First Minister of Ming Dynasty

First Minister Section 105

"I don't know if it's right or wrong, but I think they want to treat everyone as human beings."

"Ah!" Gong Bo was even more puzzled, "What is this called? Who doesn't treat people as people?"

He also raised his eyeballs first, "Who else? Great Yuan Dynasty!"

Gong Bo smiled helplessly, this man really hated Yuan Chao, and there was a thunderbolt in his words.But the ordinary soldier who was serious about reading and writing shocked him greatly.

Throughout the ages, there have been many well-known generals who have rigorously run the army, but they can teach soldiers to read, make them understand the truth, and can write official documents, but I have never heard of any army that has done it... Everyone is literate, and they really treat people as humans.

It's just that if this is really achieved, the first 1000 years of the Yuan Dynasty may have to admit defeat.

Scholars, farmers, businessmen, high and low... After all, it has always been something.

From this point of view, this Zhu Jiajun is really brave!

Gong Bo thought about it, his mood fluctuated, and he didn't know what the steamed bun in his hand was like... At this moment, a person walked in from the outside, and he was carrying a salute. It was none other than Xuexue!

Due to his hasty escape, he suffered from the cold and frequently urinated at night, which was very embarrassing.After reporting, a leather mattress was specially obtained for him.

Xue Xuexing hurried over with his back on his back, hearing that he wanted to see some old friends, when he came in, he bumped into Yexian Timur and Gong Bosui.

What a coincidence, the last time we met, we were still in Tuotuo's military tent!

We're here for a meeting!

"Snow Snow!"

Also first Timur jumped up, the veins on his temples were stretched, he rushed over with a few steps, grabbed Xuexue's skirt, and was about to die!

"Bastard, you are Ha Ma's accomplice, you framed my brother, I will fight with you!"

Xuexue was beaten badly, fell to the ground hastily, and the two wrestled together.

"Ye first, are you crazy? Your brother is the prime minister, and if I want to plot against him, I need the emperor's consent! How can you be a hero if you blame me? This is not your brother's military camp, and I'm not easy to mess with." of!"

"You fart, I beat you, you still dare to fight back?" Ye Xian Timur is also used to being arrogant, forgetting that the times are different, he still wants to hit someone to vent his anger.Xuexue pushed suddenly, and the two separated, and Xuexue rode on Yexian immediately.

"Your brother served Yuan Ting, he deserves death!"

He also exploded his lungs with anger, but he hadn't eaten for a few days, and his strength was insufficient, so he couldn't beat Xuexue with kidney deficiency. After all, when two chickens were fighting, there was still a better one.

At this moment, someone suddenly laughed.

"Okay, one is Doctor Yushi, and the other is a member of the Privy Council. You played really well. Give me your money later!"

After this yelling, the two of them finally stopped fighting, and turned their heads to see that the person who came was Zhiyuan Lao Zhang.

He pulled up a chair, looked down at the two people on the ground, and said with his tongue, "No wonder the Yuan Dynasty perished. What's the difference between high-ranking officials like you and two mangy dogs? It's a wonder if the country didn't perish!"


Also first Timur and Xuexue were furious, what are you, you dare to scold us?

The two planned to get up and fight Lao Zhang.

And Lao Zhang did not panic, showing his fist the size of a sandbag.

These days he worked along with the labor, his strength has grown a lot, even if he beats two strong men, he is sure, let alone two weak chickens.

Finally, the Yuan court civil war did not expand, both Xuexue and Yexian Timur reluctantly got up, looked at each other angrily, and then at Lao Zhang. A total of death.

With these four people together, what can they do?

"I've made it clear to you that we were all guilty in the past. The greater the official, the more serious the crime. From now on, we will work hard and behave honestly. There is one thing right now. The Yuan army in the south of the Yangtze River invaded Hezhou , Destroyed many beacon towers, killed many ordinary people, these beasts..."

