"Please Daoist Ye let go of what you do, Ma Tu doesn't matter."

After getting a response, Ye Feng nodded, without Li Yuanwai's permission, in case the matter was blackmailed after the end, he would not be able to explain clearly.

The century-old mahogany sword is in hand, and a talisman seal is pasted on the sword. This is a small method developed by Ye Feng. Or the speed of the sword will increase a lot.

Seeing Ye Feng's movements, Ma Ling naturally wouldn't sit still and charged towards Ye Feng with his head lowered. After all, he was a newborn weapon spirit who only knew how to use brute force. This time Ye Feng was more confident.

Using the imperial object technique to control the mahogany sword to fight with Ma Ling, the body is slowly approaching Ma Tu. Li Yuanwai and the eldest lady have already escaped. They are curious about such a scene and dare not be curious.

After all, it is only the third level of Qi training, and Ye Feng can't last long. Seeing that the distance to Ma Tu is good, Ye Feng suddenly pinches a curse, and suddenly casts a fireball technique, hitting Ma Tu.

Seeing that Ma Ling was furious, he hurriedly returned the picture, but how could Ye Feng let it get what it wanted, the mahogany sword blocked its way, preventing it from getting out of trouble.

Seeing that the horse map was about to burn out, Ma Ling suddenly erupted, and an invisible force swept across. Ye Feng froze, and the mahogany sword fell to the ground, and Ma Ling took the opportunity to return to the map.

Under Ma Ling's control, only one-third of Ma Tu started to extinguish the fire by himself. After Ye Feng resumed his actions, he felt lingering fears. .

Seeing that the flame was about to be extinguished, how could Ye Feng agree, and using the remaining spiritual energy, he hit Matu with two fireballs.


After a burst of unwilling cries, Ma Tu was still completely burned. This was Ye Feng's idea from the beginning. Although Ma Ling was weak, he was not strong either. How long can aura last.

Ma Ling is a tool spirit, and his whole body is above Ma Tu. If Ma Tu is gone, Ma Ling will naturally be gone. This is the easiest way to kill Ma Ling.

"One recorder spirit, one of the 72 techniques of Earth Sha will be rewarded - swordsmanship."

really!A familiar voice came from my mind again, and killing these ghosts and spirits is the correct way to open the golden paper.

Regardless of the aura that had already bottomed out in his body, Ye Feng began to accept the message from the gold paper that swordsmanship is an attack technique in the 72 earth magic techniques.

It is also called Yujianshu. This is not comparable to the small art of Yuwu. Yujianshu goes well with your mind, and there are also methods of raising swords, accumulating swords, flying swords, and controlling swords. This is the general outline of fencing. It can be said to be extremely practical. In the future, Ye Feng will no longer be as lacking in attack power as he is now.

Whether it is wind blade technique or fireball technique, they are actually just some basic spells with limited power. It is okay to bully little ghosts, but it is a bit stretched to deal with some old ghosts. If you want to flourish, you have to use swordsmanship and other supernatural powers. .

After clearing up his mood, Ye Feng regained his aura and walked outside. At this time, Li Yuanwai was summoning his servants to wait outside. He was overjoyed to see Ye Feng coming out.

"Daozhang Ye, that monster?"

"Fortunately not humiliated!"

Li Yuanwai's language problems were not corrected. After all, in their eyes, what is the difference between a monster and a weapon spirit?

Chapter 6 The Joy of the Big Slaughter

Li Yuanwai was overjoyed when he heard the words, and looked at Ye Feng even more eagerly, which made Ye Feng feel a chill.

"Ye Daochang really has great powers, much more powerful than those Taoist monks in the city, and asked the Taoist priest to move to the main hall. Presumably Ye Daozhang was a little tired after fighting. I prepared wine and food for Ye Daozhang. Daoist use some."

Ye Feng didn't refuse, the food of this big family is definitely not bad, he has eaten all melons, fruits and vegetables for the past two years, and there is very little meat, he feels that he has been starved and thin.

