Su Yanying bit her lip slightly, so she had no choice but to stop her with Lan Lele.

"Su Yanying?" Han Xiangcheng, who was the leader among them, was a little surprised when he saw Su Yanying and Lan Lele who jumped out, and seeing their blushing cheeks, he couldn't help but wonder, could it be...they fell in love with this handsome guy?

"That, please take a look at this." Su Yanying blushed and handed a leaflet to Han Xiangcheng.

Han Xiangcheng was a little strange. He took the flyer and looked at it, and couldn't help being surprised, "This, what is this?"

"This is the breeding shop for my Lightning Mouse." Su Yanying blushed and said, "My Lightning Mouse was bred there. You, if you are interested, you can visit it."

"Ah?" Han Xiangcheng was overwhelmed with thunder, doubting his ears.

That's not how the story unfolds!

Isn't it a beauty full of peach blossoms, isn't it full of affection?

My heart is moving, you actually showed me this? !

Su Yanying quickly handed another one to the three people around him, said that she could take a look if she liked, then turned and ran away as if fleeing.

Lan Lele saw that she had settled the matter before she even opened her mouth, so she followed Su Yanying and ran back.

"It's been sent." Su Yanying was panting from running, her heart beating violently.

Su Ping was very satisfied when he saw that the other party had accepted the leaflet from a distance, "That's good, good, let's go, continue to find your rich classmates."

Su Yanying and Lan Lele looked at each other. Although they knew that the training service in Suping's store was good, why did they always feel a sense of indebtedness to their classmates when doing such things?

The trio wandered around the academy, and found a new target not long after. Su Yanying suddenly had an inspiration, and went with Lan Lele, and returned after a while, and the thick leaflets in their hands were gone. .

Su Ping was stunned: "Where's the leaflet?"

"Give it to them, let them send it for us." Su Yanying said with a grin, her eyes were full of cunning.

Su Ping was dumbfounded.

Learned to develop offline so quickly?

"Then tell them, do you want to give priority to finding the rich?" Su Ping asked.

"I said it." Su Yanying tried her best to assure her, but she didn't dare to look directly at Su Ping. She was a little guilty. Su Ping said such words with a face of course, but how could she have the nerve to say such a thing?Of course I didn't say anything.

However, she felt that even if she didn't say anything, as long as these leaflets spread and the reputation of Su Ping's store improved a little, they would immediately spread the word, and everyone would know that they would have to queue up if they wanted to come to the door. Row.

Su Ping glanced at the way she turned to the side, and knew that she hadn't spoken, but there was no way to pursue it. As long as the publicity was spread, dozens of random people would be enough to keep him busy.

"Boss, let's watch the game first. Although we haven't arrived yet, the exhibition game is very exciting, so don't miss it." Su Yanying immediately changed the subject.

Su Ping nodded, thinking that at this time, it is estimated that Su Lingyue's exhibition game will also start.

"Are your exhibition games from grade one to grade three all in the same venue?" Su Ping asked.

"Of course." Su Yanying grinned, "They're all in the biggest venue."

"Then let's go." Su Ping said.

Accompanied by the second daughter, the three walked towards the college's competition venue together.

Chapter 79 七阶

Outside the venue is a large square.

There are still many students in the square with their relatives rushing to the competition venue.

Su Ping was surprised to find that, as it was reported in the news, Fengshan College set off a storm of lightning rats. Among the students who met along the way, seven out of ten were accompanied by a purple-haired thunder mouse.

Those who didn't know it would think that this is an academy dedicated to cultivating Lei Guangshu.

"Boss, this is all thanks to you." Su Yanying noticed Su Ping's expression and said with a smile.

Su Ping: "Hehe."

The three entered the venue, which was huge enough to accommodate 10 people.

Su Yanying and Lan Lele are obviously very familiar with this place, and they are familiar with the road. They serialized in the intricate partitions and passages, and soon came to a front row seat with an excellent view. This is the place for seniors to watch the game.

"Look, it's Jiang Bingshan." Lan Lele pouted towards the stage.

At this moment in the arena of the stadium, a man and a woman are fighting fiercely, but the battle looks fierce, but it is flashy and not very lethal, but the atmosphere created by the martial arts stage is very strong, and people can't help but cheer.

Su Yanying took a look, then retracted her gaze, and acted calmly.

"She barely made it to the quarterfinals this time. I heard that she was assigned to a second-tier team by the academy. She will have to serve in a C-level barren area for a year before she can become an official pioneer." Lan Lele smiled, but her tone was It was gloating, "Now she can't be proud in front of you, but you are being scrambled by those first-class teams, and you will be an official pioneer as soon as you arrive in the barren area.

