"Material box: what can be opened, it all depends on the face!"

When Tang Xiaochuan saw this introduction, the corners of his mouth twitched immediately.Then pray to yourself, don't be too dark today.

"Materials obtained: cornerstone x 1, bread 120g, purified water 100ml."

The moment Tang Xiaochuan opened the supply box, the system directly prompted.

"There is water and food!" Tang Xiaochuan was overjoyed when he saw the water and bread coming out of the supply box.

At this time, he was so hungry that his chest was pressed against his back. He quickly opened the bag of bread and stuffed the bread into his mouth with a few mouthfuls.

Then he gulped down the water again.

Satisfied, Tang Xiaochuan lay down next to Daoshi.

"Is there any big brother who rewards you with saliva, I'm dying of thirst!"

"Mom, I don't want to stay here anymore, I want to go home!"

Tang Xiaochuan sat down on the edge of the island rock after eating and drinking, watching the survivors chatting on the public screen.

He knows too little about this world now, and he wants to know something about this world from other survivors.

After only watching for a few minutes, Tang Xiaochuan discovered a few things.

First, this sign-in system is only owned by him, and no one else has it.

Second, everyone is still in a state of severe lack of food and water.

Third, the materials in this world can be traded.

After figuring out these three things, Tang Xiaochuan couldn't help but feel a little lucky.

I got the sign-in system, and I got bug-like props such as automatic fishing nets when I signed in for the first time. This is destined to develop better than others.

If I hadn't obtained this automatic fishing net, I'm afraid I would be like those people now, asking for alms everywhere.

Just when Tang Xiaochuan was feeling emotional, the automatic fishing net on the shore rang again.

Tang Xiaochuan immediately stood up and walked towards the shore.

"There is another supply box!" Tang Xiaochuan looked at a supply box placed next to the fishing net, and he walked over to pat the automatic fishing net very satisfied.

"Brother, it's up to you what you can eat on this island in the future. You have to work hard for your brother."

After finishing speaking, Tang Xiaochuan opened the supply box directly.

"Materials obtained: Apple (Grade A) x 2, soil (Grade A) x 1."

"Huh? There are apples? That's good! I didn't feel full from that piece of bread just now." Tang Xiaochuan looked at the apples and suddenly smiled.

"Just what does this grade A mean? Is it also a grade?" Tang Xiaochuan was a little puzzled, what does this apple with grade A mean.

So, Tang Xiaochuan immediately used the system to check the two apples.

"Apple (Grade A): An apple a day keeps the doctor away. Friendly reminder, eating more fruits is good for your physical and mental health. Especially apples with grades, you can't forget them once you eat them."

"Note: There is a chance to get apple seeds."

"What the hell? Where did the introduction of the Secondary School come from!" Tang Xiaochuan looked at the incomparable system introduction of the Secondary School, and he suddenly felt that the person who created this system was definitely not a serious person.

However, Tang Xiaochuan also noticed that although the system was in the second grade, it also told Tang Xiaochuan very clearly to let him eat the apple.

"I don't know, what's the difference between this fruit with letters and the fruit without letters."

Thinking about it, Tang Xiaochuan took a bite of the apple.

Apple entrance, only sweet.

The sweet and sour apple juice filled Tang Xiaochuan's mouth the first bite he took.

That feeling is unstoppable.What surprised Tang Xiaochuan even more was that he now felt a mass of warmth in his belly, and this warmth was still swimming towards his limbs.

He suddenly felt that he was full of strength now!

After just a few bites, Tang Xiaochuan ate the whole apple into his stomach.

"Could it be that this is what the system says is good for the body and mind? How do I feel that after eating this apple, my strength is as great as those who exercise regularly? Could it be that this food with grades can change people's physique?"

Just as Tang Xiaochuan was thinking, the fruit core in his hand flashed, and then turned into several seeds.

Although the transformation of a fruit core into a seed is bizarre, he has encountered even weirder group time travels, so he still cares about it?

Tang Xiaochuan looked at the seeds in his hand calmly, and murmured, "Is this the probability that the system introduced just now?"

