At noon, Su Ping had lunch and saw that there was really no business in the store. He thought of what Su Lingyue said last night, and what Dong Mingsong said, and sighed in his heart. It seemed that he had to drop by to have a look.

After closing the store, he went to the cheap supermarket on the street to buy some things, and then rode to the academy.

Half an hour later, Su Ping came to the entrance of the college. The floor that was trampled yesterday had been repaired. The movement of the famous school is agile.

Su Ping entered the academy, contacted Dong Mingsong with a communicator, and said, "I've already arrived at the academy, where are they?"

The other end of the communicator was a little noisy, and Dong Mingsong's voice became a little loud and forceful, and his tone was a little uncomfortable. He said: "We are in the first battle hall, you come here directly, and now it happens to be the final."


Su Ping was stunned. It's the finals so soon?

Didn't Su Lingyue say that she competed in the afternoon? It's already the final, so what else does she participate in?

Or, has she already compared it?

With doubts, Su Ping drove to speed up.

Now that he is familiar with it, Su Ping quickly found the first battle hall.

The building of the first battle hall is the largest, like a huge stadium, which can accommodate 10 people.

Su Ping came to the battle hall and found that the formerly lively battle hall seemed a little quiet.

When he came here to watch an exhibition match last time, he could hear bursts of cheers from afar, but now there are no cheers, only the faint sounds of fighting.

Su Ping locked the bicycle and walked in quickly.

When the guard at the gate saw Su Ping, he immediately let him go without daring to stop him.

Entering the venue, Su Ping saw that it was full of people, almost full.

However, the atmosphere in the venue was a bit dignified, and there were no cheers.

Su Ping looked at the battle field below the auditorium, and saw the ferocious dark black dragon flapping its wings, and its dragon claws stepped on the neck of another dragon beast, making a menacing roar.

The trampled dragon beast is Ye Hao's silver snake thunder dragon beast.

Su Ping didn't expect it to be the final, and looking at the situation, Ye Hao, who was the finale, had already lost.

He wasn't surprised by Ye Hao's defeat. After all, the dark black dragon was not only high-level, but also had a higher dragon rank than Ye Hao's Silver Snake Thunder Dragon. It was completely crushed in all aspects!

"Student, has Su Lingyue's competition started?" Su Ping asked a boy next to him.

The boy's thoughts were all on the stage, he glanced at Su Ping casually, and then returned his eyes to the battlefield, with a bit of grief and indignation, he said: "Student Su's competition is over long ago, and everyone else's is also over, right? "

Su Ping was stunned for a moment, and said: "The result is winning or losing?"

"Win?" The boy turned his head to look at him, and said angrily, "How did you win? They all lost. This Jianlan Academy's attack is too ruthless!"

When he finished getting angry at Su Ping, he suddenly realized that Su Ping looked familiar, but he couldn't remember where he had seen it for a while.

Su Ping was stunned for a moment, but he didn't expect that it was over and he lost.

He patted the boy on the shoulder, didn't say any more, glanced at the stands in front of him, and soon found Su Lingyue's class, but among the many figures in that class, he didn't see Su Lingyue's face figure.

He froze for a moment, thinking that with the protection of Yuanshui Baojia, he should be fine.

However, he was still worried in his heart and rushed over.

1 Chapter Forty She's My Sister

When Su Ping came to Su Lingyue's class, he saw that everyone was still looking out at the battle on the field, with concerned expressions, and seemed extremely nervous.

He grabbed a girl and said, "Where's Su Lingyue in your class?"

The girl was concentrating on watching, when she was suddenly pulled, she was startled, looked quickly, and immediately recognized Su Ping at a glance.

"Su, Teacher Su?!" The girl was a little surprised, and a little flattered.

She has attended Su Ping's class and is very familiar with his appearance, but she did not expect that this famous new tutor would appear in front of her at close range. This is a recent figure in the college!

The girl's words were heard by several people next to her, and they all turned their heads to look over.

Soon, they also recognized Su Ping's face, and they were all dumbfounded, surprised and delighted.

