Sun Houzi asked uncertainly. After all, the one who appeared in front of him was a preacher who would not live forever, but now the one sitting in front of him is the famous Northern Yuanling Manifestation King.

Ye Feng also knew Sun Houzi was puzzled, so he asked with a half-smile, "Are you still reading the Tao Te Ching?"

It really is the priest!Sun Houzi was surprised and delighted, but he also felt that he was deceived. At first, he asked the Taoist priest if there was any way of longevity, but the Taoist priest said no. Now that the Taoist priest looks like this, it is not like he will not live forever. Obviously playing tricks on him.

Sun Houzi is a straightforward person, so if he has a grievance, he will say it directly, "I dare not forget the kindness of Taoist preaching, but why did Taoist deceive Lao Sun in the first place, saying that there is no way to live forever? Is he playing tricks on Lao Sun?" ?"

This monkey grandson is still a grudge.

Ye Feng didn't worry too much, "Monkey, when you went to Fangcun Mountain in Lingtai, and the Sanxing Cave in the oblique moon, did you ask Bodhi for the first time, and they gave you the method of longevity?"

Sun Houzi didn't understand what Ye Feng meant.

Ye Feng said to himself, "The Dharma should not be passed on lightly. If you were willing to continue learning and chanting scriptures with me, you have passed the test. It's just that your heart is only for the Dharma of Longevity, and your mind is uncertain. How can my Dharma of Longevity be easily read?" pass it to you."

After saying this, Sun Houzi understood. He remembered that he had stayed on Fangcun Mountain for seven years and did odd jobs for seven years. Only then was he taught the law of longevity by his master.

Thinking about how impatient I was after studying the Daoist scriptures for 49 days with the Taoist master, I was a little impatient. Yes, it was because I failed the test and missed the opportunity.

Thinking of this, Sun Houzi was a little embarrassed by what he said about losing his temper just now.

"Don't blame the Daoist, it's my grandson who made the mistake of blaming the Daoist."

Speaking of this, Sun Houzi was shocked again, and he just remembered that when he was a teacher, the master had confessed that he could not mention his school to anyone, and he had made an oath not to tell others.

Although his mouth is not strict, he is very strict about this matter. He has never told anyone about it. How could this priest know.

"Daozhang, how do you know where Lao Sun learned art?"

Sun Houzi was also vigilant at this time. After all, no matter how great Ye Feng's kindness in preaching, in Houzi's heart, it could not compare to the kindness of his own teacher.

Ye Feng smiled mysteriously, "You don't have to pay attention to it, and I won't make things difficult for your master."

Hearing that, although Sun Houzi was still a little wary, he was also a little relieved. After all, Ye Feng was really good to him. Although he was arrogant, he respected this Taoist priest who once gave him a lecture from the bottom of his heart.

It's good to talk about it, Sun Houzi was very happy to see his old friend again at this time, so he left all the previous things behind.

Looking at the delicious food and wine on the table, Sun Houzi's eyes lit up, "Master Daoist, this is prepared for my old grandson, isn't it?"

Ye Feng smiled and nodded, "You and I are predestined. See you now, but we should have a drink. Come, let's take a seat."

After sitting down, Sun Houzi was a talkative person, so he began to tell Ye Feng about his experience after leaving Qingfeng Temple, but he kept silent about Fang Cunshan's learning art.

When it comes to the skills I have learned and the experience after I have completed my studies, it is even more elated, quite a bit of showing off, but seeing that Ye Feng and Xiaobai are not moved at all, I also think that no matter how good my family is, compared with today's What did Ye Feng say?

Thinking of this, Sun Houzi no longer talked about his great achievements.

He started to discuss with Ye Feng his understanding of the Tao Te Ching. Not to mention, this monkey is really easy to learn. Over the years, although he has learned a lot, he has not lost the Tao Te Ching.

Ye Feng was also willing to communicate with him. The two talked to each other, and gradually became Ye Feng lecturing for him. No matter how good his comprehension ability is, he can't catch up with Ye Feng even if he flatters him.

Three days later, Houzi listened to Ye Feng's lecture, and he respected Ye Feng even more in his heart. He secretly thought that Ye Feng was really unfathomable. Sun Houzi thought he was already very powerful, but his various comprehensions were still not as good as Ye Feng.

Sun Houzi couldn't stay in the Yuan Ling Manifestation Hall for long, seeing that it had been three days, Monkey also offered to leave.

But in the later days, Sun Houzi often came to Ye Feng to listen to the scriptures, and Ye Feng happily continued to tell him.

It's just that in the past two days, Sun Houzi actually took an errand to guard the Pantao Garden. Hearing this, even if Ye Feng had some guesses in his heart, he was speechless for a while.

Let the monkeys guard the peach orchard. I don't know which genius came up with the idea.

