Once there was a sincere opportunity in front of him, but he was poor.

If there is a chance to meet again, Su Ping wants to say to them (full of tears): I have money to redeem you!

In addition to the original force pill, the other three items are a medium pet food, and there are two strange items, one is the feather of the Yunmeng bird, and the other is the scale of the deep sea thunderfish, the effect is unknown.

Su Ping guessed that this is probably a material that has special uses for some beasts. Judging from the price, it is not at all cheaper than the original force pill.

After closing the system store, Su Ping was in a slump. It felt like his beloved woman was lying naked and waiting for him, but he couldn't lift it up.

The most painful thing in the world is the shortest distance, the furthest distance.

Su Ping opened the shutter door melancholy, waiting for the business to come, but it was already late outside, and he didn't see anyone again until eight or nine in the evening. It is estimated that all the students attracted by the leaflets had already arrived.

Chapter 1 Rising to Fame

While waiting for the business, Su Ping also used the newly obtained shadow clone to cultivate functions and continue to cultivate pet beasts.

This shadow clone is equivalent to Su Ping's own clone. Its breath and strength are exactly the same as his, and their consciousness is connected with each other. Su Ping can actively interfere with the cultivation method of the shadow clone, or he can entrust it to cultivate it by itself.

The shadow clone is a clone built by the system using Su Ping as a template, inheriting most of his personality, and the cultivation method is similar to Su Ping's own personality. In addition, Su Ping will know everything that the shadow clone encounters in the cultivation place and will synchronize transmitted to his mind.

When it was past ten o'clock in the evening, Su Ping had already cultivated all the beasts received today.

When the store opens tomorrow morning, they can invite their owners to come and pick them up.

With this shadow clone cultivation function, Su Ping's cultivation efficiency has been increased several times. Most importantly, this shadow clone cultivation will not consume his own energy.

Without waiting for any business, Su Ping didn't bother to continue to suffer, so he closed the door and rode home.

As soon as he arrived at the door of the house, Su Ping heard the laughter of his mother and sister from the living room. They seemed to be talking about something, and they were talking happily.

Su Ping took out the key to open the door, and seeing Su Ping coming in, Li Qingru looked over, with a rosy smile on his face, and asked, "Why did you come back so late today?"

"There's business in the store, so it's too late." Su Ping said casually, put on his slippers and walked in.

Su Lingyue, who was sitting next to Li Qingru, pursed her lips slightly, her expression had returned to calm, she was watching TV alone, stroking the snowball on her lap, as if she hadn't seen Su Ping.

Su Ping ignored her, changed into the clothes at home, sat on the sofa next to him, took out his mobile phone, transferred [-] from the account to his mother's account, and said, "Mom, look at the text messages on the mobile phone. "

Li Qingru was puzzled, picked up the phone and looked at it, and just happened to receive a text message, which was a bank account message.

She clicked on it, her face full of surprise, and she said, "Fifty thousand? Why so much money?"

Su Lingyue, who had a calm expression next to her, raised her eyebrows. Although her eyes were still watching the TV without squinting, she paid attention to the two people next to her from the corner of her eye.

"This is the money earned in the store in the first half month. There are also some big orders. After the completion, there will be some final payment." Su Ping said casually. The thank you fee he received today was more than [-], but he didn't take it all out. , not only to prevent myself from using it in case of lack of money, but also because I am afraid that if I take out too much at once, it will be too troublesome to explain.

"You made money in the shop?" Li Qingru was stunned.

Since the store was handed over to Su Ping, it has been losing money.

The monthly income is gradually decreasing, and the business is getting worse and worse.

She also contacted some of her old customers to visit, hoping to give Su Ping some confidence, but unexpectedly, these old customers were also run away by Su Ping.

She really had no choice but to watch the shop decline, and in the end she had to give up, handing over the entire shop to Su Ping, and let him build it.

But I didn't expect that this store, which had been losing money, would suddenly be able to spend such a large amount of money this month.

