"What's the situation? I really didn't pay attention to it two days ago."

"Forget it, let me tell you briefly, that is, the Survival Team vowed to fight the Deep Sea Titans, and the Deep Sea Titans were defeated miserably, and then Zhou Yunwei, the team leader, took the remaining supplies and donated money and fled away." A survivor simply said Say it again on the public screen.

"It's just that what I didn't expect was that Zhou Yunwei recovered in such a short period of time. He is really amazing."

"What's the use of being strong? His character is still so bad. Now he can't be said to be bad. He is now a murderer."

"Upstairs, I'm afraid you haven't woken up. What kind of world is it now, do you still care about poor character? To live to the end is the kingly way."

"Yes, I support the one upstairs. In this world, whoever survives to the end is king. If it were me, I would do the same."

"Damn it, upstairs, there's something wrong with your worldview! I suggest seeing a psychiatrist."

"Ahem, I'm a psychiatrist, who wants to see me?"

On the public screen, many survivors were talking about Zhou Yunwei's killing of Peng Jie. Some supported him, while others despised him.

As the saying goes, the layman looks at the excitement and the insider looks at the doorway.

At this time, the high-level executives of the big survival group all looked bad.

In particular, those few survivors that Zhou Yunwei called at the end, and the heads of the major survival groups, all looked livid.

Among these people, the one who gave the knife to Peng Jie has also been paying attention to the development of the gaffe.

At this time, Zhang Zhi frowned, sitting in front of the island stone, watching the debate on the public screen.

At this time, Ma Yin opened the door and came in, and said to Zhang Zhi, "Brother Zhang, it's time to eat."

Ma Yin yelled, but Zhang Zhi didn't answer. Seeing that Zhang Zhi was still in a daze, Ma Yin walked over and patted Zhang Zhi on the shoulder.

"Brother Zhang, what's wrong with you?"

"Ah? It's Xiao Yin." Zhang Zhi felt someone patting him, and he regained his senses.

"Brother Zhang, what are you thinking, so preoccupied?" Ma Yin asked.

"Oh, nothing, just thinking about something."

"Brother Zhang, what happened?" Seeing Zhang Zhi's unnatural expression, Ma Yin asked immediately.

Zhang Zhi thought about it, and felt that he still needed to tell Ma Yin, so he said to Ma Yin, "Xiao Yin, something happened on the public screen just now."

"What's the matter?" Ma Yin asked suspiciously.

"Just now, a survivor died on the public screen." Zhang Zhi said simply.

"A survivor died?" Ma Yin was stunned when she heard Zhang Zhi's words.

Ma Yin was very puzzled. Logically speaking, in this world, it is strange how many people don't die every day.

Although it seems very indifferent to say this, but the fact is that, who can survive now, who is not escaped from death?

Seeing Ma Yin's puzzled eyes, Zhang Zhi knew she had misunderstood.Therefore, Zhang Zhi immediately explained, "This survivor was murdered."

"Ah! What!" Ma Yin shouted in surprise when she heard what Zhang Zhi said.

"I just saw someone on the public screen saying that he saw the boat, and he suspected it was an aborigine. So I gave him a machete."

"As a result, that buddy directly broadcast the process of his contact with the other party on the public screen."

"After the boat approached, the buddy found out that the other party was also a survivor, so he was going to negotiate with the other party."

"But to everyone's surprise, the two survivors who landed on the island directly killed that buddy."

"How could it be! How could the other party be so cruel?" Ma Yin covered her mouth, expressing some disbelief.

"Not only that, we all know the murderer." Zhang Zhi smiled wryly and shook his head.

"Know? Who is it?" Ma Yin looked at Zhang Zhi in confusion when she heard Zhang Zhi's words.

"It's Zhou Yunwei."

"Zhou Yunwei? Such a familiar name."

"You forgot, when Xiao Chuan first purchased supplies, it was this Zhou Yunwei who jumped out against Xiao Chuan. Moreover, after killing the survivor, this Zhou Yunwei also said that he wanted to seek revenge from Xiao Chuan."

