And stubborn stone and others looked at Tang Xiaochuan excitedly.

They also never imagined that they would be able to live in such a house one day.

Looking at the white outer wall of the dormitory, as well as the big glass window and the boxy iron box above the glass window.

"Huh? Master, what is that iron box? Why is there one on every window?" Obstinate Stone asked, pointing at the iron box.

"Iron box? What iron box?" Tang Xiaochuan raised his head when he heard what the stone said, and looked carefully at the dormitory.

"Eh? Is this a window machine?" Tang Xiaochuan was stunned.

"Window chicken? What window chicken? Can it be eaten?" The stubborn stone looked confused.

"Damn meow, can you eat it!" Tang Xiaochuan was speechless when he heard what the stubborn stone said.

"Let's go, go in and have a look." Tang Xiaochuan knew that there was no way to explain himself and the stubborn stone, so he could only take them in to have a look.

With that said, Tang Xiaochuan pushed open the door of the dormitory, walked in, and chose a room at random.

When he walked in, he saw the window air conditioner hanging on the window.

Tang Xiaochuan took a closer look and found that it still belonged to Gree.It's just that this style of air conditioner seems a bit old.

However, although the style is old, it is at least brand new.

Tang Xiaochuan walked to the front of the air conditioner, stretched out his hand, and directly turned on the switch of the air conditioner.

"Huh? No wind?" Tang Xiaochuan froze for a moment, then turned the gear of the air conditioner, but there was still no wind.

"I'll go, it won't be bad." Tang Xiaochuan underestimated, and glanced at the plug-in hole next to him.

"No problem, it's plugged in. Why can't it be turned on?" Tang Xiaochuan was a little puzzled, but then he thought of a possibility.

He immediately went to the place where the light bulb was controlled in the room, and pressed it directly. Sure enough, the light didn't turn on.

Tang Xiaochuan's face turned dark immediately. It turned out that although the dormitory has all kinds of furniture and appliances, it has not been powered on yet.

There is no way, it is impossible, do not connect electricity to the dormitory, after all, the dormitory has been built, and the furniture is not used, which is also a waste.

Tang Xiaochuan turned his head and said to the stubborn stones, "Wait a minute, this dormitory is not powered on yet."

With that said, Tang Xiaochuan walked towards his new villa.

He went directly to the edge of the island stone. In the building module, he chose to make wires. Considering that the dormitory has 40 rooms, Tang Xiaochuan also deliberately chose to make thicker wires and made some water pipes.

Then in the island stone, the electricity and water pipes were connected.

After doing all this, he ran to the dormitory room and pressed the switch of the air conditioner again.

As soon as the switch was pressed, there was a gust of cool wind blowing out from the air conditioner.

"Wow!" Standing behind Tang Xiaochuan, the Stones and the others exclaimed in amazement as they felt the cool wind blowing out.

Then, the natives, who had never felt the charm of air conditioning, crowded over one after another.

"Okay, okay, you can choose one room alone, or several people can choose one room, don't hang around here anymore, it's not too hot!" Tang Xiaochuan was surrounded in the middle, sweating profusely.

Although there is an air conditioner, it can't stand being surrounded by more than 20 people, it's still quite hot.

The natives present ran out quickly one by one when they heard Tang Xiaochuan asked them to choose a room by themselves.

Tang Xiaochuan looked at the natives who ran away in an instant, shook his head weakly, and then said to the stubborn stone who was still in the room.

"From now on, here will be the place for you to sleep. When it's too hot during the day, you can take a good rest in the room."

"Yes! Master." The stubborn stone was also excited.

Tang Xiaochuan looked at the stubborn stone, then nodded, and walked towards his villa.

After his villa was built, he hadn't looked at it carefully.

When Tang Xiaochuan returned to his villa, he looked at this big villa with 6 rooms, two floors, and a basement, and he felt pretty good.

In this way, Tang Xiaochuan couldn't help sighing that he didn't even have a small bungalow of his own before, but he didn't expect to live in such a big villa when he came here.

He was somewhat proud in his heart.

It seems that he is handsome and can play anywhere.

However, this villa seems a little airtight, why does it feel a little hot?

Tang Xiaochuan looked at the central air-conditioning controller on the wall, only to find that the central air-conditioning in the villa was not turned on.

Without even thinking about it, Tang Xiaochuan turned on the air conditioner and set it to 18 degrees.

What is the coolest thing about summer?

Isn't it just in the summer, with the air conditioner turned on at the lowest temperature, eating ice cream, and covered with a quilt?

Although there is no ice cream now, the air conditioner must be turned on to the lowest temperature.

Tang Xiaochuan felt the cool wind blowing from the air outlet, thinking when, ordering ice cream on the hour, that would be the perfect life.

But this feeling, without persisting for a minute, Tang Xiaochuan felt that the air conditioner was not blowing.

Then, the lights in the whole house went out.

"What the hell? There's a power outage?" Tang Xiaochuan said meanly, but then he reacted.

"Damn meow power outage! I use my own hydroelectric generator!"

However, as soon as he said these words, he thought of a most terrifying situation.

Do the math, a dormitory with 4 floors, 10 rooms on each floor, and one air conditioner in each room, that is 40 air conditioners.

Including the central air conditioner used in his big villa, he suddenly thought of the most terrifying situation.

My own careful hydraulic generator can't carry so many devices!

"I'll go!" Tang Xiaochuan exclaimed, and then ran towards the outside of the villa.

Zhang Zhi and the others were still busy outside, seeing Tang Xiaochuan running out in such a hurry, they were puzzled again.