"Shut up!" Yexian Timur cut off his drink and roared angrily, "Who are you calling a bastard?"

Lao Zhang was stunned for a moment, and immediately asked in a louder voice, "Killing people and setting fire to wheat, are they considered animals? People starve to death and harm nature, is it an act of animals?" Lao Zhang became more and more indignant. In Liaotian, hundreds of thousands of people from Hezhou pointed to this year’s summer harvest to fill their stomachs, but the Yuan army came to kill them and did so many outrageous things, shouldn’t they be scolded?”

Timur was also dumbfounded, what's the matter with that?

It is only natural for the Yuan army in the south of the Yangtze River to attack the red thieves. It is also reasonable to destroy crops and even slaughter some people.

But it would be a heinous crime to let Lao Zhang do this.

"Where the teacher is, there are thorns. After the army, there must be a bad year! This is also the common sense in the world. How can you criticize the officers and soldiers?"

Lao Zhang chuckled, "It's not me being harsh, it's the people of Hezhou, it's the whole land of Huaixi, let me tell you, now from Haozhou, to Dingyuan, and then to Chuzhou, all places are mobilizing grain from warehouses, and Countless people volunteered to donate military rations, from top to bottom, they were all mobilized, the 10 yuan army, I think they are going to die without a place to bury them!"


Gong Bosui was the last to come, and he knew the outside situation best. Both he and Tuotuo once placed their hopes on the Jiangnan Yuan army, thinking that once they mobilized, the Zhu family's army would be defeated by the enemy.

Why did you hear Lao Zhang say so, but Jiangnan Yuan Army is going to have an accident?

"Zhu Jiajun is really so powerful?" Gong Bosui asked in surprise.

Lao Zhang smiled and said: "I don't know how capable the Zhu family's army is. I only know that the people hate the Yuan army. The food chiefs from all over the country took the lead, donated the army's food and iron, and put in their efforts. They must destroy this group of Yuan troops. I also lead I got a job to bake [-] catties of flatbread for military rations, so stop fighting, you three, and work with me!"


Let us a few high-ranking officials of the Yuan Dynasty help the red thieves bake big cakes, why don't you kill us?

Gong Bosui naturally refused to do it, but unexpectedly, Timur nodded his head.

"No matter who it is, as long as you have trouble with Yuan Ting, I will definitely help the place, let's go, let's go pancake!"

This thing is outrageous!

The younger brother of the former prime minister of the Yuan Dynasty, the former censor doctor, and the nobleman of the old Mongolia Zhengjinqi, who actually helped the red thief deal with his own people... Gong Bo felt that he was still too young. He participated in compiling history and read so many books, all in vain With strength, he doesn't know much about the absurdity of this world.

Could it be more outrageous?

Really can!

After working all afternoon, Timur wiped the sweat off his brow and said to Gong Bo, "Gong Counselor, do you know the situation of the soldiers and horses in the south of the Yangtze River?"

"I know, you want to ask their odds?"

Yexian Timur smiled and said: "I have this idea, but I was wondering, can you write down the situation of the soldiers and horses in the south of the Yangtze River?"

"Write? What am I writing this for?"

"Of course it is handed over to Zhu Yuanzhang, and let him win the battle."

"You're crazy!" Gong Bo was furious, "I can tell you, no matter what, I will not be punished by the Yuan Dynasty, let alone help a thief!"

Also first Timur sneered with disdain: "What kind of loyal minister are you pretending to be? Can you still beat my brother? Tell you, the Great Yuan Dynasty should perish!"

Gong Bosui couldn't listen anymore, and shook his head vigorously, "Stop talking nonsense, no matter what, I won't help the Red Thief."

At this time, Lao Zhang suddenly said: "I, Gong Shenshou, don't hold on to it. The overall situation is the same. You are also a Han Chinese. If you help me, you can alleviate your crimes!"

"I, what sin do I have?"

