One after another of the Dao of Flame skills, containing profound meaning, was released towards the Taoist monument, and then sank deep into the Taoist monument like mud feet, and then, at the Taoist monument released by the skills of the ten Golden Crows, glittering golden lights emerged. Flame Dao pattern means that the first Dao pattern is lit up!

For the Golden Crow, the Dao of Flame is innate, just as simple as human beings who can eat and drink after birth, only a very small number of "problem Golden Crows" can't even know the Dao of Flame.

In addition to the Tao of Flame, the young Golden Crows released other Taoism.

Some skills contain dark destructive energy, some Golden Crows burst out with intense lightning, and some Golden Crows create a mountain out of thin air...

As skills blasted into the Dao tablet one by one, Dao patterns appeared one after another on the Dao tablet in front of the ten Golden Crows.

Su Ping looked up, not in a hurry to take the test first, but just wanted to see how these Jinwu tested.

"They're all skills at the pinnacle of legend!"

Su Ping was secretly startled. These young Golden Crows were too strong, and the skills they released had the destructive power of the peak of destiny, and they could release several different types of skills.

One of the Golden Crows actually released five different types of skills, lighting up five Dao patterns!

"As expected of a born god and demon, with such combat power, it is definitely at the top level on Blue Star. It is estimated that the other side can easily be reduced to scum in seconds, and this kind... is so juvenile!"

Su Ping secretly complained in his heart, these Golden Crows are really scary!

Soon, the trials of the first batch of Golden Crows were all over.

Some Golden Crows ended sadly, while others returned proudly.

Of the ten golden crows, nine passed and only one failed.

Being able to come out at the first time and participate in the trial is all about having strong confidence in oneself. When the defeated Golden Crow lit up the third Dao pattern, it seemed that its Dao power was not strong enough. No matter how bombing, it was still unable to arouse the Dao pattern on the Dao stele, and it could only end in desolation in the end.

"Are you going?"

Di Qiong turned his head and asked Su Ping, with a little light in his eyes, as if looking forward to it.

Su Ping raised his eyebrows, and said calmly, "Look first."

He is not in a hurry, anyway, as long as he can pass the test, he doesn't care about his grades.

Moreover, he hadn't gained anything from watching these Golden Crow tests before. Many Golden Crows showed their Tao through skills, which made him comprehend.

Skills are the carrier of Tao, and it is usually difficult to peek into Tao through skills, but now, perhaps because of being close to this stele, Su Ping's brain has become extremely clear and active, and he can feel the Tao released by each Golden Crow Meaning, some meaning, let him have a feeling of being surprised and amazed.

"It's not bad to be able to steal a lesson."

Su Ping thought to himself, sighing secretly that this trip was not in vain, even if he didn't get the material of the second layer of god and demon body, he would have no regrets.

With the end of the first group of Golden Crows, the second group of Golden Crows couldn't wait to take off, all wanting to show themselves, no longer hesitant and shy like the previous first group.

In a blink of an eye, ten Golden Crows from the second group rushed out, and some of them flew into the air. Seeing that their speed was slow, they were behind the ten, so they had to turn around and fly back.

The trials of the second group of Golden Crows were equally exciting, and even more intense than the first group. All ten Golden Crows passed the test, and the lowest one had three dao patterns lit up!

And there are three of them, all with four dao patterns lit up!

There is one more, light up five!

"These Golden Crows have mastered different ways, and they have a deep understanding. I don't know how terrifying those adult Golden Crows will be..."

The more Su Ping looked at it, the more he sighed. In addition to the terrifying understanding of Yan Dao, these young Golden Crows are also quite proficient in understanding other Dao.

When the skills are released, the strength of these skills is the strength of destiny!

Seeing these young Golden Crow's tests, Su Ping suddenly thought of his second dog. This guy can be regarded as a dog with all skills.

It's a pity that the skills it has comprehended can only reach the strength of the Vast Sea Realm at most. If they can all be raised to the strength of the Destiny Realm in the future, I don't know if it is considered a full-fledged Taoism?

"It seems that I have to practice it well in the future!"

Su Ping thought to himself.

