First of all, this time the natives still appeared fifty kilometers away.

Again, there was only one boat and ten people.

How similar is this situation to when Zhang Zhita went to the island?

Or, it cannot be said to be similar, it is the same as the copied one, the only difference is that it appears in a different direction.

This feeling is the same as the game, when doing missions, the story of passing the level must appear.

Tang Xiaochuan felt a little unreal, but it happened to appear again.

However, since the natives have already attacked, they have to defend themselves.

Thinking of this, Tang Xiaochuan stood up and knocked on the bedroom door directly.

Zhang Zhi heard Tang Xiaochuan knock on the door, and opened the door directly.

"What's wrong?" Zhang Zhi asked suspiciously.

"There is something that needs to be resolved. Yu Min and Ma Yin contacted me just now, saying that they encountered aboriginal people." Tang Xiaochuan said to Zhang Zhi.

"What, native?" Zhang Zhi was also shocked.

Tang Xiaochuan nodded when he heard Zhang Zhi's words.

"Where is it?" Zhang Zhi also became serious.

"The same is 50 kilometers away, a boat, about 10 people." Tang Xiaochuan said what he knew.

When Zhang Zhi heard Tang Xiaochuan's words, he suddenly showed a strange expression.

"Such a coincidence?" Zhang Zhi asked suspiciously.

"It might not be a matter of coincidence." Tang Xiaochuan sighed, and then said to Zhang Zhi.

"Huh? Isn't it a coincidence? What do you mean?" Zhang Zhi seemed to have guessed it, and he looked at Tang Xiaochuan in shock.

"Don't you think this is very similar to the plot in the game?" Tang Xiaochuan looked at Zhang Zhi and said.

"It's quite similar." Zhang Zhi nodded, and then fell into silence, but after a while, a hint of surprise appeared on his face.

"Xiaochuan, I suddenly thought of a possibility!" Zhang Zhi looked at Tang Xiaochuan and said.

"What is possible?"

"You said, although this is the same as a game, when someone approaches the island, a group of indigenous people will appear."

"However, these natives can't be conjured out of thin air." Zhang Zhi looked at Tang Xiaochuan with some excitement.

"Huh?" Tang Xiaochuan was stunned when he heard Zhang Zhi's words.

"Yeah! Why didn't I think of it. This native appeared on the route of Ma Yin and the others to the island. It can be said that someone is operating all of this behind the scenes. But people can't be transformed out of thin air!" Tang Xiaochuan thought to himself.

"You mean, these aborigines are likely to come from a tribe?" Tang Xiaochuan looked at Zhang Zhi and asked.

"It's very possible! Didn't you say it before? You are near here, and you encountered two attacks from the natives, both from the stream tribe."

"If the indigenous attack this time comes from the Stream Tribe, it means that there is only one tribe near your island."

"As for a tribe, no matter how powerful it is, its total population has an upper limit."

"This group of natives sent their heads one by one. In the end, it is very likely that the tribe will be underpopulated. All the combat power will be captured by us."

"At that time, won't that tribe pose no threat to you? You can also lose one enemy." Zhang Zhi analyzed to Tang Xiaochuan.

"No, it's not just that! If I can really confirm that they are from the Xiliu tribe, I won't let them go so easily." Tang Xiaochuan shook his head and said.

"Huh? What do you mean?" This time it was Zhang Zhi's turn to be a little confused.

"Muxi and the others told me before that when their tribe was the strongest, there were only 200 people. Now some people have been sent out, and there are only 120 people in the tribe."

"And half of the 120 people are old and weak tribesmen. That is to say, in their tribe, there are only 60 people in combat power now."

"If! If we capture all the tribesmen who were sent out from their tribe, then our combat power will surpass that of the stream tribe."

"At that time, we might not have the opportunity to counterattack a wave of their tribes." Tang Xiaochuan said with a fierce look in his eyes.

