"Our biggest reliance is that the entire island will accelerate its creation as its area expands."

"Could it be that Brother Zhang is so unconfident that we can't develop the island to a very huge level within a year?"

"This..." Zhang Zhi didn't know what to say when he heard Tang Xiaochuan's words.

It seems that what Tang Xiaochuan said makes sense.

"So, Brother Zhang, we will face various crises in order to survive in this world."

"But among all the crises, the food crisis is the least important." Tang Xiaochuan smiled confidently.

Zhang Zhi was speechless when he heard Tang Xiaochuan's words.

"I'm afraid that among all the survivors, you, Tang Xiaochuan, don't take the food crisis seriously!" Zhang Zhi complained in his heart.

But when he thought about it again, it seemed that what Tang Xiaochuan said made sense.

As the island continues to grow, the current food crisis is really nothing to Tang Xiaochuan.

But for Tang Xiaochuan, eating enough has never been his goal. His goal is to let himself and those who follow him eat well.

What does it mean to eat well?That is, there is rice in the bowl, meat in the pot, vegetables in it, and fruit after the meal.

This is Tang Xiaochuan's goal. As for the option of being full, it has never been in Tang Xiaochuan's consideration.

Except that he was hungry on the first day, which day would he not be able to eat enough?

I have tried my best to expand the eight o'clock island to 21 square meters. Is it to eat?He is to eat well.

"Also, Brother Zhang, who told you that our island is only 21 square meters?" Tang Xiaochuan looked at Zhang Zhi with a smile on his face.

"Xiao Chuan, although I joined the army after graduating from high school, I have also gone through nine years of compulsory education! This island is not 21 square meters, how much is it?" Zhang Zhi looked like you don't want me to be an idiot, and looked at Tang Xiaochuan.

Chapter 131 Do You Really Think We Eat Plain Rice?

"It's 21 now, but it won't be anytime soon." Tang Xiaochuan said to Zhang Zhi with a smile.

"What do you mean?" Zhang Zhi said that he did not understand.

"Look at what this is." Tang Xiaochuan said as he took out the island ownership card and handed it directly to Zhang Zhi.

"What is this?" Zhang Zhi looked at Tang Xiaochuan taking out a card, and asked a little strangely.

But when Zhang Zhi saw it clearly, he yelled, "I'll wipe it!"

"Xiao Chuan, where did you get this thing?"

"Of course I got this from the Xiliu tribe." Tang Xiaochuan nodded.

"How big is the island of the Xiliu tribe?" Zhang Zhi asked curiously.

"It's not too big, it's only 1 square kilometer." Tang Xiaochuan said with some complacency.

"1 square kilometers?" Zhang Zhi was dumbfounded.

He knows very well what this square kilometer represents.

This means that Tang Xiaochuan's island can expand five times immediately.

It means that Tang Xiaochuan's island already has an area of ​​960/[-] million of the previous flower planter.

Don't underestimate this square kilometer, it's one small step for Tang Xiaochuan, one giant leap for survivors.

"Xiao Chuan, when other people rob, they just rob property or something. You just uprooted and robbed an island directly." Zhang Zhi was a little speechless.

He has been in the army for so many years, and he has never seen robbery.

But thinking about a "robber" like Tang Xiaochuan, this was the first time he really saw it.

"Then what are you going to do?" Zhang Zhi asked.

"What else can I do? Just expand the island." Tang Xiaochuan spread his hands, and some looked at Zhang Zhi like an idiot.

Feeling Tang Xiaochuan's contempt, Zhang Zhi immediately said, "No, didn't you just say that you were worried about Zhou Yunwei?"

"Why do you suddenly want to expand the island?"

"I've thought about what you said just now." Tang Xiaochuan saw Zhang Zhi mentioning Zhou Yunwei again, and then lent him an explanation.

"I thought about it for a while. It's really not the same thing for us to avoid Zhou Yunwei like this."

"So, the best way is to attack him head-on."

