For Ye Feng's question, Deng Fei already had the answer. Deng Fei didn't know what the patriarch would test for the school, but the development of the sect in the human world would definitely be a must for the patriarch, so he already had a draft.

"Father, I Qingfengguan did not expand the territory of the mountain gate until my disciples ascended, and still occupy the northern land for development. Although there are many disciples in the sect, and all of them are elites, in the face of the torture and cruel methods of the masters from generation to generation There have been no disciples who dare to corrupt the family style, so the reputation is getting higher and higher, even though the period between apprentices is getting longer and the selection of disciples is getting stricter, but the number of people participating in the selection is also increasing."

"Now the master of my Qingfeng Temple is still Zhang Lingfu, a disciple of the Lingzi generation, the patriarch Huiyan, who gave Lingfu a kung fu at the beginning, Lingfu did not live up to the expectations of the patriarch, and the time to achieve Yuanshen was even earlier than many genius disciples of the Xuanzi generation , now that he is the master of the temple, no one is dissatisfied, and Lingfu's swordsmanship is really superb. Before his apprentice Sun Feisheng, he was almost invincible in the world, because this world is very good except for a few monsters."

"Besides, with Lingfu's entry, I'm afraid there will not be much time before ascension."

Not only that, Deng Fei also prepared a big news at the end, "Patriarch, the master Lin Xuanfeng found a small world by chance a few years ago, the master got a lot of opportunities in it, and he has already ascended to the upper world early. The elders in the temple have already known after many verifications. The reason why each faction can have immortals living in the world is because of this small world. The small world discovered by the temple master solved the embarrassment of my temple. , Now I think there are resident angels in the human world, and the security risks are greatly reduced."

Ye Feng was also a little surprised when he heard the words. Ye Feng had noticed the reason why those big factions could have immortals living in the world, but he was still puzzled. He really knew the answer after he came to the world of immortals. Now he doesn't want to be his disciple who discovered it first. the secret.

Chapter 186 Shuangcha Ridge (Three in One Subscription)

Ye Feng nodded, "Xuan Fei, what are your plans in the future, will you stay in the Heavenly Court to help me take care of the affairs, or return to the Immortal Realm to help Mingsheng develop Qingfengguan?"

Without the imagined school exam, Deng Fei breathed a sigh of relief, but facing the choice given by Ye Feng, Deng Fei was also a little hesitant. Speaking of which, he has not been in the fairy world for too long. The situation is not fully understood, and I really don't know how to choose between these two options.

"But according to the arrangement of the patriarch!"

At the critical moment, Deng Fei was smarter. The leader asked you what you think. You really have your own ideas. Of course, you have to obey the arrangement of the leader.

Ye Feng also shook his head when he heard the words. He was really asking Deng Fei what he thought. After all, he was his own grandson. He still took good care of others, but seeing that he had no idea, it would be fine to arrange for him himself.

The development of Qingfengguan in the world of the earth still needs to be led by one person. With Mingsheng's temperament, this job is really not easy for him to do, but now Deng Fei is just right, and he has been in the world for a long time. Things that are seen are not born by hand.

"Then you should be the master of Qingfengguan. After tomorrow, you will stay in the heaven to help me take care of things. The things of Qingfengguan in the earth fairy world still need to be taken care of by one person. Your cultivation level is enough, which is just right. "

The pie in the sky just hit me like this?That's right, this is Deng Fei's expression now. He came up to the heaven to be the master of the temple directly. Before he came to the heaven, he didn't even dare to think about it. Now he has just eaten this big pie.

As a disciple of Qingfeng Temple, whoever doesn't want to be the master of Qingfeng Temple, he is no exception.

Stealing a glance at Ye Feng, Deng Fei wanted to be humble after all, "Patriarch, the apprentice and grandson are still inexperienced, so it would be too abrupt to become the master of the temple all of a sudden?"

But Ye Feng smiled, "Stop making troubles, it's up to you, and I will give you Lingbao Mitian Sword and Mitian Pocket to develop the view of Qingfeng well, but don't do anything recklessly to damage my reputation as the patriarch."

Now Ye Feng is wearing the innate spiritual treasures, but the original spiritual treasures are no longer needed. The Mitian sword and Mitian pocket were seized from the Lijiang Dragon God when he was in the human world. It happened that what Deng Fei comprehended was also killing. According to the law, these two spirit treasures are also used together.