What's the situation?Are there ghosts in the house?run so fast.

Chapter 86 Where is the rubber?

When Tang Xiaochuan bypassed the hill and came to the generator, he found that his hydraulic generator had stopped working.

And, obviously, there seemed to be a puff of smoke coming out of the generator.

"Well, it's over, the generator is burning." Tang Xiaochuan held his forehead with one hand, feeling a little headache.

Originally, I just wanted to give benefits to Wan Shi and the others, but now it's over, everyone is useless.

Tang Xiaochuan wanted to repair the generator, but found that he couldn't repair it at all. He could only shake his head helplessly and walked towards his villa.

He is going to the market to see if there is any generator for sale.

Such a hot day without air conditioning would be fatal.

When he reached the gate of the villa, Zhang Zhi greeted him.

"Xiaochuan, why is there no electricity in the villa?" As soon as Zhang Zhi opened his mouth, he directly poked Tang Xiaochuan's sore spot.

"I used too much power, and the generator burned out." Tang Xiaochuan said weakly.

"What? The generator burned out?" Zhang Zhi was also confused, how could he live without an air conditioner in such a hot day.

Tang Xiaochuan nodded, and then said, "I'll go to the market to see if anyone can exchange generators."

"Well, hurry up, it's not too hot now, but it will be very hot at noon." Zhang Zhi thought about it, and said to Tang Xiaochuan.

"Well, I see." After speaking, Tang Xiaochuan walked into the villa.

Tang Xiaochuan came to the edge of the island stone, switched directly to the trading market, and then searched the construction blueprints on the market.

However, he just glanced at it and expressed his disappointment.

There are generators in the market, but none of these generators met Tang Xiaochuan's expectations.

These generators are either gasoline generators or diesel generators.They're all home generators.

This kind of generator can drive the power consumption of the villa, which is not bad. Which dormitory do you want to drive?

Just wash and sleep.

Moreover, these are all internal combustion engine generators. Even if he trades over, he has no fuel to make him work.

Tang Xiaochuan thought about it, since there is no one in the market, he can only check on the public screen to see if anyone has a generator.

Tang Xiaochuan thought it over clearly, for the future development of the island, especially in the next few days, the entire island will be expanded by 10 times.

At that time, I will definitely build a large number of workshops and other buildings on the island.

These all require electricity, so Tang Xiaochuan plans to build a bigger generator this time.

It's better to be a power station, he doesn't want to, every once in a while, his own power station will burn down.

This will seriously affect the development of your own island.

He used electricity all the time, and he didn't have the aura of an island owner at all.

Moreover, this power station cannot generate thermal power, it must be environmentally friendly energy, such as water conservancy, tidal or wind energy.

After all, thermal power generation needs fuel, and I don't have so many resources to burn it.

Tang Xiaochuan, who made up his mind, directly sent a message on the public screen.

"Purchase the drawings of generating units or power stations at a high price! The requirements cannot be thermal power generation!"

"Fuck! Ye Shen is here again! Is Ye Shen going to buy a power station directly this time?"

"They are also people who graduated from nine-year compulsory education. Why am I still struggling to survive? Master Yefeng has started to build a power station?"

"Upstairs, stop talking. I feel like I'm not alone anymore."

"Well, not one person? Could it be two people?"

"Same question! The big brother upstairs, what species are you?"

Tang Xiaochuan's words immediately aroused the astonishment of the entire public screen, but this kind of surprise often didn't last long. Usually it was only two or three sentences, which must be wrong.

This made Tang Xiaochuan couldn't help but sigh, this year's netizens are really hard to bring along.

However, although the building is crooked, the notification tone for private chatting with him keeps ringing.

Tang Xiaochuan took a rough look at the information about private chatting with himself. Although these people all had generator blueprints, they still didn't have a suitable generator.

Many are small household generators that cannot meet your own needs.

The only drawing of the power station is thermal power generation.

The drawing of this thermal power station is composed of two steam units, each of which can provide 1.5MW of power generation, which is 1500KW.

A lot of coal can be needed, and it also emits a lot of waste gas.

Tang Xiaochuan just glanced at it, and decisively chose to give up.

joke!Not to mention whether the waste gas will affect the environment on the island, but to say that the fixed consumption of 395 tons of coal per month.

So much coal, where to find it!

395 tons of coal, calculated according to the ratio of 100g per unit, this 395 tons of coal is approximately equal to 395 million units of coal. With so many resources, even if you open the exchange, you can’t exchange it!

Therefore, Tang Xiaochuan can only look forward to the news and sigh for such a rich resource.

Tang Xiaochuan looked over his private chat and found that there was indeed no suitable power station for him, so he could only shake his head and exit the Daoshi interface.

"Could it be that there will be no electricity in the future?" Tang Xiaochuan was a little worried.

In an environment where he is used to having an air conditioner, suddenly there was no electricity, and without the air conditioner, Tang Xiaochuan felt a little irritable.

"Wait, did I forget something important?" Just when Tang Xiaochuan was extremely irritable, he suddenly remembered that he didn't seem to have signed in today.

"I hope there are good things." After so many days of signing in, Tang Xiaochuan found out that as long as he signs in, he can always get what he needs most at the moment.

What is needed most now is a generator.

If there is no generator, there will be no air-conditioning. Without air-conditioning, it will be very hot. If it is very hot, you will feel irritable. If you are irritable, you will have a bad liver. If you have a bad liver, you will be short-lived.

To sum up, no generator = short life.

"System! Sign in."

"Congratulations on getting the small integrated power station."

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