Tang Xiaochuan walked quickly to Maca's side, and found that at this time, Maca's breathing was still very stable, as if he was asleep.

Tang Xiaochuan reached out and patted Maca's face, but Maca didn't respond at all.

Tang Xiaochuan felt ruthless in his heart, and directly slapped Maca twice forcefully.

But after these two slaps, Maca didn't respond at all.

When Tang Xiaochuan saw this, he immediately felt bad.

Obviously, Maca and the others were deliberately fainted.However, it was strange why he didn't pass out.

At this moment, Tang Xiaochuan suddenly heard a burst of singing in his ears.

"Damn it! How could someone sing in this environment?"

"And the singing sounds a bit like a female voice. But I don't have any women here!" Tang Xiaochuan sensed something was wrong, immediately drew out his katana sword, and began to be on guard.

At this moment, Tang Xiaochuan saw something was about to come out of the great whirlpool in the distance.

The first thing that emerged from the sea was a tall mast, and then a sail full of holes.

Finally, a warship with a pitch-black body and dilapidated hull emerged from the vortex!

"Damn me! It really is hell!" Looking at the warship, Tang Xiaochuan only had one thought in his mind.

Chapter 176 Aquin from the Seabed

Tang Xiaochuan looked at the pitch-black sailboat full of holes, his face was full of shock.

He never thought that a ship would suddenly appear from the bottom of the sea.

What's more, the boat was so tattered that it could still float on the sea.

However, such a strange thing happened right in front of his eyes, and Tang Xiaochuan immediately became alert.

Holding a samurai sword in his hand, he leaned his back against the wall of the cabin with a vigilant look on his face.

Just when Tang Xiaochuan was on guard, the broken ship suddenly lowered its sails and moved towards him.

When Tang Xiaochuan saw this scene, his first thought was to immediately release the Feiyu to prepare for escape.

But what surprised him was that the system space, which is usually free to take items, didn't work this time.

He wanted to take out the Flying Fish, but the system reminded him that he was currently in a special situation and could not use the system space.

"He's meowing! This is trying to kill me!" Tang Xiaochuan growled, since there is no way to escape now, he can only choose to stay and fight recklessly.

Looking at the warship that was getting closer and closer to him, Tang Xiaochuan had a serious look on his face.

Finally, the wrecked ship had already moved forward with his own ship, and Tang Xiaochuan was waiting for it. He wanted to see what would come out of that ship.

When Tang Xiaochuan was on guard, suddenly a few translucent things floated out of the cabin lightly.

When Tang Xiaochuan saw this scene, his scalp became numb.

He could tell what those things were floating around, but he panicked inside.

Although he had seen those so-called undead before, it was obvious that the ones floating around were a group of "Apiao"!

Tang Xiaochuan suddenly felt cold sweat. He wanted to run away, but found that his legs seemed to be filled with lead, and he couldn't move his legs.

"Jie Jie Jie!"

Laughter, like the friction of metal plates, rang in Tang Xiaochuan's ears.

Tang Xiaochuan suddenly felt a chill down his back.

"Jie Jie Jie, I finally met an interesting little guy." A hoarse, like a voice from hell, rang in Tang Xiaochuan's ears.

Tang Xiaochuan swallowed, and asked with some difficulty, "Who are you! What do you want to do!"

"Jie Jie Jie, little guy, you have too many questions." After finishing these words, a translucent body appeared in front of Tang Xiaochuan.

"Little guy, you are very brave. You can still keep yourself from fainting when you see our group of ghosts," said the ghost.

"Is it useful if I faint?" Tang Xiaochuan pointed at the ghost with a samurai sword in his hand.

"If you faint, we will kill you without hesitation." The ghost said indifferently.

"Also, put down your weapon, you should also be able to see that we are ghosts, and your weapon can't hurt us."

When Tang Xiaochuan heard what the ghost said, although he knew that what the ghost said was right, he also understood that only in this way could he feel a sense of security.

After the ghost saw what he said, Tang Xiaochuan still pointed at himself with the tip of the knife, and it was not angry, but just shook his head.He looked at Tang Xiaochuan with empty eyes.

"Humans are still so ignorant. But forget it." The ghost shook his head, and then said to Tang Xiaochuan, "Humans, I have a mission here, and I hope you can do it for me."

"Mission?" Tang Xiaochuan frowned when he heard the ghost's words.

He didn't expect that he would receive the so-called mission in such a way.

As soon as this task was mentioned, Tang Xiaochuan thought of the prompt he heard on the island before.

The prompt made it very clear that the upgrade of the entire island world was triggered only after the Survivors completed the mission.

And since he has been in this island world for so long, it is also the first time he has encountered a task that requires survivors to complete.

Tang Xiaochuan didn't rush to answer, he was secretly thinking about the pros and cons of this matter.

Strictly speaking, there are specific tasks to be done, and in such a world where survival is the goal, these tasks can be said to be unattainable.

But if there is no risk point, he would not believe that Tang Xiaochuan was killed.

If the other party was a human being, even if it was an aborigine, Tang Xiaochuan would take this task without hesitation, but now the other party is obviously a ghost, and Tang Xiaochuan couldn't figure out what it was thinking.

"Human, I feel the distrust in your heart." The ghost said very bluntly.

"You can say that." Tang Xiaochuan nodded.

"Humans, don't worry, we ghosts are more honest than humans."

"Then shouldn't you introduce yourself first? Or, you have to tell me first, what is the task you want me to complete." Tang Xiaochuan looked at the ghost and said.

"Humans, it's really troublesome. However, what you said makes sense, we can indeed understand it first."

"My name is Aquinn, and I am the captain of the Flyer."