Su Ping felt that the turmoil he brought had a tendency to expand, and immediately asked again: "Where is Su Lingyue?"

The girl came to her senses and immediately behaved well-behaved, saying: "Student Su was sent to the infirmary by Tutor Cheng."

"Infirmary?" Su Ping was stunned.

His face changed slightly, and he said, "Is she injured? Is it serious?"

The girl shook her head and said, "I don't know. According to Teacher Cheng, it seems that I was attacked mentally. I won't know until the doctor examines it."

Su Ping clenched his fingers slightly.

Mental attack.

The original water treasure armor can only resist physical and elemental energy attacks, but it can't resist spiritual attacks alone!

And mental attacks happen to be the most dangerous attacks, ranging from dementia and coma, to brain explosions and death on the spot.

At this time, there were more and more exclamations around, and Su Ping came back to his senses. Seeing that more and more people in the class noticed him, he asked the girl, "Where is the infirmary?"

The girl was taken aback, hearing what Su Ping meant, was she going to visit Su Lingyue?

Although she was puzzled, she immediately replied: "There is a temporary emergency medical room in the venue, which is convenient for first aid. Just go in through that first aid passage."

Su Ping looked along her fingers, the passage was at the bottom of the stand, just outside the battle field.

At this time, he also noticed that there were several figures in medical uniforms standing outside the battle field, as if they were ready for emergency treatment at any time.


Su Ping said something, turned around, and rushed to the front of the stand like a hurricane in an instant, then put his arm on the railing, turned over and jumped down, and landed on the aisle outside the battlefield below.

In addition to the medical staff, there are also some contestants preparing for the competition.

Su Ping took a look around and saw that Dong Mingsong was there, beside him was an old man, and the students from other schools whom he had met yesterday.

However, he didn't go over to say hello, but walked directly to the emergency passage next to him.

"Student, you can't enter here." The medical staff standing in front of the passage saw Su Ping and hurriedly stopped him.

Su Ping stopped, glanced at them, and said, "I'm a mentor, please let me go."

The two medical staff were taken aback.

One of them frowned and said, "Student, don't make this joke casually..."

Before he finished speaking, his companion stopped him.

"Are you Teacher Su?"


"Sorry sorry, please."

He pulled his companion and quickly moved aside for Su Ping.

When Su Ping walked in, the previous person asked suspiciously, "What Su Tutor?"

"You stay in the infirmary all day, so you don't know the situation yet. This Instructor Su is a new senior instructor from our academy. I heard that he has a Purgatory Candle Dragon Beast. He has reserved a title seat in the future!"

"Purgatory Candle Dragon Beast? Just kidding, do we have such a top-level dragon beast in Longjiang Base City?"

"Anyway, this is how the students spread it..."

The voices of the medical staff gradually faded away from behind, and Su Ping also entered the depths of the passage, and soon saw a corner, he walked in, and soon saw several rooms, at the door of one of the rooms, standing a woman.

Su Ping recognized at a glance that it was the tutor Cheng who had led him the way earlier.

The other party is also Su Lingyue's head teacher.

"Mr. Cheng." Su Ping stepped forward.

Cheng Shuanglin was frowning and thinking, when she heard the sudden voice, she was startled. When she saw Su Ping's face clearly, she froze for a moment, and said, "Why are you here?" She found that she didn't notice Su Ping How did he get close to him, without any footsteps.

Su Ping glanced at the closed door next to her, and said, "Is Su Lingyue in there? How is she doing?"

"Su Lingyue?"

Cheng Shuanglin didn't expect that Su Ping came here to visit her. She was a little surprised, but she still said: "The doctor just did a preliminary test, and he said that he was lucky. He almost hurt the hippocampus. Fortunately, classmate Su's 'Fengming' has cultivated to four. Level, to protect her source of consciousness, otherwise she might end up with dementia or amnesia, and the consequences would be unimaginable."

Su Lingyue is the champion of the first grade, and also the key training target of Fengshan College in the future. Whether it is dementia or amnesia, it is a devastating blow!