"I just ate an apple and got the seeds. The probability is a bit high."

But having seeds is also a good thing. The taste of the apple just now really made Tang Xiaochuan linger.

With seeds, I will have a steady stream of apples in the future.

"Apple seeds (grade A), planted in the soil, after a while, you will be able to have a steady stream of apples."

"Note: The seed grade is A grade, please don't plant the seeds under A grade soil, otherwise you won't be able to produce A grade apples."

"Well, do you think it's a coincidence? I happen to have A-level soil." Tang Xiaochuan looked at the introduction with a smug expression on his face. He felt that today is his lucky day.

You can do whatever you want.

"Soil (Grade A), after use, you can get a cubic meter of soil, which can be used for planting. Young man, go and be a happy farmer."

"Note 1: If the soil is not placed in a special container, it will degrade slowly."

"Note 2: Planting crops below the soil level will slowly degrade."

Tang Xiaochuan: "Huh? What do you mean? The soil grade will drop?"

Tang Xiaochuan didn't know what the rules were. Seeds planted in soil lower than his own level would be downgraded, and crops in soil lower than his own level would be downgraded. This made it clear what kind of land Tang Xiaochuan wanted to plant. thing?

Although he didn't understand, Tang Xiaochuan decided to follow suit, because it seems that although the system is two, at least it hasn't tricked him yet.

Chapter 3 Is this going to cost me my life to plant an apple?

However, just as Tang Xiaochuan was about to take out A and the soil, the system prompted again.

"Attention, there is no suitable object to place the soil here. If you place the soil directly on the saline-alkali land, the soil level will be reduced by five times."

Having seen this prompt, Tang Xiaochuan was dumbfounded.

He looked around his small island, except for a stone and a tree, there was only that one island rock that could not be destroyed.

"My mother! This makes me plant apples with my life!" Tang Xiaochuan scolded directly.

This made it difficult for him. He put the soil directly on the beach. The system said that the level would be reduced five times faster, but he didn't even have a pot in his hand, which made him risk his life.

"This island stone can be used to build things, so can we build things that can hold soil?" Tang Xiaochuan suddenly saw the island stone and remembered the system's description of the island stone.

He placed his hand on the island stone, and the familiar interface appeared again.

He took a closer look at the interface, and found a building button on the lower right button of the island stone interface.

Tang Xiaochuan tried to click, and then the interface in front of him changed.

The entire page turned into a table style, which read: construction, production, weapons, and the other four categories.

Tang Xiaochuan thought for a while, and clicked directly on the production category, and then the page turned into a list of various tools, ranging from small hoes and scissors to large combine harvesters.

Tang Xiaochuan was dumbfounded.

"There are so many things, I have to find out when to go." Tang Xiaochuan said to himself.

Then, he discovered that this list has a search function, so he directly clicked on the search box, entered "planting", and then clicked to confirm.

"Wood basin: A basin made of wood, which can be used for planting or bathing, which is convenient and affordable. Applicable level: below S level, requires wood × 50."

"Flower garden: A beautiful island needs to be supported by flowers. You can scatter flower seeds into the flower garden to make the flowers bloom all over your island. Note: Planting crops will reduce production capacity by half. Applicable grade: Grade A, requires wood × 30, linen x 20"

"Advanced Cultivation Garden: An intelligent planting base built with the latest technology. It is very convenient. You only need to bury the seeds in it, and leave the rest to the cultivation garden. Applicable to: SS grade, requires wood × 200, metal sheet × 100, plastic x 300, glass x 100."

Tang Xiaochuan was dumbfounded when he looked at the materials needed by the Advanced Training Park.

With so many materials, even if you sell me now, it’s not enough.

Now Tang Xiaochuan, not to mention the lowest 30 lumber for making flower gardens, he doesn't even have a piece of lumber.

Moreover, although the flower garden needs less wood, he still needs linen, and the overall materials needed are not less than those for making wooden basins.In addition to making a flower garden and then using it to grow apples, according to the above introduction, the production capacity is only half.

