Bamboo shoots can be eaten, and bamboo can also be used to make things.

Moreover, in addition to bamboo, Tang Xiaochuan and others also found plants such as saponins in the woods.This surprised Tang Xiaochuan.

It took a full hour for Tang Xiaochuan to walk out of the woods with Fang Long and Ma Yin.

For this exploration, Tang Xiaochuan had a preliminary understanding of the forest.

In his opinion, this forest has gained the most from the evolution of the island.

Tang Xiaochuan was really surprised by this forest.

First of all, the existence of woods means that Tang Xiaochuan will not only be able to eat sea fish and rice in the future, but also find some mountain treasures in the woods, which further enriches the products of the entire island.

Tang Xiaochuan suddenly had a feeling that the evolution of the forest might be the most important thing.

However, in any case, Tang Xiaochuan feels that everything is moving in a good direction now.

When the three of Tang Xiaochuan returned to the villa again, Zhang Zhi had packed up the hares and was about to start grilling them.

"Brother Zhang, you should deal with this too." Tang Xiaochuan said, and handed the golden pheasant in his hand to Zhang Zhi.

"Pheasant?" Zhang Zhi said in surprise when he saw the golden pheasant handed over by Tang Xiaochuan.

"This is the golden pheasant."

"Oh, you got this thing from the woods?"

Tang Xiaochuan didn't speak, just nodded.

"I'll go, is there such a thing in the woods?" Zhang Zhi said something, but still walked towards the boundary river with the golden pheasant.

Not long after, Zhang Zhi returned to the gate of the villa with the golden pheasant that had been twisted and processed.

Zhang Zhi took the golden pheasant and dressed it skillfully, then put it on the rack, ready to start grilling.

Seeing that there was nothing wrong with Tang Xiaochuan, he returned to his room.

"System, sign in!"

"Sign in successfully, congratulations on getting the Journey Accelerator Card!"

"Journey Accelerator Card: Are you still worried about long-distance travel taking too long? Then you need an Accelerator Card, which can greatly shorten your travel time."

"Among Baidi's colorful clouds in the morning, returning thousands of miles to Jiangling in one day, is the best interpretation of the accelerator card."

"Note: An accelerator card can shorten the original sailing time by 90%. Round trip is valid."

"What the hell!" Tang Xiaochuan was shocked when he saw this card.

Could it be that the system felt that it took too long for me to go out this time, so it directly opened a back door for myself?

It is shortened by 90%. That is to say, it takes 10 days to travel, but I can get there in one day?

Tang Xiaochuan held the accelerator card in his hand and kept thinking.

Originally, Tang Xiaochuan was worried that something unexpected would happen if he left the island for too long.

But looking at it now, it is very likely that I will be back in 2 or 3 days.

This greatly reduces the possibility of accidents after you go out.

"It seems that this thing is really a powerful tool when used with a compass." Tang Xiaochuan nodded and walked out of his room.

When he came to the gate of the villa again, he told everyone that after lunch, he planned to set off with the stubborn stone and Muxi.

Everyone was in a happy mood, but after hearing Tang Xiaochuan's words, there was some silence.

"Are you leaving?" Ma Yin asked.

"Yes." Tang Xiaochuan nodded, and then said, "It's okay, I will take away a vassal island stone. In this way, we can keep in touch."

Hearing what Tang Xiaochuan said, Ma Yin also nodded, and then said, "In that case, we will take turns guarding the main island stone. If you have anything, please contact us directly."

"Understood." Tang Xiaochuan smiled at Ma Yin, and then saw Zhang Zhi walking over.

Without saying a word, he directly tore off two chicken legs and wings from the roasted golden pheasant, and handed them to Tang Xiaochuan.

"Xiao Chuan, there is an old saying in my hometown that people who travel far away must eat a pair of chicken legs, which means a safe journey. A pair of wings means flying high."

Looking at Zhang Zhi, Tang Xiaochuan couldn't help but smile bitterly. He didn't believe it, but seeing Zhang Zhi's serious face, Tang Xiaochuan still took the chicken legs and wings, and then ate them in big mouthfuls.