Seeing that Ye Feng was sincerely cultivating him, Deng Fei immediately stopped refusing, bowed his head and said, "Thank you for cultivating him, Patriarch, rest assured, Xuan Fei will live up to the high expectations of Patriarch."

In fact, it doesn't matter whether you have high hopes or not. Ye Feng is also very resigned to the development of Qingfengguan. It is best if he can grow, and it doesn't matter if he can't. With him, Qingfengguan will not be wiped out, and the inheritance will be broken.

"Okay, you can go there in a while. I will ask Bailu to deploy another batch of spiritual objects for you. It is important to develop the view of the breeze, but don't let your own cultivation be left behind."

Deng Fei was even more grateful when he heard the words. It has to be said that Ye has become more and more proficient in calming his mind.

After dismissing Deng Fei, the ghosts also returned to the northern camp to continue to develop the ghost clan. Ye Feng took care of some things in the hall, but left another Dharma Protector and asked Ming Sheng to assist him in handling the things in the hall, and then went down to the realm alone.

Nearly 400 years have passed since the monkey was crushed on the Five Elements Mountain. On this day, Ye Feng came to Nanfang Buzhou through the clouds and fog.

At this time, in Nanfang Buzhou, the human race was scattered in every corner of the entire Buzhou, and the number of people was more than trillions. At this time, after the three emperors and five emperors ruled the world, the human race had gone through slavery and entered the ruling stage of the feudal dynasty. Thousands, small countries are even more innumerable.

At this time, a large country in the eastern part of Nanbuzhou had just been established, named the Sui Dynasty, and the person who called the emperor was the founding emperor of the Sui Dynasty, Emperor Wen of the Sui Dynasty, Yang Jian.

This is the first time Ye Feng has come to the human dynasty in Nanbuzhou. Looking at this country that seems to have appeared in the history of the previous life, Ye Feng is also full of emotion.

"Brother Tian, ​​have you heard? Your Majesty is going to cut taxes again. This is the third time in these years. Your Majesty is really a person who loves the people. With such great grace from the emperor, we, the common people, are blessed." .”

Daxing City was the imperial capital of the Sui Dynasty. Walking on the road, Ye Feng could hear the people's praises for Sui Wen Emperor Yang Jian from time to time. Thinking about his virtues, he was indeed a good emperor who did practical things.

"King Jin doesn't know if it will go well or not when he goes to fight Nanchen. It's better for the world to be unified. Otherwise, if you hit me today, I'll hit you tomorrow, and it's us ordinary people who will suffer."


Along the way, Ye Feng heard many people talking freely, which shows that the Sui Dynasty couldn't help but speak freely.

People's thoughts are unified, no wonder the luck of the Sui Dynasty was so prosperous.

Ye Feng didn't stay in this imperial capital for too long, and he didn't feel it before, but now that he is used to holy places like the Heavenly Court, it is very uncomfortable to enter this crowded place.

Human beings are the leader of all spirits, with the strongest desires, seven emotions and six desires, and the air of the world of mortals covers the entire Nanbubu Continent like a swamp. If an immortal falls into it, it will be like falling into a quagmire, sinking deeper and deeper. If you can't get out early , I am afraid that it is impossible to escape the ending of being buried in the mud.

It is said that the world of mortals is hundreds of feet, but looking at it now, it is far more than a hundred feet. With Ye Feng's cultivation state of mind, he will be a little bit distracted after staying for a long time, no wonder those gods in the lower realm will break the precept.

Leaving the Great Sui Dynasty, Ye Feng headed west all the way, but came to a place called Shuangcha Ridge.

Ye Feng didn't come here by chance, since he decided to gain some merit and good luck for himself in this journey to the West, he was naturally prepared, and the encounter with the Bone Demon was an inspiration for him.

This Journey to the West, although Jiujiu81 is rarely the dark hand of gods and gods, but it is not without exception, there are not a few demons and ghosts without background.

And in Shuangcha Ridge, there are several such monsters without backstage.

In the original work of the previous life, after saying goodbye to Tang Taizong Li Shimin, Tang Seng took two entourages to the West to learn scriptures.This road is destined to be full of disasters. The first suffering when I first came out of Chang'an was General Yin, Xiong Shanjun, and special officer encountered in Shuangchaling.

General Yin is a tiger spirit, Mr. Xiongshan is a bear spirit, and Special Officer is a bison spirit. The three monsters ate two of Tang Seng's followers in front of them.

These three monsters were not of high level, did not participate in the Monster Clan Conference, and did not even receive the common document that eating Tang Monk's meat would give them immortality, so they let Tang Monk go in vain.