"It's not a crime for you to serve the Yuan court and kill the rebels? It's not a crime for you to get rid of your idea and let him attack from the north and the south? I can tell you, that Lu Anmin has already set up a stone monument and has become an ugly person for generations. You are not afraid On your family's ancestral grave, is there also such a piece?"

"You, are you threatening me?" Gong Bosui was furious. Are these two people crazy?He subconsciously glanced at Xuexue, thinking about what you said!

"That Gong Shen, if you know, come out, let the superior win the battle, and end the war quickly. The superior is a magnanimous person, and the captured soldiers have settled down well. For the brothers in Jiangnan, this is also a person who has abandoned the dark and turned to the bright. good chance."

Gong Bosui was really dumbfounded and speechless.

It's not that he didn't ask enough, it's just that the world is too crazy.

He frowned tightly, and hummed for a while, "I have no choice. As long as the Yangtze River Navy is still there, the officers and troops in the south of the Yangtze River will be able to advance and retreat freely. There is nothing to be afraid of!"


Several people seemed to have discovered the key point, Xuexue said: "I remember that there is a navy in Chaohu Lake, which seems to be Xu Shouhui's subordinates."

Yexian Timur immediately clapped his hands and was overjoyed, "Great, let's write a letter to Zhu Yuanzhang and ask him to recruit the Chaohu Navy. With their help, the 10 yuan army will not be destroyed!"

Chapter 143 Returning in Victory

The four of them discussed for a while, and finally finalized the plan to recruit the Chaohu Navy. Lao Zhang took this proposal and prepared to submit it.

But Gong Bo was curious and asked, "Are you going to dedicate it to General Zhu...?"

Old Zhang chuckled, "I can't get there, who doesn't know, under the superiors, all written matters must be handed over to Mr. Zhang... But right now Mr. Zhang is not here, so I should hand it over to Mr. Jia, and I have to tell them One sound, please work hard, old gentleman, don't delay."

Gong Bosui was startled again, "I've seen a young man with sharp words, he forced Zhang Shicheng to hand me over, this man is..."

"Oh! He is Mr. Zhang, Zhang Ximeng, the current experience officer."

"Wait!" Gong Bosui frowned even more, "Why is he called this name?"

Yexian Timur also said: "Yes, why do I feel a bit familiar?"

Xuexue snorted coldly: "Is it not familiar? Didn't Zhang Yanghao, who died of exhaustion, just call Ximeng?"


Gong Bo was shocked, "This, this Mr. Zhang, has something to do with Mr. Yunzhuang?"

Old Zhang smiled, "He is Mr. Yunzhuang's grandnephew, I don't know if he is close or not, but the Zhang family will definitely."

"How could it be?" Gong Bosui was shocked. When he was in Dadu, he participated in the revision of the Three Histories, and once advised to reopen the imperial examination. Zhang Yanghao was responsible for both of these matters. The old man is not only profound in knowledge, but also supports the younger generation. It is very good for these late students.

Gong Bosui was very impressed.

Lao Zhang laughed and said, "Sanji Gong, you only know how to ask Mr. Zhang, why don't you ask Mr. Jia?"

"Jia... Old Mister... Could it be?" Gong Bo then felt that he was going to faint.

Lao Zhang sneered and said: "Now the three civil servant leaders under my lord, the counselor Li Shanchang, was originally a clerk in Chuzhou, and Jia Lu, who joined the army, was the original Zhongshu Zuocheng, Minister of the Ministry of Industry, and the chief river defense envoy. As for the experience of the experience department, It's Zhang Ximeng, Mr. Zhang Xiao, from the Zhang family."

Hearing this, the three of them were dumbfounded.

Gong Bosui was shocked, he seemed to understand why Zhu's army didn't kill him!So even Jia Lu is still alive?And also became a high-ranking official under Zhu Yuanzhang?

This is too absurd!