Chapter 1 Upgrading the Trirew Warship

In the early morning of the next day, when Tang Xiaochuan walked out of the villa again, Wanshi and Muxi had already gathered 20 indigenous warriors at the pier in the southeast corner of the island.

When Wanshi and Muxi saw Tang Xiaochuan, they all rushed to Tang Xiaochuan.


"Are you all ready?" Tang Xiaochuan looked at the crowd and asked.

"It's all ready." Mu Xi nodded and said to Tang Xiaochuan.

"Well, let's go." Hearing Muxi's words, Tang Xiaochuan let the native warriors board the boat.

Looking at the aborigines boarding the ship in an orderly manner, Tang Xiaochuan nodded very satisfied.When the last indigenous warrior boarded the ship, Tang Xiaochuan also prepared to board the ship.

"Xiaochuan! Wait." Just as Tang Xiaochuan stepped onto the wooden boat, he suddenly heard someone calling him from behind him.

Tang Xiaochuan stopped, looked back, and found that Zhang Zhi was running towards the pier with Fang Long and Shen Qian.

"What's wrong?" Tang Xiaochuan asked.

"Aren't you leaving now? We're here to see you off." Zhang Zhi looked at Tang Xiaochuan and said, "You really don't want me to go with you?"

"No, someone needs to be watching on the island, so you just need to guard the island." Tang Xiaochuan shook his head, then looked behind the three of them.

As a result, he didn't see Ma Yin's figure.

"Why, are you looking for Xiao Yin?" Zhang Zhi asked.

"No, no." Tang Xiaochuan shook his head in embarrassment.

Looking at Tang Xiaochuan's expression, Zhang Zhi just smiled and didn't say anything.

"Xiaochuan, this Xiaoyin said she was not feeling well, so she didn't come to see you off. She said she would stay on the island and wait for you to come back." Fang Long on the side said to Tang Xiaochuan with a smile.

"En." Tang Xiaochuan nodded when he heard Fang Long's words, and then continued, "By the way, Brother Zhang, after we leave, you can discuss everything on this island with Fang Lao."

"Don't we still have a terraforming card in hand? You can discuss it with Mr. Fang to see how to make the entire island easier to defend and harder to attack."

"Don't worry, we will start working on this matter in a while." Zhang Zhi nodded when he heard Tang Xiaochuan's words.

When Tang Xiaochuan heard Zhang Zhi's assurance, he didn't say anything more, just nodded, and walked towards the wooden boat.

Heitu, who was still on the pier, saw that Tang Xiaochuan and others had boarded the boat, so he began to loosen the rope tied to the pier.

Without the restraint of the rope, the wooden boat slowly drifted away from the pier and drifted towards the deep sea.

After the wooden boat had a sufficient distance from the shore, Mu Xi and the others immediately raised the sails on the boat, and under the left and right sea winds, the wooden boat began to sail towards the distance.

Standing at the stern of the boat, Tang Xiaochuan was filled with emotion as he looked at the islands that kept moving away.

At this moment, Tang Xiaochuan saw a figure suddenly appearing beside the villa.

That beautiful figure was holding a child in his arms. Tang Xiaochuan knew that it should be Ma Yin.

Tang Xiaochuan raised his right hand and waved it in the direction of the island.

Until Tang Xiaochuan couldn't see the island clearly, he slowly retracted his right arm.

Tang Xiaochuan stood at the stern for a while before he took out the compass and accelerator card from his system space.

"Ding, the compass and accelerator card are detected, and the wooden boat can be upgraded. After the upgrade, the speed can be greatly increased."

"Huh?" Tang Xiaochuan just took out the compass and accelerator card when he heard the system give a prompt.

"What do you mean? Can this wooden boat be upgraded?" Tang Xiaochuan was dumbfounded.

No, when I got these two items before, I didn’t hear that they can be upgraded. Why is it suddenly prompted that they can be upgraded?

"Could it be that I completed the wooden boat upgrade standard by coincidence?" Tang Xiaochuan was a little strange.

"That is to say, there will be no prompts for item upgrades. You have to find it yourself? If you find it, you can upgrade it?" Tang Xiaochuan thought to himself.

However, if you try to figure it out on your own, the problem is big. Who knows what materials are needed to upgrade a certain thing.It seems that item upgrades can only be done by chance.

