Liaozhai: Starting from Inheriting Taoism Author: A Little Wolf

In the beginning, you inherit a family of Taoist temples, one person, one temple, one Liaozhai, the method of longevity, the gods of the sky and the earth protect the way, fox demons, ghosts, zombies... the chaotic borders of the country.For one ghost, one of the 72 magic spells will be rewarded - Tongyou; for one demon spirit, one of the 72 magic spells will be rewarded - killing demons; for one recorder spirit, one of the 72 magic spells will be rewarded - swordsmanship; ...

Chapter 1 Inherit Taoism at the start

Who knows the big dream first, I know it all my life.

Although self-cultivation and Qi training can replace sleep, as a modern time traveler, Ye Feng is still not used to this kind of training intensity.

That's right, Ye Feng is one of the thousands of crossing troops.

In his previous life, when he was in his prime, he was found to be suffering from a terminal illness—leukemia.

Within a few years, he tried various treatments, but his health was deteriorating. Helpless, the young man embarked on the road of seeking immortals and asking questions, pinning his hopes on various Buddhist scriptures, wasted ten years, and found nothing.

But just when he was about to face life and death calmly, a dilapidated Sanqing Temple and a volume of "Tao Te Ching" brought him a glimmer of hope, and a strand of golden pages hidden in the "Tao Te Ching" made Ye Feng think that It's God's pity and chance.

So Ye Feng started the research journey of the golden page, burning, water immersion, interlayer... After the failure, the young man who died was skeptical and wanted to try to recognize the master with a drop of blood.

After a golden light, then, there is no more.

When I woke up again, I was already in a Taoist temple, thinking about the scene when I woke up that day.


That day, Ye Feng had a long dream. In the dream, a baby was abandoned by his mother in the grass under the mountain with tears in his eyes. The sound of crying spread all around. At this time, an old Taoist priest with white beard appeared.

The old Taoist priest took the baby to the Taoist temple, raised him, and accepted him as a disciple when he was six years old, and named him "Zifeng".

Since then, Zifeng has never had a lazy sleep. After practicing a set of health-preserving boxing techniques for six years, all kinds of herbs are soaked until they smell the smell and then vomit.

The old Taoist taught Zifeng to practice boxing and literacy, which made Zifeng understand many things. The Taoist temple is called "Qingfengguan", a Taoist temple established by the old Taoist himself.

The old Taoist called himself a "Taoist", which means a person who seeks the Tao. He is a casual cultivator, and he accidentally obtained some broken inheritance. Because the method of practicing Qi is called "Qingfengjuan", the old Taoist called himself "Qingfeng Taoist", He also named the Taoist temple "Qingfengguan".

Later, the old Taoist priest took Zifeng down the mountain to do errands, weddings and weddings, Feng Shui, and demons and demons.

The old Taoist said that Zifeng had the aptitude for cultivation, but he couldn't tell whether it was good or not.

Gradually, Zifeng also knew that the old Taoist priest was in the realm of Qi training, he was almost 120 years old, and he was about to die.

On the day of Zifeng's 14th birthday, the old Taoist buried himself in the cemetery that had been prepared in the back mountain. Zifeng was very sad, and he hadn't had time to let his master see the day when he breathed into his body.

That night, with obsession, Zifeng began to introduce Qi into his body for the first time, but he was overwhelmed with demons and became obsessed, leaving only a body, which made Ye Feng cheaper.

Ye Feng, who received Xiao Zifeng's body and memory, woke up from his sleep, only to find that he already had spiritual energy in his body. Is this the introduction of energy into the body?

Inexplicably, Ye Feng is very grateful to his predecessor. Ye Feng has read a lot of time-traveling novels in his previous life, and Ye Feng, who has fantasized about time-traveling countless times, quickly accepted the matter of time-traveling.

Start taking stock of your possessions.

A bluestone Taoist temple, three acres of spiritual fields, and three brick houses.

A remnant volume of Qingfeng Qi training method, a remnant volume of talisman method, a remnant volume of magic technique, some superficial fist and kick kung fu, and a few volumes of Taoism scriptures.

A century-old mahogany sword, a yin plate, three spirit stones, a few talisman seals, and a little silver.

