When Tang Xiaochuan came to the pier, all four of them saluted Tang Xiaochuan, and Tang Xiaochuan waved indifferently.

"Master, this boat suddenly appeared here." Stubborn Stone looked at Tang Xiaochuan and said.

"Well, I know. I made this one." Tang Xiaochuan nodded, and then looked at the airship.

This airship is 12 meters long and has two upper and lower floors. The overall shape is streamlined and the appearance is very beautiful.

Although Tang Xiaochuan didn't know how much such a beautiful boat could sell for in reality, he knew that this boat should be the best at present.

After all, after all, this ship is an S-rank.It can withstand attacks of S-level and below, and its speed has reached 800 kilometers.

This speed cannot be achieved in reality, because the material in reality cannot reach such strength.

I have to say that this ship is very beautiful. Tang Xiaochuan thought it was very good when he saw the ship for the first time.

At least, those supplies are worth the money.

"It seems that in the future, you can consider going out for fun by boat, which is not bad." Tang Xiaochuan touched his chin and thought to himself.

I heard before that rich people like to buy yachts, and then ask their sisters to go to the waves.

Although I used to be a dick and couldn't afford it, but now I have it.Moreover, if this ship is brought back to reality, it will definitely blow up all the yachts.

"Stubborn stone, you two go up with me to have a look." Tang Xiaochuan thought for a while, but decided to go up and try the boat first.

"Good master." Wanshi and Heitu nodded, followed Tang Xiaochuan, and stepped onto the yacht.

When Tang Xiaochuan just stepped on the yacht, he was stunned by the interior decoration of the yacht.

Although from the outside, this yacht is full of technology, but after entering the interior, it is even more full of technology.

The floor is nanmu, sofa, refrigerator, and wine cabinet. Although there is no wine in the wine cabinet, it is full.

What surprised Tang Xiaochuan the most was that the ship had no rudder, only a huge electronic projection board, just like the electronic board in science fiction movies.

"How does this ship operate?" Tang Xiaochuan was a little puzzled, he still wanted to take the stubborn stones and the others to surf the surrounding waters.

It turned out there was no rudder, and no start button.

However, just as Tang Xiaochuan finished speaking, an electronically synthesized female voice suddenly came to mind.

"Welcome Master, what do you need?"

"I'm going, is this an intelligent AI?" Tang Xiaochuan shouted in surprise when he heard this electronically synthesized voice. Although he had never seen an intelligent AI before, he had heard of it.

However, Tang Xiaochuan had heard of it, but the two of them had never heard of it.

The two of them only knew that there were only three of them here, but at this moment, the voice of a fourth person suddenly appeared, and they were startled.

However, in the next second, the two of them quickly sandwiched Tang Xiaochuan in the middle, and looked around vigilantly, fearing that a person would suddenly appear and threaten Tang Xiaochuan.

It was impossible for Tang Xiaochuan to say that he was not moved by the act of sandwiching the two of them to protect him.

However, the one talking is just an AI. Do you two need to be so nervous?

"Go away, go away, don't make a fuss." Tang Xiaochuan pushed away the stubborn rock and black soil, and walked out from behind the two of them, before continuing, "This thing won't hurt me."

"Oh." After hearing Tang Xiaochuan's words, Wanshi and Heitu retreated.

"Are you the control system of this ship?" Tang Xiaochuan asked.

"Yes, master. The Flying Fish is looking forward to serving the master." The intelligent AI replied.

"Oh, is this ship called Flying Fish?" Tang Xiaochuan asked suspiciously.

"Yes, if the owner doesn't like it, you can change the name."

"No need, just call it this, I will call you Xiao Feifei from now on." Tang Xiaochuan shook his head and said.

"Okay, master, Xiao Feifei will serve you wholeheartedly. May I ask the master what you need?" Xiao Feifei replied.

"Can you run two laps? I want to try." Tang Xiaochuan asked.

"Yes, but please get on the chair first, master, and fasten your seat belt."

As he said that, a few chairs suddenly rose up from under the wooden floor in the driver's cab, which was originally empty.