However, in any case, it is also a good thing that the wooden boat can be upgraded now.

Therefore, Tang Xiaochuan just thought about it for a while, and directly chose to upgrade.

"Confirm the upgrade!" Just as Tang Xiaochuan finished speaking, he felt the wooden boat under his feet turn into a white light.

The white light came and went quickly, but in less than a second, the white light faded, and a brand new wooden boat appeared at his feet.

Tang Xiaochuan looked at the thick wooden deck under his feet, the solid guardrails around the hull, and the three tall sails in the middle of the hull.

The whole ship is pointed at both ends, the middle hull is very wide, and there is a shield covering the deck of the ship.

The bow and stern of the ship also have some upward-curving decorations. Tang Xiaochuan looked at the stern and found that there was a ram at the stern.

Moreover, some oars also protruded from the hull, and each oar was 4 or 5 meters long.

Tang Xiaochuan looked at this warship full of Mediterranean style, and a word suddenly came to his mind.

"Three oars?" Tang Xiaochuan shouted in surprise.

This three-oared warship was the main warship of ancient Greece and Rome.

Ancient Greece and ancient Rome were able to become the overlords of the Mediterranean, largely because of such warships.

This kind of warship has thick armor and extremely high defense, and because the ship is equipped with 174 slaves, it can keep the ship at a speed of about 7.5 knots.

Moreover, the bow and stern are equipped with ramming angles, making this ship invincible whether it is a long-distance battle or a side-to-side battle.

Being hit by such a ship at full speed, no ship can escape, and the ship that is hit can only sink to the bottom of the sea.

Moreover, this kind of ship, according to the configuration of Rome, also has 4 archers, 14 javeliners, and 20 soldiers.This makes the whole ship, whether it is melee or long-range attack, extremely sharp.

Although Tang Xiaochuan doesn't have enough personnel to give full play to the full power of the trireme, but he knows that he has made money this time.

But the question is, can they operate this ship of stubborn stones!If he couldn't operate it, wouldn't he be finished?

Such a good ship can only be watched, not used.

"Master." At this time, the stubborn stone came over and said to Tang Xiaochuan, "Master, the sea wind has become stronger, do you want to go inside the cabin first?"

"Don't worry about this, stubborn stone, do you know how to operate this boat?" Tang Xiaochuan asked.

"This boat? Yes." Stubborn Stone didn't understand why Tang Xiaochuan asked such a question suddenly, but he still nodded.

"Yes?" Tang Xiaochuan had some accidents, he didn't expect that Yanshi could drive.

But when he thought about it again, it seemed that all this was reasonable. After all, it was not uncommon to see something even more outrageous than this.

Since the rocks and the others can drive, Tang Xiaochuan is relieved.

He nodded and went directly to the captain's room.He found that there was a table in the cabin, and a map was placed on the table.

The entire map, other places are gray and white, only a small island with a green dot and a small island with a red dot are marked on the map.

"This, is it the sea chart?" Tang Xiaochuan cried out in surprise when he saw the picture.

Chapter 1 The Rise of Zhou Yunwei

Although Tang Xiaochuan is not sure whether the picture in front of him is a nautical chart, what he can be sure of is that the two points he can see now, one represents his own island, and the other should be this time. Destination, stream tribe.

From the current point of view, his route is heading towards the stream tribe.It is estimated that it will take another 36 hours, which means that my ship has already reached 200km/h.

If this is put into reality, it will be overspeeded.

However, this speed is still not enough for such a distance of thousands of kilometers.

Since the voyage would take 36 hours, Tang Xiaochuan felt that he needed to take a good rest.

This time going to the Xiliu Tribe, it can be said that the future is uncertain, and Tang Xiaochuan needs to deal with it in the best state.

Therefore, Tang Xiaochuan wants to take a good rest, and by the way, think about what he needs to do if something unexpected happens.

Just when Tang Xiaochuan was thinking about how to deal with the Xiliu tribe, a man's face was very gloomy on a remote island.

"Ding, congratulations on getting the heavy galley. From now on, you don't have to stick to the island."

Hearing Shimaishi's prompt, the man had a smile that had been there for many days.

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