At this time, the spring and stream are no longer the same as before, just so small. It has changed from the original width of a few centimeters to a full two feet wide now.

"It seems that the task of widening the Danshui River also needs to be put on the agenda." Tang Xiaochuan looked at the small stream under his feet and thought in his heart.

When he walked to the north bank of the Boundary River, where the fish pond used to be, he saw that the people like Wan Shi were still in a daze.

At this time, Tang Xiaochuan didn't care about the stubborn stones, he looked directly towards the boundary river.

At this time, the boundary river, after many days of widening, has now changed from a width of only 30 miles to a large river with a width of 3 meters.

Looking at the 3-meter-wide river, Tang Xiaochuan held his forehead in pain.

"I'm careless, I forgot to build a bridge first." Tang Xiaochuan shook his head helplessly, and at the same time, he remembered the need to build a bridge in his heart.

Tang Xiaochuan roughly looked at the situation of the entire island, and found that although the entire island has undergone great changes, the evolution of the island is still in progress.

According to the experience gained from expanding the island before, the evolution of the entire island will end, at least until tomorrow morning.

Although the evolution of the island is not over yet, Tang Xiaochuan knows that he will benefit the most from his decision this time.

"Stubborn Stone! Prepare a bonfire! Let's hold a celebration tonight!" Tang Xiaochuan turned his head and said to the stubborn stone.

"Yes! Master!" Hearing Tang Xiaochuan's words, the stubborn stone smiled and nodded immediately.

"Brother Zhang! You should also go to Daoshi's space to find something edible, and we will taste it slowly. The authority has been granted to you." Tang Xiaochuan turned his head again and said to Zhang Zhi.

"Success! Leave this to me." Zhang Zhi smiled and nodded when he heard Tang Xiaochuan's words.

After Tang Xiaochuan gave his orders, he continued to walk towards the pier.

He still remembered that there were still a large number of material boxes at the pier, waiting for him.

Tang Xiaochuan now feels that his island already has 21 square meters, and the area will be enough in the future. What is lacking now are various seeds, blueprints and other things.

"I hope I won't be disappointed. Don't waste the double card you got so hard!" Tang Xiaochuan said to himself as he walked towards the pier.

Chapter 1 The Livestock is Complete

Tang Xiaochuan came to the pier soon, looking at the material boxes that had piled up like a mountain, his mood was very complicated.

One side is the joy of getting double supplies, and the other side is sighing, when will these boxes need to be opened.

However, in pain, you still have to open it.

Tang Xiaochuan put his hand directly on a material box, and then lifted it up vigorously, and the lid of the material box was opened.

"Materials obtained: wood x 4, pure water x 2, glass x 4, bread x 1."

"Ding, trigger a double effect, get supplies: wood x 8, pure water x 4, glass x 8, bread x 2."

When Tang Xiaochuan heard the prompt, the corners of his mouth turned up slightly. Although this double effect is still so powerful, the basic materials given are indeed very poor.

Tang Xiaochuan has no shortage of materials now, what he lacks are things that can improve the environment of the island.

After all, the entire island has now expanded to 21 square meters. The island is very large, but it is very empty.

A long time ago, Tang Xiaochuan divided the island into 4 parts, namely the residential area of ​​the North Island, the manufacturing area of ​​the East Island, the livestock area of ​​the West Island, and the planting area of ​​the South Island.

The land has been divided, but there is not even a root hair on it. The only things that can be regarded as planted are a pepper and an apple tree.

There are only two chickens in the breeding area.

However, when it came to these two chickens, Tang Xiaochuan suddenly thought that those two chickens were about to enter the maturity stage, and they just didn't know when they would lay eggs.

Chickens lay eggs, eggs hatch chickens, endless.

But that's all. Apart from these things, there is nothing else on Tang Xiaochuan's island.

Of course, those seed packs don't count, after all, they haven't been planted yet.

Therefore, what Tang Xiaochuan wants is actually to get some things that can be planted or cultivated from the supply box, so as to enrich the output of his island.

However, Tang Xiaochuan opened more than 100 boxes in a row, and got a lot of things, but he couldn't get the seeds and cubs he needed most.

Tang Xiaochuan put his hand on the 101st box with some numbness.

"Materials obtained: frightened duck eggs × 2, wood × 4, glass × 3, cornerstone × 1."

"Ding, trigger the double effect, get supplies: frightened duck eggs x 4, wood x 8, glass x 6, cornerstone x 2."

