"I can't help it, I'll just take it." Tang Xiaochuan shook his head and said with a smile: "Let's not talk about it, I'll go and plant these two seeds first."

After hanging up the communication, Tang Xiaochuan sat up directly from the rocking chair, and then came to the wooden basin planted with A-grade apples. .

Tang Xiaochuan glanced at the wooden basin, and was immediately taken aback.

At this time, a few seedlings appeared in the wooden basin. Although they were small, they did grow.

"This, could it be that the previous apple sprouted? How could it be so fast?"

"Is this an inherent attribute of A-level apples, or is this the rule of this world?"

Tang Xiaochuan was a little uncertain at this time. If it was an A-level apple seed with such attributes, then he would have nothing to say. After all, A-level seeds are also rare for Tang Xiaochuan.

But if the rule of this world is to allow crops to grow quickly, Tang Xiaochuan has found another way to enrich his food reserves.

Chapter 13 First the Egg, Then the Chicken

For the experiment, Tang Xiaochuan buried the pepper seeds directly in the soil, and then poured a little A-grade pure water on the peppers and apples in a very extravagant manner.

After finishing all this, Tang Xiaochuan noticed that the sky outside was over, and his afternoon supply box had not been collected yet.

In order to verify whether the number of material boxes increased as the area of ​​the island grew, Tang Xiaochuan decided to check the number of material boxes collected in the afternoon.

But looking at the pouring rain outside, he really didn't want to go out like this.If he went out like this, it would not be long before his clothes would be soaked.

Tang Xiaochuan came back to Daoshi again. He wanted to see if he could get a raincoat or something on the construction page.

"Coir raincoat: It is more suitable for rainy days. It needs leaves x 5 and bark x 2."

"Coir rain hat: It is more suitable for rainy days and rain capes. It needs leaves x 3 and bark x 2."

When Tang Xiaochuan saw the coir raincoat and the coir rain cap, he thought that he had collected a lot of leaves and bark when he cut down trees.

So Tang Xiaochuan directly chose manufacturing.

In the blink of an eye, a set of rain gear appeared in front of Tang Xiaochuan.

After Tang Xiaochuan was fully dressed, he walked outside.

Soon, Tang Xiaochuan came to the automatic fishing net.

Sure enough, the four supply boxes were neatly placed beside the automatic fishing net.

"It seems that this material box is directly proportional to the area of ​​the island." Tang Xiaochuan looked at the four material boxes and thought lightly.

After confirming the relationship between the number of material boxes and the island, Tang Xiaochuan walked directly to the material box and prepared to open the box.

"Materials obtained: cornerstone x 2, linen x 1, wood x 5."

Tang Xiaochuan curled his lips, feeling that there was nothing good this time except for the cornerstone.

Immediately afterwards, Tang Xiaochuan directly opened the remaining three material boxes.

"Materials obtained: metal sheet x 3, plastic x 2, glass x 4."

"Materials obtained: linen x 3, wood x 2 metal pieces x 4."

"Materials obtained: cornerstone x 3, eggs (level A) x 2."

"Huh? What the hell? Eggs?" Tang Xiaochuan was dumbfounded when he saw what came out of the last supply box.

Could it be God, seeing that he hasn't eaten well recently, so he prepared two eggs for him?

Due to the habit he has developed these days, Tang Xiaochuan directly used the system to check the properties of eggs.

"Eggs (Grade A): The millennium question, which came first, the chicken or the egg, has the answer today. It can be hatched and domesticated. Of course, you can also choose to boil it directly."

"Incubation temperature: 26 degrees Celsius."

Tang Xiaochuan looked at this introduction, and his face suddenly became dark.

However, the black face is only temporary, he noticed the key point in this introduction.

Can choose to hatch?

If it can really hatch, then you will have a baby chick.

The chicken lays the egg, and the egg lays the chicken. After doing this calculation, Tang Xiaochuan suddenly felt that there were many, many chickens flying in front of his eyes, and he also had eggs and chickens that he could not finish eating.

