"I'll go, there are so many, when will it be open?" Tang Xiaochuan was a little numb.

However, there is no way, Tang Xiaochuan can only open the supply box in pain and happiness.

"Materials obtained: metal sheet x 2, bread x 1, cornerstone x 1"

"Materials obtained: pure water x 1, wood x 3."


"Materials obtained: Forage seeds (S grade) x 2."

"Materials obtained: land improvement card x 1, cornerstone x 1."

"Materials obtained: chip manufacturing blueprint × 1. Wheat seeds × 10"


"Obtain supplies: cowshed (level A) x 1, wood x 3."

"Materials obtained: rubber tree seedling × 1. Item upgrade card × 1."

"Materials obtained: purified water x 1, hop seedlings x 2."

"Materials obtained: Grapes (Grade B) x 1."


After two hours, Tang Xiaochuan finally opened all the supply boxes.

At this time, Tang Xiaochuan's heart was excited.

He didn't expect that just this wave of material boxes would open up all kinds of materials by himself.

For the basic wood alone, he obtained 587 units, 297 foundation stones, 156 bottles of purified water, 283 pieces of bread, and 1273 pieces of metal pieces.

Although, Tang Xiaochuan exchanged much less of these supplies from other survivors.

But the substance is secondary, mainly those drawings.

He produced more than 20 kinds of these drawings.Among them, there are four or five that are valuable.

This is not counting newly acquired plant seeds and seedlings.

These are the things that can continuously improve one's own strength.

The most important thing is that he got the chip blueprint he wanted most at this stage.With this thing, the remote locator can be put on the agenda.

Tang Xiaochuan touched the sweat on his forehead and walked towards his apartment.

When he returned to the apartment, he immediately took out the land improvement card from the system space.

This time, he got 28 improvement cards, which meant that Tang Xiaochuan had an extra 28 square meters of land that could be used for planting.

Tang Xiaochuan directly took the improvement card and chose to use it. Suddenly, the west part of the island flashed white, and the beach became soil that could be planted.

Then Tang Xiaochuan took out two more upgrade cards, and he was thinking about what he wanted to upgrade.

For Tang Xiaochuan, what can be upgraded now is the A-level water purifier and the sea salt maker, as well as the apartment he lives in, the generator and the water supply system.

Others, for Tang Xiaochuan, there is no need to upgrade yet.

Looking at the hot sunshine outside, Tang Xiaochuan thought about it carefully, and felt that according to the current environment, it is best to upgrade the water purifier and sea salt maker.

First of all, Tang Xiaochuan upgraded the water purifier because the current water purifier is already A-level. If it is upgraded to S-level, it can bring better development to himself.

At least improve your physique, definitely faster than now.

As for the salt maker, Tang Xiaochuan was planning to wait until the hottest weather before earning a wave of supplies from other survivors.

With the current speed of the salt making machine, there is no way to supply it. Tang Xiaochuan can only find ways to increase the output.

Don't say that Tang Xiaochuan has a dark heart. In this world, Tang Xiaochuan can only take the lead in ensuring his own development in order to help others as much as possible.

Or, to put it another way.

If Tang Xiaochuan didn't exchange the salt water for the supplies in the hands of other survivors, then these survivors who lacked salt water and were waiting for the salt water to save their lives would have to wait for death.

And Tang Xiaochuan is willing to open the salt water exchange for supplies, which is tantamount to indirectly killing them.

You know, the worst thing in the world is that people are dead, but the supplies are still there.

People are still there, and hope is still there.

Don't tell Tang Xiaochuan, why can't it be provided to other survivors for free.

Regarding this, Tang Xiaochuan just wanted to ask, would you supply it for free?

In such an environment, being a Virgin is often the first to die.

At that time, someone will tell you, why do other people have it, but you don't?No, you must give it to me!

There are not many such people in reality.Therefore, the best way is to set conditions, if you have something, you will exchange it, and if you don’t have it, you will see you again.

After making up his mind, Tang Xiaochuan directly used the upgrade card.

The attributes of the S-class water purifier have been greatly improved. First, the original 10 liters of water per day has now become 50 liters per day.

Moreover, these waters are all S grade pure water.Later, Tang Xiaochuan upgraded the salt maker.

After doing all this, Tang Xiaochuan went back to his reclining chair.

In the system space, he focused on the chip manufacturing drawings in his hand.

"Chip manufacturing blueprint: Allows you to make chips, which can be used to make some special equipment. Need metal sheet x 1, plastic x 1."

"Huh? I don't need a lot of supplies." Tang Xiaochuan thought about it and chose to use it directly.

With a flash of white light, several extra chips appeared in Tang Xiaochuan's hand.

Later, Tang Xiaochuan used chips to build the locator.

Tang Xiaochuan looked at the locator that was only the size of a computer, and he was deeply suspicious. Can this thing really locate it?

Moreover, what is the working principle of this, how can it be possible to perform long-distance positioning without even a radar?

Although he couldn't figure it out, Tang Xiaochuan was still going to try the effect.

He contacted Ma Yin directly.