The chill deep in Su Ping's eyes suddenly eased a little, as long as the worst didn't happen.

"What's going on?" he asked.

Cheng Shuanglin looked at him strangely, "You seem to be very concerned about her situation?"

"She is my sister." Su Ping said.

Cheng Shuanglin was stunned, and then thought that the two had the same surname, and she was dumbfounded, why didn't she think of this before?

She smiled bitterly, and said, "It seems that your family has pretty good genes."

Seeing that Su Ping was expressionless, the wry smile on her face slowly disappeared, and she faintly felt Su Ping's mood at the moment, and she didn't want her expression to be so peaceful.

"It's like this..." She narrated the battle to Su Ping again, and said: "Her opponent saw that she couldn't do anything to her, so she used the pet beast to perform a mental puncture, and then defeated Classmate Su."

Su Ping listened silently.

He didn't expect that his kindness almost hurt Su Lingyue.

If there was no original water treasure armor, Su Lingyue would have lost early, and at most would have suffered a little bit of flesh and blood, instead of taking such a big risk and being defeated by a mental attack.

At this moment, the door to the next room opened.

Several medical staff came out, and one of them, a middle-aged man with a more refined temperament, said: "Student Su has woken up, and there is basically nothing serious. Director Cheng doesn't have to worry too much."

Cheng Shuanglin breathed a sigh of relief, and quickly thanked her.

Su Ping also thanked him.

"She can go back now, but she can no longer be stimulated by mental attacks in the near future." The elegant middle-aged man instructed.

Cheng Shuanglin nodded repeatedly.

After several medical staff left, Su Ping entered the room first, and saw Su Lingyue lying on the bed, stroking the Phantom Flame Beast.

"Brother?" Su Lingyue was taken aback and subconsciously called out.

But soon, she blushed all of a sudden, and then she thought of how she was lying on the hospital bed, and she was even more ashamed and angry. She rolled her huge eyes angrily, and said, "What are you doing here?"

Seeing her reaction, Su Ping knew that her spirit was normal and not insane.

"Let me take a look at this charcoal." Su Ping said.

Su Lingyue said angrily: "It's a snowball, not black charcoal!"

Su Ping snorted, seeing that she still had the strength to yell, he was completely relieved, and said to Cheng Shuanglin, "I'm going first, you tie her up."

Cheng Shuanglin was stunned.

What happened to the siblings?

Su Ping turned to leave, and threw a pillow, but was caught by Cheng Shuanglin.

Su Lingyue was startled, stuck out her tongue, and said in embarrassment: "Director, that, I didn't mean it, it's this guy talking nonsense..."

Cheng Shuanglin didn't care about her, especially after knowing that she was Su Ping's younger sister, she cared more about her identity.

She stepped forward and put the pillow on the side of the bed, and said with concern, "Are you okay? The doctor said that your brain is fine, how do you feel?"

"I'm fine." Su Lingyue said, she felt no other discomfort except that her brain was a little dizzy.

Cheng Shuanglin also felt relieved, and said, "I didn't expect your brother to be Teacher Su, why didn't you tell me earlier."

Su Lingyue thought she heard the "brother" she called earlier, blushed a little, and said: "I didn't hide it on purpose, you saw it too, he only looks at me for jokes, so I don't admit that he is my brother Woolen cloth!"

Cheng Shuanglin was taken aback, thinking of Su Ping's feeling when she asked her about her situation outside the door just now. Although Su Ping looked calm on the outside, she felt that the other party seemed to erupt something extremely terrifying at any time, which was by no means really calm.

"Your brother should still care about you." She said subconsciously.

Su Lingyue snorted softly, and only took her as comfort. After all, who would answer, yes, your brother is here to laugh at you.Isn't this a lack of a string in the brain?

"Director, how is the upcoming game going? Did Ye Hao play?" Su Lingyue immediately became more energetic when thinking about the game, and asked quickly.

Cheng Shuanglin froze for a moment, nodded and said, "It seems that I have already entered the stage. I heard shouts from outside the passage, but what is the situation? I am here to guard you, so I don't have time to watch."

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