"Hatch! It must be hatched! In order to be able to eat eggs every day in the future! These two eggs must be hatched!" Suddenly, Dang Xiaochuan made a decision instantly.

Tang Xiaochuan, who made up his mind, immediately stuffed the egg into his arms, and walked cautiously towards the cabin.

After he returned to the log cabin, he immediately added some wood to the fireplace, then found some leaves, and made a nest for the two eggs.Then carefully put the eggs into the nest.

After doing all this, the rest is to wait quietly.And Tang Xiaochuan was also lying on his rocking chair, slowly falling asleep.

Tang Xiaochuan woke up at dawn the next day.

The first thing he did when he woke up was to check on the eggs.

It turned out that the egg was still the same egg, nothing changed at all.

Tang Xiaochuan, who felt bored, picked up a piece of grilled fish next to the fireplace, stuffed it into his mouth indiscriminately, and then traded it to Ma Yin, then stood up and pushed open the door.

After the heavy rain, the weather was fine, with clear sky, blue sea and blue sky, and no cloud in the sky.

Tang Xiaochuan stepped on the beach and began to inspect his island.

First of all, Tang Xiaochuan saw that the tree behind his house had changed from one tree to three.Then he saw that the fish pond he dug was full of fish.

Looking down from above, only the dark fins can be seen.

"Aren't there too many fish?" Tang Xiaochuan murmured, "Besides, the evolution speed of this island is faster than I imagined."

I don't know if it's an illusion, but Tang Xiaochuan always feels that in the past two days, the pond he dug is bigger than before, and the corners around the pond are also more rounded.

It seems that there is really some kind of mysterious power that is driving the changes in the entire island.

"If it is said that I dug a pond and it will be affected by the power of the island's evolution, does that mean that survivors can artificially interfere with the evolution of the island?"

"If this is the case, then the landform of the island can be designed according to what I want?"

"Although there is such a possibility, it still needs a lot of data to support it. What is the evolution speed of this island related to? Is the bigger the island, the faster the evolution speed."

Tang Xiaochuan stood by the fish pond, thought for a long time, and finally decided to try it himself.

And the way to do the experiment is simple.

He took out a hoe and shovel directly from the toolbox, and began to modify the landforms on his island.

First, he re-dug a small stream directly from the sea, then ran through the entire island, and finally passed in front of his cabin.

He wanted to see if the creek he dug would turn into fresh water in the end.

Then he built a small stone bag with stones behind his cabin, and then saw if he would become a hill in the end.

Then Tang Xiaochuan deeply remembered the appearance of the creek and the stone bag, thinking that if there is a slight change in these things the next day, it means that man-made can really interfere with the evolution of the island .

If it can be confirmed, then the next day, I will use the cornerstones collected in the past two days together.

Let's see if the island's growth will affect the speed of the island's evolution.

If all of this can be confirmed, then you can start to design your own island.

The current island is completely a platform, with no terrain at all.

If you encounter other survivors with malicious intentions, they can see the situation of the entire island clearly without having to go ashore, and you don't even have a place to hide.

After working all day, Tang Xiao finally finished these things at noon.

He was a little tired and lay on his recliner, panting slightly.

"By the way, I'm done. I haven't signed in yet." Tang Xiaochuan just lay down and remembered that he hadn't signed in today.

Chapter 14 You are the person I respect the most

"Sign in successfully! Congratulations on getting a dog!"

"???" Tang Xiaochuan had question marks all over his face, what a goddamn dog!Can you send a dog when you sign in?

However, since it has become a fact, Tang Xiaochuan can only reluctantly agree.

Having a dog is also a good thing, at least on this island, I also have a good companion.

With a flash of white light, a black back appeared in front of Tang Xiaochuan.

"Wangwang!" Heibei called Tang Xiaochuan twice as soon as he came out.

Hearing Heibei's voice, Tang Xiaochuan knew it was a good dog.

"You're so dark, I'll call you Heizi from now on." Tang Xiaochuan said with a smile while touching the big dog's head on the black back.

"Wangwang!" Heizi cried out happily when he heard Tang Xiaochuan's words.

