For some reason, when Ding Yuanyin asked this sentence, Ding Yuanyin felt inexplicably sad.

"That's not true. I saw this woman when I entered the city. At that time, she was giving porridge to the victims of the disaster. I can still meet her now. I'm afraid it means something. I'm afraid there will be some entanglements in the future."

Ding Yuanyin also knew what Ye Feng meant. People who practice Taoism value fate very much. Ye Feng met this woman when he first came to Yecheng. Luck is involved.

"Why don't you ask Beitu's family to check it out?"

"It's not necessary, I already know it."

After possessing Beast Gathering, the beasts within the range of consciousness are his own ears, and it is not easy to hear the woman's information.

It's just that the name made him a little familiar.

"Xin Shishiniang! Is that the fox demon?"

After coming to this world, Ye Feng did meet and discover many people and events related to Liaozhai, but they were not exactly the same as Liaozhai. This feeling is really amazing.

"Let's go back."


Seeing Ye Feng who was about to go back suddenly, Ding Yuanyin was taken aback for a moment, but followed obediently.

Xin Shiniang returned to her home in the suburbs from the city. This is a dilapidated Buddhist temple. In this chaotic world, some temples and Taoist temples shine brilliantly, and some temples and Taoist temples have also been eliminated in the long river of time with the passage of time. Among them, this dilapidated monastery is like this.

Six months ago, Xin Shiniang's family was attacked by wolves. They had no choice but to escape from the mountains and came to Yecheng.

Xin Shiniang is the fourteenth, along with her father and [-] sisters, but unlike her other sisters, she does good deeds and accumulates virtues, takes pleasure in helping others, pursues Taoism and becomes a fairy, and hopes to pursue spiritual detachment.

The demon fox is the best at illusion, and most of the scholarly men who passed by the Buddhist monastery were buried here. The other eighteen sisters of Xin Shiniang were selfish and surly to absorb the yang energy of the world to enhance their mana. At first they were just temptations, but now they taste the sweetness , has intensified, and began to use coercive means.

this night.

A Taoist priest appeared not far from the monastery, looking at the direction he was heading, it was exactly where the monastery was.

"Help! Help!"

The Taoist priest heard the sound, identified the direction, and walked in the direction of the sound.

When I got closer, I realized that it was a woman in a light shirt who had fallen down the slope, holding her foot and crying in pain. It seemed that her foot was sprained.

The Taoist priest walked down the slope and came to the woman.

"Master, do you need help?"

The woman stopped crying when she heard the words, and looked up at the Taoist priest. She stared at the Taoist priest with a pair of lovely and pitiful faces, which really made people feel pity.


Seeing the appearance of the Taoist priest, the woman thought it was funny, and suddenly laughed out loud.

"Brother Taoist, when I came home, I accidentally slipped down, can you carry him up?"

The woman's delicate voice coupled with that beautiful face is really irresistible, and Taoist priests are of course human.

"Okay, come up, Pindao will take you back."

Chapter 40 The Scene of Constant Reincarnation

The Taoist squatted down, and the woman lay on her stomach, feeling the warmth of each other's bodies, and both of them seemed to be tense.

The Taoist didn't dare to stay, so he stood up quickly and walked out.

"You're holding him back, he can't hold him anymore, he's about to fall."

It turned out that the Taoist priest put his hands in front to avoid the interference between men and women. When he heard the woman's voice, the Taoist priest had no choice but to put his hands back and hold the woman's buttocks. straight smile.

On the road, the woman was lying on the Taoist priest's back. A gust of wind blew by, and the woman's undershirt was blown off suddenly. After the Taoist saw it, his body stiffened for a while. He seemed to have seen the white flowers on the woman's back.

"You idiot, what are you doing in a daze, why don't you hurry up and help someone pick it up."

The woman's shy voice came from behind, and the Taoist woke up like a dream, "Oh, oh", hurriedly put down the woman, and went to chase the sweater. When the Taoist turned around and came back, he suddenly saw the woman lying naked on the ground.

"Brother Taoist, is she beautiful?"

When the Taoist heard the words, his face turned red, and he closed his eyes hastily, "Layer, please be careful. These are layer's clothes. It's cold at night. Layman, please put them on quickly."

Seeing that the Taoist priest could bear it, the woman was very surprised and even more amused. She stood up and walked towards the Taoist priest. She grabbed the Taoist priest with both hands, fell into the Taoist priest's arms, and blew at the Taoist priest.