"However, Zhou Yunwei is not so easy to deceive, so I plan to divide the whole plan into two steps."

"Two steps?" Zhang Zhi immediately became interested when he heard Tang Xiaochuan's words.

"Yes, just two steps." Tang Xiaochuan nodded, and then continued to analyze it for Zhang Zhi.

"Zhou Yunwei is not stupid, so if we lie to him directly, we can't lie to him at all."

"So, the way to do it well is for us to expose some of our strength in advance and let him think that our strength is just that much."

"And then give him some confidence that what we're exposing is our full strength."

"Give him confidence, let him feel that if he works hard, he can kill us."

"Finally, let them try their best to attack us, let them go ashore, and then let them find out that they have been cheated by us?" Zhang Zhi said immediately after hearing half of it.

Tang Xiaochuan nodded when he heard Zhang Zhi's words, and then said, "Yes, that's what I mean."

"It's just that how much strength is exposed is a question."

"If we expose too much and scare Zhou Yunwei into hiding, it won't be good." Tang Xiaochuan thought about it and said to Zhang Zhi.

"Yes, that's what I mean too." Zhang Zhi nodded.

"If there is less exposure, I'm afraid it will arouse Zhou Yunwei's suspicion. In this way, he won't be fooled."

"So, I plan to expand the island, and then release about 40 indigenous people, and hide the others first."

"40 natives. Together with us survivors, it is already a very powerful force."

"Also, so many people occupying such a large island can also explain why we collect materials so quickly."

"Presumably, with Zhou Yunwei's greed, he will never let go of this opportunity." Tang Xiaochuan told Zhang Zhi his plan.

"Yes, and we also need to divide the 40 people into two waves. One of the waves needs to be reserved as a second player, so that Zhou Yunwei can feel that he has seen our cards clearly." Zhang Zhi added.

"Eh?" Tang Xiaochuan was taken aback when he heard Zhang Zhi's words, and then gave Zhang Zhi a thumbs up.

"Brother Zhang, you are really dark."

"Go, go, what's wrong with me?" Zhang Zhi immediately waved at Tang Xiaochuan when he heard Tang Xiaochuan's words.

"My name is wisdom, how can this be called Yin?"

"Yes, yes, yes, Brother Zhang, you are wise." Tang Xiaochuan nodded.

Although Tang Xiaochuan said that Zhang Zhi was insidious, but from the bottom of his heart, he already agreed with Zhang Zhi's suggestion.

The plan, which was not perfect at first, became perfect immediately after receiving Zhang Zhi's supplement.

For a cruel and cunning person like Zhou Yunwei.

If you expose all these 40 people at once, he will definitely wonder if there are any back-ups on his side.

If Zhou Yunwei only exposed some people on his side and let Zhou Yunwei guess his backhand, he would not be suspicious anymore.

It made Zhou Yunwei think that Tang Xiaochuan was on the first floor and he was on the second floor.

After making him confidently lead everyone to attack, he finally found Tang Xiaochuan in the atmosphere.

Only by directly crushing Zhou Yunwei to death with strong strength, can Zhou Yunwei be destroyed psychologically and physically.

This can't be blamed on Tang Xiaochuan's cruelty, it can only be said that since Zhou Yunwei wants to kill himself, there is no need for him to be polite to him.

"By the way, Brother Zhang, there is one more thing." Tang Xiaochuan thought about it and said to Zhang Zhi.

"What's the matter?" Zhang Zhi smelled something strange.

"It's like this. There are more people on our island, and the island will soon cover one square kilometer."

"Our population is small, and the island will continue to evolve, which is very likely to evolve carnivores."

"These carnivores are very likely to cause some harm to the indigenous residents, so I want to set up a guard."

"Select some strong natives, train them, and then distribute weapons to let them patrol the island." Tang Xiaochuan said to Zhang Zhi with a serious face.

"That's fine." Zhang Zhi nodded in agreement.

"That's why I'm going to let Brother Zhang lead this escort team."

