"After that, there will be two Laos, who will enter the palace."

Ye Feng immediately entered the hall, followed by Li Changqing and Bailu, followed by more than a hundred subordinate officials. Although the palace is large, after the hundreds of subordinate officials unfolded, the affairs were still orderly. There are more grades, and others without grades in this hall.

As the saying goes, the third-rank officials in front of the prime minister's gate, Li Changqing and Bailu, as the chief officials and supervisors of the Yuan Ling Xiansheng Hall, also lead the sixth rank, and the other hundreds of subordinate officials also lead the seventh, eighth and ninth ranks.

Don't get me wrong, these people's salaries and luck consumption don't come from heaven, but from Ye Feng's salary and luck. Find out if you can afford the expense.

After all, although the current Yuan Ling Manifestation Hall looks quite big, the serious income is still only the heavenly salary, which can't stand the toss. You must know that there are still [-] heavenly soldiers and generals who have not received it, which is not a small fortune expenditure.

Entering the main hall, Ye Feng released Xiaobai and the ghost, Li Changqing and Bailu were not surprised to see this, but Bailu couldn't help but sigh in his heart when he saw that Ye Feng also had a monster.

After all, there are quite a few immortals who reject the Yaozu, if she does meet one, it will be uncomfortable.

"Boss, will this be ours from now on?"

Xiaobai exclaimed, who would have thought that a trip to heaven with Ye Feng would be such an exciting thing. In just a few days, his master has become a heavenly official, and he is still a disciple of a sage, so he dare not write like that.

The ghost looked at Ye Feng with high spirits, and the more he followed Ye Feng, the more he could discover the magic of his master, just like a mine waiting to be excavated, constantly surprising people.

"Egret, these two are my partners, you can help them arrange it later."

Bai Lu has nothing to do, this is the first order of the new king, and the target is still the partner of the real king, she dare not do anything wrong.

The Yuan Ling Xiansheng Hall is naturally incomparable with the Lingxiao Hall, but it is beyond Ye Feng's cognition, but it is easy to adapt, after all, it is easy to go from frugal to extravagant.

Li Changqing handed over a roster at the right time, "Zhenjun, this is the roster of officials in the hall, please take a look at it."

Hearing this, Ye Feng took the roster and scanned it. There are two Xuanxians, 82 Tianxians, and [-] True Immortals.

"Is there anything that needs special attention?"

A seemingly casual question made Li Changqing break out in a cold sweat. He would not think that this was a question asked by Ye Feng casually. Maybe this answer will determine Ye Feng's attitude towards him in the future.

Fortunately, he came from Shui De Xing Jun. Shui De Xing Jun had already ordered him, and he knew a little about the relationship between the two parties. Naturally, he knew how to sit on the butt in the future. He is also a smart person, otherwise he would not be able to take it. this opportunity.

"Zhenjun, Fairy Lingbo was appointed by the Queen Mother, and the attendant Wang Tong is a relative of Wang Lingguan. The other subordinates are nothing special."

Hearing this, Ye Feng remained calm. It is normal to mix sand, and it is not normal if it is not mixed. In the future, pay more attention to it, and there is no need to eliminate it. These three are all angels, but they are not controlling the hall. The position of life and death, the Jade Emperor and Queen Mother can be considered measured.

There are four classes of female officials who are in charge of serving Ye Feng, and Fairy Ayanami is one of them, so a message is enough.

Wang Lingguan is a remarkable person.

Wang Lingguan's full name is "Xiantian Chief Protector of the Three or Five Trains with a Red Heart, Wang Tianjun's Weiling Manifestation Tianzun", also known as Longen Zhenjun, Dutian Picket Great Lingguan, and is the head of the five hundred Lingguan under Emperor Zhenwu, and his rank is the same as the fourth rank. , with Taiyi Jinxian cultivation base, is a real power figure.

This is the Jade Emperor's confidant, Wang Tong should also be sent by the Jade Emperor, and the servant is one of the four positions under the chief official. The roster shows that this Wang Tong is the one who is in charge of the main hall to welcome and send him, but he can observe Ye Feng's movements job.

Ye Feng didn't care too much, but was somewhat satisfied with Li Changqing's attitude. Since he pointed out Fairy Lingbo and servant Wang Tong, it was a show of loyalty, and he could use it with confidence in the future.

1 Chapter Sixty

Immediately after Li Changqing, Bailu also handed over a roster, and Ye Feng also took it and glanced at it.

Along with the Yuan Ling Manifestation Hall, there are still a lot of expendable property, part of it is a normal reward, and part of it is the care and love of the two uncles for him, and the latter part is more.

