"what news?"

"Today's blood moon will not be peaceful at night. It is very likely that we will attack the city with monsters like those in the game."

"I'm giving this news to you for free. As for how you use it, it depends on your own choice." Tang Xiaochuan said to Zeng Zeng.

When I once heard Tang Xiaochuan's words, I immediately became serious.

"Ye Shen, thank you very much for this news. If this news is true, then you will be a distinguished guest of our vowed survival team in the future! We will definitely repay you in the future."

"Let's not talk about this for now. My side is the blood moon. Let's talk about it if we can get through it safely."

"Ye Shen, I don't know if I can help you casually, but if you need anything, please feel free to contact me."

"Well, I will." Tang Xiaochuan nodded and hung up the communication.

He didn't ask Zeng Zeng how he planned to use the news.Now that he has been told the news, how to use it is his business.

If he is smart, he can use this news to gain a lot of reputation among other survivors, which will bring huge benefits to the future development of their survival team.

After Tang Xiaochuan hung up the communication, he directly traded the purchased Nepalese saber and leather armor to the super dad.

Chapter 33 Small Early Warning Radar

"You need to use these things first, and if there is anything missing, just tell me." Tang Xiaochuan said to the super dad.

"Remember, you must put your own safety first." Tang Xiaochuan finally urged.

When the super dad heard Tang Xiaochuan's words, he suddenly showed a wry smile.

What does it mean to focus on your own safety?Didn't you tell me about the danger?

If it is really dangerous, how can I put my own safety first?I am on a small island now, even if I want to run, I still need a place to run.

However, the super dad didn't say much, he just silently ended the weapon that Tang Xiaochuan traded.

When the heavy Nepalese army knife is held in the hand, the heavy touch makes the super dad feel at ease a lot.

After Tang Xiaochuan hung up the communication, he quickly ran out of the apartment with Heizi.

Until now, he hadn't seen a blood moon.

As soon as he stepped out of the apartment, he saw the blood red moon in the sky.The moon emitted a strange light, turning the whole earth into a strange light red.

"Is this the blood moon?" Tang Xiaochuan looked at the blood moon and murmured, and then he didn't care about the blood moon.

He quickly ran to the back of the apartment and climbed up the hill behind the apartment on all hands and feet.

As the hillside is small, but it is indeed the highest altitude on the entire island, after Tang Xiaochuan climbed up the hillside, his vision suddenly widened a lot.

It was already midnight at this time, and the surroundings were pitch black, only the waves on the sea surface reflected the red moonlight.

"I'll go, I can't see anything here!" Tang Xiaochuan complained.

Although the moon was very big, round and bright at this time, he still couldn't see things in the distance clearly.

Visibility is at most a hundred meters.If there is really something close to his small island, he probably won't find out until he sets foot on the small island.

In this way, it is completely a situation of waiting to die.

Tang Xiaochuan looked at Heizi lying next to him. Although the dog is a good dog, you can't expect Heizi to jump into the sea to scout.

What's more, Tang Xiaochuan couldn't bear to let Heizi spy on him after finally having a dog.

"It would be great if there was something to warn in advance." Tang Xiaochuan murmured.

"By the way! Don't I have a sign-in system?" Tang Xiaochuan had just finished speaking when he suddenly thought that he still had a sign-in system.

He looked at the time on the system and found that it was already 23:50.

"There are still 10 minutes." Tang Xiaochuan looked at the time and decided to sign in after 0 o'clock in a while.

If I can sign something early warning at that time, I don't have to keep staring here.

10 minutes passed quickly.

When the time came, Tang Xiaochuan immediately chose to sign in.

"Successful sign-in, congratulations for obtaining: Small Radar."

"A small radar that can detect the surrounding space within 30 kilometers after deployment. It can automatically set the alarm and is specially designed for survivors."

"Good stuff!" Tang Xiaochuan waved his fist excitedly.

With my own luck, I really have nothing to say, I can do whatever I want.

I was just talking about an early warning device, and here came a small radar.

Moreover, this radar is specially designed for survivors. That is to say, it is absolutely impossible for this radar to detect metal objects like the real radar.

It is very likely that this thing can detect all things that can move.

Tang Xiaochuan couldn't wait to take out the small radar.

"Do you want to install a small radar?" Tang Xiaochuan decisively chose to install it.

But Tang Xiaochuan needs to think about the place where he is placed.

Although I don't know what principle this radar uses, but since it is called radar, its working principle should also be electromagnetic waves.

If the place where the radar is placed is relatively short and there are things blocking it, Tang Xiaochuan is worried that the detection effect will not be very good.

That being the case, Tang Xiaochuan directly put the radar on the top of the hill under his feet.

A flash of white light flashed, and Tang Xiaochuan saw a cube with a height of only 70 centimeters appearing in front of his eyes.

And there is really a small radar that keeps rotating on the top of the cube.

When Tang Xiaochuan took out the radar, the alarm sounded suddenly in his mind.

"Alert! Creatures found approaching the island."

"Alert! Creatures found approaching the island."

Tang Xiaochuan was startled. He thought the enemy was approaching the island, so he immediately opened the radar page.

As a result, he saw a whole area of ​​red dots appear on the radar screen.

At that scale, except for the position where Tang Xiaochuan is located is a green dot, the entire screen is red.

Tang Xiaochuan was startled, but immediately realized that this was absolutely impossible to be an enemy. If it was really an enemy, then the other party would have already attacked the island.