Tang Xiaochuan, who was already scarce in resources, directly passed the flower garden.

I can't get enough to eat, so where do I get the mood to plant flowers?

What Tang Xiaochuan wanted to build was the natural cultivation garden, but there were not enough resources, so Tang Xiaochuan thought about it, and finally began to look at the most suitable wooden basin at present.

However, even if Tang Xiaochuan decided to use wooden pots to grow apples, he didn't have wood in hand.

"Why don't I go to the public screen to see it too?" Tang Xiaochuan thought about it, and decided to go to the public screen to see it first.

When Tang Xiaochuan just switched the interface back to the public screen, he saw the survivors on the public screen, chatting with you and me.

"Didn't a brother prepare to go into the sea before? Has he come back?"

"I'm afraid I won't be able to come back. I see that there are sharks near the supply box, so I can't go down at all."

"Hahaha, let me just say it. There is a free lunch in this world. I told him not to go into the sea. He insisted on going. Now it's all right. It's the ration of the fish in the sea."

"Upstairs, can you accumulate some virtue in your mouth? You know how to make sarcastic remarks?"

"What? Why don't you tell me if you're going to die?"

"Two big brothers, stop arguing. The younger brother just wants to know, can we wait for the waves to push the material box to the shore before fishing?"

"Are you thinking fart? That thing will only float further and further away. The supply box that was very close to me before has now floated 100 meters away!"

Tang Xiaochuan looked at the scrolling chat records on the public screen, and he probably figured out that someone risked his life by jumping directly into the sea to get the supply box.

In the sea, there are sharks guarding the supply box.

Tang Xiaochuan sighed, he felt that the buddy who jumped into the sea was probably cold.

Thinking about it, Tang Xiaochuan couldn't help but rejoice at his good luck. When others were still desperately trying to get the material box, he had already realized the automatic retrieval.

Moreover, this fishing net can not only catch material boxes, but also catch fish. Basically, he is not worried about food, but worried about drinking.

On the public screen, the two parties spat at each other, and the neutral person looked dumbfounded, and a survivor spoke on the public screen.

"I wipe, I'm back!"

"Boss 666, did you really push the supply box back?"

"Push me! There are two sea snakes next to the supply box! There is no way to get close!"

"Then what should I do? Why do I feel that there are dangerous creatures guarding every supply box?"

"very hungry!"

"I'm so thirsty!"

"I have another idea, who of you is willing to trade the fishing net to me? According to my years of game experience, two broken fishing nets should be able to form a complete fishing net. In this way, after I finish fishing, I will trade it back for free! Trustworthy Just chat in private."

Tang Xiaochuan was surprised when he saw this message. He only knew that fishing nets could be synthesized through a system prompt.

And this person, relying on his own game experience, guessed it.

Tang Xiaochuan silently glanced at this person's ID, a snake player.

When Tang Xiaochuan saw this name, he knew that it was not a real person's name, but had the same nature as an online name.To speak on the public screen, you need to enter a nickname.

This led to the appearance of various names on the public screen.

Speaking of which, although Tang Xiaochuan knew that what the snake player said was true, not many people on the public screen believed him.

After all, everyone does not know each other, this fishing net is related to their own survival, no one will easily trade it to others, even though it is just a broken fishing net.

"Haha! I fixed a supply box, let me open it to see what's in it." A person whose ID is Wild Wolf said on the public screen.

After a while, the wild wolf spoke here: "Great! There is 500ml of water and 120g of bread in it."

"Boss, can I have a sip of water? I'm dying of thirst."

"Little brother, can you give me a bite of bread, I am yours tonight. If you give me a bottle of water, don't treat me like a human tonight."

"Don't even think about food and water. You should see if there is anything around you that can make a box for collecting supplies. Otherwise, go to the island and dig a hole and die." Wild Wolf on the public screen Like reprimanding juniors, reprimand other people.

"There are only trees and stones on my island. Even if I want to make tools, I must have tools first! Do you use fingernails to buckle?"

"Upstairs, the ones that can be buckled with fingers, I know two kinds, one is the nose, and the other is that."

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