
"No reason."

Tang Xiaochuan was behind Mu Xi, listening to the awkward conversation between him and Maca, he felt that he could use his toes to dig out a four-bedroom and one living room on the beach.

However, despite the embarrassment, Tang Xiaochuan still had to endure it.

Just now, Benbunboerba and the others have sent back a message. The two of them have dug through a hole and are now enlarging the damaged area.

As for Maca at the bow, he suddenly felt a little weird. Although he and Muxi didn't see eye to eye before, they had never been so antagonistic again.

But now, Mu Xi made it clear that he was looking for trouble again, and it was obvious to prevent him from landing on the island, and why Mu Xi suddenly stood with the stranger.

But why?Maca couldn't figure it out.

At this time, Maca was not talking, he was thinking about why.At this moment, he suddenly felt a very rhythmic vibration coming from under his boat.

"Huh? Why do I suddenly have a bad feeling?" Maca reacted instantly, and he immediately asked the warrior behind him to look inside the cabin.

But after a while, the warrior ran back in a panic.

"It's not good, someone is chiseling our ship!" The warrior said in horror.

Maca frowned when he heard what the warrior said, then took out his stone axe, and jumped into the sea. He wanted to see who it was that dared to smash his boat.

Seeing Maca jumping into the sea, Mu Xi suddenly showed a smile on his face.

"I wasted so much saliva, I finally have to pay back." Mu Xi was very happy, he was finally able to see Maca's ugly face.

After Maca jumped into the sea, he found that there were really two black shadows under the bottom of his boat, which were constantly smashing into his boat.

Seeing this scene, Maca was furious and swam towards the shadow.

Chapter 78 Headhammer from Benbo Erba

As soon as Maca swam within 10 meters of Benboerba, a trace of joy appeared on Benboerba's face.

He belongs to the murlocs. Although he is no match for humans on the road, this is his home field in the sea.

With a powerful fish tail, with a slight swing, he rushed towards Maca.

Accelerated by the powerful tail, Ben Boerba's speed has reached a very fast speed.Before Maca could react, he used his big head to hit Maca's lungs.

Maka's chest hurt and his lungs were hit hard. He couldn't help opening his mouth wide, and then spit out all the air in his lungs.

And until now, he didn't know who was attacking him, he only knew that the speed of the other party was very fast.

Maca, who had been hit by a headbutt, was a little panicked now, and he wanted to surface to take a breather.Moreover, this unknown creature made him panic.

However, just as he was about to float up, he felt his legs being pulled.

He looked down and saw a creature with a huge fish head hugging his leg.

What was even more frightening was that the fish head seemed to be still smiling at him.

Although Maca was the number one warrior of the Stream Tribe, when had he seen such a strange scene.

In an overly panicked situation, he once again pushed out what little oxygen was left in his lungs.He doesn't have many scruples now, he just wants to be able to surface.

After all, the lack of oxygen in his lungs made him really uncomfortable.

He had just dragged Baboerba to go upstream, but the rushing Benboerba had already turned his head, and once rushed towards Maca.

Maca's eyes widened, he wanted to hide, but Rabo'erben hugged him tightly.

So, Maca, who couldn't dodge, was once again hit by Ben Boerba with the head hammer.

However, this time, Ben Boerba bumped into Maca's face.

Maca, who could not avoid it, was hit in the face by Ben Boerba, and under the double blow of lack of oxygen and heavy blows, he passed out directly.

Seeing the fainted Maka, Babo'erben let go of the thighs he was holding, and gave Benbo'erba high-fives to celebrate.

Unrestrained, Maca floated face down to the surface of the water.

At this time, the indigenous warriors who were still on the boat were dumbfounded when they saw Maca floating up.

It took less than a minute from Maca jumping into the water to Maca being stunned and surfacing.

This frightened the native warriors who came to stay on the boat.The dignified No. 1 warrior was stunned within a minute of entering the water, and his life and death were unknown.

This made them feel that there must be some monsters under the water.

