"What I want to say is that as a human being, you should keep your eyes open. Don't be fooled by some false things. Look at the Deep Sea Titan, and you can raise the price to buy it. What does that mean?"

"Upstairs, I also have something to say. I used to have a friend who only liked to say half of what he said, and then he was beaten to death."

"Hahaha, why do I feel that the one upstairs is the old man above the connotation."

"Be confident and remove the words "how do you feel"."

"Okay, let's get down to business. What I want to say is that this proves that the Deep Sea Titan has more capital than the oath."

"Brothers, think about it, why do we have to seek refuge with the survival group? Isn't it just for their guarantee, afraid of being cheated?"

"Since we all have to rely on others, why not choose someone who is capable?"

"Damn it, what the person upstairs said is so reasonable, I can't even refute it."

"That's right, we're all relying on them anyway, so why choose someone with insufficient strength? In case someone hacks a big deal, a person without strength may not be able to pay for it!"

"That's right, that's right, with such a comparison, it seems that the 3% commission from the Deep Sea Titans is justified."

"Huh? It seems that this is the case. Compared with being cheated by someone, Survival Group has no way to pay for it. The 3% commission that comes out seems to be really not unacceptable."

"No, I suddenly discovered something. We seem to have been misled. Brothers, think about it carefully. At this stage, besides the survival group, which survivor can come up with such a large amount of supplies?"

"That's right, it's really not obvious with our trading volume of a few hundred grams."

"Upstairs, if you say that, I will object. We can't take it out, but someone can take it out." This is, a survivor suddenly said.

"Who is it?" Everyone asked immediately when they heard the survivor's words.

"Have you forgotten, Mr. Night Breeze?"

"Uh..." Gongping fell silent when everyone heard someone mentioning Night Breeze.

"One thing to say, Mr. Night Breeze can't be counted. Judging from the current situation, it seems that Mr. Night Breeze doesn't need to trade with us, and he can live well."

"I agree with this sentence, but everyone, who among you can reach the level of Big Brother Night Breeze? So, let's honestly join a survival group."

"Yes, yes, we are all salted fish. Don't think about being able to soar into the sky. It's better to find a survival group honestly."




Seeing that the wind direction began to fall towards the deep sea titan, the oath's face was also a little ugly.

"Boss, what should we do now?" Zeng Zeng asked.

"What can I do, do it with them!" The oath thought for a while, and then said decisively.

At this time, he can't be cowardly.

First of all, he is now burdened with Tang Xiaochuan's entrustment, and the number of cornerstones he has acquired is far from Tang Xiaochuan's minimum standard.

Second, if he admits to being cowardly at this time, then the Vow Survival Group will be disbanded.After all, the whole thing was provoked by myself.

If you admit it now, isn't it just telling everyone that your vowed survival team is not as good as the Deep Sea Titan?After that, I will still be a fart.

Besides, he had expected that when he bought it, someone would jump out to stop him, so he hid ten tons of supplies from the very beginning, just to prevent accidents.

As expected now, the people from Deep Sea Titan jumped out to stop him.

However, the oath is not panic at all, he still has a lot of supplies in his hand.

Excluding the materials that were exchanged before, he still has about [-] tons in his hand.

With these [-] tons of supplies as a base, he didn't believe that the deep sea titan could crush him to death.

The oath that has been figured out, said directly to Zeng: "Since they want to play, then play with them! Increase the cornerstone to 270g for me, and increase the other materials to 130g."

"Understood, boss." Zeng Zeng nodded.

Soon, the news that Survival Vow raised the purchase price to 270g once detonated the entire public screen.

"Damn it! The two survival groups are fighting again!"

"That's right, that's right, it's cheaper for us solo survivors."

"I seem to have seen this script somewhere."

"Upstairs, do you want to say that Mr. Night Breeze did the same thing before? You also brought down the Deep Sea Titan all by yourself?"

"That's right, that's the time, and that time is the only time I've eaten enough these days."

"Sure enough, it's a familiar recipe and a familiar taste. I feel like I'm full again today."

"Upstairs, you really are a fucking talent."

While other survivors were bragging, Deep Sea Titan raised his purchase price again.

"Fuck! It's fighting, it's really fighting! Everyone, come and see! Now the price of Deep Sea Titan has increased again!"

"I'm going, really! Now it's 280g. Old men, tell me, should we stick to it?"

"Upstairs, what did you do before?"

"What's wrong?" The survivor who said he wanted to hold on a little longer asked back.

"I feel that you have a deep understanding of financial management."

"Hahaha, speaking of this, I am a professional. After all, I used to be an actuary." The previous survivor said proudly.

"I wipe, really bro?"

"Yes, if you play stocks, you should all know me. My name is Fang Deming."

"Huh? Fang Deming? This name is so familiar, I wiped it, I remembered it! What's so special is that you recommended everyone to buy Huan Tai's stocks online! You must have the support of the state! I've got all my wealth locked up! "

"Uh..." Fang Deming was speechless when he heard someone poke his black spot.

Chapter 99 Boss!I have another way!

Fang Deming, who was called by someone's name, suddenly didn't dare to speak.

However, the fact that he dared not speak did not mean that the conflict between the Deep Sea Titan and the oath had been resolved.

Instead of shaking hands and making peace, the two major survival groups intensified.

The two major survival groups have increased the price of materials purchased from the initial 250g, 260g to 320g, and this does not seem to be their bottom line.Both sides are still gritting their teeth.

In fact, neither the Vow Survival Group nor the Deep Sea Titans expected things to develop to this point.