"Huh? You want to counterattack the Xiliu tribe?" Zhang Zhi was a little surprised.

"Yes! Counterattack and go back!" Tang Xiaochuan nodded, and then said, "I have never been a person who likes to be beaten passively. Since this stream tribe has been harassing me, then be prepared to be counterattacked by me."

"However, Xiaochuan, I have to remind you that it might not be good for you to use people from the Xiliu tribe to attack the Xiliu tribe." Zhang Zhi reminded Tang Xiaochuan.

Tang Xiaochuan was dumbfounded when he heard Zhang Zhi's words.

He kept thinking about how to counterattack back, but he forgot the most important point, the main support he wanted to counterattack back was the people from the Xiliu tribe who had been captured by him.

Without the constraints of the contract card, Tang Xiaochuan was not sure that these people would raise their weapons against the former clansmen.

You must know that both parties are familiar and acquainted people, even father and son, brothers.

You want them to fight for you?What about trouble?Even the patriarch's order doesn't work.

The biggest possibility is that as soon as your side landed on the island, this group of people raised their weapons and looked at you.

Unless, you can sign a contract card with everyone.

But in this way, it all came back again. If I can sign a contract with everyone, can I not sign it?

It was because there were not enough contract cards that they turned to the method of using the leader to control other people.

"Could it be that this plan to attack the Xiliu tribe is stillborn?" Tang Xiaochuan felt as if he had eaten a dead fly.

"Huh? Wait!" Tang Xiaochuan suddenly thought of something.

Since the contract card in the material box can't achieve such an effect, it doesn't mean that I have no other way!

I also have a sign-in system!If you can get something awesome by signing in in the past few days, wouldn't that be all right?

At this time, Tang Xiaochuan put all his hopes on the system.Coincidentally, the number of check-ins today is useless.

Chapter 75 Psychic Control Tower

"System, sign in!" Tang Xiaochuan said silently in his heart.

"Congratulations on getting the special item: Mind Control Tower."

"Are you still worried about the loyalty of the islanders? Are you still worried that the islanders will resist your will?"

"Then, you need a mind control tower. No matter how big your island is, as long as you have a control tower, you can perfectly control the residents on the island."

"Note: Please don't confuse this tower with some kind of evil weapon. This control tower can only imperceptibly increase the loyalty of the residents on the island. If the owner can't treat the island residents well, the role of the control tower will be greatly weakened. .”

"Note: The loyalty of residents on the island can be monitored additionally."

"I'll go! It's going to explode!" Tang Xiaochuan exclaimed in his heart.

When Tang Xiaochuan saw the control tower for the first time, he thought of the signature weapon of a certain faction in a certain game.

That kind of weapon, no matter what kind of arms you are, as long as you dare to enter his range, you will be controlled.

That kind of instant brainwashing, without the control of personal thoughts, and the controlled person is like a marionette.

However, looking at the controller, it seems that it is not that powerful. It can only subtly modify the loyalty of the residents on the island.However, this controller also has its irreplaceable benefits, that is, it can allow people to maintain their own thoughts.

As for these people, if they can't be treated kindly, they will rebel, but Tang Xiaochuan feels that he can do it.

After all, I didn't intend to squeeze them desperately, I just needed them to be my labor force, not mindless slaves.

"It seems that this tower must be built as soon as possible." Tang Xiaochuan secretly decided.

"Well, what you said makes sense, but I have a solution." Tang Xiaochuan recovered, looked at Zhang Zhi and said.

"You have a solution?" Zhang Zhi was a little dazed when he heard Tang Xiaochuan's words.

"Yes." Tang Xiaochuan nodded, and then said, "You don't have to worry about this matter. The most important thing now is to inform everyone to prepare, and then guard against the coming natives."

"I now seriously suspect that not only Ma Yin and the others had natives when they came, but Shen Qian and Mr. Fang will also be attacked by the natives when they go to the island."