After the three monsters had eaten and drank enough, they dispersed. Taibai Jinxing turned into an old man and rescued Tang Seng.These three monsters were lucky and were not killed.

Whether the level is high or not does not matter to Ye Feng. Even if the level of General Yin, Xiong Shanjun, and Special Officer is not high, it is the first difficulty among the ninety-nine and eighty-one difficulties. Since ancient times, this number one, luck will not Little too much, um, you see which monsters without backers along the way can be safe and sound in the end, I'm afraid these three are the only ones.

Shuangcha Ridge also has a bad reputation in this area of ​​the world. After all, in this area of ​​no-regards, even poor bandits have to make a detour, so how can ordinary people want to live here to give tooth sacrifices to monsters that come out to hunt from time to time.

Now a Taoist priest suddenly appeared and entered Shuangcha Ridge, which is quite new, and many monsters came to him after smelling it, such as this mouse monster who has no eyesight.

Not long after Ye Feng stepped into Shuangcha Ridge, a mouse demon with a mouse head on it and extremely short poked suddenly appeared behind the tree, looking at Ye Feng covetously, the corner of his mouth was still drooling.

Regardless of his drooling ugliness, the mouse murmured sinisterly, as if fascinated, as if reminiscing.

"Grandpa said that human beings are the most delicious food in the world. Their meat is delicious, and they are born with Hua Tianbao, which can enhance the origin of the monster race. It's a pity that my cultivation base is still low, and I dare not go to the human race territory to catch them. A few came to enjoy it, and now I am lucky enough to meet one on the outskirts of Shuangcha Ridge, it is really grandpa’s blessing and pity for future generations."

Smelling the charming fragrance from Ye Feng's body, the mouse monster finally couldn't bear it any longer, and suddenly shrank into the ground, only to see a trace of hiding on the ground flashed, and the mouse monster had already appeared behind Ye Feng .

Rats are greedy and timid, even if they are only facing an unarmed human being, they choose to attack with sharp claws. Although the rat monster has only a human immortal cultivation level, its sharp claws are also very sharp. If you go down, your brains will burst and you will die on the spot. Ordinary people are afraid that they will be close to death.

From here, it can be seen that this rat demon is not only cowardly and greedy, but also very spicy. It is obvious that he is not prepared to eat living human flesh, but is rushing to swallow it again and again.

"Hey, hey, stop, stop, little mouse, what are you doing, you almost ruined the delicacy in the world, is this how you eat human flesh?"

A tiger suddenly appeared, uttered human words, and stopped the mouse demon, but its coercion made the little mouse tremble with fright.

"Yin, General Yin!"

The tiger approached the mouse monster a few steps, and slapped it away, "It's good to know your grandpa's reputation. Grandpa is in a good mood today, and he can still get such delicious food when he goes out to take a nap. It's not bad."

After hearing the tiger's words, the mouse demon became very anxious. This is to snatch the food from the rat's mouth. How can this be possible? He immediately wanted to say, "General Yin, you", at this point, the tiger had already looked over, and the mouse demon reacted Come here, this person is the king of Shuangcha Ridge, how could I have the guts to dare to resist, so I hurriedly braked, "You have a good eye, the little demon is about to capture this Taoist priest and send it to the king. , the King of Laos did it himself, the little demon is guilty."

The tiger licked its paws, the rat meat was the most unpalatable, looking at the dwarf mouse demon, he had some disgust in his eyes, "Okay, okay, grandpa is here, you can go, so as not to be an eyesore here, grandpa still wants to Go back and prepare this Taoist well. This time, should I steam it or braise it in brown sauce, or braise it in brown sauce, because braised sauce is delicious."

A gust of evil wind blew by, and the tiger had already left with the Taoist priest.

In a cave, a tiger suddenly appeared.

"My lord, my lord is back, my lord is back."

The little demon in the cave watched the tiger demon come back, cheered, and surrounded him. The tiger demon also changed his body, leaving only the tiger head, but his lower body turned into a human form. Facing the younger brothers who came around, the tiger demon put down the Taoist priest. "I was lucky today. I caught a Taoist priest. You guys took good care of him. Let's burn him in soy sauce tonight for a tooth-making sacrifice."

"Okay, okay... Your Majesty is mighty..."

A group of little demons looked at the Taoist curiously, their eyes were blazing. Most of these little demons have never seen human beings, let alone ate them. Today, the king wants to eat people. Can they drink the soup and talk about their bones? It is also beautiful.

