressure, Guo Zixing had to let Zhu Chongba defend the city.She wants to use him, but she is afraid that he will soar into the sky, so she is in a dilemma everywhere, it is really a small belly.

Asking Peng Zao to stay here is even more malicious.His father was Peng Da who had retired from Xuzhou. He started the incident early, and still had a group of veteran subordinates who were born and died. Although they went to Haozhou and lived under the fence, their strength should not be underestimated and their prestige was high.

Assigning Peng Da's son to Zhu Chongba, this operation can only be done with five bodies.

Zhang Ximeng Baba analyzed the troubles on Jia Lu's side, but he didn't expect that he played a game of checks and balances first.

Guo Zixing is really promising.

Zhu Chongba is not stupid, after a little thought, he understood the commander's intention.The matter of the grain merchants before, and now Shaoshuai Peng has been pulled out, Guo Zixing has really intensified, and he never forgets to play tricks.

In the face of repeated suppression, Zhu Chongba's dissatisfaction became more and more intense.

If it is said that the aforementioned independent development is just a seed, but now it has sprouted and taken root, it seems that I can't get along with Guo Dashuai for a long time.

"No matter what, we still have to defend Haozhou!" Zhu Chongba gritted his teeth and said, "We're afraid that Young Marshal Peng won't listen to us, and making trouble will only make Yuan Tartars cheaper!"

Zhang Ximeng also knew the horror of internal fighting. If Guo Zixing was really a fool, wouldn't he be afraid to give Haozhou to Yuan soldiers?

He rolled his eyes, and suddenly said with a smile: "Grandfather, this matter is actually not difficult."

"Not difficult?" Zhu Chongba smiled wryly, "Mr. Xiao has a way?"

Zhang Ximeng leaned close to Zhu Chongba's ear, and said in a low voice: "The commander wants to restrain both sides, so why don't benefactors talk to Commander Peng?"

"Shall we go to see him?" Zhu Chong asked in surprise, could Guo Zixing agree?

"Yeah!" Zhang Ximeng nodded vigorously, "Marshal Peng retreated from Xuzhou, and he had a deep blood feud with the Tatars. He has the strongest will to resist Yuan. As long as Engong is honest with him, his suspicion should be resolved. Engong can't be too honest."

Zhu Chongba was startled, this is indeed a very direct method.

But there is no doubt that it also violated Guo Zixing's mind, saying it was almost a betrayal.

Zhu Chongba was stunned, Guo Zixing held him back, would he betray Guo Zixing?Is this okay?

Zhang Ximeng saw that Zhu Chongba was hesitating, and knew that he was concerned about Guo Zixing's kindness and could not make a decision, so he leaned closer to his ear and whispered: "Benefactor, Haozhou is great!"

This sentence made Zhu Chongba startled, yes, there are still 10,000+ yuan troops outside, if the city is lost, not only him, but also his wife who just passed the gate will all die.

The small family that has just been formed is about to be broken again.

Zhu Chongba couldn't bear the pain of family ruin and death for a second time.

"We... know!"

Zhu Zhongba sighed heavily, and finally made up his mind.He put away the knife, dusted off the dust on his body, and disappeared into the night without taking it with anyone.

Zhang Ximeng stayed where he was, he wasn't surprised, Guo Zixing's method was similar to that of the master of micromanagement.It's not that he doesn't know the overall situation, but that he is not confident in himself, for fear that his subordinates are too capable and out of control.

However, Lao Zhu is also very capable, so it is reasonable to be unable to stay under others for a long time and embark on his own development path.

Zhang Ximeng saw through the situation, and just waited to get through this battle, so he tried to encourage Zhu Chongba to recruit soldiers, develop independently, and leave this group of insects.

Zhang Ximeng thought for a while, and then turned his attention to defending the city, thinking about Jia Lu's remaining tricks... It was another sleepless night.

Just after dawn, the Yuan soldiers launched an offensive again. The troops were still strong, and the battle became more intense... But without a big killer like Lu Gongche, they couldn't break through the city wall.

But at this moment, with good eyesight, he discovered five mounds appeared in front of Yuan soldiers' formation.

Yuan soldiers want to build up mountains?

Zhang Ximeng immediately became alert, this was indeed a solution.

Isn't the biggest advantage of the city wall just high enough?

If a mountain of earth is built outside the city, higher than the city wall, and then condescending, using bows and crossbows to block the top of the city, it is still easy to capture!

Hurry up and fire the cannons to stop Yuan Bing!

This suggestion came from Zhu Chongba's side, a heroic young man wearing exquisite armor, the young commander Peng Zaozhu!