There are also some spiritual treasures and spiritual materials, and the golden elixir and flat peaches are also listed. Although most of them are useless for the golden fairy series, they are not a small family background for Ye Feng at this stage, and these two uncles are not. The kind of petty people.

Put away the roster, "These things will be placed in the palace treasury, and will be allocated by you. If you have merit, you will be rewarded. Don't be stingy. If I need it, I will tell you."

Bailu nodded hurriedly when she heard the words, but her evaluation of Ye Feng was higher in her heart. When she took over these things in the first day of junior high school, her heart trembled three times, unlike the one in front of her who was so calm.

You really deserve to be a disciple of a sage!

She didn't know that these things would be enough to make Ye Feng wake up from his dream before he became a disciple of a saint, but now Ye Feng only has three innate spiritual treasures, and a gourd for eighty-nine-turn spiritual pills. It's short, but Ye Feng's vision can be regarded as raised, and these things are really not taken seriously.

"Zhenjun, Marshal Zhongtan has arrived."

A subordinate official came in from the outside at this time, and everyone was shocked when they heard the words. Someone came here before the butt was hot?

Ye Feng also had a happy expression on his face, "Please hurry up."

After a while, Nezha strode in, "Master, I'm here to congratulate you."

Ye Feng also came up to greet him, "You came quickly, I just entered the door, and you came here."

Nezha had a grin on his face, "This heaven is not too big, but it is not small. The reputation of the upstart Master Uncle may have spread throughout the entire Heaven. My residence is not far from Master Uncle, just right. Add happiness to the uncle."

As he said that, he threw a bag to Bailu. The clothes of the officials in each hall are usually standard, so Nezha can tell Bailu's identity at a glance.

Bai Lu received the congratulatory gift. The man in front of him is also famous for his generosity in the heavenly court. It's not that he is rich, but he can't help but have a rich father, and Nezha's generosity is also a great joy of Nezha in the heavenly court.

"Find a place to sit by yourself. Since it's close, you can come around more in the future. My place is also deserted, and you can also increase my popularity."

Nezha is not a polite person, so he found a chair and sat down, picked up a fruit and ate it, "It's hard to say, uncle, you have just established this hall, and it's time to hold a housewarming banquet, nephew and me. Not many, but a lot of friends, and on that day I will invite you to have more friends to join the show, won't your popularity rise all of a sudden?"

Ye Feng's eyebrows twitched when he heard the words, and he looked at Li Changqing and Bai Lu beside him.

The two of them naturally understood Ye Feng's meaning, "Your Majesty, this housewarming banquet must also be held. You can choose a date, and the palace can prepare it."

Hearing the two talking, Ye Feng knew it in his heart. He was new here and didn't know these tricks, but one of his officials and supervisors was an old man in Tianting, and the other should have done his homework. The banquet should be held, and that must be the right thing to do.

Ye Feng pinched his fingers and said, "One month later, it will be an auspicious day to settle the house, let's set it on that day, Li Changqing and Bailu, go and prepare, see what you need, and if it is difficult, tell me, three Prince, those friends of yours can be made or invited, and I happen to know a few colleagues."

Seeing that Ye Feng had a heart, Nezha immediately had a smile on his face. It is Nezha's nature to like to be lively, and such lively things are done for his own uncle.

"Come on, Master Uncle, don't worry, when the time comes, let this egret give me a stack of invitations, and I'll send them out myself."

Ye Feng nodded. Some people invited Nezha abruptly, so it was just right to let Nezha go. At this time, he was secretly glad that he had met such a nephew when he first came here. With this person, it is very important for Ye Feng to manage all aspects of Tianting. But it is very beneficial.

The two exchanged again, Nezha turned and left after eating and drinking, while Bai Lu and Li Changqing were preparing to go down to prepare for the housewarming banquet. After all, although there was a month of preparation time, Ye Feng's housewarming banquet was destined not to be too small. A good banquet is also a test for them.

Looking at the busy two people, Ye Feng couldn't help thinking of his disciples. Meng Yuan and the others should be breaking through and ascending soon. He is not alone. This is an embarrassing situation where no one is available.

"Master, how did you suddenly become the direct disciple of the Taiqing sage?"

There was no one around, Ghost and Xiaobai finally couldn't help asking Ye Feng, one demon and one ghost are not practicing Xiaobai now, so they naturally know the weight of a saint.

Although Ye Feng was also good at cheating in the past, and his cultivation speed was as if there was someone behind him, but as Ye Feng's partners, Xiaobai and Ghost would not know Ye Feng's background. This really means reaching the sky in one step.