"For some reason, we became what we are now, but before that, we were all human beings."

"Because of these reasons, we can only wander on the bottom of the sea, so we can't rest in peace." Aquin said with some frustration.

"Then what do you want me to do?" Tang Xiaochuan looked at Aquin and asked.

"I want you to help us break the curse."

"Remove the curse?" Tang Xiaochuan was a little surprised when he heard Aquinn's words.

"I don't even know what this thing is, how can I break the curse?" Tang Xiaochuan said a little speechlessly.

"I've already figured it out for you. From here, drive 2000 kilometers to the north, and there is an island."

"On the highest peak of that island, there is an altar. You just need to take off a golden crown from that altar and send it back." Aquin said looking at Tang Xiaochuan.

"Altar? Crown?" Tang Xiaochuan frowned when he heard Aquinn's words.

As soon as he heard about this mission, he felt something was wrong.

This task seems very simple, just go to an island, and then take one thing off the island.

However, Tang Xiaochuan felt in his heart that this task was not so easy.

"If the task is completed, what can I get?" Tang Xiaochuan looked at Aquin and asked seriously.

"If you can bring me back the crown and help us remove the curse, then the ship behind me will be yours." Aquin pointed to the warship behind him.

Tang Xiaochuan looked in the direction of Aquin's finger, and then he frowned.

"Aquinn, did you make a mistake?" Tang Xiaochuan curled his lips, and then said, "I think you should also know that your task is not as easy as it seems on the surface."

"If I'm not wrong, that island is not so easy to visit, let alone bring you the crown back."

"It can be said that there are many difficulties in the middle, and the reward you give is only this ship full of holes? There is no such business in the world, right?"

Chapter 177 I Was Trapped

Hearing Tang Xiaochuan's words, Aquin immediately showed a smile uglier than crying.

"Human, you are very smart. As you said, that island is not so easy to visit, and there is a very powerful guardian beast on that island."

"It is indeed difficult to defeat that guardian beast, but you have underestimated the warship behind me."

"You have to know that the Flyer is a very powerful warship. Compared with the warship you are currently standing on, it will be abused by him."

"How is it possible! What has become of your ship, and how powerful is my trireme?" Tang Xiaochuan laughed when he heard Aquinn's words.

"Why, don't you believe it?" Aquinn smiled when he heard Tang Xiaochuan's words.

"I don't believe it!" Tang Xiaochuan shook his head.

"Let me tell you this, this warship is a sailing ship, but it is equipped with artillery." Aquinn said here, and suddenly showed a smile.

"Cough, cough, cough! What are you talking about!" Tang Xiaochuan choked on a mouthful of saliva and coughed when he heard Aquinn's words.

When Tang Xiaotian heard that Aquin said that the Aviator was a sailing warship equipped with artillery, he became uneasy.

You must know that only a small number of survivors have entered the era of slavery.

In the slave era, the vast majority of survivors still used cold weapons.

Tang Xiaochuan heard that this flying ship is equipped with artillery, which is enough to crush all survivors with technology.

Although he can't guarantee that this cannon is the only one among all the survivors, but he can be sure of one thing, that is, this battleship will definitely be ranked among the top three best warships.

However, the better the reward, the higher the risk of the task.

Tang Xiaochuan felt more and more that this task was not easy to complete.

"Human, what are you hesitating for?" Aquinn saw Tang Xiaochuan's hesitation, and he immediately smiled.

"You know, the Flyer is more advanced than the warship under your feet. If you can own such a warship, how much wealth can you plunder." Aquin still urged Tang with words. Ogawa.

When Tang Xiaochuan heard Aquin's words, he suddenly became a little sober. He felt that Aquin seemed very eager to go to that island by himself.

"If something goes wrong, there must be a demon!" Tang Xiaochuan thought to himself.

Tang Xiaochuan thought about it for about half a minute, and he felt that he still had no way to smooth out his desire for sailing warships.Moreover, Aquinn did not say that he must finish it now.

I can completely take over the task first, and then wait until I am strong enough to choose to complete it.

"Aquinn, I can take this task, but I have other things to do now, so this task still needs to wait for a while."

"No hurry, just don't forget about it." Aquin once again showed a smile uglier than crying.

After saying this, Aquin took out a gold coin from his pocket and stuffed it into Tang Xiaochuan's hand.

"This gold coin can summon me to your side. No matter what sea area you are in, just throw this gold coin into the sea, and I will come to you."

"However, you have to remember that you can only summon me after you get the crown."

Tang Xiaochuan nodded when he heard Aquinn's words.

Later, Tang Xiaochuan found that Aquin's body was gradually fading, and the dilapidated Aviator behind him also faded.

In the end, both Aquin and the Flyer disappeared.When they disappeared, the storm and vortex on the sea also disappeared.The sun once again spilled from the clouds to the sea.

Seeing the sun appearing again, Tang Xiaochuan knew that Aquinn should have left.

Tang Xiaochuan slowly retracted the samurai sword in his hand into the sheath around his waist.

At this time, Maca and the others also began to wake up.

The first time Maca woke up, he shook his head to wake himself up.Then he saw Tang Xiaochuan appear in front of his eyes at some point.

"Master." Maca hurriedly saluted Tang Xiaochuan.

"Why are you all asleep?" Tang Xiaochuan looked at Maca and asked.

"Master, I don't know either. We were rowing just now, but when we were rowing, we heard a singing sound, and then we fell asleep unknowingly."

When Tang Xiaochuan heard Maca's words, he guessed that what they should hear was the same song as what he heard.

He touched his chin, and then said to Maca, "Okay, you guys go to work. Try to reach your destination as soon as possible."

"Yes, master." Maca nodded.

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