Tang Xiaochuan first signaled to Yanshi and the others to sit down, and then taught them to fasten their seat belts, before he sat in his seat.

Maybe it's because it was the first time they came into contact with such a thing, and the two of them were a little unnatural, but they still did it honestly according to Tang Xiaochuan's words.

However, just as Tang Xiaochuan sat down, he saw Ben Bo Erba and Ba Bo Er Ben walking onto the deck unsteadily.

"Master, master, we also want to take a boat!" Ben Boerba shouted to Tang Xiaochuan as he walked.

"What are you two doing here!" Tang Xiaochuan looked at the two of them, Ben Boerba, who were all wet and dripping water continuously.

What's even more weird is that this Ben Boerba got some seaweed from nowhere, and then made a hat-like thing and put it on his big head.

There is still a lump of meat in his hand, which is still dripping water.

The originally clean and tidy deck was immediately dirty by the two of them.

"My boat!" Tang Xiaochuan wailed when he saw the two of them like this.

Such a beautiful boat was actually made dirty by the two of them.

Ben Boerba and the other two were at a loss when they heard Tang Xiaochuan's words. They stood between the deck and the cabin, neither advancing nor retreating.

"Do you two want to take a boat?" Tang Xiaochuan looked at the two angrily.

Upon hearing Tang Xiaochuan's question, Benbo Erba and Babo Erben nodded quickly.

"Okay! Satisfy you." As he spoke, a sneer appeared on the corner of Tang Xiaochuan's mouth.

"Little Feifei, close the door! Let's go! Let's go 400 kilometers first!"

"Yes, master." Xiao Feifei immediately carried out Tang Xiaochuan's order, and a glass door rose immediately, isolating the deck and the interior of the cabin.

Then, Tang Xiaochuan felt that the ship began to vibrate slightly, and then a huge pushing back came, and Tang Xiaochuan was firmly pressed on the seat.

Tang Xiaochuan couldn't look back to see what the two of them were like, but he didn't think it would be very good.

However, the most uncomfortable should be the two of them, Ben Boerba.

At this time, due to the huge inertia, the two of them were firmly pressed against the glass door, and their faces were deformed.

Seeing the frightened expressions of Ben Boerba and Baboerben, Tang Xiaochuan immediately became happy, this was the result he wanted.

"Let the two of you yell at my boat!" Tang Xiaochuan knew from the very beginning that this would be the effect, so he let Xiao Feifei close the door and start the boat without giving Ben Boer and them a chance.

However, Tang Xiaochuan is still conscientious, he didn't let Xiao Feifei directly increase the speed to 800 kilometers per hour, and if he suddenly accelerated to that speed, he would be blown to pieces.

And 400 kilometers, just enough to make them uncomfortable, but not fatal.

"Xiao Feifei, stop urgently!" Tang Xiaochuan had just finished giving the order when he saw Ben Bo Erba and Ba Bo Erben flying out of the glass door.

Chapter 53 Small Group Formation

Half an hour later, Tang Xiaochuan looked at the Flying Fish not far away with a displeased face.

"Hurry up! We don't finish work today, we can't eat!" Tang Xiaochuan shouted loudly to Feiyu.

"Yes yes yes! Master!" Ben Boerba and Babo Erben knelt on the deck and wiped the deck hard.

They wanted to cry at this moment, but they couldn't cry.

How could there be such a vicious master in the world!Obviously the two of us were injured just now!And now we have to mop the deck.

At this time, the two of them, Ben Boerba, regretted getting on the boat.

Tang Xiaochuan, on the other hand, had a sinister smile on his face.

Just now, in order to punish Ben Boerba and the others, Tang Xiaochuan directly asked Xiao Feifei to close the door and sail.

The huge inertia made the two of them experience the feeling of a trapeze.

First, it was pressed firmly against the glass, and then it was thrown out again.

Then they passed out, and when they woke up again, they found that the two of them had returned to the shore.

When Tang Xiaochuan saw the two of them wake up, he threw them a rag and asked them to wipe the deck.

