"Try it?" Tang Xiaochuan was dumbfounded.

This boundary river was originally just a small river that Tang Xiaochuan dug through the island at the beginning.

The water in this river is also sea water, bitter and astringent.

Although the water from the Spring River was added later to dilute the concentration of seawater, the river water is still undrinkable.

To put it bluntly, this dividing river is a Haihe River.

Strictly speaking, the water in this river still belongs to sea water.The taste is astringent and bitter.

But now, Yu Min actually let him try it.

"Could it be!" Tang Xiaochuan suddenly thought of a possibility.

He immediately bent down, picked up a handful of river water, and drank it slowly.

At the entrance of the river, there is no feeling of bitterness and astringency, but a hint of sweetness.

But what's more, the river water has a bit of earthy smell.

Tang Xiaochuan immediately spit out the water in his mouth, and looked at the river in front of him in surprise.

Although the water has a strong earthy smell, it is indeed fresh water.

"This, this is fresh water?" Tang Xiaochuan was surprised.

"Yes, this is fresh water." Yu Min also nodded.

"How is it possible?" Tang Xiaochuan couldn't figure it out.

"Xiaochuan, since the island was upgraded last time, this river has become like this." Yu Min said with a smile.

"Last time?" Tang Xiaochuan still couldn't believe it.

"Yes, although the water in this river is fresh water, but in terms of taste alone, the water in this river is still not as good as the water in the Spring River."

"However, this river water is enough for irrigation." Yu Min said.

"Irrigation?" Tang Xiaochuan was stunned for a moment when he heard Yu Min's words, and then he saw that on the other side of the river, a water intake had indeed been opened to introduce river water into the South Island.

"Is that the opening?" Tang Xiaochuan pointed to the opening opposite.

Yu Min took a look and nodded, "Yes, that's right there."

"After the river turned into a freshwater river, Mr. Fang led people to dig a ditch and poured it directly into the South Island."

"The irrigation system for the entire South Island is still under construction."

"Fang Lao said that only this ditch is built, and the irrigation of the South Island will be convenient in the future."

Tang Xiaochuan nodded when he heard this.

"Okay, I'll go and have a look later."

"By the way, how are you doing over there? Do you need any help?" Tang Xiaochuan looked at Yu Min and asked.

"I don't have a problem there. I'm just fishing every day and building our two ponds."

"But now that the Boundary River has become a freshwater river, I wonder if this river can also be used."

"For example, try to see if you can raise some freshwater fish and shrimp."

"It's a good idea." Tang Xiaochuan affirmed Yu Min's words.

"That's good, but now there is a problem that can't be solved." Yu Min thought for a while and said.

"What's the problem?" Tang Xiaochuan asked immediately when he heard Yu Min say that there was a problem that had not been resolved.

"It's just that we don't have freshwater fish fry. We have a lot of sea fish, but there are no freshwater fish." Yu Min spread his hands, expressing his helplessness.

Tang Xiaochuan frowned when he heard Yu Min's words.

Just kidding, now I am in an ocean world. There are many fish in the sea, but they are all sea fish.

Where do you go to find freshwater fry?Even if you want to buy it yourself, it is almost impossible.

First of all, there are at least tens of thousands of material boxes on my side.

Although there are not many cubs of cattle and sheep, it is at least enough for the development of animal husbandry.

But I have never developed freshwater aquatic species.

Although it cannot be said with certainty that there will be no freshwater aquatic seedlings in the supply box, the absolute probability is extremely low.

There is a freshwater river in the sky, but it can only be empty, Tang Xiaochuan feels his heart is bleeding.

"Could it be that it can only be wasted like this?" Tang Xiaochuan was a little unconvinced.

But then, he thought of one thing.

Since islands can evolve, and ordinary sea fish can evolve into grade fish, is it possible to turn sea fish into freshwater fish?

"Why don't you try?" Tang Xiaochuan thought suddenly.

"By the way, Brother Yu, do you think it is possible for us to breed sea fish into freshwater fish?" Tang Xiaochuan smelled.

"What, turn sea fish into freshwater fish?" Yu Min was dumbfounded when he heard Tang Xiaochuan's words.

And this operation?

"Brother Yu, think about it. The sea fish we caught at the beginning, most of them are ordinary fish."

"But we caught it on the island and bred it for a period of time, and it became a high-grade sea fish. Does this mean that we can actually breed new species?" Tang Xiaochuan smelled.

"This, it should be possible." Yu Min said with some uncertainty.

"Try it, what if it works? We have another food." Tang Xiaochuan looked at Yu Min and said.

"But the problem is, I'm not sure about this kind of thing." Yu Min had some doubts.

"Nothing is 100% sure." Tang Xiaochuan shook his head, and then said, "Actually, Brother Yu, you don't need to be under too much pressure."

"This freshwater fish is best bred, and it doesn't really matter if it can't be bred."

"And this is basically no cost for us. Except for some labor." Tang Xiaochuan encouraged.

Hearing Tang Xiaochuan's words, Yu Min nodded. He felt that what Tang Xiaochuan said was very reasonable.