The Taoist priest was taken down by a group of little demons. The tiger demon was in a good mood, and had already started to ask the younger brothers to prepare other side dishes for the dinner.

Ye Feng did not expect that he would meet the Lord when he first entered Shuangcha Ridge. Just now, the rat demon called the tiger demon General Yin, which should be correct. In this Shuangcha Ridge, the cultivation base of this immortal is probably the ceiling.

And this General Sheng Yin is not called for nothing, he has some blood talents, if he insists on his relatives, I am afraid that he can have some relationship with that 12 Yuanchen, um, he can still be cultivated.

The self-satisfied tiger demon doesn't know that you are thinking about him while he is having dinner.

The mouse demon who was robbed of food on the other side was also very unwilling. This Shuangchaling is not dominated by General Yin's family, and soon the mouse demon had an idea in his heart.

There are not too many monsters in Shuangcha Ridge, and the total number of big and small monsters is only a few hundred. The tallest are three fairy-level monsters, one of which is General Yin, and the remaining two are Xiong Shanjun and Te. Clerk, the relationship between these three is actually not that bad, they belong to the type of huddling together to keep warm.

But no matter how harmonious, the three monsters are very greedy when it comes to cannibalism. As long as these two hear that General Yin has captured a fresh and tender person, they will definitely come to share a piece of the pie.

The rat demon first came to the special officer. Originally, the rat demon was planning to choose one to join him. Now that General Yin has happened, it has deepened his thoughts. After all, if there is a boss to support this matter today, Yin How can the general take care of one or two things, um, that's what the rat demon thinks.

Special Chushi is a buffalo spirit, but he rarely eats monsters. This is the reason why the rat monster chooses Special Chushi. The mouse monster is very timid. He doesn't want to just go to a boss and become a meal. It is natural to choose the safest one, Mr. Xiongshan is not reliable.

The special staff occupies the northwest of Shuangcha Ridge, and the rat demon hides, and it will arrive soon.

"What did you say? General Yin captured a little Taoist priest?"

The special servant who heard the words of the rat demon was also a little happy. It has been a long time since he tasted the taste of a living person. Now that the luck of the dynasties in the world is getting stronger, and there are many hermits, these monsters are more and more afraid to enter Humans have taken over the territory, and there are really not many families around the Shuangcha Ridge, and they haven't tasted human flesh for a long time.

Seeing the rat demon nodding his head angrily, the special officer finally stopped doubting, "This is a good thing. It's been a long time since my lord visited Brother Yin. It's better to hit the sun than to choose a day. Today is it, you little boy." The demon is not bad, let's go and go to the banquet with the king."

to dinner?It took a long time for the rat demon to react, and he also recognized the shamelessness of the special servants. Who said that the special servants of the three demon kings of Shuangchaling are the most simple and honest. If there is no invitation or gift, they are ready to go to the banquet. To be able to talk about eating and drinking so tall, um, the boss made the right choice.

"What? Going to a banquet?"

A sound of an urn exploded like thunder in the cave of the special clerk. The special clerk and the mouse demon looked over at the same time, only to see a bear's head poking in. The majestic body was quite pressurized, and the mouse demon looked at it. The bear demon in front of him was a little out of breath, his aura was too frightening.

The special officer's expression changed when he heard the sound, and then there was another burst of hearty laughter, "Tiger, I'm going to find you, brother Yin is going to have a big banquet, but we haven't visited brother Yin for a long time Now, don’t all human beings say that no matter how good this relationship is, it’s unfamiliar if you don’t visit often, you’re here just in time, let’s go to visit brother Yin together today.”

Mr. Xiong Shan also came here by coincidence. He just happened to have time to visit the special officer today, and he heard the drooling news. How could he let it go.

"Old Niu, you are so right, go together, go together."

At this time, General Yin had already prepared all the side dishes, and was waiting for the little Taoist priest to serve as the main dish. He didn't think that the little Taoist priest hadn't eaten yet, but he waited for two food sharers to come first.

Xiong Shanjun and the special officer were worried that General Yin would talk too fast, and they were traveling very fast, and they arrived at General Yin's cave in a short while.

"My lord, it's not good, Lord Tiger and King Niu are here."


General Yin, who was still in high spirits, suddenly turned into a bitter face. It was too late to come, but he came at this time, which is really a good thing.

"What are you waiting for, hurry up and hide that little Taoist priest for my lord, my lord will go and hold them back first."