"Huh? Why me?" Zhang Zhi was a little surprised.

"Brother Zhang, among all of us, you are the only one who has served as a soldier, and you are the only one who understands this. You don't want to go to this matter, do you want Mr. Fang and the others to go?" Tang Xiaochuan gave Zhang Zhi a white look.

Zhang Zhi nodded subconsciously when he heard Tang Xiaochuan's words, and then said, "Okay, leave this matter to me."

Seeing that Zhang Zhi agreed, Tang Xiaochuan didn't say anything more.

"Brother Zhang, then you should take a look here first, arrange these new natives casually, and let them all stay here for the time being."

"In a while, I'll think of a way to see if I can build two sets of collective dormitories."

"Oh, Mr. Fang has already thought of this housing problem for you. You can go directly to Mr. Fang." Zhang Zhi immediately said to Tang Xiaochuan when he heard what Tang Xiaochuan said.

"Huh? Mr. Fang already thought of it?" Tang Xiaochuan was surprised.

"Aren't you talking nonsense? Who is Mr. Fang? Do you really think that we are on the island and just eat?" Zhang Zhi finally found a chance to ridicule Tang Xiaochuan once.

Chapter 132 Expanding the Island

"Okay, okay, okay, it's my fault." Hearing Zhang Zhi's words, Tang Xiaochuan could only admit his mistake immediately.

"Since the housing problem has been resolved, we can arrange for these natives to live in it later."

"Okay, got it." Zhang Zhi nodded when he heard Tang Xiaochuan's words.

Seeing that Zhang Zhi understood what he meant, Tang Xiaochuan walked towards the villa.

Now that it has been decided to continue to expand the area of ​​the island, there is no need to delay.

It's only in the morning, and it's still early. I have expanded the island on my side, and I can continue to build the facilities on the island in the afternoon.

When Tang Xiaochuan came to the villa, Ma Yin was already waiting for him at the gate of the villa.

"Sister Ma Yin." Tang Xiaochuan shouted to Ma Yin with a smile.

"Xiaochuan, you finally came back safely. There is no danger along the way." Ma Yin looked at Tang Xiaochuan and said with a smile.

"What can I do along the way? It's very good." Tang Xiaochuan shook his head with a smile.

"Then have you eaten? Do you want to prepare something for you?"

"Don't bother, sister Ma Yin." Tang Xiaochuan looked and found that Wenwen, who had been in his arms all the time before, was not here.

"Huh? Where's Wenwen?" Tang Xiaochuan asked.

"Wenwen followed Mr. Fang and the others to the South Island to play." Ma Yin said with a smile.

"Going to the field? That's fine." Tang Xiaochuan nodded, and then said, "Then when I go to find Mr. Fang later, I will bring Wenwen back casually."

"By the way, Xiaochuan." Ma Yin looked at Tang Xiaochuan, hesitated for a moment, and then stopped him.

"What's the matter, sister Ma Yin?" Tang Xiaochuan stopped and asked.

"Xiao Chuan, did Zhang Zhi tell you about Zhou Yunwei?"

When Tang Xiaochuan saw Ma Yin asking about Zhou Yunwei again, he nodded, "Brother Zhang has already told me, don't worry, I've already figured out a countermeasure."

"Okay, since you already have a countermeasure, I won't talk about it." Ma Yin nodded, and then said to Tang Xiaochuan.

"I'm going to prepare lunch at noon, you should do your work first." After finishing speaking, Ma Yin returned directly to the villa.

And Tang Xiaochuan also returned to his bedroom.

When he walked into his bedroom, he found that his bedroom had been neatly tidied up, and there was still a faint fragrance in the whole room.

This bedroom looks like someone is cleaning it every day.

Tang Xiaochuan threw himself onto the sofa in an extremely comfortable position, and then touched the island stone with his hand.

"Ding, it's detected that you have an island ownership card, do you want to use it?" Tang Xiaochuan's hand just touched the island stone when he heard a prompt from the island stone.

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