Ye Feng realized that he still knew too little about this world. There were not many books in Qingfeng Temple. Li Yuanwai had been a servant here, so there should be a lot of books, which might help him understand this world more.

"It's a trivial matter, just go to my study and have a look at it."

Ye Feng was not too polite. After eating, he went directly to Li Yuanwai's study room. Sure enough, there were a thousand books in this study room. This is a collection of books.

Ye Feng is not interested in Jingshiziji. Ye Feng chose some miscellaneous notes, scattered collections, and travel notes to read.

This great departure is quite wonderful, Ye Feng doesn't think that the records in these miscellaneous notes are all made-up scripts. In front of the house.

And he found a special place in an anthology, the declining Lanruo Temple in Guobei County, is this Liaozhai?The more contact with this world, the more Ye Feng felt the similarities between this world and Liaozhai.

This Guobei County is in Linfeng County, not too far from Han County, so he can't say it another day, he wants to check it out in person.

On the second day, Ye Feng asked Li Yuanwai to leave Huiguan.

"Is the Taoist chief no longer staying for a few more days?"

"It's useless to stay longer, the poor Taoist is a little worried about the Taoist temple, and since the demon girl didn't come yesterday, she won't come back, so don't worry."

Hearing Ye Feng's words, Li Yuanwai was a little relieved, "Housekeeper, bring the things up."

The butler responded and led someone up with the suitcase, holding a tray in his hand.

Li Yuanwai opened the tray, and the golden light was shining, almost blinding Ye Feng's eyes.

"Ye Daochang, I have exchanged all the silver notes you gave me yesterday into gold. Take a look. Also, since the Daoist likes books, I usually collect some miscellaneous histories and Taoist classics. The Daoist together Take it back."

Uh, isn't this gold a little too much? The silver note he gave yesterday was only 5000 taels. Now the gold may be worth more than that, but seeing Li Yuanwai's firm attitude, Ye Feng didn't refuse.

As for books, it doesn't matter, left and right are just a friendship.

After thinking about it, Ye Feng still took out two paper pills from his sleeve.


The paper pill fell to the ground and turned into two paper figurines with swords and soldiers. Li Yuanwai and the others backed away in fright, "Daozhang Ye, what is this?"


Ye Feng put away the paper pills again, "Li Yuanwai, this is made by the poor in his spare time. It is useful for guarding the house, so I gave it to Li Yuanwai and put it on his body. If there are villains or ghosts approaching, these two paper soldiers Should be able to withstand one or two, just keep them out of the water."

Li Yuanwai was overjoyed when he heard the words, and secretly thought that Ye Feng was not wronged, so he took out another good thing. How could Li Yuanwai refuse such a life-saving thing, so he took it away and thanked him again and again.

"It's good that Li Yuanwai likes it, and the poor will leave first."

"Daozhang, let me send you off."

"No need, I'll just go back by myself."

"Wait a minute, Daoist, I don't think the Daoist has anyone to travel. My son who is an official in the capital sent a good horse two days ago, and I gave it to the Daoist. Please don't refuse, Steward, go and bring Ruyan here."

Want to give him a horse?Li Yuanwai was so enthusiastic, Ye Feng didn't know how to refuse.

The housekeeper brought Ru Yan over after a while, "What a horse!"

Although Ye Feng is not good at recognizing horses, the spirituality in Ruyan in front of him is not shallow, which made him fall in love with him immediately.

Li Yuanwai laughed loudly when he heard the words, "It's good if the Taoist priest likes it. Get on the horse and try it. Ruyan can travel thousands of miles a day, and its speed is like smoke, so that's why it's called Ruyan."

"it is good!"

Ye Feng didn't refuse, and jumped on the horse, Ruyan was still a bit violent, but once Ye Feng started the momentum of the Qi training period, Ruyan calmed down. After all, he was just a normal horse, and it was an instinctive reaction to fear the strong.

After riding Ruyan for two laps, "Pindao likes this horse very much, thank you for the kind gift from the staff."

"The Taoist priest is too polite. A good horse needs the appreciation of a good master, and only the Taoist priest can be worthy of such a good horse."