Anyway, there are a lot of sea fish on the island now, and taking out a dozen or dozens of them will have no impact on the development of the island at all.

But if this happens, then there will be another kind of food on his island.

It can be said that this matter is a huge profit.

Even if it fails, it is just like what Tang Xiaochuan said, but it is just a matter of losing dozens of fish.

In addition, from a scientific point of view, this matter is actually possible.

After all, marine fish and freshwater fish have the same physiological structure.

The only difference is that sea fish are used to living in seawater, and their bodies are already used to the salinity in the water.

Freshwater fish are used to living in freshwater.

If you throw freshwater fish directly into the sea, the male freshwater fish will be dehydrated directly, and then die.

The same is true for marine fish thrown into fresh water.

But what about human control?

Perhaps in the previous world, even if you did this, it would be impossible for tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of years.

But in this world, all this becomes possible.

This world is already evolving rapidly. Perhaps it only takes a few days, or a dozen days, to complete the changes that took tens of thousands of years in the previous world.

Thinking of this, Yu Min suddenly felt that Tang Xiaochuan's suggestion was very likely to be realized.

"This, I can try. But I can't guarantee that it will be successful." Yu Min thought for a while and said to Tang Xiaochuan.

"Just try it, it doesn't matter if it succeeds or not. If it succeeds, we can make better use of this fresh water river." Tang Xiaochuan said with a smile.

Chapter 135 Leave the cultivated land empty?

Yu Min nodded when he heard Tang Xiaochuan's words, saying that he could try it.

Seeing that Yu Min agreed, Tang Xiaochuan said to him, "Then you do your work first, I'll go and see Mr. Fang and the others."

"Okay." Yu Min nodded, then directly picked up the oars and walked towards the beach.

Tang Xiaochuan, on the other hand, crossed the stone bridge built by the terrain transformation card and came to the South Island.

At this time, the South Island is a scene of prosperity.

In the world of rice, the ears of rice at this time have already bent the rice stalks.The wheat is also starting to turn yellow.

The lettuce on the side is also very green.

All kinds of vegetables and crops are growing gratifyingly, and it looks like they should have a good harvest in a few days.

However, Tang Xiaochuan did not see Elder Fang.

Lie Xiaoha Tang Xiaochuan thought about this time, Mr. Fang should still be in the depths of the South Island.

Tang Xiaochuan walked towards the depths of the island along the field ridge reclaimed by Fang Lao and others.

Tang Xiaochuan still enjoys walking slowly in the field like this.

This gave him an illusion of returning to reality.

In my previous hometown, there was also such a large rice field. When the harvest was good, the rice stalks would be bent likewise.

Tang Xiaochuan didn't go far when he heard a voice.

"Teacher, I just read it. The South Island has indeed expanded a lot, at least ten times."

"No wonder, I said that the number of acres of this field is wrong." An old and powerful voice sounded.

"Teacher, not only has the area of ​​the South Island increased, but I have seen all the crops, and they are almost ripe."

"I predict that it will be harvested in two or three days."

"However, teacher, I have also checked along the way. Those who are interested in water-loving crops have begun to mature, but the fruits are too small."

"I think it should be that when the crops are growing, they lack water, which leads to unsatisfactory fruit setting." Shen Qian said slowly.

"Well, I've noticed what you said." Elder Fang still said calmly.

"But it doesn't matter. Although those fruits are not edible, they can still be used for breeding."

"However, we have to hurry up for our subsequent work."

"Although these secondary fruits can be used for breeding this time, it is not a long-term solution."

"Teacher, I understand. I'll go tell the boss in a while and ask him to send some more people." Shen Qian said to Elder Fang solemnly.

Elder Fang didn't speak, but just nodded.

At this time, Tang Xiaochuan came out from behind, looked at Fang Long and the two with a smile and said, "Old Fang, do you have any difficulties here?"

"Hey, Xiaochuan, why are you here?" Fang Long asked in surprise when Tang Xiaochuan came out.

"By the way, Xiao Chuan, this South Island has suddenly become almost ten times bigger. Is this all your masterpiece?"

"Yes." Tang Xiaochuan nodded when he heard Fang Long's words.

"You, you didn't say hello in advance." Fang Long said to Tang Xiaochuan, not knowing whether to laugh or cry.

"Huh? What's the matter?" Tang Xiaochuan was a little puzzled when he heard Fang Long's words.

"Actually, it's nothing. It's just that the area of ​​the island has expanded, which has led to the expansion of our excavation of irrigation canals in the later stage."

When Tang Xiaochuan heard Fang Long's words, he immediately felt a little embarrassed.

When he first expanded the island, he really didn't think about it.

Although when the island expands, everything on the island expands proportionally, but these are limited to those that have already been built.

To give a simple example, originally on the island, a 100-meter canal needed to be built, but now 10 meters have been repaired.

Then at this time, the island expanded tenfold.

Then the aqueduct built before will also be expanded ten times.Then the canal that has been repaired will be 100 meters long.

However, it was not repaired, or in other words, the canal with construction was also expanded from the remaining 90 meters to 900 meters.

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