5 yuan, although compared to her previous turnover, it is still slightly less, but compared to the previous month's income of only a few thousand, it has more than ten times increased!

Li Qingru's eyes suddenly turned slightly red. The money was second, but such a change showed that Su Ping finally knew how to make progress.

Su Ping didn't expect that Li Qingru would be moved to tears just by giving some money, but he could feel all kinds of sadness and relief in the other party's eyes, maybe he saw a piece of mud and was finally helped to the wall.

Sighing secretly in his heart, Su Ping said: "Mom, you don't have to worry about things in the store from now on. With me here, I will definitely be able to support you and her."

Su Lingyue, who was trying to keep her face still, was full of arrogance and stubbornness, but when she heard Su Ping's last words, she was slightly taken aback, she?Does this she mean herself...?

She thought that Su Ping would only mention her mother. After all, she and this guy had a tacit understanding, and they both knew that they didn't like each other, but she didn't expect that the other party had made money, and she still thought of her in her heart.

She was silent for a while.

The corner of his mouth moved slightly.

After a while, her chest rose and fell slightly, and she took a deep breath, and then her face returned to normal again, with a calm expression on her face.


Who needs you to feed.

Better feed yourself first.

How can you know how powerful this lady is!

Although the lines in her heart were like this, she glanced at Su Ping, but her eyes were not as indifferent as before.

"Okay, I knew that you would make the store a success." Li Qingru smiled, and was about to cry with joy, but crying when she felt that it was so worthwhile would spoil the atmosphere. She said with a smile, then got up and said: "I'll go Here's some hot food for you."

After finishing speaking, without waiting for Su Ping to say more, he got up and walked quickly into the kitchen.

Su Ping glanced at her fleeing back, his eyes flickered slightly, and he felt a little inexplicable sadness in his heart.

Su Lingyue glanced at Li Qingru's back, then at Su Ping, and snorted softly: "Look at you, it made my mother cry."

Su Ping glanced at her and ignored her.

It was rare for Su Lingyue to take the initiative to speak. Seeing that he didn't respond, she felt angry again. She snorted softly, turned her head away, and continued to watch her own TV.

Soon, the food was on the table.

Su Ping also washed his hands and went to the table with great anticipation to prepare for the meal.

He had already put on a good posture, but he didn't expect that when several dishes were served, only one dish was complete, and the rest were a mess.

The corner of Su Ping's mouth twitched, needless to say, he knew what was going on.

He glanced at Su Lingyue who was sitting beside him watching TV.

When Su Lingyue saw a few dishes, her rare cheeks flushed slightly, she coughed lightly, got up and went upstairs.

"Your sister is also very hungry today. I just made you new chicken legs. You should eat first." Li Qingru said for Su Lingyue.

Knowing her good intentions, Su Ping nodded, said nothing, grabbed the chicken leg and ate it.

"With this money, I'll pick out the best Lei Guangshu for your sister tomorrow." Li Qingru sat down with a smile and chatted with Su Ping.

Su Ping hurriedly said: "No, you can let her choose by herself, and it's time to exercise her own vision."

It's just a Lei Guangshu, no matter how you choose its aptitude, it still depends on how to cultivate it. He doesn't want his mother to be too tired for this.

"That's right, I can pick it myself." Su Lingyue, who had just gone upstairs, poked her head back at the corner of the stairs and said.

After finishing speaking, he glared at Su Ping angrily, to exercise his eyesight?What qualifications do you have to say this, can my vision be worse than yours?

Su Ping ate the chicken legs, showing a delicious expression, as a response.


Su Lingyue retracted her head in anger, and stomped on the stairs to go upstairs.

After eating, Su Ping washed his face, wiped off the oil stains from the corners of his mouth, and went upstairs. When he got up the stairs, he turned his head at the entrance of the stairs and saw a vortex of star power gathered in the next room, and the other party was practicing.

Although he was a little helpless towards this younger sister, Su Ping had to admit that the other party worked very hard and assiduously.

You know, cultivation is very boring. Although it sounds mysterious, it is as tiring as ordinary people go to work, and it is easy to get tired, which is not a wonderful thing.