"What! He wants to seek revenge from Xiao Chuan?" Ma Yin couldn't help taking a step back when she heard Zhang Zhi's words.

Zhang Zhi stood up slowly, and then said to Ma Yin, "However, Xiao Yin, you don't have to worry too much. With me here, I won't let him hurt Xiao Chuan and you."

"Also, this matter may be a very troublesome matter for others, but it is not a big problem for us."

"Think about it, how many people are there on our island now? When Xiao Chuan comes back, the number of people on our island will directly exceed a hundred."

"Even if Zhou Yunwei is powerful this week, he can't pose too much threat to us." Zhang Zhi said to Ma Yin with a smile.

Hearing Zhang Zhi's words, Ma Yin breathed a sigh of relief, and then nodded to Zhang Zhi.

"Well, let's talk about it when Xiao Chuan comes back."

Chapter 128 The Ship Blocked the Dock

When the sun just rose the next day, a huge warship appeared on the sea.

Tang Xiaochuan stood at the bow of the boat, feeling the oncoming sea breeze, he was puzzled.

Looking at the scenery around the warship, he estimated that the speed of the warship was at least over 200km/h, but the sea breeze was still warm, just like an old sailboat.

"Perhaps, this is the law of this world again." Tang Xiaochuan shook his head, saying that this was beyond his cognition.

However, when he saw the island getting closer, he was still in a good mood.

"Master, we're almost there." The stubborn stone walked behind Tang Xiaochuan at some point and said to him.

"Well, let Jushi and the others slow down, let's lean over." Tang Xiaochuan nodded and said to the stubborn stone.

"Okay, master." After listening to Tang Xiaochuan's words, the stubborn stone also nodded, and then left.

Although Tang Xiaochuan has only been away from the island for 3 or 4 days, he now has an urgency to go home.

When the boat was only one kilometer away from the island, Tang Xiaochuan could already clearly see the changes in the entire island.

First of all, around the entire island, there is a circle of partition walls made of stones. Although this kind of wall is not high, only 4 or 5 meters high, it is obvious that this wall surrounds the entire island.

Secondly, the North Island in the residential area is obviously higher than the other sub-islands.

Especially the location of the villa is built on a platform at the top of a hillside.

Tang Xiaochuan knew very well that the villa was built at that location and had a good view.

Behind the villa, there is also a high mountain, but now the mountain has been integrated with the hillside.The mountain also protects the villa.At this time, I couldn't see what was behind the mountain, but I thought, there was still an open space behind the mountain.

Over there is the reserved fishing ground and the second pier.

Speaking of the pier, there is also a pier at the southeast corner of the island.

However, this pier is also surrounded by the wall. Overall, it looks like a complete wall, and then it was cut off from the middle, leaving a hole on purpose.

Through that opening, Tang Xiaochuan could see inside the pier, where several berths for ships had been planned.

"It seems that Brother Zhang has used the terrain transformation card to transform the entire island." Tang Xiaochuan looked at the transformed island and nodded.

Tang Xiaochuan is still very satisfied with this transformation.

What is most important in this world right now?That's where safety is most important.

This mountain rock wall was built along the seaside. It can be said that one side of the wall is the land of the island, and the other side is directly the sea, and there is no open space for other people to land at all.

The only way to enter the island is from the pier.

But looking at this side of the pier, no matter how you look at it, it is not so easy to attack.

The wall outside the entire pier was only left less than 50 meters away, just after the two boats were discharged side by side.

Of course, the two boats mentioned here refer to the Flying Fish and the Stone that they first took.

But the three-oared warship that Tang Xiaochuan was riding on now was only big enough for a warship to barely pass through.

Although the entrance is relatively small, it is more reasonable to open it now.

However, what Tang Xiaochuan can see now is the appearance from the outside. As for what the interior of the island looks like, he can only go in and take a look.

Soon, the decelerated warship approached the island.

At this time, some people were already standing on the wall, all of them holding iron guns in their hands.