Sure enough, there were more than 30 dishes on a big table. This kind of tricks had never been seen even in his previous life. On the dinner table, Ye Feng tried his best to maintain elegance and not destroy the image of a master he had created with great difficulty.

Cultivators are also human beings who need to eat whole grains, especially for people like Ye Feng who live in the modern era of materialistic desires, the desire for food and drink is absolutely indispensable.

Li Yuanwai and his wives watched Ye Feng eat quietly, and sighed secretly, what is an expert, this is an expert, he only eats one or two mouthfuls of a dish, and drinks in moderation, and his every move shows the temperament of true cultivation.

After tasting more than 30 dishes, Ye Feng put down his chopsticks. He still needs to maintain his image of a tall man. He has gained a lot of fame in the past two years, but it is inseparable from the high personality he has painstakingly created.

And there are more than 30 dishes, and two bites of one dish is already a lot.

"Thank you Li Yuanwai for your hospitality. It's getting late, and it's time for Poor Dao to watch."

The underlying meaning is that it is time to pay.

Li Yuan is an outsider who is old and sophisticated, so he naturally understood in seconds, "Housekeeper, bring the gift to the Taoist priest."

The fat butler, hearing the words, turned around and took a tray up, looking at the silver on the tray full of silver, the silver light was shining, almost blinding Ye Feng's eyes.

Big dog, he likes it, it must be about 1000 taels of silver.

Not counting the fixed assets of Qingfengguan, Ye Feng has been busy for more than two years, and with the old man's savings, Ye Feng's savings are only a few dozen taels of silver.

And Li Yuanwai's move is worth a thousand taels of silver. Fortunately, Daoist Ye has seen the world, otherwise, just this one will ruin the image of a master.

"I don't know what the chief needs. I can only prepare some vulgar things for the chief. Please don't refuse."

Well, he likes vulgar things, the more the better, you must know that cultivating the Tao is an expensive job, although he uses talismans well, but the cost of a piece of talisman paper is also ten copper coins, and ten pieces are one tael of silver.

There are also various herbal medicines. Nowadays, when practicing swordsmanship, it is even more necessary to forge a sword weapon. Although the mahogany sword is good, it can only be used to suppress evil, and it is easy to be damaged when performing swordsmanship.

As for making swords, the most inferior material, fine iron, is not something he can afford now, and this thousand taels of silver relieved his urgent need.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng's heart skipped a beat.

"Mr. Li, does anyone know where refined iron or even black iron is sold?"

Refined iron!Xuan Tie!

Member Li didn't understand what Ye Feng wanted, but this didn't prevent him from following suit.

"Ye Daochang needs refined iron? Black iron is relatively rare. I haven't heard that Han County sells it anywhere, but refined iron is not that rare. I have a lot of it in my house. The housekeeper, go to the warehouse to sell it. Get the iron for Daoist Ye."

Are you so proud?Ye Feng was a little dumbfounded, he was just asking for news, why would he give him fine iron.

After a while, a box of refined iron was placed in front of Ye Feng, which made Ye Feng feel a little unreal. Is this a big family?Do you want to recognize him as a son, no, as a father.

"The fine iron is useless to me, so I dedicated it to the Taoist priest to subdue demons and demons, and I ask the Taoist priest to accept it."

When Li Yuanwai said this, Ye Feng felt a little embarrassed, "How can this be possible, how can this be embarrassing."

Looking at Ye Feng, who was talking about embarrassment, his eyes were fixed on Ye Feng, the corner of Li Yuanwai's mouth twitched. However, Li Yuanwai saw that Ye Feng was capable, and he had already decided to spend all his money to make friends. Otherwise, why would he send him away again? The money is sent to fine iron.

Before encountering this strange thing, Li Yuanwai didn't feel anything at all. Now that this evil thing happened, Li Yuanwai suddenly felt insecure. The Ye Feng in front of him has real skills. How could Li Yuanwai let him go and take so many things from him? , if he is in trouble in the future, Ye Feng will always feel embarrassed to stand by and watch.

