Therefore, if possible, Tang Xiaochuan still wants to keep the oath of the survival group.

But the problem now is that the transaction module has been cancelled, which is equivalent to being pulled from the bottom of the pot. If you want to keep the Survival Group, you must find another way to let the Survival Group regain a stable income line.

Facing such difficulties, Tang Xiaochuan immediately fell into deep thought.

After a long time, Tang Xiaochuan suddenly had a flash of inspiration.

Tang Xiaochuan suddenly thought of a problem, the cancellation does not seem to be a transaction, but a remote transaction.

Future transactions can only be done face-to-face, and this kind of face-to-face can only be carried out after the person arrives at the destination.

When two people meet, they encounter a new problem.

That is whether the other party is worthy of trust.

This trust is the same whether it is for the person who buys or the person who sells.

If a strong buyer meets a weak seller, why should I pay?Wouldn't it be nice to just kill you and rob you of your finances?

vice versa!

Therefore, face-to-face transactions are actually more threatening than remote transactions.

If you are cheated in a remote transaction, the most you will lose is your supplies, but if you are cheated face-to-face, you may lose your life.

Looking at it this way, it seems that there is a lot of room for manipulation in the middle.

Wouldn't it be much safer if someone could replace the person who needed to make a trip and make the transaction for both parties?

This is a bit like the errand business in reality.

To expand, can Survival Group also do express delivery or directly use the store delivery model?

In this way, not only can the team members become more cohesive, but it can also attract other survivors.

Even if the other party doesn't want to join the Survival Team, they can do business.

"Oath brother, do you know Dangdang running errands?" Tang Xiaochuan asked.

"Running errands?" Hearing Tang Xiaochuan's words, the oath was taken aback for a moment, and then a burst of ecstasy appeared on his face.

"I'll go! Brother, wake up the dreamer with one word!" said the oath with a big laugh.

"Oath brother, you are welcome. Not only is it running errands, you can also do express delivery or door-to-door business." Tang Xiaochuan smiled slightly, and then said seriously, "However, there is a premise for all of these."

"That's what you need to have a strong fleet and a lot of errands for you."

"Well, I know, but anyway, thank you very much this time." The oath nodded, and then continued, "Brother, let's stop chatting, I'll go to the higher-ups to discuss it first."

"This matter needs to be settled as soon as possible, so as not to delay for a long time, and other team members choose to leave the Survival Team."

"Brother, you should do your work first. I also have some things to deal with here." Tang Xiaochuan nodded.

Chapter 165 Forced everyone to kill each other

After Tang Xiaochuan hung up the communication with the oath, he switched directly to the main page of Daoshi.

He directly took out the "Territory Upgrade Token", and immediately heard the prompt from the island stone.

"Ding, it is detected that the survivor has a territory upgrade token, whether to use it."

"Use!" Tang Xiaochuan chose to upgrade his island without hesitation.

"Ding, the token was successfully used, and now Survivor Island has officially entered the era of slavery."

"Ding, congratulations, you are the second Survivor to enter the era of slavery, and you have been awarded the rare title "Slave Master"."

"Slave Master: With this title, you can directly turn newly joined natives into your own slaves. Slave output increases by 15%."

"Note: With this title, the loyalty of slaves on the island will be reduced to a certain extent. If it cannot be handled properly, there may be a danger of slave uprising."

Tang Xiaochuan:? ? ?

Tang Xiaochuan was very puzzled at this time, this was the first time he saw a title with side effects.

Moreover, this side effect is still such a dangerous one.

Although having the title of slave owner can increase output, the price is that there is a certain risk of slave uprising.

This is definitely a very dangerous existence for ordinary survivors.

Moreover, I am the second to upgrade to the slave era, so that means, there is another survivor just like myself.

This made Tang Xiaochuan feel a sense of crisis.

However, this is not the most urgent matter. What matters now is the natives on their own island.

Now on my own island, there are more than 200 indigenous people, but there are only 7 survivors, including Wenwen, who is only a little over one year old.

Therefore, the main thing now is to determine the loyalty of your own island.

Tang Xiaochuan thought that he still had a mind control tower.This thing is something that can check the loyalty of the people on the island.

Tang Xiaochuan remembered that he connected the mind control tower to Daoshi.

He began to check the situation on the mind control tower on the island rock.

When Tang Xiaochuan opened the interface of the Mind Control Tower, redness greeted his eyes!

Except for a few indigenous people who signed a contract with Tang Xiaochuan, such as the stubborn stone, the black soil, and Maca, all the others have turned red.

Tang Xiaochuan suddenly panicked. Could it be that these natives have reached the level of uprising?

But let Tang Xiaochuan take a closer look, only to find that these reds do not mean that their loyalty has reached the warning line, but represent that the loyalty of these natives has declined.

Tang Xiaochuan took a closer look, only to find that the interface of the Mind Control Tower has actually undergone some changes.

First of all, Tang Xiaochuan can now clearly see the loyalty of each aborigine, including their increase and increase ratio.

Tang Xiaochuan was startled by the red at first, but after looking carefully, he found that these reds indicated that his loyalty had declined.

Behind each person's current loyalty, there is a numerical value.

For example, Jushi, his loyalty at this time is 67, and his previous loyalty was 70. That is to say, at the moment of upgrading, Jushi's loyalty directly dropped by 3 points.

But fortunately, there is a small symbol "+67" behind the loyalty 0.6.

Tang Xiaochuan guessed that this "+0.6" should be the daily increase in loyalty of Jushi.Whether it is true or not, we will find out tomorrow.

Tang Xiaochuan checked the loyalty of all the natives from the beginning to the end. The loyalty of these natives is basically above 65.And the growth values ​​are all positive values ​​one after another, and there are no negative values.