In the summoning space, Ergou, who was resting on his stomach, suddenly shuddered, feeling a little uneasy in his heart.

As time passed, more and more trials of the young Golden Crow ended.

Among them, the Hearst Juvenile Golden Crow, which is hostile to Su Ping and has attracted much attention, has also completed the test. The dao pattern it lights up is impressively six, which is the most so far!

However, shortly after Heshi's juvenile Golden Crow lit up, another juvenile Golden Crow performed even more prominently, lighting up eight stripes!

As soon as this result appeared, the audience was in an uproar.

Su Ping heard the chirping sounds around him, and managed to understand their meaning through his spiritual thoughts, and found that the juvenile Golden Crow that lit up the eight stripes was not the one that attracted the most attention in the previous two trials, but the average performance in the previous trials. Yes, but at this level, it suddenly rose.

"Partial science is a bit serious..."

Su Ping thought to himself.

Light up the eight stripes, almost the whole series!

However, what surprised Su Ping was that the eight dao lines lit up by the young Golden Crow were not the core element avenues he understood, such as the Dao of Flame, the Dao of Water, the Dao of Thunder, the Dao of Light, and the Dark Dao. pattern.

"There are thousands of ways, and it is not only the basic avenue that can light up the dao pattern." The system said: "The basic avenue covers countless small paths, and the small paths can be regarded as the avenue! Like the strength increase you have mastered, the low speed increase, They all belong to the Tao! Their principle is that the Tao is in operation!"


Su Ping was already numb to the peeping of the system. Hearing what it said, Su Ping was a little elated, and asked curiously: "Then, my strength increase and low-level super speed increase are already two paths." , I can squeeze out another one, and I can easily pass?!"

"Squeeze out..."

Regarding Su Ping's words, the system twitched a little, and snorted coldly: "Try it yourself, but the Tao you have mastered is indeed enough to pass. This third level is not difficult for you. The only difficult thing is the first level. Test, but you have passed the first test in the ten days of cultivation, you just wait for the end of the trial and be inspired by the Golden Crow clan."

Seeing that the system said so, Su Ping was completely relieved. He raised his head and glanced at the Great Elder of the Golden Crow, "I don't know if the Golden Crow will help me a foreigner by then."

Shaking his head, he didn't think much about it. Seeing that the Golden Crow's trial was about to end, Su Ping walked out without waiting any longer.

Chapter 638 Illusory Sword Way

When Su Ping walked out, many Golden Crows noticed him.

After all, Su Ping was quite conspicuous in the previous two rounds of performance.

"This human race..."

"Hmph, I don't believe how many Dao patterns can be mastered with the cultivation base of this human race."

"It's hard to say, this human race seemed to display a rather powerful morality in the first pass!"

The eyes of many Golden Crows are a little dignified. If Su Ping passes the third trial, then this time the Golden Crow Trial, their Jinwu clan will be quite ugly.

"It's him, hum!"

Among the young Golden Crows who have passed the trial, the Heshi Golden Crow saw Su Ping, his eyes sharpened, and he was a little cold.

The other Golden Crows also looked at Su Ping coldly, and hated this bug-sized foreigner.

They couldn't figure out why the Great Elder would let such a foreigner come to participate in the trial with them, it was a shame!However, the performance of this foreign race has surpassed them!



With a flicker of Su Ping's figure, he stepped out and walked towards the Taoist monument.

Immediately after he acted, several young Golden Crows flew out from the remaining Golden Crows, making up ten members, and flew past Su Ping directly, leaving only a cold glance.

Su Ping ignored the hostility of these young Golden Crows, since they wouldn't disturb him anyway, just let them go.

"The monument..."

Su Ping looked up at the ever-increasing Dao tablet, and felt a feeling of facing the starry sky of the universe. The Dao patterns left by other Golden Crows on the Dao tablet had long since dissipated, and the body of the tablet was shrouded in hazy mist, making it impossible to see. clear.

The stele stands here, but it gives Su Ping a feeling of stalwart on the edge of the sky.

"Low power boost!"

Su Ping took a deep breath and exploded with strength.