Ye Feng naturally knew what Li Yuanwai meant, but he couldn't refuse the fine iron in front of him. In Dali, iron is the control of resources. Even if he wanted to collect it, it would take a lot of effort. Now that things are in front of him, how can he? give up easily.

Alas, he is such a person who doesn't understand rejection.

"Li Yuanwai is of high righteousness. Pindao can't take Yuanwai's things for nothing. This is an amulet made by Pindao himself. Wearing it on the body can ward off evil spirits and prevent evil spirits from approaching you. If the amulet spontaneously ignites, Yuanwai can send someone to Qingfeng to watch me. "

As he spoke, Ye Feng took out a stack of amulets from his arms and handed them to Li Yuanwai.

Li Yuanwai heard that the amulet can ward off evil spirits, and the most important thing is to get Ye Feng's promise to go to him, so he immediately accepted it with great joy, "Thank you for the gift."

Ye Feng was a little dumbfounded. You must know that the cost of amulets is extremely low. You can make one with a few copper coins, and it can be mass-produced. He originally planned to sell this stack of amulets. Now he can exchange a box of refined iron. flipped.

It can only be said that everyone has their own needs, and the heights they pursue are different.

"Why don't the Taoists stay for one night before leaving?"

"No need, Taoist temples are inseparable from people, so come to be a guest when you have time."

Seeing Ye Feng's determined expression, Li Yuanwai didn't want to stay anymore. In fact, he was a little worried, afraid that Ye Feng would not handle it cleanly and leave some tails, but he touched the amulet in his arms and felt relieved. In his opinion Well, Ye Feng is such a capable person, the talisman seals he made are naturally very powerful.

"Since that's the case, I won't force you to keep the Taoist priest. I also ask the Taoist priest to come and be a guest next time you pass by Han County. Steward, send someone to send the Taoist priest back."

This time, Ye Feng did not refuse. He would not lose face if he could ride in a carriage. At this time, he was also thinking about whether to buy a horse, but after thinking about it, he decided to forget it. After all, the speed of the horse was not as fast as his. The Fengxing Talisman came quickly.

The one who sent Ye Feng back was Xiao Wang who invited him to the Li Mansion, but it was different from when he came here. Xiao Wang treated Ye Feng with more care and respect, after all, the deeds of Ye Feng's extermination of demons had spread throughout the Li Mansion.

Seeing the change in the servant's attitude, Ye Feng didn't pay much attention to it. He had spent so long in the society in his previous life, and he couldn't understand this change in mood.

When returning to Qingfeng Temple, the sun had already set halfway into the mountain, Ye Feng took out an amulet from his arms and handed it to the boy, telling him to be careful when he went back.

Thinking of the boy's expression when he got the amulet, Ye Feng shook his head. This is the difference between a cultivator and an ordinary person. It has nothing to do with high or low, but only with ideas.

Chapter 7 One Yuan Sword

Qingfeng Guanli.

Ye Feng opened the box containing refined iron. The refined iron in this box is enough for him to make a sword. Although the refined iron sword is not a good sword, it is enough for him at this stage.

There is a method of casting swords in the new inheritance of swordsmanship, and the process is also very simple. You don't need Ye Feng to ask a refiner to make it, you can make it yourself according to the method.

The important thing is to raise the sword and accumulate the sword, so that the human sword can be united, and the sword can live.

In the next few days, Ye Feng was completely immersed in the joy of forging swords. After all, it was the first time forging weapons. Ye Feng did not dare to go too fast, and strived for perfection.

In terms of shape, Ye Feng came from making swords that he had seen in his previous life. In his previous life, Ye Feng had read many Taoist scriptures and entered many Taoist temples, so he knew everything about all kinds of swords.

The sword consists of two parts: the blade and the hilt.

The blade includes——

Front: the sharp part at the front of the blade;

Ridge: The raised midline of the sword body;

From: the sloping part on both sides of the ridge;

E: The edge from the outside, that is, the edges on both sides of the sword body;

La: The ridge and the two slaves are collectively called La.