"Well, I see. I'll go and make arrangements now." Zhang Zhi also knew that the matter was urgent, so he nodded and turned back, ready to appease Wenwen.

But Tang Xiaochuan turned his head directly and walked out of the apartment. He needed to let the stone and the others prepare.

As for the tactics, Tang Xiaochuan felt that there was no need to change them, and just follow yesterday's method.

Just block the invading natives on the sea, let Ben Boer beat them, scuttle the boat, and then catch the other natives ashore.

When Tang Xiaochuan came out, he happened to see Yanshi and the others, gathered around the pergola, preparing to grill fish.

When Yanshi and the others saw Tang Xiaochuan approaching, they stood up one after another.

"Master." Obstinate Stone looked at Tang Xiaochuan and saluted.

"Get ready, there may be an enemy attack in a while." Tang Xiaochuan looked at the stubborn stone and said to him.

"Enemy?" The stubborn stone was startled when he heard Tang Xiaochuan's words.

Tang Xiaochuan saw the nervousness of the stubborn stone, he patted the stubborn stone on the shoulder, and said, "Don't worry so much."

"This time, there are still only a dozen or so people from the other party. So this time, let's just follow the method of last time."

"Understood, master." The stubborn stone nodded.

"Then you guys prepare first, I'll deal with other things." After finishing speaking, Tang Xiaochuan walked towards the hill behind his apartment.

Soon, he went directly to the top of the mountain, and then directly took out the mind controller from the system space, and placed it on the top of the mountain.

A white light flashed, and an iron tower about 3 meters appeared in front of his eyes.

The whole iron tower is shaped like a needle, but in the second and third sections of the main pole, there is an extra "L" shaped iron pole.

Of these two irons, one rotates counterclockwise and the other clockwise around the main rod.

"This is the Mind Control Tower? It's exactly the same as the one in the game." Tang Xiaochuan sighed.

At this time, he suddenly saw a small screen on the base of the control tower.He walked over immediately.

I saw that on the screen, the outline of the entire island was shown, and then there were a dozen or so green dots, which were constantly flashing.

Tang Xiaochuan clicked on one of the dots, and immediately a new window appeared on the screen, and this green dot represented the stubborn stone.

"Name: Stubborn Stone"

"Sex: Male"

"Loyalty: 100 (die loyal)"

"Sure enough." Tang Xiaochuan sighed. This mind control tower really controls the loyalty of residents, and can only see such simple information.

However, the stubborn stones and the others were all loyalists who had used the contract card by themselves.I can't see any difference, so I can only look at those who didn't use the contract card.

Tang Xiaochuan ordered another casually, and found that this person was someone who had never used a contract card.

"Name: Songshi"

"Sex: Male"

"Loyalty: 68"

"Name: Jumu"

"Sex: Male"

"Loyalty: 62"

Tang Xiaochuan quickly shared everyone's information and found that the loyalty of the group of people who went to the island yesterday was between 60 and 70.

Although this kind of loyalty is not high, it is not low either.

At least there is no danger of betrayal, and, how long have they joined the island?It's only a day if it's full.

Tang Xiaochuan is now full of confidence in this mind controller. He believes that this controller, sooner or later, will be able to raise the loyalty of the island residents to a very high level.

However, the fly in the ointment is that Tang Xiaochuan also found a flaw, that is, although the control tower can monitor Zhang Zhi, there is an extra sentence in his information.

"Name: Zhang Zhi"

"Sex: Male"

"Loyalty: 85 (not affected by Mind Control Tower, Loyalty Improvement)"

Tang Xiaochuan looked at the sentence and fell into thinking.In his understanding, the mind control tower can monitor Zhang Zhi, but it gives a reminder that his loyalty is not affected by the control tower.

That is to say, no matter how long Zhang Zhi lives on the island, his loyalty will not exist inexplicably because of the existence of the control tower.

But this does not mean that Zhang Zhi's loyalty will not reach full value.

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