Tang Xiaochuan saw a familiar figure from the crowd.

Zhang Zhi, Heitu, and Maca were all in the crowd.

Tang Xiaochuan looked at the three of them and waved excitedly.

Zhang Zhi and the others did not expect that Tang Xiaochuan was sitting in the big search boat.

In fact, Tang Xiaochuan and the others had just entered the range of 30 kilometers from the island, and Zhang Zhi, who had already been authorized, heard the siren from Daoshi.

He thought it was Zhou Yunwei who killed yesterday, so he immediately summoned the indigenous warriors on the island to gather at the pier.

When they were just getting ready, they saw someone waving at them.

Zhang Zhi looked at it for a while, and then he saw clearly that it was Tang Xiaochuan who was waving at him.

"Heitu, tell the brothers that it's Xiaochuan and the others who have lifted the alarm." Zhang Zhi said to Tang Xiaochuan with a smile.

"Okay, my lord." Heitu said in blunt Chinese when he heard Zhang Zhi's words.

Heitu can speak Chinese, thanks to Wenwen.

Wenwen is now more than one year old, and it is time to learn to speak.Ma Yin volunteered to teach Wenwen to speak.

She had just been teaching for a long time, when she suddenly thought that it seemed that the black soil aboriginals could not speak Chinese, so Ma Yin simply brought them all over to teach together.

Anyway, teaching one is teaching, and teaching a group is also teaching.

Therefore, every day in Heitu they would spend 2 or 3 hours to receive Ma Yin's Chinese teaching with Wenwen.

I don't know if it's because the Black Soil and the others eat more food to improve their physique, but they learn pretty quickly anyway.

It's only been 3 or 4 days, and I can already use some simple words to communicate with Zhang Zhi and the others.

Although the pronunciation is still not accurate, but at least it has reached the point where it can be understood.

A few minutes later, the huge warship carefully sailed into the dock and docked at the berth.

However, this warship is still too big, and a small section is still outside the dock.

But Tang Xiaochuan is not worried at all. Anyway, it won't be long before the island will expand four times, and it will be able to accommodate it by then.

After Tang Xiaochuan waited for the boat to stop, he was the first to jump onto the pier.

"Xiaochuan, why did you come back so soon?" Zhang Zhi saw Tang Xiaochuan jumping onto the pier, so he immediately went up to meet him.

"Also, where did you get this boat? It's so big! It can't even fit in the dock."

Looking at the tightly blocked entrance and exit of the pier, Zhang Zhi couldn't laugh or cry.

Obviously, I have opened the entrance and exit very wide, but it is still blocked tightly.

"Brother Zhang, something happened on the road, which upgraded the boat I drove out before, and then it became like this." Tang Xiaochuan said with a smile.

"What kind of boat is this? It's so big?" Zhang Zhi also became excited about the boat when he heard Tang Xiaochuan's explanation.

"This ship has a lot of background. It's called a trireme, but it was the top warship that dominated the Mediterranean." Tang Xiaochuan said proudly.

"Hey, your ship is a good ship, but my pier will be expanded again." Zhang Zhi shook his head with a wry smile, expressing that he was tired.

"Haha, it's really not necessary. This time I went to the natives, and I got some good things. I'll go to Daoshi in a while and modify the island." Tang Xiaochuan shook his head with a smile.

"Oh, by the way, Brother Zhang, did anything happen on the island during the few days I went out?"

"Don't tell me, I forgot. Nothing important happened on the island, but something extraordinary happened elsewhere." Seeing that Tang Xiaochuan asked about something serious, Zhang Zhi immediately said seriously.

Chapter 129 I want to kill Zhou Yunwei

Tang Xiaochuan originally just asked a question casually, but he didn't expect that there was really a problem with Zhang Zhi.

He was startled immediately.

"What's the matter?" Tang Xiaochuan also became serious.

"Do you remember Zhou Yunwei?" Zhang Zhi asked.

"Zhou Yunwei?" Tang Xiaochuan was a little puzzled when he heard this name, as if he had heard this name somewhere before.

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