"Also, Wanshi, you bring a few people to repair this warship, and this warship will belong to us in the future."

"Yes, master." The stubborn stone nodded when he heard Tang Xiaochuan's words.

Tang Xiaochuan saw that the arrangement was in order, so he said to Zhang Zhi, "You finish the matter here first, and then hurry back to the villa. I have some matters and I want to hear your opinions."

"Okay, I'll go back after I've dealt with it." Zhang Zhi nodded when he heard Tang Xiaochuan's words.

After Tang Xiaochuan finished processing, he walked towards the villa with a heavy face.

What Tang Xiaochuan didn't expect was that at this time, the public screen was actually quieter than usual.Because before Zhou Yunwei drowned, he actually forgot to turn off the live broadcast.

That is to say, Zhou Yunwei's death was watched by countless survivors.

It's better than Zhou Yunwei in Tang Xiaochuan's hands, he was played to death by Tang Xiaochuan without any waves at all.

All of a sudden, these survivors felt a little bit too big.

In particular, those survivors who were still mocking Tang Xiaochuan just now felt a chill in their backs, and their lives were in danger.

Therefore, for a while, the survivors on the entire public screen didn't know what to say.

Of course, there are exceptions, and that is the oath.

Because oath had known about the situation on Tang Xiaochuan Island for a long time, he was not surprised by Zhou Yunwei's death at all.

He even felt that Tang Xiaochuan didn't show his full strength at all.

However, Tang Xiaochuan's specific strength is not important to this oath.

The important thing is that Tang Xiaochuan is now his ally, the stronger the ally, the more he can rely on Tang Xiaochuan.This is a good thing for him.

Chapter 161 Two roads go hand in hand

Yan Yan felt that he should find a time to communicate with Tang Xiaochuan and deepen the relationship between the two parties.

But he also knew that at this moment, Tang Xiaochuan should still be searching for Zhou Yunwei's spoils, so he probably didn't have time.Moreover, since the relationship between the two parties is to be deepened, it is not appropriate to just go empty-handed.

What's the matter, I should also prepare a generous gift.

But the question is, what will Tang Xiaochuan lack now?

This made the oath feel a little embarrassed, because he didn't know what Tang Xiaochuan would lack.

"No, you have to think about it." Yan Yan rubbed his chin thinking about what gift he should give Tang Xiaochuan.

At this time, Tang Xiaochuan was in his villa, thinking about his future path.

Not long after, Zhang Zhi returned to the villa.

"Are you back?" Tang Xiaochuan looked at Zhang Zhi who had just entered the door.

"Well, I'm back, and it's been dealt with." Zhang Zhi said to Tang Xiaochuan with a smile.

"Okay, wait a minute, Mr. Fang and the others will be here soon." Tang Xiaochuan nodded.

"By the way, where is my daughter?" Zhang Zhi asked Tang Xiaochuan without seeing his daughter.

"I asked Sister Ma Yin to take Wenwen to West Island to play with Heizi. Heizi has been working as a shepherd dog on West Island during this time, and Wenwen is a bit like Heizi."

"Oh, okay." Zhang Zhi nodded, and then said, "How did I find out that now Wenwen always likes to follow Ma Yin?"

"Aren't you talking nonsense? The reason is that I want to go." Tang Xiaochuan rolled his eyes at Zhang Zhi when he heard what Zhang Zhi said.

Zhang Zhi felt a little embarrassed when he heard Tang Xiaochuan's words.

At this time, Mr. Fang pushed the door and entered with Shen Qian, and Yu Min just happened to come down from the second floor.

Tang Xiaochuan saw that everyone was here, so he stood up and said to everyone, "Everyone sit down, everyone is here now."

"I asked everyone to come here today, mainly because I want to talk to you about our future development."

"Don't you have to wait for Ma Yin and the others?" Shen Qian asked suddenly.

"No need, Ma Yin is a woman, and it's better not to let her know about some things." Tang Xiaochuan looked at Shen Qian and said.

Tang Xiaochuan answered Shen Qian's question, and said to everyone, "We have solved Zhou Yunwei's threat now, and we will not face the invasion of survivors for a period of time in the future."

"It can be said that we will all enter a relatively peaceful development time in the future."

"In addition, after Zhou Yunwei's invasion this time, we also got some benefits. First of all, we got a territory upgrade card, which can improve the level of our island."