The Pantao Conference is held once a year. On this day, Ye Feng also received an invitation card. He said that the curtain was opened. In fact, Ye Feng also didn't understand in his heart. Sun Houzi played the scene of havoc in the Heavenly Palace.

With Ye Feng's current cultivation, it is naturally impossible to see the high-level game, but he might as well go to the Pantao Garden to eat some flat peaches. According to this form, it is impossible to eat flat peaches at the Pantao Festival. Pantaoyuan has not been harmed by monkeys yet, let's try it first.

The golden light spread across the ground, and Ye Feng came to Pantao Garden not long after. At this time, Sun Houzi had just assumed the post of director of Pantao Garden, and he was looking at peaches in the backyard. You said that he was a monkey, resisting the urge to eat peaches. frenzied.

This flat peach is one of the top ten innate spiritual roots that existed at the beginning of the prehistoric era. It is also known as the Renshui flat peach. Give it to the queen mother to suppress the luck of heaven.

Today, in this peach orchard, after a long period of cultivation, there are already [-] peach trees.

There are 3000 plants in the front, with small flowers and small fruits. They ripen once in [-] years.

There are 6000 plants in the middle, layered with flowers and fruits, and they are ripe for [-] years. People eat Xiaju and fly, and they will live forever.

There are 9000 plants in the back, with purple pattern and seedlings, which are matured once in [-] years. People who eat them can live as long as the sky and the earth, and the sun and the moon have the same age.

Of course, these are all placed outside for the Queen Mother to entertain guests. The real mother root of the flat peach tree is not here. The real congenital flat peach is on the Renshui flat peach tree in the hands of the Queen Mother, which ripens every 3 years. There are only nine golden celestial beings that can be eaten, and they are extremely precious.

Chapter 1 Seventy

After Ye Feng came to Pantao Garden, there were indeed no guards around, and the guards in Pantaoyuan had already been dismissed by monkeys.

When he entered the garden, he saw the monkeys eating in the back. Ye Feng didn't bother him, so he started eating in the middle. For him, it doesn't matter if it's ripe for 3000 years, or for 6000 years, or for 9000 years. It's just for savings. Only mana.

What's more, the 6000-year-old flat peach tastes equally delicious, and Ye Feng is not picky, so he eats it like a jujube, refining it while eating, with the help of the knife swallowing technique, and the refining method of the Taiqing Immortal Method, the speed is not to be said unhappy.

An hour later, Ye Feng quietly left again, and it was no psychological burden for Ye Feng to ask the monkey to help take the blame. The peaches in this garden were originally prepared for the monkey, and the rest would be too wasteful. It's my reward.

Back in the main hall, Ye Feng distributed a bunch of flat peaches to Xiaobai to eat, and one person and one beast began to refine the flat peaches in the main hall to increase their cultivation.

Ye Feng originally only had ten thousand years of cultivation, but now half a garden of flat peaches entered his stomach, such a huge spiritual power naturally increased his magic power step by step.

2 years, 3 years... Ye Feng's growth momentum slowed down until it reached 30 years.

Although this method of raw spiritual fruit will make the mana more vain, but Ye Feng doesn't care, it just takes some time to settle, so there are not many opportunities.

Although there is the golden pill bestowed by the master in hand, the eight-turn golden pill and the nine-turn golden pill are infinitely useful, and they can extend life at critical moments. If they are only used to increase their cultivation, it would be a waste, and Ye Feng is a little bit reluctant.

Now that Bai has more than 30 years of cultivation, Ye Feng's strength has improved rapidly. Even if there is no Pantaoyuan this time, Ye Feng has to find other ways to increase his cultivation. It's a bit of a joke to polish your cultivation and improve your strength.

Although the great calamity of heaven and earth is a calamity, it is also an opportunity, and as far as he knows, this calamity of heaven and earth is not aimed at Taoist disciples like them.

The spread of Buddhism to the East is a general trend, and Taoism will not go against the sky. As long as these Taoist disciples are careful, they will naturally not be in danger of life. On the contrary, it is the monster race, which is a bit miserable this time.

Nine-nine-nine-eight-one-difficulty, it’s a catastrophe, isn’t it all demons and ghosts? Most of the big monsters are powerful mounts of Taoism and Buddhism, and a small part are wild monsters, but those monster soldiers will travel eastward this time. But it was destroyed a lot.

After this, it may be very difficult to see the big monster outside Beiju Luzhou.

However, there is one thing Ye Feng has noticed a long time ago. Although this monster is a catastrophe, it is also a meritorious deed. Otherwise, no Taoist master would be willing to put his mount down to enter the catastrophe.

In this way, it is not impossible to plan this matter of sharing merit.

However, the monsters on the westbound road are not simple. Most of them are monsters above Jinxian. Ye Feng's strength really doesn't get mixed into it, so the current task is still to improve his strength.