"Brother Taoist, isn't he beautiful?"

The Taoist priest seemed to have been hit by a trick, his breathing became heavier, and he suddenly opened his eyes, which were already covered with bloodshot eyes, as if they were about to explode.


The woman lay on the Taoist priest's body, and the Taoist priest's body continued to wither until he lost all vitality.

The woman straightened up, exposing her perfect body to the air, calming down the mana rioting in her body.

"Hehe, it's still cheaper for my old lady. This one can last half a year's hard work. It's still so fast. If you are like Xiao Shisi, when will my old lady become a fairy?"

Gently stepping over the corpse on the ground, the woman's clothes followed the woman and covered her body. Under the moonlight, the woman's shadow was reflected into the appearance of a fox. What is even more amazing is that this fox has two tails.

The woman is in a happy mood, ready to go back to the Buddhist monastery and show off to the other sisters what she has gained today. Thinking of the possible envious eyes of the sisters, the woman's mood is even more beautiful.

It's just that she felt that she had been walking for a long time, but the Buddhist temple not far away still did not appear in sight. This strange scene made the woman feel a little uneasy.

At this time, there was no one on the avenue, and the wind was blowing. Looking at the slope on the side of the road, the woman was inexplicably familiar. Isn't this the place where she fished before?How come here.

"Help! Help!"

A familiar voice came, a very familiar voice, it seemed to be her voice, following the voice, a person actually appeared at the bottom of the slope, it was a woman in a light shirt, wasn't that me?

The woman felt cold all over, she couldn't figure out why she was there, if it was her down the slope, then who was she.

beep, beep...

A Taoist priest suddenly appeared and trotted all the way to the bottom of the slope. The woman's eyes widened when she saw this scene. Wasn't that the Taoist priest who had just absorbed his yang energy and abandoned his body in the wilderness?How could it be there.

Familiar scenes reappeared in the next scene. I was carried by the Taoist priest at the bottom of the slope and walked on the avenue. The sweatshirt was blown off by the wind, and I fell into the arms of the Taoist priest. With a little trick, I took the Taoist priest down and absorbed it freely. With the yang energy of Taoist priests.

After the incident was completed, another corpse of a Taoist priest appeared on the ground, and it was placed neatly next to the corpse of the Taoist priest just now, but the woman didn't notice it. Instead, she was content and wanted to go back and show off to her sisters, and then walked towards the monastery. go.

The woman wanted to remind the woman who had just finished, but G found that the woman disappeared.

The woman was terrified, she felt a panting sound near her neck, she endured the fear in her heart and turned around, "Ah", a woman who looked exactly like her was standing beside her, smiling at her.

The woman was so frightened by this weird scene that she hurriedly summoned up her mana and sped towards the direction of the monastery, but the panting sound was always in her ears.

Then she found herself back on the slope again.

"Help! Help!"

Her figure appeared again under the slope. The woman's spirit was already on the verge of collapse. She knew that she must have fallen into some unknown situation. As time passed, there were more and more gasping sounds around her, and more and more Taoist corpses on the ground. More and more, but she felt that she was getting weaker and weaker.

"Who are you? Who are you? Let me go, let me go..."

The woman was completely overwhelmed by the scenes of reincarnation again and again, she could no longer run, fell to the ground and cried loudly to all directions.

But even if she was sitting on the ground, she could still see those scenes going on one after another. At some point, she suddenly found that her demon body began to shrivel up, and white hairs fell on the ground.

"Do not……"

She felt that her vitality was passing away with the reincarnation of the scene, she would die if this continued, and she knew that she would die if this continued.

"Help! Help!"

This time, she was really calling for help. She hoped that her father and sisters would come to save her, but unfortunately they didn't show up.

At this time, a Taoist priest suddenly appeared in front of her eyes, "Layman, do you need help?"

Seeing the Taoist priest who suddenly appeared, the woman suddenly woke up, "It's you, you're the one who's the ghost, right? Why? Can you let me go, let me go!"

"Master, do you need help?"

"Let me go!"

"Master, do you need help?"


Seeing the Taoist priest who just answered the same sentence no matter what she said, the woman finally despaired, and her life force had already dried up to the extreme.

When she was dying, she seemed to see the Taoist priest smiling at him, yes, he was smiling.

"Let me go!"

The woman exhausted all her strength and yelled out the last sentence. This time, she did not get any response from the Taoist priest.