"What's wrong, Xiaochuan?" Ma Yin was a little surprised. At this time, shouldn't Tang Xiaochuan be sleeping?Why would you choose to contact yourself at this time.

"Sister Ma Yin, I got a good item here and want to try the effect."

"What?" Ma Yin asked strangely.

Chapter 44 S-Class Ships

"Locator." Tang Xiaochuan said lightly.

"What? Locator!" Ma Yin shouted in surprise when she heard Tang Xiaochuan's words.

"En." Tang Xiaochuan nodded, and then continued, "This thing was given to me by another friend."

"Another friend? Male or female?" Ma Yin asked nervously.

"Male." Tang Xiaochuan rubbed his forehead and said, "No, your focus is wrong!"

"What's wrong? Don't I care about you?" Ma Yin answered with some embarrassment when she heard Tang Xiaochuan's words.

"Caring about me?" Tang Xiaochuan was confused.

"Yes, I just care about you." Ma Yin appraised her nod, and then said, "I am your sister, so I care about you, shouldn't I?"

"Should, should." When Tang Xiaochuan heard what Ma Yin said, he could only follow him.

"Okay, let's get down to business. How do you try?" Ma Yin asked.

When Tang Xiaochuan heard Ma Yin's words, he didn't say anything else. He directly traded the positioning chip in the locator to Ma Yin.

"You can hold this thing, I'll see the effect." Tang Xiaochuan said, and then turned on the locator.

Suddenly, there was a new green dot on the screen that originally had only one green dot.

It's just the distance between these two points, which made Tang Xiaochuan feel a little help.

He saw that the straight-line distance between the two points given by the locator had exceeded 5000 kilometers.

"Sister Ma Yin, do you know how far is the distance between you and me?" Tang Xiaochuan asked helplessly.

"How much?" Ma Yin also asked eagerly.

"5894 kilometers." Tang Xiaochuan said with a wry smile.

"What! 5894 kilometers!" Ma Yin was also dumbfounded.

She is not stupid, and she is also very clear about what these 5000 kilometers represent in this world.

This is almost a natural moat that cannot be crossed.

Tang Xiaochuan also has some worries. Although he now has a boat, that boat can only move forward at most 20 kilometers per hour.

The 5894 kilometers required him to sail around the clock for about 12 days.And it can only be reached under the premise of not getting lost.

It takes 25 days, nearly a month, to go back and forth.

Moreover, it is simply impossible to not get lost or be in danger on the vast sea.

Even if Tang Xiaochuan has a locator in his hand.

After going out for a month, the entire island doesn't have to think about development.

"What to do, Xiao Chuan, the distance is too far." Ma Yin also knew that she was also a little worried.

"It's okay, I'll think of a way." Tang Xiaochuan could only comfort Ma Yin.

"En." Ma Yin nodded and stopped talking.

"Okay, I'll go and see if there are any boats that can sail fast in the hands of other survivors." Tang Xiaochuan thought for a while, then hung up the communication.

After hanging up the communication, Tang Xiaochuan directly contacted Zeng Zeng.

"What's the matter, Ye Shen?" Zeng Jin used to answer Tang Xiaochuan's communications in seconds.

"Ask for me, does your survival group have ships that can sail fast." Tang Xiaochuan asked directly.

"Huh? Ye Shen, what do you want the boat for?" Zeng Zeng was a little stunned when he heard Tang Xiaochuan's words.

"I am useful, and the price includes your satisfaction."

"Okay." Once heard that Tang Xiaochuan was unwilling to say it, and he didn't force it.

After all, if Tang Xiaochuan was offended by a small matter, it would be more harm than good for him.

Soon, Zeng Zeng sent a reply to Tang Xiaochuan.

"Ye Shen, I just asked. There is a member of our survival team. He has a boat with a speed of 30 kilometers per hour. Is this okay?" Zeng Zeng asked.

"Thirty kilometers?" Tang Xiaochuan smiled wryly when he heard what he had said.

Thirty kilometers is not much different from twenty kilometers.This is far from what Tang Xiaochuan expected.

What he wants, at least more than 100 kilometers.

"Is there no faster one?" Tang Xiaochuan asked.

"Not anymore." Zeng Zeng shook his head.

At this point in time, who would pay attention to the ship? Now everyone is thinking about how to develop their own islands.

"Okay, keep this for me first, and I'll go to the market to have a look. If there is no suitable one, I will take this boat." Tang Xiaochuan said to Zeng.

"Okay." Zeng Zeng nodded.

After all, this matter is just a matter of one sentence.

Tang Xiaochuan hung up the communication, switched directly to the trading market, and then hung up the purchase of ships or ship construction blueprints.

Later, Tang Xiaochuan switched to the public screen, and said directly on the public screen, "Buy ships or build blueprints at a high price."

"No way, no way! Boss Night Breeze has appeared again."

"Master Night Breeze, do you still need a thigh pendant?"

"Master Night Breeze, I want to give birth to a monkey for you!"

"No, wait, didn't you pay attention to what Big Brother Night Breeze said? He wants to buy ships!"

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