30 years of mana sounds like a lot, but Ye Feng didn't show any signs of producing fine flowers and breaking through the Golden Immortal. It seems that the matter of improving mana has to continue.

But it has to be done slowly, let's settle down the 30 mana first. If you can't eat a fat man in one bite, he is not a stone fetus like a monkey.

Speaking of the Peach Garden, the Queen Mother has already sent seven fairies to pick the peaches, but when they entered the garden, they were stopped by the land. After all, the Peach Garden has a director now, and the land is afraid that the monkey will let him eat melons fall.

It's just that the land couldn't find Sun Monkey, so he had to let the Seven Fairies in first, after all, the peach feast could not be delayed.

After entering the Peach Garden, the Seven Fairies didn't notice anything at first. After all, the flat peaches in the front and the middle had been changed by Ye Feng. The Seven Fairies were limited in strength, so they really couldn't tell.

But it was different later on, the grandson fell asleep after eating the flat peaches, and the seven fairies counted that the 9000-year-old flat peaches turned out to be less than half, which made me worried, thinking Could it be that the harvest this year is not good and the output is too low.

Asking about recruiting the land is not the case. As the land of the flat peach garden, he naturally knows the flat peaches in the flat peach garden. How could there be only these left? But he can't explain the specific reason, he can only say It's a thief.

Time was running out, but Seven Fairies didn't have time to think about it, so she could only pick off some of them first, but she found a caterpillar as she picked them up.

This is amazing, when did the flat peach garden have worms?

Invite the sisters to take a look, this is not a bug, this is clearly a shrunken version of a monkey.

After being disturbed like this, the monkey grandson also woke up. It turned out that the monkey grandson ate too many peaches. The more energy it has, the easier it is to get sleepy. The monkey is a fairy fetus, and it can digest spiritual energy through sleep. , turned into a small person and fell asleep on a leaf.

Seeing Monkey Sun appearing suddenly, the land was also pleasantly surprised, "Great Sage, Great Sage, our garden has attracted thieves, and the 9000-year-old flat peaches have lost more than half of them for no reason."

Monkey's face turned ashamed when he heard this, of course he knew that more than half of the peaches were missing, didn't they all go into his stomach?

But can the monkey admit this matter? Of course not, he hastily changed the subject and looked at Seven Fairies.

"Who are the seven of you?"

Seeing the monkeys looking at them, the seven fairies gave a blessing in a calm manner, "I have seen the great sage, our seven sisters are the daughters of the emperor of heaven, the empress is going to hold a peach feast, this time let us pick the peaches to prepare."

Peach feast?This Peach Banquet is very famous. Every year at the Peach Banquet, Heavenly Court not only invites all the immortals in the Heavenly Court, but also the great gods from all sides. It is intended to win people's hearts and show the majesty of the Heavenly Court. Rong, this represents a kind of recognition.

Therefore, Monkey Sun has also heard about the Peach Banquet.

"Oh, then I don't know if we will send out invitations for this flat peach feast, and who will be invited?"

Sun Houzi asked casually, and the Seven Fairies were also honest, "Back to the Great Sage, the invitations will naturally be sent out, and the invitations will be sent out a few months before each peach feast. As for who to invite, there are too many people." , the gods of the fifth rank and above in the heavenly court, the dragon kings of the four seas, the gods of the three overseas islands..."

Monkey Sun couldn't bear to listen to their introduction, "I don't know if I, Old Sun, are among the invitations?"

The Seven Fairies finally understood what Sun Houzi was going to ask, and they all smiled, "Great Sage, this flat peach feast is for the big gods with heads and faces, as for the Great Sage..."

This is self-evident, Sun Houzi was furious immediately, he thought that the Monkey King was already a high official, and he didn't want to even be able to participate in the Peach Banquet.


Sun Houzi put the Seven Fairies and the Earth Lord in place at once, and plundered the remaining flat peaches.

Then he went straight to the Pantao Garden and escaped.

When approaching Nantianmen, he happened to run into the barefoot immortal who was going to the peach feast.

This barefoot immortal is not simple, but a Youdao Golden Immortal from the three overseas islands, and a frequent guest at the Peach Banquet.

Sun Houzi saw the barefoot fairy approaching, immediately lowered his head and decided to coax the barefoot fairy to go elsewhere, but he wanted to go to the peach feast in secret, but asked, "where is the old man going?"

The Barefoot Immortal is an honest person, and immediately replied: "The Queen Mother of Meng sees the call, and goes to the Pantao Festival."

Sun Houzi also performed vividly, "I don't know, the Jade Emperor invited Lao Sun Wulu because of the old sun's somersaults, and invited everyone to perform the ceremony at His Royal Highness Tongming first, and then go to the banquet."