The monster and the ghost who had been expecting a little looked at Ye Feng's big white teeth, so they couldn't hold back their anger.

Guess what, the ghost gave Ye Feng a flamboyant look, and then showed his big white teeth, which is very tempting to bite you if you don't say anything, but it's hard to say where.

When Xiaobai saw this scene, he became more courageous, and was eager to try.

Seeing this monster and ghost who are getting more and more courageous, Ye Feng is no longer trying to be a fool, "After sending the monkey away that day, the saint suddenly fell into a dream. It's not like you don't know the qualifications of your master, ah, excellent, such Good seedling, how could the sage let it go, wouldn't it be logical to accept me as a personal disciple?"

It's that simple?

A demon and a ghost were full of question marks. They thought there was some twists and turns in the story, but it turned out to be a dream?As for Ye Feng's claim that he has good aptitude and excellence, one demon and one ghost automatically ignored it. After all, there is nothing to argue about such an obvious matter.

Boring, boring, a demon and a ghost saw that there was nothing to eat, so they didn't stay any longer. Bailu arranged a palace for them, and they still had to inspect it. This was their future home.

When Ye Feng saw them leaving like this, he couldn't laugh or cry, what was it called, but they didn't react much after talking about it.

He had just broken through to Xuanxian, and still broke through with the law of thunder, Ye Feng has not completely stabilized his cultivation base, taking advantage of this period of time, he still needs to stabilize his cultivation base.

Chapter 161 Fenglin Volcano

The most important thing in the cultivation of Xuanxian is the accumulation of cultivation base. In fact, Xuanxian is a process of transition from heavenly immortal to golden immortal.

Heavenly immortals practice the law, but golden immortals practice to open the three flowers of energy and spirit, and pay attention to the gathering of the three flowers at the top. These three flowers are not easy to bloom. The power of the law and the realm of cultivation are indispensable.

Xuanxian's accumulation of mana, although it is easier to say than Tianxian's comprehension of the law, but in terms of the length of time, it is much longer than the time of Tianxian's practice, so when Li Changqing and Bailu introduced themselves, they both had a breakthrough of Xuanxian tens of thousands in front of them. year.

Tens of thousands of years!Do you dare to think that Ye Feng has not even had enough of other people's fractions since he practiced to this day.

However, cultivating Xuanxian does not necessarily require a lot of time. Li Changqing said that he has broken through 3 years of Xuanxian, but it does not mean that his cultivation base is only 3 years.

After all, there are still many things in this world that can increase one's cultivation, such as the golden pill in Ye Feng's hand, and the Nine-Turn Golden Pill in his hand, as long as one can help Ye Feng open the golden flower, one gourd, three flowers may be All open.

Ye Feng guessed that this was also the reason why his master rewarded him with the golden elixir. After all, the nine-turn golden elixir was rare, so how could he give it to him for no reason.

But he is not in a hurry to break through the Golden Immortal now, this Xuanxian has just broken through, and the foundation is still needed, and we still need to lay the foundation for a tall building to rise from the ground.

The sage’s preaching is a bug-like existence after all, Ye Feng’s Law of Thunder Dao is perfect, the law of Illusion Dao and the law of Fire Dao have also reached [-]-[-]%, and even the law of life and death has broken through [-]%. Called by Ye Feng a lot.

It's a bit exaggerated to decide life and death with one word, but those who are lower than him really can't stand his power of law combined with Naihe Divine Orb.

Now Ye Feng has the three innate spiritual treasures of the Eight Views Palace Lantern, the Purple Electric Hammer, and the Ruyi Sword, but his own cultivation is not good enough, so he really can't afford it, so he can only use it at critical moments. Continue to use it, so this innate magic weapon level Naihe Divine Orb is just suitable for use.

Tiantingju is naturally suitable for everything, and the night passed comfortably.

Day two.

"Your Majesty, the Heavenly Soldiers and Generals have arrived, please see Your Majesty."

Yesterday was Fairy Lingbo's serving class, this one is also very nervous, don't think that being sent to Ye Feng's place is a good job, if there is a way, Fairy Lingbo will definitely not want to come.

Since ancient times, double-faced people are the fastest to die. Those who are more ruthless will be killed directly, and those who are more gentle will be rewarded if they have a chance to die. There is no way, who makes you not your own.

Fairy Lingbo doesn't think her undercover identity is so hidden, and Li Changqing, who is the chief official of the hall, is not an ordinary person.

Speaking of it, it might be better to be an undercover agent with other gods, but Ye Feng's identity is too deceitful, the saint passed on his disciples, this identity, even if she finds a time to kill her, I'm afraid no one will give it to her Redress the grievances, it is estimated that the Queen Mother, the old backer, will just pretend that she does not exist.