The hilt includes—

Stem: that is, the handle part of the hilt, there are mainly two types: flat and round;

Ge: The handguard between the sword stem and the sword body, also known as Wei, 璏, and Jianbo;

Head: the round part often found at the end of the stem, also known as Tan;

Hoop: A circular raised ornamentation on a stem.

Making swords is not fast work. During this period, Ye Feng still received commissions from time to time to exorcise evil spirits, but there were no ghosts and ghosts.

Seventy-nine days later, the sword finally took shape, and a three-foot long sword appeared in front of Ye Feng.

The long sword cut through the fingertips, and a drop of blood was forced out by Ye Feng from the fingertips, and dripped on the long sword. This is the blood contract, and it is also the first step in raising the sword in swordsmanship.

Regardless of his weakened body due to the loss of essence and blood, Ye Feng struck while the iron was hot, and began to absorb the sword into his body according to the method of raising a sword in the swordsmanship inheritance.

There are three major pubic fields in the human body, namely the lower pubic field three inches below the navel, the upper pubic field on the top of the head at Baihui, and the middle pubic field on the chest at Tanzhong.

The spiritual energy practiced by a practitioner is stored in the middle dantian, which is also the foundation of the practitioner's body. However, to raise a sword in swordsmanship, you need to put the sword into the upper dantian, nourish the sword with spiritual energy, and use the sword with the spirit, so that the sword gradually produces spirituality.

The three-foot long sword is guided by the essence and blood, and it runs into Ye Feng's upper dantian with the magic formula. This feeling is very strange. The monks in the Qi training period cannot look inside, otherwise Ye Feng must take a look at how the small upper dantian can hold it. One who can hold a three-foot long sword.

Now as long as Ye Feng has his mind, the sword can appear in his hand. Ye Feng took out his income and took out his income. He had a great time playing. After a while, Ye Feng looked at the long sword in his hand.

"Since it's my first sword weapon, I'll call you 'One Yuan Sword'."

After receiving the Yiyuan sword in the upper dantian, Ye Feng went to the Lingtian to pick a ginseng plant, and began to make ginseng soup for supplementation.

The human body is composed of essence, energy, and spirit. Even if Ye Feng is a cultivator and has reached the third level of Qi training, there are only three drops of essence blood. Now that one drop has gone directly, it is not easy to recover. I am afraid it will not take ten days. Half a month cannot recover.

Ginseng is the most nourishing essence and blood, which can shorten this time a little.

Seeing that the three acres of spiritual fields were full of fruits and vegetables, Ye Feng felt that he had to make some changes. The spiritual fields were used to grow elixir, otherwise it would be too wasteful.

After he was ready to take care of himself, he would go down the mountain to search for it. After all, he is now a rich man with thousands of taels of silver.

A week later, Mr. Ye closed the gate in high spirits, and walked down the mountain.

The essence and blood have been replenished, and even the cultivation base has improved by one point, which is one step closer to the middle stage of Qi training.

Ye Feng's target this time is still the cold city, after all, it is the largest city around, maybe he can find two elixir plants.

The last time I came to Hancheng, I took the Li family's carriage and horses to go in. Even the entrance fee was waived. This time it was different. I came here alone, but I didn't have the face of the Li family, so I had to wait in line honestly.

"Drive by..."

A Taoist led a flock of sheep to the gate of the city, attracting the attention of the crowd. After all, in this era when eating meat was very luxurious, someone drove more than a dozen sheep past, no matter how you looked at it, it was a beautiful scenery.



"Do not hit me!"



The sounds of milk came to Ye Feng's ears, making Ye Feng's complexion more and more gloomy. Under the technique of channeling the secluded, this Taoist drove away a group of sheep, not a group of children.

A good art of making animals.

There are not only [-] righteous ways but also [-] side ways to cultivate in this world. Some people don’t have access to the right way, and some people find it difficult to find the right way. Therefore, the side way becomes their hope and a shortcut to cultivation.

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