Chapter 13 Demon Slaying

Seeing that Ye Feng tamed Ruyan so easily, Li Yuanwai felt admiration in his heart. You must know that Ruyan has been sent to Ruyan for a while, and it is because of her strong nature that she can only be kept as a pet. It was a matter of my heart.

Before Ye Feng left, he gave Li Yuanwai some talismans and told him to use them carefully. Ordinary people can also use talismans, but there are many inconveniences.

Ruyan's speed was very fast, and within half an hour, Ye Feng saw Xiaogushan and saw that everything in the Taoist temple was fine, Ye Feng also felt relieved.

It has been more than two years since he came to this world, and this Taoist temple has already become Ye Feng's home, the place where his soul rests.

When I came to the backyard, I built a stable for Ruyan with trees, and fed it some fruits and vegetables from the spiritual field. After all, these fruits and vegetables grew in the spiritual field. After eating, Ruyan became closer to Ye Feng obviously.

In the Qingshi Temple, Ye Feng opened up an attic and put the books given by Li Yuanwai on the bookshelf. There are nearly a hundred books in a box, which can be regarded as adding some style to the Qingfeng Temple.

Moreover, there is no Taoist scripture in the Taoist temple, which is a bit weird, but this time it has been completed.

Back in the backyard, Ye Feng took out the gold and the 1000 taels of silver, one tael of gold can be exchanged for ten taels of silver, but now Ye Feng has about 600 taels of gold in his hand, Li Yuanwai really gave too much.

Taking out a large cauldron from the view, Ye Feng first threw 1000 taels of silver into it, and then served it directly with fireball. When the spirit energy was almost exhausted, he meditated to recover the spirit energy. After half an hour, all the silver melted and was made by Ye Feng. silver foil.

After cleaning the tripod, Ye Feng reluctantly threw 600 taels of gold into it. Gold is harder to smelt than silver, and it took nearly two hours before Ye Feng melted it.

After removing some impurities, Ye Feng drew out the Yiyuan sword. That's right, the gold Ye Feng was not used to make gold leaf, but to forge swords.

The sword weapon cultivated with swordsmanship is very special, it can devour other materials to advance. Gold is naturally better than refined iron. It was too poor at the beginning, but now that it has the conditions, it is natural to change the one-yuan sword into a gold outfit.

As time goes by, the gold liquid is absorbed and fused by the Yiyuan sword little by little, and the body of the sword gradually turns golden. After the gold liquid has completely entered the Yiyuan sword, the Yiyuan sword has become a golden sword. In fact, the gold is still not enough , if you get gold again in the future, you need to melt some more.

Waving the One Yuan Sword, Ye Feng obviously felt that the One Yuan Sword was much stronger.

At this time, the silver foil has also been made. Ye Feng meditated to regain his energy and spirit, and started to make paper figurines. First, he made two test hands with yellow paper. When he felt it, he started to put silver foil on it.

It is not easy to cut the silver foil with ordinary scissors, but Ye Feng cut it directly with a one-yuan sword. As expected, the first one failed, and with the experience of failure, the latter ones were much easier.

1000 taels of silver foil is only enough to cut into three paper figurines, and if one is broken, it becomes two, and the success rate is not bad.

Let the two sword soldiers fight each other, and call out the paper soldiers to fight against them. Sure enough, expensive has its advantages. Paper soldiers are not opponents at all. Ye Feng looked at it. The opponent of the Silver Foil Paperman Swordsman.

The harvest is full, Ye Feng is no longer in pain, he puts away the paper soldiers, and continues to meditate and practice Qi. Now he is only in the middle of the third level of Qi training, and the speed is painfully slow, but there is no rush for Qi training, Ye Feng also has enough patience.

However, after a day of smelting gold and silver, the fireball technique has become more proficient.

child time.

Ye Feng suddenly opened his eyes, the paper soldiers he hid in the Taoist temple moved, it seemed that someone broke into the Taoist temple.

Before he had time to think about it, with the blessing of the Fengxing Talisman on his body, Ye Feng appeared in the Qingshi Temple in a few breaths.

"Hu Yue!"

The person in front of me is not Hu Yue, who is it?It's just this appearance, it's really miserable, it seems that he just escaped from death, but he ran into his own Taoist temple for some reason.

"You are a monk!"