Neither Oath nor Deep Sea Titan expected that the other party's supplies would be so well prepared.

Nearly 15 tons of fish meat have been scattered on the oath side, which just happened to limit Tang Xiaochuan to a minimum of [-] cornerstone collectors.

For the remaining 10 tons of marine fish, it seems a little powerless to purchase 6 units of other supplies.

The Deep Sea Titan also scattered nearly 16 tons of various materials.

At this moment, the resource pools of both sides have basically bottomed out.

But in this battle, no one is willing to admit defeat.If the oath survival team admits to being cowardly, then everyone who sees the deep sea titan in the future will be a head shorter.

The same goes for Titan of the Deep.

So, this time, no one can afford to lose.

"Boss, we don't have enough supplies! What should we do?" Gou Sheng asked anxiously.

"Hey! This day is over, contact me with the people from Sky City and Yuanyue, and tell them that I owe them a favor from Shenhai this time!" Zhou Yunwei gritted his teeth and said to Gou Sheng.

"Contact Sky City and Full Moon? Boss, this." Gou Sheng seemed hesitant when he heard Zhou Yunwei's words.

"Go!" Zhou Yunwei roared.

Gou Sheng was taken aback by Zhou Yunwei's roar.

"Yes! Boss." Gou Sheng responded immediately.

And the oath on the other side is also anxious like ants on a hot pot.

"Boss, think of a way." The past was also waiting for the answer to the oath.

"Think of a way, think of a way! Night Breeze has given us 25 tons of supplies, but we haven't purchased the supplies he needs yet. How can we fight with the deep sea." The oath rubbed her forehead in pain.

"Boss, should we just sit and wait to die?" Zeng Zeng asked.

"How can there be any way?" Oath smiled wryly and shook his head, "Our skills are inferior to others."

"Boss, in fact, we still have a way!" Zeng Zeng, hesitating for a moment, said to the oath.

"What way?" Oath had some surprises.

"Boss, I just found out how the deep sea gang got their supplies. They directly received supplies from members of the group, so they were able to collect 20 tons of supplies in a short period of time."

"Since people in the deep sea can do this, why can't we?" Zeng Zeng asked.

"No!" Hearing what he had said, the oath shook his head immediately.

"Why!" Once upon a time, some people asked unexpectedly.

"In the past, when we recruited members, we said that the Survival Group would never confiscate supplies from members at any time."

"This is our previous rule, if we want to violate it now, how can we convince the public in the future?" Oath shook his head.

"No, boss, can you stop being so rigid! If we don't ask the members to borrow money, we will lose! Boss, have you ever thought about what will happen if we lose?"

"It's because I know very well what will happen if we lose, so I can't ask members for supplies!"

"Have you ever thought about it! If we lose now, the foundation is still there! The reputation is still there! We still have a chance to make a comeback! If we open this hole, our reputation will collapse!"

"Besides, we're losing after borrowing supplies. How do you let those members survive?" Yan Yan said with a sad face.

Once he heard the words of the oath, he suddenly fell into silence. He didn't think too much about the oath, and now after hearing the words of the oath, he also fell into silence.

As the oath said, if you don't want the members to speak this way, even if the members are lost, they still have a chance to make a comeback.

If this opening is made, it's okay to win, but if it loses, it will not only be the managers of the survival team, but also ordinary members who will be unlucky.

"Boss, there is actually another way." Zeng Zeng said to the oath after thinking about it.

"any solution?"

"Boss, we can go directly to Boss Night Breeze!"

"Look for Night Breeze directly?" Hearing what he said, he was stunned.

"Yes! Go to Night Breeze directly!" Zeng Zeng nodded, and then continued, "Boss, this time we are also doing business for Mr. Night Breeze, so we made this situation."

"We're embarrassed to ask the members to borrow it, but we can borrow it from Mr. Night Breeze! Even if the interest rate is higher, it's okay! The big deal is, we don't have to pay this time."

Hearing the previous words, the oath frowned and asked, "Is this okay?"

"I think it's okay! Boss, think about it, this time we were doing things for Boss Night Breeze! If we lost, his face would be disgraceful."

"And, have you forgotten? Boss Night Breeze has a grudge against Deep Sea Titan!"

"We were defeated by the deep sea titan, so he will get better development, and it's not a good thing for the big brother Night Breeze." Zeng Zeng said to the oath.

"Well, what you said makes sense, then you should contact Night Breeze." After thinking for a while, the oath said to Zeng.

"Okay, boss!" Zeng nodded and was about to hang up the communication.

"No, you wait!" The oath finally stopped Zeng.

"Let me talk about this matter, it will be more solemn."

Once heard the words of the oath, nodded, and then hung up the communication.

The oath hesitated for a moment, and then contacted Tang Xiaochuan directly.

In fact, Tang Xiaochuan has been paying attention to the situation on the public screen since the Survival Pledge Group began to purchase supplies.

He kept watching, including when the deep-sea titan joined the battle, but did not join the battle.

Because he knew that in the face of such a situation, they would not be able to withstand the oath. After all, their opponent was a deep-sea titan with more than [-] people.

Even if the oath has its own support, it may not be able to persist.

Of course, what I mean here is that I can't hold on, and I mean the 25 tons of ordinary sea fish that Tang Xiaochuan handed over to the oath.

After all, there are more than 20 people in Shenhai, and it is very easy for them to collect 20 tons of supplies.At this time, even if it is Tang Xiaochuan, if you ask him to take out [-] tons of sea fish, he won't be able to take it out.

After all, this time, in order to make a deal with the oath, Tang Xiaochuan also exhausted all his ordinary-level sea fish.

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