"After the upgrade, although our island will not expand in size, we will refresh ten slaves every day according to the current size. That is the young and strong labor force."

"I'm going, how cool is it?" Shen Qian yelled out when he heard Tang Xiaochuan's words.

When Fang Lao heard this, he couldn't help but nodded.

"Very good, 10 people per day, so soon, there will be no shortage of labor on our island." Fang Long is also very satisfied.

"No, if it really grows infinitely, will we be in danger of food shortage in the end?" Zhang Zhi suddenly thought of something.

"Theoretically not." Fang Long immediately shook his head when he heard Zhang Zhi's words: "According to our current output on the island, there will be no shortage of food."

"However, compared to the shortage of food, I am more worried about whether we have so many houses." Fang Long showed a wry smile.

When Tang Xiaochuan heard Fang Long's words, he also felt that what he said was very reasonable. If these efforts continued to increase, his island would be full one day.

Tang Xiaochuan suddenly felt that this was forcing him to continue expanding the island.

However, this is also a matter of the future, and it will take a long time for the island to be fully populated.

"Let's talk about this matter later, I'll continue." Tang Xiaochuan slowed down, and then continued, "In addition, I got two titles and a nautical chart."

"One title is Ocean Conqueror, the attribute is to plunder other islands, and the income is increased by 20%. The other is Undead, which can resurrect corpses that have just died for less than 24 hours, turning them into a kind of undead with only instinct. The title has can be manipulated at will.”

"On the nautical chart, you can view all the islands within a range of [-] kilometers."

"Fuck! Necromancer?" Zhang Zhi immediately shouted when he heard Tang Xiaochuan's words, "Isn't this title Zhou Yunwei's?"

"It was his, but after he was drowned, the title was transferred to me."

"However, these are not important. The important thing is, what should we do in the future? There are two roads before us. One is to continue to develop our own island honestly, and the other is to do the same as Zhou Yunwei. pirate."

"Why don't you go both ways?" Zhang Zhi asked.

"I think so, but the problem is, if you go both ways, you need to determine who goes out to be a pirate and who stays on the island."

"Another question, that is, who are we going to be pirates and rob? What if we encounter resistance? If there is a conflict and there are casualties, we will lose our reputation among survivors."

"Everyone, don't forget that Zhou Yunwei's reputation is ruined like this."

Everyone fell into silence when they heard Tang Xiaochuan's words.

"Xiaochuan, I have an immature idea. Since it's not good for us to plunder survivors, can we just go to the indigenous islands." Zhang Zhi thought for a while and said to Tang Xiaochuan.

"Indigenous?" Tang Xiaochuan was taken aback when he heard Zhang Zhi's words, and then suddenly became ecstatic.

He was only considering whether to become a pirate just now, and he really ignored the matter of the natives.

The income from plundering indigenous islands is far more profitable than plundering survivors' islands, at least at this stage.

Indigenous islands start at one square kilometer, which is far from the survivalist islands that are only more than 100 square meters or a few hundred square kilometers.

Moreover, the islands of the indigenous people are obviously richer in supplies than the islands of the survivors. After all, the islands of the indigenous people do not have a harvest bonus. If they want to feed a tribe, the island must have a lot of supplies.

Survivors' islands have material bonuses, so they can use smaller islands to feed more people.

Therefore, comparatively speaking, it is better and more profitable to plunder the islands of the natives than to plunder the islands of the survivors.

Moreover, by plundering the indigenous islands, you can also get the population and cornerstones for the development of the islands.

Bring the population and keystone back to the island, and the island can be better developed.

In this way, Tang Xiaochuan's island will get a virtuous circle.

Use the resources of plundering the indigenous islands to help the islands develop. The better development of the islands can strengthen Tang Xiaochuan's fleet, and the stronger the fleet can plunder more indigenous islands.

After Tang Xiaochuan figured this out, an excited smile appeared on his face.

Chapter 162 Two Roads, Two Futures

"Now there is only one question left, who will lead these two warships?" Tang Xiaochuan asked the last question.

Hearing Tang Xiaochuan's words, everyone paused for a while, and then Fang Long said slowly, "Actually, according to the most ideal setting, you should go to Xiaochuan, but the development of this island is still inseparable from you."

"So, this is actually a relatively difficult matter to make up your mind."