Hu Yue was a little annoyed, that day in Wangyue Tower, when she heard Ye Feng reciting poems, she remembered that Ye Feng had left a bit of energy in him, and this time he narrowly escaped death at the hands of that Shushan disciple, and wanted to find a place After recovering from his injuries and breathing in some yang energy, he thought of the handsome Ye Feng that day.

Unexpectedly, Ye Feng was a real Taoist priest. She was stopped by paper figurines when she first entered the Taoist temple. Now that she saw Ye Feng, she didn't know that she was a man of cultivation.

Hu Yue groaned secretly in her heart, she only hoped that Ye Feng in front of her had just debuted and was not deeply involved in the world, and then a charming look appeared on her face, her spiritual power was activated, and she wanted to take Ye Feng down in one fell swoop.

"Young master, it's so cold in my house, how about letting me go in and rest with you?"

This charming voice and expression, if you change someone, you will definitely be tricked. Unfortunately, Ye Feng is a life-saving man. He was already very wary of Hu Yue, and he was greedy for the earth magic that she got in exchange. At this moment, there is nothing in his eyes. There are so many charming beauties, there is only earth magic that comes to your door.

Ye Feng pretended to be hit, but the Yiyuan sword between his eyebrows was drawn, and he was going to kill Hu Yue with one blow while he relaxed.

Seeing the obsessive look on Ye Feng's face and the lewd eyes, Hu Yue secretly breathed a sigh of relief, a little proud, "You have to drink my old lady's footwashing water even if you are still alive."

Hu Yue twisted her body and walked towards Ye Feng slowly, putting one hand on Ye Feng's body, impatiently wanting to suck Ye Feng's yang energy.

A man's yang energy is a great tonic for monsters, and a man with pure yang is still a great tonic. This man who is a cultivator and a man with pure yang is a great tonic. Hu Yue looked at the delicious Ye Feng in front of him , The saliva flowed down.

"This witch is really greedy for his body, and she is still drooling, shameless."

Ye Feng was on guard secretly, just when Hu Yue closed his eyes and wanted to absorb Ye Feng's yang energy, the Yiyuan sword flew out suddenly, the power of the golden sword was not only sharper than the fine iron sword before, and the speed was also faster.

A stream of light flashed across Hu Yue's eyebrows, and Hu Yue's physical body was still enjoying the posture, and it became cold.

A little demon spirit flew out, and wanted to escape in a panic, but was blocked by two paper figurines. It was a coincidence that the silver magic weapon was inherently restraining the soul.

The demon spirit was directly slashed and killed by the silver foil paper man released by Ye Feng, and his soul was scattered, but that's it.

"Include one monster, and reward one of the 72 techniques of the Earth Shade—killing monsters."

Hearing the voice from the gold paper, Ye Feng was overjoyed.

What a monster, not only tried the newly upgraded equipment for him, but also contributed a kind of magic for him.

Ye Feng hummed a ditty and cleaned up Hu Yue's body. The fur of a white fox is hard to find, let alone a demon fox. It is impossible for Ye Feng to use this fox fur to make a magic weapon after learning the art of refining.

Ah, I can't think about it anymore, my saliva is flowing out, it's so cool to be the sixth child.

Chapter 14 The Harvest

Fox meat and viscera are also good things to use as medicine, so they should not be wasted. These two claws are also sharp weapons, so they can't be used for refining weapons in the future...

Huh, what is this?

After Ye Feng dismembered the white fox, he found a bag. He poked into it with his spiritual sense, and to Ye Feng's great joy, it turned out to be the legendary storage bag.

He only heard his name, but never saw him. It was said that a cultivator without a magic weapon of storage has no soul. Ye Feng was able to obtain a magic weapon of storage so easily.

Ye Feng couldn't wait to refine the storage bag, and after opening it, he was even more ecstatic, so he didn't drive himself crazy.

That pile of original underwear was of course not the reason for Ye Feng's ecstasy.

Ten cubic storage bags, about the size of a room, throw away the underwear and burn them with a fireball. Foxes are the best at smelling. If someone has a family, it will be troublesome if they are found. up.

The silver ticket is about [-], and the gold ticket is about [-]. Is it so profitable to be a dancer?

Now he can continue to gild the Yiyuan sword, or make gold foil and silver foil. Good guy, no, good monster.