If the cultivation is very comfortable, then everyone will be a cultivation madman, and there is nothing else to do except eating and drinking.

Looking back, Su Ping returned to his room. He lay on the bed, practicing while thinking about tomorrow's itinerary.

Now that the store has been upgraded, I can go to the academy to report when I get the job tomorrow.

Sooner or later you have to go.

Moreover, if you become a student mentor, you may be able to advertise your own store, which kills two birds with one stone.

Thinking of this, Su Ping fell asleep happily.

I feel dawn.

The next day, without pranks, Su Ping woke up feeling a little bored, but he quickly shook his head to get rid of the word boring from his mind. He could still make people addicted to abuse. He is not so perverted .

After going downstairs to have breakfast, Su Ping rushed to the store by bicycle.

As soon as he arrived outside the store, before Su Ping's car stopped, he saw seven or eight people waiting at the door of the store, all familiar faces from yesterday.

Su Ping didn't expect them to come, and they came so early. He was a little surprised, but he still locked the bicycle on the tree calmly.

When Su Ping locked the car, someone noticed him, and hurried over in surprise.

"Boss, you are finally here." A teenager said in surprise.

Su Ping remembered that the other party was called Zhang Baoxing, who was yesterday's customer.

The others also reacted at this time, and quickly surrounded them.

"Boss, it's finally your turn."

"Boss, can you help me cultivate it again today?"

Obviously, they tasted the sweetness yesterday, and these people are here today to look for nurturing again.

"It's all right, let's go first." Su Ping said.

Everyone hurriedly stepped aside and stood on both sides respectfully, as if waiting for the eldest brother to come out of the mountain.

Su Ping was also a little speechless, feeling that he might have to do this every morning in the future, and it seemed a bit noisy because he was too popular.

He took out the key and stepped forward to open the door.

The student next to him was very eager. Seeing Su Ping bent over to pull the door, he quickly squatted down to help him pull it up together.

Su Ping entered the store, glanced at the people who filed in and followed into the store, and said, "Line up and come one by one."

"Okay." Everyone quickly lined up in the order they entered the store.

Su Ping didn't expect them to be so obedient. He was a little surprised and felt the powerful charm of his store's service again. He took out the registration book and said, "First one, report your name, what service do you want?"

"Zhang Baoxing, I want to breed. It is my red flame dog yesterday. I want to breed it again." Zhang Baoxing, who stood in the first place, quickly stood up straight, as serious and loud as he was receiving military training.

Su Ping's ears were a little prickly from being called. Early in the morning, his body functions had not yet fully recovered, and his consciousness was a little limp. He said angrily: "Don't be so loud, pay the money first."

"Okay." Seeing that Su Ping agreed, Zhang Baoxing was ecstatically surprised. He quickly took out his mobile phone to transfer and pay Su Ping, and then summoned his red flame dog.

As soon as it landed, the Red Flame Dog stepped on the flames with all four feet, very majestic.

But seeing this familiar environment, Chiyangou suddenly froze.

When it saw Su Ping's face in front of it, its dog eyes shrank even more.

Chapter 1, Instructor Su Comes to Report

It's him!

It's this man again!

The entire dog's face of the Red Flame Dog was a little distorted.

"Wang Wang Wang!!"

It is barking.

Zhang Baoxing was stunned, he didn't expect his pet beast to be so excited, could it be that it will be nurtured immediately after knowing it, is it too excited?

Tsk, spirituality has improved.

Zhang Baoxing was a little happy, and once again admired Su Ping's cultivation effect here, and he became more determined to come here to cultivate often.

"Hey, squat down." Zhang Baoxing immediately comforted him and said, "It's your turn soon, don't worry."


The red flame dog's hair stood on end, becoming more and more excited.

Seeing that it didn't work, Zhang Baoxing was a little embarrassed and didn't know what to do for a while.

Seeing that he couldn't handle it, Su Ping was also a little speechless, and glanced at Chi Yangou, which was very meaningful.


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