Originally, Erba, who had experienced flying in the air once, was unwilling to board the boat, but Tang Xiaochuan directly threatened the two of them, if they didn't board the boat, they would fly again, and there was no food.

Under Tang Xiaochuan's threats, they could only endure silently, climbed back to the yacht, and began to wipe the deck.

And Tang Xiaochuan acted as the supervisor, and the stubborn stone started preparing dinner behind Tang Xiaochuan's back.

"Master, the fish is ready." Not long after, the stubborn stone took a grilled fish and handed it to Tang Xiaochuan.

Tang Xiaochuan took the grilled fish, took a bite, and thought it was pretty good.

The outside is charred and the inside is tender, tender and juicy.

Not far away, Benboerba and Baboerben raised their heads immediately when they heard that the fish was ready, and looked at Tang Xiaochuan. They were waiting for Tang Xiaochuan to say that the meal was ready.

"What are you looking at! Can't finish work, can't eat!" Tang Xiaochuan knew what they were thinking when he saw Ben Boerba and the others turn their heads.So he immediately scolded.

Actually, it's not that Tang Xiaochuan deliberately made things difficult for them, but to let them know what rules are.

Although the two of them are aboriginals, the tribe before them also has the concept of superiors and inferiors.

As for Ben Boerba and the others, they came from the Sea Clan, and they didn't have such a concept at all.In other words, the concept is very weak.

That's why Tang Xiaochuan needs to teach them what rules are.

Another point is that Benboerba and the two of them are from the sea tribe, and they are very curious about some human things.

Take this yacht for example, if they consult Tang Xiaochuan first, he doesn't care.He is not petty either.

However, neither of them asked any questions, they went directly to the boat, and then asked Tang Xiaochuan.This made him unhappy.

This time it's a boat, there's no danger, so what if it's a huge danger next time?Did the two of them try first before asking?

For example, if Tang Xiaochuan got the plane this time, wouldn't he have to wait for the two of them to try?What if it falls from the sky?

Therefore, Tang Xiaochuan is teaching them that there are some things that must be asked first after he, the master, is called a rule.

This is Tang Xiaochuan, who kept telling himself in his heart that it was for their own good.

As for whether this is really the case, maybe only Tang Xiaochuan knows.

After eating a grilled fish, Tang Xiaochuan stood up slowly, and said to the stubborn stone, "You supervise them, you must clean the Feiyu for me before eating."

"Okay, master." The stubborn stone replied immediately.

After Tang Xiaochuan finished speaking, he took five grilled fish again and walked towards his apartment.

He had had his supper, but the others hadn't.

After Tang Xiaochuan distributed the fish, he was ready to tell everyone that he had obtained the boat.

Tang Xiaochuan pulled Ma Yin and the others into a group chat, and said, "Are you all there? I have something to say."

"Yes." Ma Yin replied, although they were wondering why Tang Xiaochuan suddenly joined a group, but she still didn't ask.

"I'm here." Fang Long replied.

"Boss, what's the matter?" The rural guy also replied.

"You say." This is the super dad.

"I'm here too." The old fisherman also said a word.

"Since everyone is here, I'll say it directly."

"First of all, our own small team is officially established today. Everyone must have guessed it before, so let's meet today."

"Sister Ma Yin, my roommate, is currently the only woman in our team."

"Fang Long, an academician of the Academy of Agricultural Sciences, a flower grower, so I don't need to introduce more."

"Rural boy, Mr. Fang's student, by the way, what's your real name?" Tang Xiaochuan asked suddenly when he introduced the rural boy.

"Uh... Boss, my name is Shen Qian." said the village boy.

"Huh? Save money?"

"Boss, it's Shen Qian, not saving money." Shen Qian said with a shameful expression.

"Yes, save money. That's right." Tang Xiaochuan touched his head and said with some doubts.

"Um. Well, boss, as long as you're happy." Shen Qian heard that Tang Xiaochuan was teasing him, so he didn't want to defend himself.

"Okay, let's get down to business." Tang Xiaochuan also smiled.

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