After signing in, Tang Xiaochuan lay down on the recliner and started his lunch break.And Heizi lay down at Tang Xiaochuan's feet meekly.

This time, Tang Xiaochuan fell asleep for 2 hours.After Tang Xiaochuan woke up, he was going to see the harvest this morning.

As soon as Tang Xiaochuan stood up, Heizi also stood up, and then kept wagging his tail towards Tang Xiaochuan.

"Let's go, follow me to patrol our small island." Tang Xiaochuan greeted with a smile, and then walked outside the wooden house.

One person and one dog, just strolling on the island with only more than 200 square meters.

The first thing Tang Xiaochuan went to was next to the automatic fishing net.He directly opened all four material boxes, but only got some basic materials, not even a cornerstone.

Tang Xiaochuan curled his lips, and then he was going to see the sea fish caught today.

When he walked into the pond, he found that there were more sea fish in the pond, and it was almost impossible to hold it.

"That's too much." Tang Xiaochuan scratched his head, feeling a little helpless.

"Well, sometimes, too much food is not a good thing." Tang Xiaochuan comforted himself.

"Do you want to increase the intensity of having enough cornerstones? Now everyone has been in this world for three or four days. It should be almost at the limit." Tang Xiaochuan thought for a while.

Then Tang Xiaochuan was going to let the fishing net clear out the ordinary fish from the pond, and throw them into the market in exchange for some cornerstones.

Just when Tang Xiaochuan was about to call the fishing net over, Heizi yelled at the pond twice, and then jumped into the pond directly.

"Heizi! What are you doing!" Tang Xiaochuan looked at Heizi who jumped into the pond, and suddenly felt a little nervous.

But Heizi didn't care what Tang Xiaochuan yelled on the shore, he rushed towards a prey that was already on top.

Heizi stabbed hard and plunged directly into the water. When he emerged from the water again, he was holding a big black fish in his mouth.

The whole body of this big fish exudes faint blue light.

"Huh?" Tang Xiaochuan looked at the fish in Heizi's mouth, and he knew that this fish was not simple.

Last time there was a fish that was also glowing, he was graded, and now there is another one.

"Quick! Heizi, come up." After Tang Xiaochuan knew that this fish was graded, he didn't want the fish to slip away from his hands, so he hurriedly let Heizi ashore.

When Heizi heard Tang Xiaochuan's call, he swam towards Tang Xiaochuan with a fish in his mouth.

Soon, Heizi jumped onto the shore, and then he put the fish directly at his feet, stepped on the fish with his right leg, shook the water off his body, and finally called out to Tang Xiaochuan twice.

Tang Xiaochuan hurried over and looked at the fish stepped on by Heizi.

"Bonito (S grade): A type of tuna. The meat is delicate and chewy. It is recommended to make sashimi."

"Huh? S-grade? I'll rub it. This is the first time I've seen S-grade ingredients!" Tang Xiaochuan exclaimed as he looked at Ba bonito, which was emitting light blue light and wanted to break free.

"Heizi, you are awesome!" Tang Xiaochuan gave Heizi a thumbs up.Then, Tang Xiaochuan was going to get the fish.

As a result, Heizi immediately put the fish in his mouth again, and then kept wagging his tail towards Tang Xiaochuan.

Tang Xiaochuan, who had raised a puppy, knew that it was Heizi who was going to hold it for him, so he didn't argue with it.

"Okay, take it." Tang Xiaochuan said to Heizi with a smile, and then beckoned him to go with him.

Now that he caught an S-grade sea fish, Tang Xiaochuan couldn't wait to taste the fish.As for the transaction, he thinks he can wait.

When Tang Xiaochuan returned to the cabin, he connected to Ma Yin's communication while handling the fish.

"Sister Ma Yin, have you eaten?" Tang Xiaochuan asked with a smile.

"I ate some leftover grilled fish from the morning." Ma Yin said with a blushing face, did she receive any goods today.

"Okay, how about some sashimi later?"

"Sashimi?" Ma Yin was taken aback when she heard Tang Xiaochuan's words.

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