"Nice! It's finally figured out!" Tang Xiaochuan was awakened by the notification sound.

He nodded very satisfied, and then put his hand on the 102nd box.

But this time he was disappointed again. This time, what was delivered this time was some basic materials.

"It's okay, it's okay! There are still many boxes! There is still a chance!" Tang Xiaochuan took a deep breath, and then continued to open the box.

It took Tang Xiaochuan more than 1000 hours to open all the more than 2 boxes.

Although most of these boxes are some basic supplies, they also make Tang Xiaochuan a lot of money.

Among these materials, Tang Xiaochuan obtained more than 200 cornerstones. Once these cornerstones doubled, they directly added another 428 square meters to Tang Xiaochuan's island.

Then there are the seeds and young animals that Tang Xiaochuan values ​​most.

First of all, Tang Xiaochuan obtained 8 fertilized eggs, and once doubled, he directly owned 16 fertilized eggs.

After doubling the duck eggs, I also got 24. There are fewer goose eggs, but there are also 12.

Looking at these fertilized eggs, Tang Xiaochuan felt that chicken pots, roast ducks, and stewed geese in iron pots were beckoning to him.

In addition to these, what surprised Tang Xiaochuan even more was that he even got 2 small scalpers, which happened to be a male and a female.

There are 2 small cows, lambs, and piglets. After the double effect, 4 small cattle, 4 cows, 4 lambs, and [-] piglets are obtained directly.

With these young animals, Tang Xiaochuan will be able to start a breeding business on the island.

In addition, Tang Xiaochuan also got a lot of seeds planted.

However, because Tang Xiaochuan already had a large seed gift package, these seeds that were developed separately overlapped with the seed gift package.But Tang Xiaochuan was still very happy.

After all, these days, no one would dislike the diversity of species on their island.

However, what made Tang Xiaochuan most happy was that he also got a lot of seedlings this time.

"Osmanthus fragrans: Oleaceae Oleaceae Osmanthus plant, yellow flowers, strong fragrance, can be used as food additives or ornamental plants."

"Rubber tree: Euphorbiaceae, a plant of the genus Hevea, which can obtain rubber juice, which can be processed to obtain rubber."

"Cinnamon tree: Cinnamon bark can be obtained from a plant of the genus Lauraceae, which can be used as a spice or seasoning after drying."

Tang Xiaochuan looked at his receipt this time, and he felt that he was not far away from stewing big goose in an iron pot and stewing pork with vermicelli.

After he collected the supplies he opened, he was going back to his villa.

As soon as Tang Xiaochuan returned to the villa, everyone stopped what they were doing and looked at Tang Xiaochuan.

"Tell everyone a good news, this time we have a bumper harvest!" Tang Xiaochuan said to everyone with a smile.

"Big harvest? How big is it?" Zhang Zhi immediately raised his head and asked when he heard Tang Xiaochuan's words.

"The big one." The corner of Tang Xiaochuan's mouth turned into a "√" shape again.

"This time, our island has expanded to 215746 square meters, and then we can raise livestock, including four small cattle, four cows, four sheep and four pigs each."

"There are more than a dozen chickens, ducks and geese each. When these things grow up, the products on our island will be further enriched."

"What, there are still cows? So, don't we all have milk to drink in the future?" Shen Qian asked immediately after hearing Tang Xiaochuan's words.

"In principle, this is the case, but these domestic animals are still cubs. If you want to wait for them to produce milk, it will take about ten days." Tang Xiaochuan estimated the growth time of the chickens, and felt that when these domestic animals grow up, how can they grow up? It will take a while.

"It's okay, it's only been ten days, we can wait." Zhang Zhi smiled and nodded when he heard Tang Xiaochuan's words.

"Old Fang, are you familiar with livestock breeding?" Tang Xiaochuan nodded first, then turned to Fang Long and asked.

"Don't worry, we are all familiar with these jobs." Fang Long nodded with a smile when he heard Tang Xiaochuan's words.

Now he finally found a job he was familiar with on the island.

For the past two days, Fang Long saw that whether it was Zhang Zhi, Ma Yin, or Shen Qian, they could find something to do, but he had nothing to do all day long, except for feeding the chickens, he could only sit in a daze every day.

After all, Fang Long is now over 70 years old, and he can't do physical work if he wants to. He feels like an idler.

Not to mention, there are more than 40 young and strong aboriginals on the entire island, and these aboriginals are rushing to do all the manual work.