Tang Xiaochuan took a decisive look at the settings of the radar. As expected, all options were checked by default on this radar, including the material box and sea fish.

Tang Xiaochuan immediately removed all the options, and the alarm sound in his head stopped immediately.

"It's amazing! It can even detect sea fish." Although Tang Xiaochuan was taken aback just now, he had to sigh the power of this radar.

Tang Xiaochuan took a closer look at the detection options, and found that one of them was hostile creatures, neutral creatures, and friendly creatures.

Tang Xiaochuan didn't know how the system radar, the hostile creature, was divided from the neutral creature, but he still chose to use them.

When Tang Xiaochuan just checked it, he found that two small green dots and a few yellow dots suddenly appeared on the screen.

Tang Xiaochuan cleared the two extra small green spots, which should be stubborn stones and black soil.

But what is that yellow dot?

Tang Xiaochuan looked along the yellow dot displayed on the radar screen, and just in time he saw a jet of water rushing out into the sea.

"Could this be a whale?" Tang Xiaochuan looked at the water column several meters high, and thought with some doubts.

In such a sea, such a high water column can be ejected. Tang Xiaochuan felt that he couldn't think of anything other than whales.

Although it is not clear whether the sea is a whale or not, Tang Xiaochuan can be sure that this small radar is indeed very useful.

Moreover, I no longer have to stand on the top of the hill to blow the cool breeze.

After Tang Xiaochuan dealt with it, he immediately jumped down the hill, and then walked towards the stone and the others.

Now that I have radar to help me watch, what I have to do is to arm the stubborn stone and black soil.

He took out two iron guns and two sets of leather armor from the apartment, and then shouted at the stubborn stone and black soil guarding the river in the middle.

The stubborn stone and black soil immediately ran to Tang Xiaochuan's side.

"Master." Wanshi and Heitu bowed to Tang Xiaochuan.

"Okay, there is no need for so many etiquette." Tang Xiaochuan waved his hand, and then distributed the iron gun and leather armor in his hand to the two of them.

Chapter 34 A group of old acquaintances

"Take these equipment, you two first." After speaking, Tang Xiaochuan handed over two iron guns and two pairs of leather armor.

The two stubborn stones looked at the iron gun and leather armor Tang Xiaochuan handed over, and tears glistened in their eyes.

When have they been so cared about?In the past, in the tribe, it would be nice to give you a stone spear.

As for the armor, it is something that even the patriarch does not have.

The two stubborn stones suddenly felt that since they landed on this island, they have been working every day.But he ate well and slept well.

Now there are sea fish every day, and I can eat some bread from time to time, and I live in exquisite log cabins.

Stubborn Stone and the others suddenly felt that this small island was a paradise.

At the same time, they also made up their minds to guard their master well.

Even if you sacrifice your life for it.

These are the inner thoughts of the two of them, Tang Xiaochuan doesn't know.

It's not that Tang Xiaochuan doesn't care about the possible night attack of monsters tonight.

The main reason is that after experiencing the initial panic, Tang Xiaochuan suddenly thought of one thing, that is, there must be a reason why people like himself came to this world inexplicably.

Since there is a reason, the people behind this scene absolutely don't want people like themselves to die too quickly.Therefore, whether it is materials, weather, or the current Blood Moon, it is all gradual.

If the other party really wants to kill people like himself, there is no need to be so troublesome.

As long as you break the supply box or suddenly give you an extreme weather, a large number of people can die.

Judging from the current situation, although the supplies from the supply box are uncertain, the food can indeed make a person barely survive.

The weather is also the same. The heavy rain before and the gradually hotter weather all show that the people behind this scene are deliberately controlling it.

That being the case, it is impossible for the monsters that can appear during the first blood moon in this world to be so powerful.

However, this also reminded Tang Xiaochuan that in this world, survivors not only have to face the dangers brought by other survivors, but also the danger of insufficient survival supplies.

There is also the possibility to face other monsters.

Therefore, after tonight is over, Tang Xiaochuan will find a way to strengthen the defense of his island.

"Alarm! A hostile creature is found approaching!"

"Alarm! A hostile creature is found approaching!"

Several intrusion alarms suddenly sounded in Tang Xiaochuan's mind.He immediately frowned.

"Standard! You and Heitu are guarding outside my room! The three of us don't disperse!" Tang Xiaochuan immediately said to the stubborn stone and Heitu.

"Master, did you feel those things coming?" Obstinate Stone asked Tang Xiaochuan immediately after seeing Tang Xiaochuan's expression.

Tang Xiaochuan didn't speak, just nodded.

Then Tang Xiaochuan ran towards his apartment.

He didn't want to hide back to the apartment, he just wanted to go to the radar to check that the other party was coming from that direction.

The stubborn stone and the black earth looked at each other, and immediately followed.

Soon, the two of them came to Tang Xiaochuan's apartment, found a place with a wide view, and squatted down.

Tang Xiaochuan quickly climbed to the top of the hill and came to the front of the radar.

He saw seven or eight red dots constantly flashing on the radar screen, approaching rapidly.

"So fast?" Tang Xiaochuan was taken aback when he saw the red dot approaching quickly.

This speed has exceeded the speed of 120km/h.Almost like flying on water.

For a creature with such a speed, it seems that the opponent should be an aquatic creature.

Since it is an aquatic creature, he can only hope that the opponent's land combat strength is not strong.

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