So Ye Feng had a good night, but Fairy Lingbo was very haggard.

Hearing this, Ye Feng pushed open the palace door and came out. As a real king, the hall he lives in is also very gorgeous, so gorgeous that Ye Feng is not used to it. The house is too big and there are too few people. I wonder if it's time to open a harem for myself.

He glanced expressionlessly at Fairy Lingbo in front of the palace, and was a little surprised to see her haggard face. This fairy is also a big beauty who is beyond the standard level. After all, she is an excellent talent who can be a spy for the Queen Mother. To be worthy of Ye Feng, the Queen Mother might still have the idea of ​​letting Ye Feng keep him in the house.

As for whether the rules of heaven are allowed or not, it is for gods like Zhu Bajie. He is not included in this list. If he wants to moles Chang'e, he only needs to worry about not being beaten to death by the lunar star. As for the rules of heaven, he is not here The list of investigations.

"Where are the people?"

Hearing the words, Fairy Lingbo quickly came back to her senses, and shook her wits, "It's just outside the main hall, and the servants will lead you there."

Ye Feng nodded noncommittally, and saw that the fairy was a little afraid of him for some reason, but it was harmless. He really had no intention of dealing with these two spies, at least not in the near future.

Following Fairy Lingbo to the outside of the main hall, there are more than [-] heavenly soldiers and generals waiting outside.

Seeing Ye Feng coming out, the three thousand heavenly soldiers and generals immediately bowed down, and under the leadership of the four heavenly generals in front of them, they knelt down on one knee, "I've seen you, Your Majesty."

Ye Feng glanced at the mass of kneeling heavenly soldiers and generals, who was a little surprised at the quality.

Four Profound Immortals lead the team, more than a hundred Heavenly Immortals, and the rest are also True Immortals.

"Get up!"

As soon as Ye Feng said, he raised one hand empty-handedly, and more than three thousand heavenly soldiers and generals stood up involuntarily. In such a situation, let alone the heavenly soldiers and generals under the heavenly immortals, the four mysterious immortals in front of them were even more horrified. up.

The four generals originally heard that although their new chief official had a good background, but his cultivation base was only just entering Xuanxian, he still looked down upon it. Now it seems that the rumors are false. Which of the four of them is not pregnant with tens of thousands of years of cultivation? The old-fashioned Xuanxian who is famous is now easily supported by others. With this level of cultivation, I am afraid that the Golden Immortal is not far away.

They don't know that this is the work of innate spiritual treasures. Since ancient times, elite soldiers and warriors have been proud of themselves. The military is a place that only cares about strength and qualifications and nothing else.

Ye Feng has just arrived, and he only has the cultivation base of Xuanxian. He has neither strength nor qualifications. How can such a situation convince hundreds of thousands of heavenly soldiers and generals? Now this first side must be supported, otherwise the future team will not be good bring.

Therefore, Ye Feng also had to use a little of the prestige of the innate spiritual treasure to give them some prestige, and plant the seeds that he is not a weak person.

Sure enough, the effect was not bad. Looking at the astonished expression of the heavenly soldiers and generals in front of him, Ye Feng was very satisfied.

"Who is leading your team?"

Faced with Ye Feng's knowingly asking, the four Xuanxians did not dare to be careless, and hurried forward.

"The last general, Xuanfeng (Xuanlin, Xuanhuo, Xuanshan), has seen Your Majesty."

Well, this attitude is quite submissive. It seems that the show just now is indeed quite effective.

"Where is the army now? Why did only three thousand soldiers come?"

Seeing Ye Feng's inquiry, Xuanfeng stepped out, "Your Majesty, there are strict rules in the heavenly court, and the army is too large, but it is not easy to go straight to the fifth heaven, so it is still stationed in the northern barracks. This time, I will bring three thousand. One is Your Majesty, please review, one is that these three thousand heavenly soldiers and generals are just in line with your Majesty's share of the guards, and they are left to guard the hall."

He was quite thoughtful, Ye Feng looked at the burly man in front of him, although his cultivation base was that of Xuanxian, but he could not see the bottom at a glance, but it was higher than he thought, the Jade Emperor did not fool him, other The three Xuanxian generals are not bad either.

Chapter 162

Ye Feng nodded his head, which seemed to agree with Xuanfeng's statement.

"You are very thoughtful, let's keep the three thousand heavenly soldiers and generals, and you four generals will take me to inspect the remaining heavenly soldiers and generals."

This is a necessary procedure. You can't be assigned soldiers for you, and your soldiers don't know who their coach is.

"The last will obey."

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