With a bang, his whole body's strength increased dramatically, and this low-level strength increase could directly double his strength!

Immediately afterwards, Su Ping released another rapid increase.

His figure flickered, as fast as an afterimage.

The Taoist tablet seemed to sense something. On the Taoist tablet in front of Su Ping, two deep Taoist patterns emerged, one was azure blue and the other was cyan, with complex structures.

The moment he saw the pattern, Su Ping suddenly felt in a trance.

He seemed to have seen the principle of using these two boosting skills in an instant, and suddenly, he seemed to understand the original structure of the two boosting skills.


This feeling disappeared in a blink of an eye, but there was something left in Su Ping's heart. He looked at it for a moment and then looked away.

Off the court, after seeing Su Ping light up two Dao lines in a blink of an eye, many Jinwu's expressions became more serious.

But seeing that Su Ping hadn't acted for a long time, many Jinwu's hearts were faintly filled with joy.

Could it be that this is the end of the human race?

Before some Golden Crows could react, Su Ping had already acted again, this time releasing the Dao of Flame. He attracted the low-level Flame Dao comprehension he had comprehended, affected the surrounding world, and turned it into an extremely huge fireball, which blasted on Dao on the stele.

The third Dao pattern emerged!

The scarlet dao patterns are mostly flame-type dao patterns.

Many Golden Crows were a little displeased to see Su Ping's Dao of Flame triggering Dao patterns.

In terms of Dao of Flame, their Golden Crow clan can be counted on one's fingers, among the dao patterns comprehended by other Golden Crows, there must be Dao of Flame!And the comprehension on the Flame Dao is far deeper than Su Pinggang's Dao Nian!

Compared with other Golden Crow's Flame Dao, Su Ping's is obviously much shallower, which can also be seen from the Dao pattern, which is extremely small and no different from the other two Dao patterns.

Unlike other Golden Crows, the Dao pattern of the Flame Dao is the strongest, and one Dao pattern of the Flame Dao is comparable to two or three other Dao patterns!

However, although Su Ping's Flame Dao is relatively shallow, in the eyes of many Golden Crows, it is still at the level of a newborn Golden Crow, but this is indeed considered to have entered the Tao, otherwise it would not be able to arouse the Dao pattern.



Su Ping shot again, directly affecting the thunder and lightning, and a group of thunderclouds gathered like a catastrophe, shot out a thunder column hundreds of feet thick, and smashed hard on the Taoist tablet.

The fourth Dao pattern reappeared!

Thunder Road!

Many Golden Crows stared at each other, and Su Ping's Lei Dao was obviously more proficient than Yan Dao, nearly twice as thick!

"It seems that my perception of Lei Dao is indeed far better than that of Yan Dao."

Su Ping also saw the difference in the thickness of Dao patterns. His low-level Thunder Dao perception is about to be promoted to the middle Thunder Dao. This is what he has learned from countless catastrophes. He has his own understanding of Thunder Dao. This has tended to change from the superficial low level to the medium level.

"Next is..."


Su Ping rolled the ice and released several ice skills.

But these ice-type skills were blasted on the Taoist tablet, but they dissipated like ice slag, and the Taoist tablet did not arouse any reaction.

"Failed, comprehension is too low!"

Many Golden Crows saw this and breathed a sigh of relief.

If he comprehends the fifth dao pattern again, then Su Ping's performance in this third trial will be among the best again!


With a low growl, Su Ping released his wind skills.

The failure of ice-type skills was also in his expectation, he just had the idea of ​​giving it a try.

After all, those few skills have not yet reached the strength of the king level, and he himself does not believe that he is entering the Tao.

Soon, the wind skills also failed.

Next is the light system, the dark system, the rock system, the metal system... After using it one after another, they all failed!

However, even though all of them did not activate the dao pattern, many Golden Crows present were stunned by the skills of such a whole series.

Although Su Ping's skills did not inspire Dao patterns, they can be regarded as extremely superficial comprehension. How can one person's dabble be so broad?

"This guy, when will his comprehension in these aspects improve a step..."


Some Golden Crows who were watching felt a bit of chill.

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