Then there are three magical artifacts, this monster is too arrogant, there are actually three magical artifacts, the original owner is dead, Ye Feng easily erased the residual consciousness left in the magical artifacts.

The first one is a low-grade magic weapon, the phantom piano. This piano should be the one that Hu Yue used to play the piano that day. It turned out to be a low-grade magic weapon. No wonder it can attract so many people at the same time. It can seduce the seven emotions and six desires of living things to make them fall into illusion and let it be slaughtered.

Good thing, unfortunately, he can't play the piano.

The second piece is called Qingyin Sword, which is a low-grade magical sword. Ye Feng danced it casually, and it was surprisingly smooth.

With his swordsmanship, taking the head of a person thousands of miles away is of course only a matter of thought, but it can still be done a hundred miles away.

The third magic weapon was a medium-grade magic weapon, and Ye Feng immediately refined it.

Magic Yin Mirror, this is a growable magic weapon, the quality limit is a top-grade magic weapon, it can be upgraded by absorbing the seven emotions and six desires, and build a phantom space in the territory.

Even if a high-level person is caught off guard and pulled into the phantom shadow mirror, it is not a good thing. Hu Yue should use her to store the seven emotions and six desires before cultivating, what a treasure.

Looking at the three magical artifacts, Ye Feng felt a little fortunate that he had just become the sixth child, otherwise these three magical artifacts alone would be enough for him to drink a pot, how could he kill the demon fox so easily.

There are also some trivial materials, elixir, and more than a dozen pieces of spirit stones. Spirit stones can be used for cultivation and recovery of spiritual formations, etc. They are hard currency in the cultivation world. Most of the materials and elixir Ye Feng I don't know it, but it will be good to get to know it slowly in the future, and it will always be useful.

A wave of fat, Ye Feng put away everything, even the fur of the demon fox and other things in the storage bag, and then hid it close to his body.

Finally, after thoroughly cleaning the crime scene to ensure that there was no smell at all, Ye Feng returned to the house.

The witch-killing technique transmitted from the gold paper is also a powerful offensive technique. In fact, there are 72 techniques of earth evil, each of which is like a chapter of the general outline of the technique, just like Tongyou. Although the main function is to communicate with the netherworld, it also gives Ye Feng Sensitive sense of God.

Swordsmanship is a general outline for practicing swordsmanship.

The same is true for today's demon slaying technique. The demon slaying technique is the secret to subduing demons. It is mainly based on the technique of slaying demons. Slaying demons can also behead people. After mastering it, the power to deal with demons will be doubled out of thin air, and you can gain insight into monsters. Weaknesses, more convenient and quicker to kill them.

And the power of killing monsters also increases with the number of monsters killed, it is really a monster busting spell.

With the inheritance of gold paper, Ye Feng can get twice the result with half the effort, and he has basically mastered the key points by dawn.

Now Ye Feng is ready to move, and he is short of a monster to cut him down.

A day of hard work starts with Yangshenquan. After finishing the morning exercises, Ye Feng sorts out all the incense papers in the warehouse. Today is the summer solstice, and it is the Christmas of the Shangqing Lingbao Tianzun. The pilgrims who come to Qingfeng Temple to offer incense may not few.

Qingfeng Temple enshrines the Taoist ancestors of the Sanqing, so every year on February [-]th (the Christmas of the Taiqing Daode Tianzun), the winter solstice (the Yuqing Yuanshi Tianzun’s Christmas) and the summer solstice, there are the most pilgrims and the most effective.

Prepare things, open the gate of the Taoist temple, and within half an hour, pilgrims will go up the mountain.

"Guanzhu Ye, I'm here to offer incense and pray for blessings!"

"Layman, please!"

The pilgrim took the incense paper from Ye Feng, went to the temple to worship devoutly, and put the incense money on the sesame oil table when he left.

Now Qingfeng Temple has a good reputation because of Ye Feng's hard work. The number of pilgrims has gradually increased in the past two years, and sometimes it has to be busy all day.

Moreover, Ye Feng is a well-known handsome young man. A large number of young girls who are in love and young women who are dissatisfied with desires come to the Taoist temple just to see Ye Feng. The prosperity of Qingfeng Temple is inseparable from Ye Feng's great sacrifice.

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