This is the entire legacy of the old Taoist priests.

Ye Feng thought to himself, this starting point is really good, with a house, land, deposits, and a cultivation base that draws energy into the body, at least he won't starve to death for the time being.

Qingfeng saw that there was a bluestone Taoist temple, three brick houses, and three acres of spiritual land in the back mountain, which was actually very simple.

Qingshi Taoist Temple, as its name suggests, is built of bluestone, with a size of about 120 square meters. In addition to the image of the Sanqing Taoist ancestor enshrined in the main hall, as well as incense utensils, a futon, a few tables and chairs, there are no extra decorations.

In the back three brick houses with a size of [-] square meters, there is nothing else except beds and tables.

The three-acre spiritual field is also very shabby. The reason why Qingfeng Laodao chose this small lonely mountain to build a Taoist temple is because when he traveled in his early years, he found a small spiritual vein here.

The three-acre spiritual field was bred by this spiritual vein, but in the spiritual field, apart from a few ginseng plants that have been around for decades, the rest are ordinary fruits and vegetables.

However, the vegetables grown in this spiritual field are different. Ye Feng has been living on these fruits and vegetables for the past two days, and they are really delicious.

When Ye Feng was arranging the relics in the old Taoist room, he found the land deed of the Taoist temple, but unexpectedly, the inherited inheritance with great difficulty suddenly turned into a cooked duck.

The plan of the day is in the morning.

When Ye Feng came to Houshan, he first practiced health-preserving boxing for half an hour. Ye Feng has been practicing this boxing for eight years.

Health-preserving boxing, as the name suggests, is for body training and health-preserving. From the age of six to today, for eight years, Ye Feng has finally completed the first stage of cultivation—body training-by relying on this set of health-preserving boxing.

And started to induce air into the body three days ago, um, thanks again to the predecessor.

There is a piece of bluestone standing on the back mountain, which was specially built by the old Taoist for cultivation. Ye Feng imitated the old way, jumped up, sat cross-legged on the bluestone, and began to practice Qi for the first time.

From his arms, he took out the only Qi-training method in the entire Qingfengguan——the Qingfeng remnant volume, and looked at it carefully. The old Taoist has already handed over all the things to Ye Feng.

Qingfeng Fragments can only be cultivated to the peak of Qi training, and the content after Qi training is gone. The old Taoist said in memory that after Qi training, there are foundation building and Jindan realm, but these are too far away.

The qi training is at the [-]th level, and the old Taoist has practiced for a lifetime to reach the [-]th level of qi training. Ye Feng doesn't think he can be much better than the old man.

According to the aura movement method recorded in Qingfeng Remnant Scroll, Ye Feng began to control the aura in his body to circulate around the sky. The old Taoist said that the first time you practice, you should do what you can. If you feel tingling in your Qi veins, you should stop.

Ye Feng carefully ran the exercises according to the running chart. After three weeks, Ye Feng had memorized the running track, so he didn't need to practice while looking at the chart.

After six weeks, it was still very relaxed, and there was no problem with nine. Finally, at the No. 12 week, the qi veins felt tingling. Ye Feng stopped quickly, and Ye Feng, who was sitting quietly, felt the body grow obviously There was a hint of aura, and it felt very strange.

"I don't know what level my twelve Sundays are?"

Ye Feng wondered secretly, but the old Taoist was gone, and he had no one to ask, so he could only hide his doubts in his heart.

Returning to Guanli from the back mountain, I passed by Lingtian to pick some vegetables, and I simply cooked and ate them when I came back. I can’t eat rice until I build the foundation, and for Ye Feng, appetite is absolutely indispensable, otherwise life How much less fun.

Chapter 2 Ghosts

In the inheritance left by the old Taoist, in addition to the remnants of the Qingfeng technique, there is also a remnant of the talisman and a remnant of the technique.

From the memory of his previous life, it is not difficult to see the dangers of this world, zombies, ghosts, demons... Ye Feng always has a sense of sight, always has a sense of mischief and wants to harm me.

After breaking through the realm of qi training, Ye Feng is now considered a Taoist priest at the first level of qi training, and can practice spells and talismans.

