When tutoring.

Su Ping felt that the things he was good at were all related to pet beasts.

And Pioneer, although making money, is too dangerous, and it is too troublesome to go back and forth, delaying the business of his store.

In addition to pioneering, he thought of being invited to be a mentor.

Since I can teach the students of Fengshan College, I can naturally teach others.

After sorting out the clues, Su Ping logged on to the Internet and began to search for tutoring websites.

Soon, he found a large number of tutoring websites, but the fees for tutoring were very low.

However, the requirements for tutoring inside are also very low, and the middle-level pet teachers are enough to deal with it. They teach children from ordinary middle-class families. Calculated by the hour, it costs more than 1000 yuan an hour, and the expensive ones are about two to three thousand.

This fee is considered expensive for many middle-class families, and many families may not be able to afford it.

But for Su Ping, it was too cheap.

His lectures at Fengshan College are divided into one hour and one class. Although the instructor points are issued, the value of these points is far more than a few thousand dollars.

Su Ping wandered around, and suddenly thought of his identity as a pioneer, he suddenly felt moved, logged in to the pioneer website, and searched with the browser of the pioneer website.

Soon, several tutoring websites that he hadn't seen before jumped out in front of his eyes.

Su Ping clicked on the tutoring website, which is the number one recommended hot list.

The home page is a large number of tutor recommendations and student recruitment.

Below the tutor, there is also a fee display:

Wang XX (pictured): Senior seventh-rank advanced pet master.

120000/1 hour.

Chapter 122


After counting the next 0, Su Ping was a little surprised. The price is quite good, and the requirements are not high. Only a seventh-level advanced pet master can do it.

There is also an expert column on it, which are all eighth-rank pet masters with prominent status.

The avatars of these battle pet masters are all framed in shiny silver, which is very conspicuous.

Their guidance fee has also doubled, with a minimum of 35 an hour and a high of more than 40.

Su Ping randomly clicked on a few avatars, which contained some of their prominent deeds, as well as the number of times of guidance, as well as the records of the effectiveness of guidance.

After watching a few times, Su Ping found that apart from some prominent deeds that were a little scary, the guidance effect seemed to be the same. It seemed to be... I can do it if I do it?

Su Ping was a little ready to move.

At this time, he saw that there was also the Tutor Hall of Fame on the top.

He clicked in and took a look, and it turned out that all of them were Tier [-] Battle Pet Masters!

Their avatars are all golden borders, extremely shining!

There are a total of... 12 titled battle pet masters!

Su Ping looked at their guidance fees, and immediately opened his mouth.

The minimum is a million starts!

Moreover, the guidance of these titled war pet masters is not calculated by the hour, but by the number of times.

100 at a time!

This money is too easy to earn, right? !

Su Ping quickly calculated in his mind, if he guides dozens of times... tens of millions!

He immediately clicked in to check the details of these titled pet masters, and soon, he found that most of these titled pet masters had given guidance more than 100 times, and most of them were only a few hundred times.

One hundred times is one hundred million!

A few hundred times means hundreds of millions!

Su Ping was a little surprised, but after thinking about it, a few hundred million sounds like a lot, but for such a top figure who is second only to the legendary pet master, it may be just a small amount of money.

After all, these titled war pet masters have a respected status and a wide network of contacts. Not only are they strong enough, but they also use the connections they attract to run businesses. Some start large companies, and they earn a lot of income every day.

As Su Ping knew, the richest man in Longjiang Base City had an apparent personal worth of 500 billion yuan, and the other party was a titled war pet master.

Such a character is obviously not among the tutors in front of him.

Su Ping looked at the guidance effects of these ninth-level titled war pet masters, and found that they were all good.

Most of the pointers can make people understand, such as the breakthrough of combat skills, or the improvement of one's own star power, and some will also give pointers to the fighting methods of the pets to improve the fighting ability of the pets.

"I seem to be able to do this kind of guidance..." Su Ping saw the guidance effects of seven or eight titled war pet masters, and through comparison, he felt that he could do it too.

Thinking of this, he immediately registered as a tutor.

Tutor registration is divided into three levels, the seventh level, the eighth level, and the ninth level.

Those below the seventh level cannot be registered.

In the registration form, also fill in the tutor qualification certificate number.

Su Ping didn't expect it to be so troublesome to register as a tutor. Fortunately, he has a tutor qualification certificate, which was handled by Dong Mingsong for him.

Su Ping took out his senior tutor qualification certificate, and there was indeed a series of serial numbers engraved by the War Guidance Education Bureau on it. He quickly entered it, and then picked a nickname that suited his actual situation, and then chose a good gender, handsome man...finally choose Registered as a Tier [-] Titled Battle Pet Instructor.

In this way, he can collect money at the charging level of the ninth-tier titled war pet master.

After the registration is completed, a prompt and explanation will pop up again, which probably means to remind the registrant to choose a level that matches their real strength to register. If they choose a level higher than their own strength, the identity registration will be canceled when the website is reviewed. , and will never be hired.

Currently, Su Ping is still in the review period.

However, he can also accept orders during the review period, but once a customer complains about a bad review, Su Ping will be punished extremely severely.