General Yin is not willing to share food with Mr. Xiongshan and the special officer, and only one person was arrested in total, which is not enough for him to eat, so how can he share it with them.

"What are you hiding? What are you procrastinating? Brother, you are not mean. Why do you avoid us when there are good things? This is not open."

But the younger brother outside didn't stop Mr. Xiong Shan and the special officer at all, and they had already entered the cave by the time they spoke.

Looking at the second demon who had already entered the cave, General Yin's expression became even more bitter. When he saw the mouse demon behind the second demon, he also knew that this little demon must have ruined his good deed, so he couldn't help but secretly hated him. But I have to give face, alas, what else can I do, it seems that I can't get enough of this meal.

"The two elder brothers came very quickly. I was about to send someone to invite you. Didn't I just catch a Taoist priest who went into the mountain during the day, and I was thinking of throwing a banquet to invite the two elder brothers to enjoy it together. Now that the two elder brothers have arrived, it has saved my brother a lot of trouble."

The uninvited guest has already arrived, and the purpose is obvious, what else can I do, I can only greet him with a sad face.

"Haha, Lao Niu, I just said that brother Yin is not stingy!"

General Yin invited Mr. Xiong Shan and the special officer in to sit down.

"Brother Yin, quickly bring that Taoist priest out, bro, I haven't smelled meat for a long time."

Looking at the impatient Xiong Shanjun, General Yin also smiled wryly, and could only ask the younger brother to bring the little Taoist priest out.

In fact, Ye Feng has been looking at this place through Tongyoutian eyes all the time. Looking at the three monsters who are acting like this in the face of human flesh, he is secretly pitiful. If you can live forever, you don't deserve to know. If they know about it, it would be a shame.

But looking at the three demons who had already gathered, Ye Feng also felt that luck was good, and it was good to gather together, saving him from searching for them one by one.

Ye Feng, who was brought in front of the three demons by the little demon, also wanted to tease him when he looked at Mr. Xiong Shan, who was sniffing fiercely with his bear nose.

General Yin and Ye Feng are just a little Taoist priest, so he just asked someone to watch him, and he didn't even add a rope. At this time, Ye Feng's hands are very free.

"Ah, it hurts..."

A huge force was suddenly added to Xiong's nose. General Yin and Special Officer looked at the old and long Xiong Tiger whose nose was pulled by Ye Feng. the meaning expressed.

Where did you find such a gentleman?

Xiong Shanjun's steel and iron bones are not blown out, but they are eaten raw. Xiong Shanjun inherits the blood of the prehistoric monster swallowing the beast, no matter what it is, as long as it enters the stomach of Xiong Tiger It can be turned into energy to help him refine his physical body, so Xiong Shanjun may not be the highest among the three monsters in terms of cultivation, but in terms of physical strength, Xiong Shanjun dares to be the first, and absolutely no one dares to be the second.

With such a body, let alone pulling his nose, you may not be able to leave a mark if you cut his nose with Lingbao. What happened today? A meat eater can pull Xiong Tiger's nose until it hurts , What is pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger? This is pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger.

General Yin ignored Xiong Shanjun who was still screaming in pain, stood up in shock, pointed at Ye Feng and asked, "Who are you?"

Until now, the three demons have not noticed that there is half a point of fluctuation in Ye Feng's cultivation, but will the person who can subdue Xiong Shanjun with one move be an ordinary person?Then there is only one answer, the people in front of them are much higher than them in terms of cultivation and realm.

Ye Feng looked at the horrified general Yin and the special officer, and Xiong Shanjun, whose eyes were filled with fear and begging for mercy, finally let go of the hand holding Xiong Shanjun's nose, straightened his clothes, smiled slightly, and recovered. The harmless face of humans and animals.

"Pindao is the one who came to save you."

save us?

Xiong Shanjun got rid of Ye Feng's claws, and hurriedly retreated behind General Yin and Special Officer. This really scared him. Although he is not a famous monster, he has traveled thousands of miles around. I've had the feeling of being taken down by someone with one move, but I still can't muster a trace of resistance. The person in front of me is simply too terrifying.

The three demons looked at each other when they heard the words. The three demons have been roaming freely in this Shuangcha Ridge for thousands of years. This is the trail, right? Now I heard from this trail that they are going to be the ones, why is it so disharmonious.

However, although Ye Feng's words made it impossible for General Yin to correct him, he still knew what his main task was now, and that was to send the great god in front of him away as soon as possible.

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