Taking out the talisman fragments and spell fragments, and carefully pondering them, it was a bit disappointing.

The fragments are really fragments. There are only seven kinds of talismans recorded in the fragments of talismans, three of which are auxiliary talismans, and only four that can be used in battle.

The three auxiliary talismans are water purification talisman, amulet and tranquility talisman.

These three kinds of talismans were all used by old Taoists before. The water purification talisman can purify water quality, which is necessary for survival in the wild.

The amulet is a kind of talisman to ward off evil spirits, which can be worn on the body to guard against some evil spirits.

The Tranquility Talisman acts on the spirit, and after use, it can calm the mind and resist the invasion of foreign demons.

The three auxiliary talismans are actually very practical. Ye Feng put away his disappointment and looked at the four talismans that could be used in battle.

The first kind of wind travel talisman can increase the speed of movement, but it is a must-have talisman for traveling and fighting.

The second type of wind blade talisman is a kind of talisman that condenses aura and wind blades to attack. The power depends on the level of the talisman.

The third type of wind shield talisman, after being practical, can gather the wind elements in the aura to form a wind shield around the body to defend the whole body.

The fourth type of evil-suppressing talisman is a talisman that directly acts on zombies, ghosts and other evil spirits. As for the effect, it is up to the beholder to see the wisdom.

Looking at the fragments of spells, there are a total of five spells recorded, the wind travel spell, the wind shield spell, and the wind blade spell corresponding to the talisman spells, and the other two are the imperial object spell and the fireball spell.

In the days after Ye Feng, he began to practice Qi while practicing spells and talismans. One month later, Ye Feng finally mastered seven talismans and five spells, and the aura in his body doubled again.

I have to say that Ye Feng enjoys this kind of life very much, eating the food from the spiritual field when he is hungry, and then being surrounded by a sense of fulfillment in cultivation. Without the trouble of illness, Ye Feng feels relaxed.

However, on this day, someone came to Qingfeng Temple.

In the past few years, people who offer incense and pray for blessings usually come during special festivals. Today is obviously not a special festival, so they are here to invite Taoist temples to do business.

Ye Feng guessed in his heart, his feet were not slow, and he came to the door of the Taoist temple to invite someone to come in.

A middle-aged farmer with an anxious face, his hands are full of calluses, he seems to be a year-round laborer.

Feeling the faint evil spirit of the visitor, Ye Feng was also a little nervous. This person probably came to the Taoist temple to ask the old Taoist to exorcise evil spirits. He and the old Taoist had done many similar rituals before, but now the old Taoist has passed away, and he just Entrainment, I don't know what to do.

I panicked a lot in my heart, but my face remained calm, I cupped my hands and asked, "Is the layman here to offer incense and pray for blessings, or do you have something to do?"

When the visitor saw Ye Feng, the anxious expression on his face disappeared a lot, "Xiao Daoist, I'm here to find Daoist Qingfeng to exorcise evil spirits, can you lead me to see Daoist Qingfeng?"

He also wanted to see the old Taoist priest, but unfortunately, the old Taoist priest was already lying in the cemetery in the back mountain.

"The layman doesn't know. It's been more than a month since the teacher passed away. I'm afraid the layman will be disappointed."

The person who came was shocked when he heard the words, "What to do, the Taoist leader doesn't know, my old lady passed away seven days ago, and she was going to be buried, but the old lady suddenly went crazy, and now no matter whether it is her demeanor or habits She is so similar to my old lady, I suspect that my old lady has entangled my mother-in-law. These days, my mother-in-law has been eating more and more, no matter what, I am afraid that there will be problems, so I came to invite Daoist Qingfeng to exorcise the evil, Daoist No more, what should I do?"

What a ghost!Ye Feng wisely kept his mouth shut, this is a ghost, no one knows if it is an ordinary ghost or a ghost, he is not sure to win, let him hire someone else.

After being absent-minded for a while, the visitor suddenly stared at Ye Feng fiercely, "The little Taoist priest is an excellent student of Qingfeng Taoist priest, he must have obtained the true biography of Qingfeng Taoist priest, and he can exorcise evil spirits, and please ask the little Taoist priest to help."