Tang Xiaochuan nodded when he heard Fang Long's words. In fact, what he thought at first was that he took people to search for its indigenous islands, but it is true that as Fang Long said, if he goes to sea for a long time, it will inevitably delay the islands. development of.

"Let me talk about my opinion. I don't think we need to worry about who will lead us in the early stage." Zhang Zhi thought about it before slowly saying.

"What do you mean?" Tang Xiaochuan was a little puzzled when he heard Zhang Zhi's words.

"It's very simple. Didn't you say, do you have a sea chart? Can you search a sea area with a radius of [-] kilometers? With such a large sea area, we don't have to think about who goes there for at least a while."

"After cleaning up the [-] kilometers of sea area, it will take ten days and a half months."

"If there are other delays, it may even take more than a month."

"After a month, it's hard to say whether the island will have become normalized, but at least, there are things that can be confirmed. At that time, there will be a lot less things that you need to confirm."

"Besides, you don't need to do the search yourself. Any one of us can go."

"After we confirm the location of the native islands, you can then set out to conquer the native islands, so that you can maximize the benefits of your title." Zhang Zhi said to Tang Xiaochuan.

After listening to Zhang Zhi's words, Tang Xiaochuan couldn't help but nodded.

It has to be said that Zhang Zhi still has his own views on the strategic level.

And what he said is indeed the most suitable method at present.

"Then everyone, let's vote." Tang Xiaochuan thought for a while and said to everyone.

Unanimously, without exception, everyone raised their hands to express their agreement with Zhang Zhi's opinion.

Tang Xiaochuan saw that everyone agreed with Zhang Zhi's words, and Zhang Zhi's opinion was considered to be passed by all members.

"By the way, Brother Chuan, in the later stage, who do you plan to let people lead people to explore?" Shen Qian looked at Tang Xiaochuan with some expectation.

When Tang Xiaochuan heard Shen Qian's words, he immediately understood what Shen Qian meant.

"What? Do you want to take someone to investigate?" Tang Xiaochuan asked with a smile.

Seeing that Tang Xiaochuan understood what he meant, Shen Qian couldn't help but nodded.

Seeing Shen Qian nodding his head, Tang Xiaochuan immediately smiled and said to him: "You can go if you want, but you must accompany Brother Yu in the early stage. Brother Yu has been in the sea all year round, and he knows the sea very well."

"You study with Brother Yu first, which means that Brother Yu thinks you can become a teacher, and you are leading the team out alone."

"Okay!" Shen Qian nodded immediately when he heard Tang Xiaochuan's words, and then turned his gaze to Yu Min.

"Brother Yu, I will teach you a lot in the future."

"Don't dare to teach, we all learn from each other." Yu Min said with a smile, then he turned his gaze to Tang Xiaochuan, and then asked with a serious expression: "Xiaochuan, I have a question."

"Well, Brother Yu, tell me."

"Xiao Chuan, after we go out to sea, we will inevitably meet other survivors, what shall we do then?" Yu Min asked a crucial question.

Tang Xiaochuan couldn't help touching his chin when he heard Yu Min's words.

Although few survivors have the ability to go to sea at this stage, this does not mean that they will not be able to go to sea in the future.

If you encounter other survivors on the sea surface, contact will inevitably occur.

Then when they come into contact, there will inevitably be intersections. At this time, you need to consider your attitude towards other survivors.

"What do you think?" Tang Xiaochuan asked.

"That still depends on your attitude, Xiaochuan." Yu Min said to Tang Xiaochuan after thinking about it.

"If you want to quickly expand your strength, then my suggestion is to capture other survivors as much as you can."

"If you want to develop peacefully, then we can adopt a more gentle attitude and take a supportive attitude towards other survivors." Yu Min said slowly.

"Is there any difference between the two?" Tang Xiaochuan didn't understand Yu Min's words.

"It's very simple. In fact, these two types, one is slavery. You can turn other survivors into slaves on the island, and let them quickly develop our own island through labor."

"The other way is to support other survivors and let them develop on their own islands, and we can establish a good relationship with them, trade with them, and exchange some urgently needed goods."

"The more important point is that after we establish a good relationship with other survivors, we can completely incorporate them into our management system and make them a transit point for us to explore other sea areas."

"These two methods have their own advantages." Yu Min thought for a while and said.

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