If it is fraudulent on the tutor level, not only will Su Ping's registration status be cancelled, but the Education Bureau will also be contacted to cancel Su Ping's tutor status and be blacklisted by the Education Bureau.

Once the tutor status is revoked, Su Ping will be in Fengshan College and cannot be a tutor.

Even, all colleges in Longjiang Base City are not allowed to be tutors.

Such severe punishment also makes ordinary tutors dare not choose randomly.

Su Ping didn't care much about this punishment. He didn't care about his status as a mentor, and he felt that what he taught would not get bad reviews. After all, he had also measured that the effect of his teaching should not be inferior to those Titled Battle Pet Master.

As long as the effect is the same, what does it matter if you are really a pet master?

After the registration was completed, Su Ping entered the recruited student area and selected students suitable for his own teaching.

He is currently best at undead pets, pet beasts of other types, his insights are relatively weak, and he doesn't plan to touch them for the time being, so as not to mislead his children.


Xu Kuang is sitting in front of the computer in his room, looking for a suitable tutor for him online.

The elite league is coming soon, and he has recently been stepping up his training and making the final sprint.

Today is the weekend, and the college is on holiday. For those scumbags, it is naturally something to cheer, but for him, it is a bit disgusting.

"There are really few mentors who can teach the Undead Department." Xu Kuang searched and turned, but couldn't find a tutor who was good at the Undead Department. He frowned. The main beasts in his hands were all from the Undead Department.

Although these pet beasts look a bit miserable, they are all extremely powerful in combat.

He would breed this unpopular beast, not because of any mental illness... but because he simply thinks that this kind of alternative beast is cool to use!


There is another advantage of using this kind of unpopular pet beast, that is, the general battle pet masters have limited understanding of them. Once they fight, they will suffer a lot because they are not familiar with their skills!

However, the process of cultivating undead beasts is quite difficult and a little sad.

Rejected by the students around him, despised by the girls in the college, even the tutors in the class looked at him with a strange look.

If he said these things, he didn't care, he didn't care, but what he couldn't bear the most was that the knowledge of undead beasts was like gold in the desert, all of them were obtained by panning.

What the instructors in the academy taught was very limited, and every time he went to ask for advice alone, he could dig out some.

After all, the instructor is also unwilling to talk about bloody scenes in the class, such as what organs some undead pets like to eat, what organs, and how to cultivate them.

Xu Kuang searched for a long time, and finally saw among the many expert tutors that several expert tutors had a little dabble in undead pets.

For the time being, he memorized the names of these experts, and he will choose again when he doesn't find any better ones.

"Ding dong."

When Xu Kuang was looking for his mentor with a gloomy expression, a notification popped up in a chat window on the website. He lowered his eyes and saw the notification: "[Longjiang No. [-] Handsome] Titled mentor has sent you a message."

Chapter 123 Extraordinary Evolution

Xu Kuang was stunned.

The most handsome man in Longjiang?

What kind of name is that.

Title tutor?

Title level... Instructor? !

Xu Kuang's eyes widened suddenly, a little startled, the title-level tutor actually sent him a message? !

He reacted instantly, and quickly opened the small window that bounced.

A chat pop-up window immediately appeared on the webpage——

Longjiang No. [-] handsome:


Xu Kuang blinked, and saw the other party's name in hot gold font, which is only for title-level tutors.

This person with a weird nickname is actually a title-level mentor.

He was agitated, nervous, and at a loss. He wanted to reply, but when his fingers touched the keyboard, he didn't know what to say, for fear that he might offend the other party by accidentally saying the wrong thing.

After thinking again and again, he carefully typed: "Hello, senior."

It also matched a blushing and sweating expression.

Longjiang No. [-] handsome:

I just saw your hiring information on the website, saying that I want to find a mentor who can teach you about your undead pet, right? I happen to be free, 100 million once, do you need it?

Xu Kuang was taken aback for a moment, he didn't expect that this titled tutor actually wanted to guide him.

He knew that there were twelve title-level mentors on this website, but these title-level mentors were not something they could just hire.

Most of these titled tutors are invited by the website to take over the place and support the table, and they do not receive customers all year round.

Many of the people who are being pointed out by title mentors are obtained through other channels in private, relying on relationships.

Seeing this titled mentor who took the initiative to come to him, Xu Kuang was astonished, but also a little suspicious... Could it be that his low-key hidden peerless talent has finally been seen through?

He shook his head, guessing that the title mentor chose him because he had nothing to do.

No matter what the reason is, he is still quite excited. Although 100 million is very expensive, but the money can only be paid by an expert tutor for two and a half hours. In terms of effect, the title tutor is definitely better than the expert tutor. Many times.

"I want it." Xu Kuang immediately typed back, "It is a student's honor to be guided by seniors."

Longjiang No. [-] handsome:

OK, when are you free?

Xu Kuang typed: Senior, I am free anytime.

After finishing speaking, he sent another expression of sneering and worshiping.

Longjiang No. [-] handsome:

Then around seven o'clock tonight, you send me the address.

Xu Kuang typing: Good.

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