Nonsense, Lin Xuan didn't believe it at all, testing medicine would definitely kill people, maybe life would be better than death.

Next, the middle-aged man in purple arranged a place for everyone, each with a hut, which was like a cage.

Lin Xuan was very dissatisfied. How could he become a drug slave if he came to steal things by himself?It really doesn't make sense, it seems that we have to find a way to be able to move freely in the barren ancient religion, this is the chance!Now, it is equivalent to being trapped.

In the air, there is a scent of medicine.

Lin Xuan sat cross-legged, closed his eyes and rested his mind, he was at peace when he came, anyway, he was not afraid.

Strangely, for three days in a row, he was not called to test the medicine, as if he had been forgotten.

Chapter 90 Black Demon Sunflower On the fifth day, Lin Xuan was called out and taken outside the palace. He thought he was going to test the medicine, but he didn't expect that it was not the case.

There were two sacks that went out with him, which contained dead bodies. He could tell at a glance that they might be the people who died while trying the medicine!

Hu Wang waited outside, surrounded by two people, these two people took two sacks.

Lin Xuan didn't know why, why did he call him out?

"You come with me, there is something good for you."

Hu Wang glanced at Lin Xuan and smiled.

Lin Xuan blinked his eyes, he didn't believe there was anything good, but he still followed Hu Wang.

Along the way, Hu Wang didn't speak, and the other two were silent while carrying the sacks.

Several people came to a flower field, which was full of sunflowers, but the sunflowers were black, and each plant was one foot high.

"This is the Black Devil Sunflower, which has many advantages."

Hu Wang introduced Lin Xuan.

Then with a wave of his hand, the other two untied the sack and pulled out two dead bodies, a man and a woman, both young.

However, these two people, with blue faces, obviously died of poisoning, the poor people who tried the medicine.

The two were buried in the flower field, and Lin Xuan suddenly felt a little sick. There were so many corpses buried in this flower field. No wonder, the black-filmed sunflower was so big.

"The liquid extracted from the Black Demon Sunflower can't be resisted even by Xuanxian. You should thank me, otherwise, you will be buried here too. It was I who said that, and you didn't go to test the medicine these days."

Hu Wang smiled.

No wonder, Lin Xuan didn't think that the other party had good intentions and was trying to trick him?

"Thank you then."

Lin Xuan grinned.

Afterwards, Hu Wang took Lin Xuan alone to the small courtyard where he lived.

He sat on a chair, and Lin Xuan stood in front of him.

"Hey! I appreciate you very much, and I plan to give you a future. Do you know what this is? As long as your name is engraved on the identity plate of the disciple of the Desolate Ancient Sect, you are an official disciple of the Desolate Ancient Sect. You don't need to be a drug slave. .”

Hu Wang took out a jade tablet with the words Huang Guzong on the back.

Then he took out a pocket knife.

"However, this name is not easy to engrave on it. It depends on your performance. What you gave me is very good. I have practiced it. It is very powerful. This kind of thing is not what a Sanxian should have. !"

Hu Wang had a smile on his face.

"I met a golden fairy who was about to die. After he died, I buried him. His things were mine. Not only did he have supernatural powers, but also magic weapons? And there were more than one magic weapon, all of which were powerful."

Lin Xuan shrugged.

"Oh, what a chance! No wonder!"

Hu Wang's eyes lit up immediately.

"How about this! You give me what you got, and I will engrave your name on it. From then on, you will be a disciple of the Desolate Ancient Sect. By the way, I will also give you a cave for you to practice."

Hu Wang pondered for a while, and wanted to make a deal with Lin Xuan.

Lin Xuan nodded in satisfaction, is he worried?Now that he has the status of a formal disciple, it is more convenient for him to act.

"Take me to the cave to have a look."

Lin Xuan said.

"no problem."

Hu Wang did not refuse, and then led the way forward.

This cave is twenty miles away, in a relatively remote place, at the foot of a green hill.

There are many caves

"This is my former cave, but since I became a deacon, I haven't lived in it much, so I will give it to you!"

Hu Wang pressed the stone door and entered.

The cave is not big, just two stone rooms, nothing decent, a stone bed, two futons, and a set of tables and chairs, nothing else.

"Now, you can give me the things! I have shown my sincerity."

Hu Wang urged.

"You engrave my name on the jade tablet, my name is Xuan Ye."

Lin Xuan said.

"Okay, but don't play tricks."

Hu Wang was a little surprised, this guy didn't panic at all, he was very calm, and seemed to have confidence.

It's just a mere loose fairy, and it's impossible to escape from his palm.

Hu Wang carved the word Xuan Ye with a knife, and threw it to Lin Xuan.

"How is it? Are you satisfied! I will take care of you in the future, where is the magic weapon? Take it out and let me see."

Hu Wang was a little excited, Jinxian's magic weapon, it was the treasure he dreamed of!A casual cultivator is not worthy of having it.

"Even if I give you a magic weapon, it's useless to you! A dead person doesn't need to use a magic weapon. You're really not very smart."

Lin Xuan grinned.

"What do you mean?"