Seeing this degree of loyalty, Tang Xiaochuan was relieved, which means that as long as this degree of loyalty is maintained, Tang Xiaochuan does not have to worry about the uprising of the natives.

Tang Xiaochuan breathed a sigh of relief, it seems that the matter has not yet reached the point of getting out of hand.

Although the upgrade this time led to a decline in the loyalty of the natives on the island, fortunately, he had a mind control tower, which indirectly offset part of the effect.This can be said to be a blessing in misfortune.

After Tang Xiaochuan checked the loyalty value of the natives on the island, he breathed a sigh of relief.

Then Tang Xiaochuan suddenly thought that the last sentence of the reminder said to let the survivors check the upgrade requirements by themselves.

Tang Xiaochuan thought about it, and began to search for the upgrade conditions on the Daoshi page.

Sure enough, there was an extra message on Daoshi's main page.

"The owner of the island: Tang Xiaochuan."

"Island Civilization Level: Slave Age (upgrade condition)."

Tang Xiaochuan clicked on the upgrade conditions without hesitation.

"Upgrading to Feudal Age: Need to own facilities: Mill (vacant), barracks (vacant), farm (vacant), blacksmith workshop (vacant), leather workshop (vacant), textile workshop (vacant)."

"Need to have materials: wood × 1.5, iron ore × 1.5, copper ore × 1.5, linen × 1.5, glass × 1.5, plastic × 1.5."

"Need Population: 217/1000."

"Hiss." Seeing the conditions for the upgrade, Tang Xiaochuan took a deep breath.

There are three conditions in total. Except for the supplies, Tang Xiaochuan was a little speechless when he saw the other two conditions.

First of all, these facilities. If he remembers correctly, besides the blacksmith workshop, leather workshop and textile workshop, he does not have any blueprints for mills, barracks, or farms.

If these blueprints can still be solved through acquisition, then this population is flawed.

Upgrading requires a population of 1000, and now I only have 217 people on my side, which means that I need to expand the population of the island by at least 5 times to meet the conditions for upgrading.

If it is to rely on the automatic refresh slaves on the island to meet this condition, Tang Xiaochuan roughly calculated that he would need at least 79 days to complete it.

More than two months, it took too long.

So, from this point of view, the only way to gather such a large population as quickly as possible is to continuously invade.

Whether it's invading other survivor islands or invading native islands.

Only non-stop invasion can gather so many in the shortest time.

"What the hell, isn't it asking everyone to kill each other in disguise?" Tang Xiaochuan muttered.

He now deeply felt a trace of malice.

Tang Xiaochuan now understands that this shit, no matter how he changes it, he can't change the people behind the scenes, and he wants to force everyone to fight among themselves.

Even if you don't go, it's impossible to stop other people from coming to your island.

After all, everyone is gathered together now, and the fog on the island has also been canceled, which means that in the eyes of others, everyone has changed from the previous invisible state to the visible state.

You don't want to upgrade, others want to upgrade, as long as you want to upgrade, then you will definitely find a way to plunder other people.

Tang Xiaochuan doesn't look like being plundered by others, so he is destined to plunder other people, whether they are survivors or natives.

As long as Tang Xiaochuan wants to survive, then he must embark on this path.

Chapter 166 I Forgot a Serious Thing

However, Tang Xiaochuan thought it was impossible for Tang Xiaochuan to plunder other survivors from the very beginning.

Moreover, how many people can be plundered by plundering survivors?

According to the current calculation that there is only one survivor on an island, Tang Xiaochuan needs to plunder more than 700 islands if he wants to raise the remaining 700 people.

This is simply impossible and unrealistic.

"It seems that we can only target the natives." Tang Xiaochuan touched his chin and thought to himself.

Tang Xiaochuan felt infinitely moved when he thought that he would take the initiative to attack and find trouble with the natives.

I don't know when I have enough strength to challenge the indigenous islands.

Although they have also invaded the islands of the stream tribe before, there are prerequisites for that.

First of all, I know enough about the entire stream tribe, and there are a large number of stream tribe members on my island, so Tang Xiaochuan has the confidence to occupy the island of the stream tribe.

But now, Tang Xiaochuan didn't say where the aborigines' islands were, so he didn't need to talk about the information about those aborigines.

However, Tang Xiaochuan was not worried, because his current strength was vastly different from his previous strength.

The population of my own island has exceeded 200 people, even for young and strong men, there are 80 people.

These people are all warriors of the former stream tribe.They have also been on the battlefield.

If you equip the people of these stream tribes with weapons and armor, you are fully capable of fighting twice as many natives.

If casualties are not considered, Tang Xiaochuan thinks he can fight against three times as many natives.

After thinking clearly, Tang Xiaochuan made up his mind that he wanted to improve the civilization level of the island as soon as possible.

Thinking of this, Tang Xiaochuan directly took out the three blueprints he had obtained before, and then directly chose to build.

As the materials on Tang Xiaochuan Island decreased by a large amount, three buildings to be placed appeared on the map on the island stone.

Tang Xiaochuan just thought about it for a while, and placed the three workshops directly on Dongdao.

After Tang Xiaochuan placed the three workshops, he suddenly thought that he seemed to have buried a batch of metal pieces in the East Island a long time ago, and he didn't know what happened now.

Thinking of this, Tang Xiaochuan directly exited the island stone page, then took out a shovel in the tool room of the villa and walked outside.

Just as Tang Xiaochuan walked out of the villa, he saw Zhang Zhi and Fang Long walking towards the villa very anxiously.

"What's wrong with you?" Tang Xiaochuan looked at the two and asked.

"Xiao Chuan, you just heard the prompt message." Zhang Zhi asked first.

Tang Xiaochuan nodded, and then said to the two, "I heard that, I have already thought of what to do."

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