This guy just felt that his three views were shattered. He had to calm down a bit. If he couldn't do it anymore, his heart wouldn't be able to take it any longer.

Yexian Timur was stunned for a moment, and then he burst out laughing, leaning back and forth.Xuexue hid away in fright, wouldn't this be a shofar wind?

Also, since Timur was captured, he has been uncooperative, committing suicide and going on hunger strike. He has never inquired about the situation of Zhu's army, nor does he know the background of Zhang Ximeng and others.

Now he knows that after a senior official of the Yuan court, a small official of the Yuan Dynasty, and a famous family of the Yuan Dynasty, the four of them are now added, which is wonderful, wonderful!

"Such a big imperial court, if you come from outside, you can't kill it for a while! You have to commit suicide before you can be completely defeated!" Yexian Timur sneered: "If the faint king can kill my brother, I can destroy Yuan Ting! Old Zhang, please tell Jia Lu that even if you let me be a groom, I will give my life to Zhu Yuanzhang!"

Lao Zhang also can't laugh or cry, this one really hates it!

"Don't be too busy, I have to talk to the higher-ups, it's best to find a way to get your family members here, so as not to be angered and convicted... But then again, Yuan Ting is quite a jerk, Mr. It's been a long time since I surrendered, and my family members have been taken over, why is there still no movement, are you all confused?"

Yexian Timur gritted his teeth and said: "If they understand people, they won't dismiss my elder brother... By the way, Lao Zhang, can you tell me that it doesn't matter whether my family lives or dies, the key is my two nephews, we Brother is afraid that he will die, so there is no reason to save him. If I can save my two nephews, I will thank Zhu Yuanzhang even after I die!"

Lao Zhang thought for a while, and had no choice but to say: "I will try my best to submit, but you have to think about it clearly. If you belong to the Zhu family army, you can only be an ordinary person. Will your nephew be willing?"

First, Timur gritted his teeth and roared angrily: "I don't care if they want to! Anyway, they can't work for the murder of their father and enemy, right?"

It makes perfect sense and cannot be refuted.

At this time, Xuexue also said: "What about me, what about my family? Can they be rescued too?"

Gong Bosui hurriedly said: "Your family members are all in Dadu, so it may not be convenient, and besides, you don't care, but it's me, maybe it's more convenient."

The two actually got into a fight, and Lao Zhang couldn't help but want to laugh. This is the courtier of the Yuan Dynasty. When it comes to it, they will never forget the good tradition of fighting among themselves.

"I'll think of a way, but it's not a big problem in Beijing. There are still people in the capital!"


These few people collapsed again, this Great Yuan Dynasty has been infiltrated into a sieve, how come there are even people in Dadu!

Gong Bosui was stunned for a while, then suddenly said: "I, I see, is it the prime minister who they set out to assassinate?"

This sentence stunned Yexian Timur.

Is it really Zhu Yuanzhang's plan to kill him?

After a while, Yexian Timur shook his head and laughed bitterly at himself, "The two armies are fighting openly and secretly. It's nothing. Besides, as my elder brother, I will be conspired to be dismissed by the enemy? In the end Still blame the emperor and treacherous ministers! They are not only bad, but also stupid as pigs!"

Up to now, Timur has identified Yuan Ting first, and it is simply irreconcilable, and it is useless to say anything else.

Lao Zhang sent it up with suggestions, and it was in Jia Lu's hands that night.

The old man has been worrying about this too... Zhu Yuanzhang has long had the idea of ​​crossing the Yangtze River and taking Jiqing as his base.But Zhu Yuanzhang didn't have a navy in his hands.

From Haozhou to Chuzhou, there are some small fishing boats in hand.

When Yangzhou was captured recently, only some flat-bottomed grain ships and sand ships were obtained. The large ships that can be used for war are all in the hands of the Yangtze River Navy.

Without ships, it is absolutely impossible to cross the river to fight.

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