Hu Wang couldn't help but bewildered.

"You're going to die. I hate people plotting against me. In fact, you want to kill me too, don't you? You're not sure how many treasures I have on me, and you're worried that you'll kill me directly and find no treasures. After all, I didn't bring a storage bag or something."

Lin Xuan grinned.

Hu Wang was surprised, he really thought so, but how did the other party know.

"According to what you mean, you want to kill me. It's a daydream. You are a mere loose fairy. Where do you get the confidence?"

Hu Wang sneered.

"I'm too lazy to talk nonsense with a dying person like you."

Lin Xuan strode forward, directly grabbed Hu Wang's neck, and lifted him up.

Hu Wang was dumbfounded.

"act recklessly."

As soon as the karmic fire red lotus was released, Hu Wang was burned into nothingness in an instant, and there was nothing left.

Lin Xuan is very satisfied. Now that he has become an official disciple of the Ancient Desolation Sect, he finally has the opportunity to investigate.

His first goal was the Bibo Lingquan. It took him two days to find it. He had no choice but to use his spiritual sense!

Bibo Lingquan flows in a circle and surrounds an orchard.

The spiritual spring and the spiritual orchard are together, and those spiritual fruits need the nourishment of the spiritual spring.

Lin Xuan glanced at it from a distance. Naturally, there are people guarding such a place. Now that it is broad daylight, he can't rush over there and kill people directly!Can only peep in the dark.

He released his consciousness carefully, and found that the people guarding the Lingquan and Lingguo are not experts, maybe seven or eight people!That is to say, the cultivation base of the immortals and immortals.

Thinking about it, my own family has always lived in peace, so the security is naturally not very strict.

Lin Xuan nodded secretly, he planned to wait until after dark.

These people can be eliminated in an instant, and they will be incinerated into nothingness with the karmic fire red lotus, there is absolutely no problem at all.

The Bibo Lingquan and Heling Orchard had to be harvested from the Linglong Pagoda. Using such supernatural powers would definitely alarm the high-level leaders of the Ancient Desolation Sect.

Therefore, the speed must be accelerated, and there must be no delay.

After getting it, there is no need to run away, anyway, he has the status of a disciple now, which is a good cover, and absolutely no one will suspect an ordinary disciple.

Lin Xuan lay dormant quietly, waiting for nightfall. He couldn't do anything in broad daylight.

The spirit orchard is filled with fragrance, and there are pears and apricots in it.

The fruit nourished by the spiritual spring must have the effect of improving cultivation.

Chapter 91 Of course, Lin Xuan, the desolate ancient leader, did not enjoy it for himself. These things almost have no effect on him, unless it is something like flat peach and ginseng fruit.

Therefore, he is for Tiandaozong.

In the middle of the night, Lin Xuan made his move. He used the karmic fire red lotus to directly eliminate the guards. In an instant, these people were burned into nothingness by the red fire, and there was no reaction.

In this case, you can only be ruthless.

Afterwards, Lin Xuan directly sacrificed the Linglong Pagoda, destroyed it with all his strength, and directly took the Spiritual Orchard into it.

The spirit spring also absorbed them all.

Afterwards, Lin Xuan quickly retreated and hid in the cave.

The loud noise indeed alarmed many people in the Ancient Desolation Cult. After a while, some people discovered that the Spiritual Orchard and the Bibo Spiritual Spring were gone, and they were all stupid.

It was reported layer by layer, which directly alarmed the top management.

The leader of Huang Gu, went to inspect it in person. Normally, he was calm and calm, but when he saw that the spiritual orchard and the spiritual spring were gone, he was so angry that he flew into a rage.

"Who did this?"

He let out an angry growl.

"It seems that someone used great supernatural powers to take away the Lingguoyuan and Lingquan together. What a bold thief."

Song Yuzhen, the elder of Chuangong, was also very annoyed.

This thing is lost, the matter is not particularly serious, after all, these two things are of no great use to their level, they mainly affect the disciples in the sect.

The key is face. In this face, I can't hold back!If it spreads out, wouldn't the Ancient Desolation Religion become a laughing stock?

"Could it be someone from Jiuling Mountain did it?"

The ancient leader, with an uncertain expression, quickly calmed down.

"Impossible. If they came, how could we not know that someone must have sneaked in. We have recruited new disciples recently, and it is likely that someone sneaked in among the new disciples and succeeded."

"Jiuling Mountain doesn't lack these things, so it's impossible for them to do them."

Song Yuzhen said seriously.

"Aren't all the new disciples sent to Black Dragon Mountain?"

The ancient leader frowned, thinking about it, how could the people from Jiuling Mountain come here to steal?Anyway, he is also a great teacher, and he would definitely not make such a blatant act.

"Some people went, some didn't, but not many stayed."

Song Yuzhen said.

"Where's the guard?"

The ancient leader looked around.

"It's dead. I feel that someone used real fire. The temperature in this area is a bit high. At least it was done by a golden fairy."

"This person must have a good magic weapon."

Song Yuzhen grabbed the air and said.

"No one is allowed to publicize this matter, otherwise, there will be no mercy."

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