And now, Tang Xiaochuan finally assigned him a task.

Moreover, it was the agriculture he was most familiar with. Fang Long felt that he must do well what Tang Xiaochuan told him.

Chapter 1 Listen!There are birds chirping!

Seeing that Fang Long agreed to come down, Tang Xiaochuan nodded, and then said, "Fang Long, we will stay on the island for another day tomorrow, and I will let the stones and the others fix the cultivated land on the South Island. Then, you can Started planting."

"However, you still need to pay attention to your body and don't tire yourself out. We don't lack food now, but the source of food is too single."

"In addition, Shen Qian will still work with you. In this case, it will also save you from working."

Tang Xiaochuan thought for a while before speaking to Fang Long.

"Don't worry, boss! I will definitely help the good teacher." Hearing Tang Xiaochuan's words, Shen Qian immediately wanted to promise Tang Xiaochuan.

"Xiao Chuan, you just said that you will be on the island tomorrow, what do you mean?" Ma Yin asked suddenly.

"That's right, boss, what do you mean by this sentence?" Shen Qian suddenly came to his senses.

When Tang Xiaochuan heard Ma Yin and Shen Qian's words, he immediately smiled, and then turned his attention to Zhang Zhi.

Feeling Tang Xiaochuan's gaze, Zhang Zhi explained for him, "Xiaochuan discussed it with me."

"We found that the aborigines who have attacked our island have all come from the same tribe. Then we learned from the stubborn stone that their tribe is a small tribe with a population of only about 200."

"Old and weak women and children account for more than half, and the remaining half of the young and strong have already joined us."

"So, Xiaochuan thinks that we should take this tribe for our own use." Zhang Zhi spoke out Tang Xiaochuan's plan slowly.

"No! This is too dangerous!" Just as Zhang Zhi finished speaking, Ma Yin stood up and objected.

"Dangerous? I don't think so." Tang Xiaochuan said immediately after hearing Ma Yin's words.

"Xiao Chuan! This is no joke! No matter how old or weak the opponent is, he still has fighting power!"

"Besides, you used people from their tribe to attack their tribe. Have you considered whether they will suddenly rebel?" Ma Yin said anxiously.

"I have considered all these issues, but I think this is an opportunity for us!" Tang Xiaochuan nodded when he heard Ma Yin's words, and then continued.

"First of all, I am sure that these natives will not overthrow us, because what I can give them is far more than what their tribe can give them."

"I don't use violent means to forcibly capture their tribe, so it is very likely that I will go this time and no conflict will break out."

"The second point is also the most important point. The tribe of the Stones is dominated by the high priest. Now the high priest is dead, so I can greatly frighten them by going this time."

"Xiaochuan, since you killed their high priest, you can't go! Those natives will definitely avenge the high priest." Ma Yin said anxiously.

"No, the high priest has always been in the tribe and is the ruling class. He has been oppressing these indigenous residents. Many of them dare not speak out."

"So, this time I go, it is very likely that I can resolve it peacefully."

"And, this time, I have to go, we need a stable development environment."

"If these natives are left alone, they will definitely harass us non-stop. At that time, we will have no time to develop ourselves."

"So, this time, I have to go." Tang Xiaochuan said firmly.

Looking at Tang Xiaochuan's expression, Ma Yin knew she couldn't persuade him.

"Well, if this is the case, then you must be more careful." Ma Yin sighed, and then said to Tang Xiaochuan.

"Don't worry! I haven't enjoyed life well yet." Tang Xiaochuan nodded.

Tang Xiaochuan made arrangements for what to do after he left the island.

Under Tang Xiaochuan's strong request, he only planned to take 20 aborigines to Xiliu Island this time, and the remaining 20 aborigines would stay on the island to assist Fang Long in reclaiming the island.

Just as Tang Xiaochuan put forward his opinion, he was opposed by Ma Yin and others.

But after Tang Xiaochuan's repeated explanations, everyone finally agreed with Tang Xiaochuan's opinion, but Tang Xiaochuan also promised everyone that he would bring the Feiyu.

If danger really happened, he would escape alone on the Flying Fish.

With the speed of the Flying Fish at 800km/h, it is impossible for ordinary native ships to catch up.

After Tang Xiaochuan comforted Ma Yin and the others, he began to consider who to take and who not to take.

In fact, Tang Xiaochuan's first thought was to take all the stubborn stones, black soil, Muxi, and Maca.But then I thought about it later, if I took all these people away, who would take care of the natives on the island?

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