But now, what made it difficult for them to decide was whether Maca should be saved or not?If you want to save, how should you save?Also, what should people like themselves do?Are you waiting in place, or are you going to run away?

If you choose to run away, can you run?

All these issues need to be resolved as soon as possible.

But now, their leader has rushed to the street, lying directly in the water.

Just when the warriors on board were still hesitating whether to save them or not.Benbo Erba and the others are not idle.

One person and two axes were fiercely outputting toward the bottom of the boat, but after just half a minute, the breach in the bottom of the boat had changed from the size of a bowl to the current size of half a meter.

The sinking speed of the wooden boat can be seen with the naked eye.

The natives on the boat panicked. At this moment, they wanted to run, but they couldn't.

In order not to sink to the bottom with the wooden boat, they had no choice but to jump from the boat to the bottom of the sea, but as soon as they entered the sea, they were attacked by Benboerba and their head hammers.

In 1 minute, the remaining nine natives fell into a coma.

Afterwards, Ben Boerba and the two of them began to push people to the shore.

Looking at the aborigines lying face down in the sea, Tang Xiaochuan waved his hand and said to the stubborn stone behind them, "Go, pull them up."

"Okay, master." Stone and the others nodded happily and ran towards the beach.

This is, Ben Boerba and the others also emerged from the sea, and then ran towards Tang Xiaochuan with three steps.

"Master, these natives are all settled!" Ben Boerba said to Tang Xiaochuan flatteringly.

Tang Xiaochuan looked at the expressions of Ben Bo Erba and the others, and he knew that it was Ben Bo Erba and the others who came to seek credit from him.

"Understood, I will cook grilled fish for you in a while."

"Thank you master, you are so kind, Ben Bo Erba is willing to follow the master forever." When Ben Bo Erba heard that Tang Xiaochuan was going to cash in the reward, he flattered Tang Xiaochuan as if he didn't want money, and boasted fiercely to Tang Xiaochuan.

And Yu Min behind Tang Xiaochuan was dumbfounded.

Originally thought that the opponent had ten indigenous warriors, so this time it would be a tough battle.

But I didn't expect that Maca and the others would rush to the street without even touching a stone on the island. This surprised Yu Minda, but at the same time, he also felt that it was the right choice for him to join Tang Xiaochuan's camp. thing.

He doesn't expect anything else now, he just wants to be able to see his wife alive.And joining Tang Xiaochuan's island is tantamount to greatly increasing this hope.

At this time, Yu Min looked at Tang Xiaochuan's back, and there was a trace of awe and expectation in his eyes.

But Tang Xiaochuan didn't know, he was just thinking about how he should deal with Maca.

From the conversation just now, he can already hear that Muxi seems to have a big prejudice against Maca.

He didn't want his island to be divided into factions so early on.

As the saying goes, if a superior wants to perfectly control his subordinates, he needs to support two or more factions and compete with each other.

Only the more intense their competition is, the better Tang Xiaochuan can control them as the superior.

However, that competition should not be at this time. The current island belongs to the initial stage. Competition at this time will easily lead to waste of resources.

Therefore, Tang Xiaochuan is now considering whether to subdue Maca.

"Muxi, come here." Tang Xiaochuan held onto Muxi and waved to him.

When Mu Xi heard that Tang Xiaochuan was looking for him, he immediately ran to Tang Xiaochuan's side.

"Master." Mu Xi saluted Tang Xiaochuan.

"Muxi, what do you think of Maca?" Tang Xiaochuan asked directly.

When Mu Xi heard Tang Xiaochuan's words, he was taken aback for a moment, and then he reacted.

Muxi and the others are natives with little knowledge, but it doesn't mean they are all fools. He can understand a lot from Tang Xiaochuan's question.

Among these meanings, the most important one is that Tang Xiaochuan is considering whether to keep Maca alive.

If it is still the Xiliu tribe now, if Muxi has the opportunity, he would definitely want to kill Maca, after all, Maca is a strong contender for the next generation of patriarchs.