It seemed that he and Zhu Chongba were on good terms. Obviously, Lao Zhu's actions had an effect.

"It's not that we don't want to part with it, it's that we thought about how powerful the return cannons of the Tartars are. If we let them see the truth and destroy our cannons, they will only be beaten." Zhu Chongba patiently explained.

Peng Zaozhu thought about it: "Young Master Zhu, anyway, I have said what I said, my father told me to listen to you, so I will listen to you!"

After Peng Zaozhu finished speaking, he turned his head and left.

Zhu Chongba cheered up, but he didn't say anything. After another two days, the Yuan army's earth mountain was almost gone.

Peng Zao was in a hurry, and found Zhu Chongba again, only to find Zhu Chongba and a boy squatting on the ground, muttering.

"Master Zhu, what do you mean?"

Zhu Chongba raised his head, looked at Zhang Ximeng again, and suddenly laughed, "There is indeed an important matter, and I need the help of the young commander." Then, he pulled Peng Zaozhu and squatted down together.


The night was dark, and the continuous battles made both sides exhausted. At this moment, the red scarves on duty at the top of the city also leaned against the female wall, drooling, and fell asleep soundly.

At this moment, under the city wall, there seemed to be rustling noises, not loud enough to disturb the soldiers in their sleep.

Just like that, after a while, finally somewhere, with a piece of floating soil crashing down, a figure appeared from inside.

He rubbed his eyes, and then he saw clearly that in front of him was not the ground, but a ditch!

Broke, the town is ready!

The moment this guy was startled and wanted to turn around, a long spear pierced hard into his soft ribs, deep into his bones, and the opponent pulled hard, pulling this Yuan soldier into the ditch!

It was Peng Zaozhu who made the move, and the young commander's eyes lit up, revealing a bloodthirsty expression.

"The dog tartar threw himself into the trap, kill me!"

Not only in this place, but also in four other places, Tartars also broke out of the ground, but they were all discovered by the Red Turban soldiers who were squatting. At one time, [-] Red Turban soldiers jumped into the trench, scrambling to be the first to beat the field mice!

Hearing the sound of killing, Zhang Ximeng hurriedly got up, looked from a distance, and was slightly relieved to see the tartars entering the urn.

Now that there is a mountain of earth, why not dig a tunnel.

The Yuan soldiers used the mound to confuse the red scarf, but they secretly dug tunnels underneath, trying to get into the city ahead of time.

This move had to be said to be very beautiful, but Zhang Ximeng dug the trench in advance and didn't give them a chance at all.

If it's just that, it's nothing more than a waste of effort.

But they didn't know that Zhang Ximeng had someone secretly tie a hammer with a rope and hit the ground outside the city. Wherever it was empty, the tunnel passed by!

He took out the means to check for hollow tiles.

After determining the direction of the tunnel, a large rock capable of cracking the upper soil layer has been prepared at the head of the city.

Just when Yuan soldiers emerged, the red scarf who was still sleeping in the city stood up, and several people lifted the stone and smashed it in the direction determined in advance.

One piece, two pieces!

With a bang, the tunnel couldn't bear it and collapsed.

The people in the tunnel were terrified and terrified, and their fear was inexplicable.

The back road was cut off, and those who went in first had no time to escape in the narrow tunnel, so they were all trapped and became shackles.

"Dog Tartar, you have no way out, you either suffocate inside, or get out and surrender!"

Peng Zaozhu yelled wantonly, and the red scarf soldiers all over the city laughed loudly, mocking the Yuan Tartars for their stupidity.

The Yuan soldiers dug a total of five tunnels, all of which were abandoned at the moment, and more than 200 soldiers were trapped in the tunnels.The Red Scarf Army has already prepared fireworks, and someone is holding a cattail fan and fanning it incessantly.

Thick smoke entered the tunnel, and there were endless coughing and cursing.

Within a moment, Yuan Bing rolled out obediently like a mouse with snot and tears, and became a captive of the red scarf.

It's just that less than fifty came out, and the rest stayed underground, becoming dead ghosts...

Chapter No.17 The Artillery Battle Has Won Again

Once again, the Yuan army's attempt was thwarted, and it was also a dream to dig a tunnel into the city!

Peng Zao took dozens of captives to an open place, stripped off their armor and clothes, tied them with ropes, and dragged them to the center of the city, where they used to kill people.

The cold wind was bitter, and the captives without clothes shivered.

This Young Marshal Peng didn't have much pity, he raised his rawhide whip, and slammed it down on the first person!

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