The Barefoot Immortal is an upright person, so he took his lies as truth and said: "I have been performing rituals in Yaochi all year round to thank you, how can I go to Tongming Palace to perform rituals first, and then go to Yaochi to attend the meeting?"

Helpless, I had no choice but to turn Xiangyun and go straight to Tongming Hall.

Just like that, Sun Houzi changed into the appearance of a barefoot fairy and got into the peach banquet. His somersaults were so fast that most of the other gods hadn't arrived yet.

The table was full of fine wine and delicacies, the jade plate was ashamed, how could Sun Monkey be polite, he immediately made it all over again, and even packed a lot of it in a bag, but in the end he still couldn't understand his hatred, and in the wine pot that hadn't been drunk was actually sprinkled I didn't leave until I pissed. I really don't know which fairy will win the prize.

After leaving Yaochi, Sun Houzi was already drunk enough to be wobbly, but he arrived at 33 days, and there was no one around in Tushita Palace at this time.

Looking at the golden elixirs in the room, the monkey thought that these are all good things, so he immediately opened the gourd and poured it into his mouth. No matter what the purpose is, it is right to enter the stomach.

The golden pills in the room were also made over and over again, and after a while, it seemed that there was really no advantage to take advantage of, and Sun Houzi finally went to the lower realm contentedly.

Back at Huaguo Mountain, he was going to have a banquet with his monkeys and grandchildren. Didn't the Queen Mother not invite him? Wouldn't it be happier for him to do it himself.

Not to mention that Sun Houzi returned to Huaguo Mountain, but Ye Feng also returned to Yuanling Manifestation Hall after some searching.

It turned out that Ye Feng knew that Yaochi and Dousita Palace would be patronized by Sun Houzi, and Heavenly Court opened the door for Sun Houzi to cooperate with the West. Now these two places can be said to be half empty.

It's fine if Ye Feng doesn't know about such a good opportunity. Now that he knows it, there is absolutely no reason to let it go. If Ye Feng doesn't take advantage of this opportunity to make a fortune, he will be too sorry for himself.

Therefore, before Sun Houzi went, Ye Feng first went to Yaochi to fill up a lot of spirit wine and fruit, and then went to Tusita Palace to pick up a lot of elixir and golden pills.

Ye Feng is not a monkey who doesn't know the properties of medicines. There are many kinds of golden elixirs in Tushita Palace, and Ye Feng is a disciple of Laojun, so he knows where the elixirs are placed.

As a disciple of Laojun, Ye Feng felt that it was necessary for him to stop the loss for his master in time, so Ye Feng chose panacea such as increasing his cultivation base, restoring spiritual power, etc., before leaving.

Sun Houzi didn't know that what he ate and used was what was left by Ye Feng. After all, even if it was left over, the amount was not ordinary. This time, the West also went all out for Sun Houzi.

With so many spirit wine and spirit pills, Ye Feng and Sun Houzi are quite satisfied, but Tianting is already in a mess at this time.

Later, those who rushed to Yaochi to participate in the Peach Banquet saw the scene was a mess and felt a little overwhelmed. The Jade Emperor and Queen Mother came late.

At this time, the Seventh Fairy also released her body-fixing technique, and she came to the Queen Mother and cried out, "Queen Mother, that monkey is so bold that he ate all the flat peaches in the garden, and the last few were also packed away. , In order not to let the news out, he actually fixed our sisters, and then..."

The queen mother was furious when she heard the words, "Then what happened?"

The Seventh Fairy was taken aback, "Then she ran out of the Peach Garden and went somewhere."

Only then did the Queen Mother heave a sigh of relief, and then she burst into anger again. It was a garden of flat peaches, so the monkeys were all in trouble?Even though the West had said beforehand that they would compensate according to the price, the Queen Mother couldn't stop feeling distressed.

After a while, the Barefoot Immortal also rushed over, "Heavenly Emperor, didn't he say he was going to perform a ceremony in Tongming Hall? Why is there no sign of the Heavenly Emperor?"

The gods looked at the barefoot fairy, and thought that you were tricked by that monkey, and you even performed a ceremony in the Tongming Palace. You don't know how big a big thing that monkey has done under your identity during this time.

An enthusiastic person next to him pulled the barefoot fairy aside, and slowly told him that the more he listened, the barefoot fairy became more frightened, and the more he listened, the angrier he became. It's pissed off.

Immediately stood up.

"Heavenly Emperor, that monkey grandson is really hateful, and please ask the Heavenly Emperor to order that Xiaoxian is willing to descend to the realm to descend the demon."

Uh, when everyone saw it, honest people were forced to use force. This monkey is indeed extremely hateful.

But how could the Heavenly Emperor agree to the request of the barefooted immortal? The barefooted immortal did not get the west's instruction. Not coming back.

"Great Immortal, please be safe and don't be impatient. How dare you work on the matter of subjugating demons, Li Tianwang..."

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