But now that he has taken refuge in Tang Xiaochuan, he no longer thinks about his own tribe. He knows very well what Tang Xiaochuan lacks now. What Tang Xiaochuan lacks most now is population.

Therefore, Muxi smiled slightly, and said to Tang Xiaochuan, "Master, Maca is the number one warrior of the tribe. I think if he is alive, he can provide more help to the master."

Chapter 79 Island Stones Can Fusion

Mu Xi's words showed his attitude.

Tang Xiaochuan also understood, and he nodded very satisfied.

Indeed, what Tang Xiaochuan lacks most now is population. If Maca can be recovered, then there are 22 indigenous people he can control now.

With the joining of these people, Tang Xiaochuan felt that his island would definitely be able to achieve better development.

"Well, since you said that, then I understand." Tang Xiaochuan nodded, and then said to Muxi, "From now on, you and the stubborn stone will be the leaders of other tribes."

"Don't worry, as long as you follow me well, I will guarantee that your tribe will prosper."

"Thank you, Master!" Mu Xi firmly believed in Tang Xiaochuan's words.

After all, even if he was in the tribe, he was not able to eat meat to his full like now.

What is the biggest problem in the development of a tribe?Isn't it just food?

You know, these indigenous people don't know how to plant, and their food source is hunting and gathering wild fruits.

Fortunately, collecting wild fruits is not a big threat, but hunting will be different at that time.

Every year in the tribe, there are always many tribesmen who die because of hunting.

But now, they only need to work for Tang Xiaochuan and work hard to develop the island, and they will be able to obtain endless food, only fools will betray Tang Xiaochuan.

Moreover, through this day, Muxi communicated with Wanshi and the others, and has already discovered that Tang Xiaochuan and the others seem to have some kind of magical power, as long as they continue to build and develop the island.

They can live a better life and get food more easily, so he now pays more attention to the development of the island than Tang Xiaochuan.

As for the conflict between him and Maca, to put it bluntly, it is a problem of the heirs of the tribe, but now that they have all taken refuge in Tang Xiaochuan, then this problem is no longer a problem.

Tang Xiaochuan nodded when he heard Mu Xi's words. Since Mu Xi didn't object to his subduing Maca, there was no need for him to refuse.

He directly took out a contract card that he had redeemed earlier from his system space, and used it directly at Maca who was still spitting water.

The same puff of black smoke rushed towards Maca.

The Stones and the others are not surprised by this, after all, they have seen this kind of scene a lot, and they don't feel the slightest.

But those natives who followed Maca didn't know it. Seeing a puff of black smoke rushing towards Maca, they naturally regarded Tang Xiaochuan as a figure like the high priest, and backed away in fright.

However, they were all choked by the sea water, and all their limbs were weak, how could they move?

After twisting one by one for a long time, they were all still spinning in place.

The black smoke from the contract card penetrated directly into Maca's body without any hindrance. Tang Xiaochuan felt that he had directly successfully established a connection with Maca.

He nodded in satisfaction, and then said to Mu Xi, "You appease your clansmen, then prepare some food for them, and go to rest."

"Early tomorrow morning, you and the stubborn stone will lead them to work first."

"Oh, by the way, we still need to send people to watch the night." Tang Xiaochuan said to Muxi.

"Okay, master." Mu Xi nodded, and then prepared to appease the frightened clansmen.

Tang Xiaochuan, on the other hand, waved to Zhang Zhi and Yu Min, and walked towards the apartment.

Zhang Zhi and Yu Min exchanged glances and followed.

Soon, the three of Tang Xiaochuan came to the door of the apartment.

He knocked on the door, and Ma Yin immediately opened the door from the inside.

"Xiao Chuan, did you settle the matter so quickly?" Ma Yin looked at the three of them and asked.

"Yes, it's resolved." Tang Xiaochuan nodded.

"You are too fast." Ma Yin said in surprise.

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