Chapter 41 Borrowing the Wind

"Include one monster, and reward one of the 72 Earth Sha spells - Borrowing the Wind."

Ye Feng accepted the message from the golden page in his mind, waved his fingers involuntarily, and suddenly a gust of wind blew up around him, light wind, small wind, strong wind, strong wind...

Some of the surrounding trees could no longer withstand the wind and were uprooted. Ye Feng retracted his fingers, and the wind suddenly stopped.

"Good spell!"

That's right, the Taoist priest is Ye Feng. Now that he knows that there is Xin Shishi Niang, there must be a nest of foxes. They are not ordinary foxes, but they are all evil spirits.

The fox fishes, he also fishes, fair competition, whoever catches the fish, isn't that great?

It was Ye Feng's first attempt to use the Nightmare Prayer Technique combined with the Demon Killing Technique to kill demons, but the effect was surprisingly good. Ye Feng suddenly felt that he should dig deeper into the potential of the Earth Shade 72 technique. His current use is too superficial.

After all, the fox demon is also a demon general in the foundation-building realm, and he was frightened to death under the cooperation of his nightmare prayer technique and demon slaying technique. This is definitely much better than he expected.

The illusion scene created by Nightmare Prayer is very good at trapping people. If you can't get rid of the control of Nightmare Prayer for a short time, then the people trapped in the illusion will get deeper and deeper, until you can't even tell which is reality. Which is unreal.

And the demon-killing technique combined with the Nightmare Prayer technique can actually deprive the spirit of the trapped person little by little. The painful feeling that makes people go to perdition step by step makes Ye Feng's scalp tingle when he sees it.

Most importantly, the feeling that you know you're going to die and you can't fight it will drive you crazy before you die.

After taking away the fox fur, under the Borrowing Wind technique just now, there is no trace of him and the fox on the ground, and even the smell has already been blown beyond the sky.

The Fox Demon family is not easy to mess with. Ye Feng reckons that the old man should be at the peak of Foundation Establishment or even at the Golden Core Realm, and the other foxes are at least at the peak of Qi Training and at the Foundation Establishment Realm.

It's okay to catch the single ones, but directly breaking into other people's lairs is not in line with Ye Feng's principles of life, and it is not suitable for fishing these days, and it is easy to be caught back, and it is reasonable to shoot and change places.

Back in the other courtyard, Ye Feng took a shower and changed into a Taoist robe.

Day two.

"Master Daoist, people from the country have sent things over, should they still be kept in the house?"

"Well, let's put it in the house."

Upon hearing this, Chunxiang pushed open the door, ordered someone to put the two boxes on the table, and then slowly backed out.

Ye Feng opened the box, there was no accident, it was still a panacea.

Beituxuan should have asked Beitufeng specifically, knowing that Ye Feng likes elixir, so elixir has been delivered almost every day in the past few days, and they are all more than a hundred years old.

Ye Feng didn't refuse either, and accepted all the orders, just as the price to keep Bei Tuxuan awake. Thinking about it this way, the elixir is not a loss.

With a wave of the sleeve, the box was received in the tree bag.

Another day.

Chunxiang waited for Ye Feng to wash up and said, "Master Daoist, there is a message from the Duke that he wants to invite you over, but I don't know if it's convenient."

Ye Feng put the towel on the washbasin, "It's nothing inconvenient, just take me there."

It has been more than ten days since Bei Tuxuan woke up, and it is very calm to call him over now.

On the other side, the Buddhist temple outside the city of Yecheng.

"Have you found Xiaosan yet?"

Father fox demon is a little unstable. He was originally a master of the golden core level demon king level, but half a year ago when he was fighting with the wolf king, he was seriously injured. Even his wife was killed by the wolf king, but he has been injured so far. It didn't fully recover, it just recovered to the peak of Foundation Establishment.

Xiaosan didn't come back the night before yesterday, and everyone didn't pay much attention to it at first, but she disappeared all day yesterday, which made the foxes a little worried. The sisters went out to search but found nothing.

In desperation, the elder sister could only pass the news to the old man who was recuperating in retreat.

"You still didn't listen to me and adopted the yang energy of a living person?"

After a little induction, the fox demon father knew that his daughters did not obey his orders, and went to absorb the yang energy of strangers without authorization.

Turning his gaze to Xiao Shisi, he felt a little more satisfied in his heart, but Xiao Shisi was still obedient, maybe the vitality of their family would still need to fall on Xiao Shisi in the future.

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