Ye Feng won't be able to fix this boast, Taoist temples also need to make a living, and now there are no other projects, so they can only take over the old Taoist business first.

He passed away just seven days ago, so it shouldn't be too powerful a ghost. After touching the talisman on his waist, Ye Feng's heart settled down, and he decided to take a look first.

"I don't dare to be a high-ranking student. Layman, wait a moment. Xiaodao will go to prepare first, and then I will go down the mountain with the layman to have a look."

When the visitor saw Ye Feng agreeing, his face turned happy and he kept nodding his head.

Speaking of which, the defensive measures of the Taoist temple are still not good, and the old Taoists don't know how to use formations, so every time they go out, they can only bring valuable things with them to prevent them from being stolen.

Taking the hundred-year-old mahogany sword, yin plate and talisman seals, and locking the doors and windows, Ye Feng followed the visitors down the mountain.

According to previous memories, Xiaogushan is located in Han County, Linfeng County, Yunzhou, Dali Dynasty. Because of the skill of the old Taoist, it is also well-known in this Han County, especially in the surrounding villages. Breeze watch invites people.

Speaking of which, this is the first time Ye Feng has left the Taoist temple since he traveled here, and he feels that everything under the mountain is quite novel.

It's a pity that the situation at the bottom of the mountain is very different from what Ye Feng thought. The Lijia Village that this trip is going to is not far from Xiaogu Mountain, but along the way, no pedestrians have come across it.

There is no trace of paving on the road, and it is completely artificially stepped on. The trees, flowers and plants are worth seeing. After arriving in Lijia Village, Ye Feng realized how backward the development of this world is.

Compared with dilapidated houses, various buildings that have been in disrepair, garbage thrown everywhere, and obviously malnourished villagers, the Taoist temple seems to be much better.

Ye Feng followed the big man to the east of the village. There were hundreds of mourning objects hanging in the yard. The coffin was parked in the yard and covered with a small shed. There was still an evil spirit left. Feeling this faint evil spirit, Ye Feng felt that I can handle it myself.

"Layman, where is your lady?"

Strange things happened in the family, most of the relatives ran away, and there were only a few children in the family.

"Xiao Daoist, come with me, my wife is still in the room."

Ye Feng nodded, probably because he heard that the Daoist had been invited by the big man, and many people came to see the excitement in the yard one after another, probably because they saw Ye Feng was young, and they were pointing and saying something.

Following the big man to the house, Ye Feng saw a woman who was still eating continuously, her body obviously couldn't take it anymore, but she didn't intend to stop at all. People who are about to die are generally.

"Xiao Daoist, this is my wife."

Chapter 3 Gold Page Goldfinger

The big man looked at the woman with a little fear. After all, he might not only be facing his wife, but also his mother who had just passed away.

Ye Feng nodded when he heard the words, the woman is indeed possessed by a ghost, she should be the old mother of the big man, she is not evil, it looks like she is just a little ghost.

"Bold ghost, the time has come. If you don't enter reincarnation, you dare to stay in the world. Aren't you afraid that your soul will fly away?"

There is reincarnation in hell in this world. Those who die, who have not entered the hell after the first seven days, can only be a lonely ghost, which is not tolerated by heaven and earth, and even entangled with resentment, turning into a fierce ghost.

Hearing Ye Feng's words, the woman suddenly became ferocious, choosing someone to eat.This is the performance of having lost sanity, and it seems that there is no way to communicate.

"Layman, please step back, the ghost has lost its sanity, and the poor can only get rid of her."

Hearing that Ye Feng wanted to get rid of the ghost, the big man hesitated, after all, the ghost might be his mother.

"If you don't get rid of this ghost, I'm afraid that when she turns into a ghost, your family and even the village will suffer."

Hearing Ye Feng's slightly threatening words, the big man didn't dare to hesitate any longer, and quickly moved away.

Seeing this, Ye Feng took out a hundred-year-old mahogany sword, affixed an evil talisman on the sword, and pointed at the woman.

"Bold ghost, stubborn and stubborn, look at the power of my talisman, follow!"

The talisman flew towards the woman in response, forcing the woman back again and again.

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