Moreover, you only need to serve in the C-level barren area for three months, and it will take you to hone in the B-level barren area. Your growth speed will definitely leave her far behind, and it is not impossible to become a titled war pet master in the future. possible thing. "

Su Yanying looked at the slender and proud figure on the stage, and felt a little bit embarrassed. She knew that she was just lucky to meet Su Ping, otherwise, with her own pet beasts, she could only enter the quarterfinals at most, and she was evenly matched with the other party. .

But fate is like this. In the future, she will skyrocket, grow rapidly, and completely break off this competitive relationship with the other party.

She will meet new opponents and see a wider world, where everything will be turned into a memory of the past.

"Desolate area? Team?" Hearing what the second daughter said, Su Ping thought of Fan Yujing's younger sister, Fan Xiaoyu, who was also a student at school, but had already entered the barren area for training and practice.

"Will you all be pioneers when you graduate?" he asked.

Lan Lele shook her head and said, "Yingying will, she has this dream, but I won't, even if I want to, my dad won't, and I don't want to go to a barren area where no shit, You can't even take a shower every day."

Su Yanying smiled, and said: "If you want to become a powerful pet master, this little tribulation is nothing."

Lan Lele curled her lips, "Why should I become a powerful battle pet master? Even an eighth-rank war pet master is also my father's bodyguard. There is nothing in this world that can't be solved by money, unless there is not enough money, making money King way!"

Su Yanying smiled wryly, knowing that she couldn't talk to her about this aspect, the growth environment was different, and everyone's pursuit of dreams was also different.

"Isn't this classmate Su Yanying?" Suddenly a warm and calm voice came, and they turned their heads to look, and saw three people coming, two of them followed behind, like attendants, and the young man walking in front was wearing casual clothes with a cropped cut Short hair, very energetic, deep and warm eyes, but with a touch of vigor that can burst out at any time, her temperament is restrained, but her excellent temperament will attract people's attention wherever she walks.

"Ye Hao?" Su Yanying was a little surprised when she saw the young man, "Why are you here?"

"This is the auditorium. Is there anything I can't do?" Ye Hao laughed.

Su Yanying knew she had made a mistake, she shook her head and said, "No, I didn't mean that, aren't you in your class?"

Ye Hao smiled and said, "I'm here to find you."

"Find me?"

"That's right." Ye Hao smiled and said: "The last time I fought against your Lightning Mouse, my Silver Snake Thunder Dragon Beast seemed to be stimulated. It broke through and has reached the seventh level, officially entering adulthood. Real adulthood is still early, but it is also a good thing, I came to thank you specially."

"Breakthrough to the seventh level?" Su Yanying was stunned, and Lan Lele next to her was also shocked. The other party was just a student at school, and she had already cultivated a seventh-level pet beast!

Moreover, being able to summon a seventh-order pet beast, one can imagine how powerful Ye Hao's star power cultivation base must be!

"You, won't you also become a high-level pet master?" Lan Lele couldn't help asking, if this is the case, it would be too shocking!

Ye Hao glanced at her, and said with a smile: "How can it be so fast, we are still students, okay? I used to be a fourth-level star power, and I was nurtured by the advancement of the Silver Snake Thunder Dragon Beast. I was lucky enough to break through to the fifth level. With me With the star power, we can barely summon the Silver Snake Thunder Dragon Beast, and we can't let it stay outside for a long time."

"Fifth level?" Su Yanying and Lan Lele's expressions changed when they heard his words. They were still in the fourth level. Su Yanying was in the middle of the fourth level, and Lan Lele was in the lower level of the fourth level. This kind of strength is already considered excellent. , is an absolute top student in the class.

However, compared with Ye Hao's fifth level, it is much inferior.

At the level of the middle pet master, every small gap in the star power level is extremely obvious, let alone a large level difference, it is like a gap and it is difficult to make up.

"In addition to thank you, I mainly came to say hello to you. After the Silver Snake Thunder Dragon Beast broke through to the seventh level, it has undergone some changes. It has its own dragon power, and I haven't learned how to restrain it." Ye Hao said : "You also know that this is an exhibition match. If your Lightning Mouse trembles in fear, it will be a little ugly. Although your Lightning Mouse is very evil, it is a low-level bloodline after all, and it has a natural instinct for high-level bloodlines. fear.

Therefore, I suggest that you use your Luofeng to fight against me at that time. In this case, at least it will look good to watch, and I will show mercy. "

If it wasn't for the gentle smile on Ye Hao's face, Su Yanying almost felt that the words were provocative, but seeing that Ye Hao didn't seem to have any malicious intentions, although she felt a little depressed and uncomfortable, she still said: "I see, I will think about it. "

"There's no need to think about it." After listening to her, Su Ping said, "You can fight as you want, it's just a ninth-level beast, let alone not fully grown, even if it's an adult king beast." Now, the Lei Guangshu won't be afraid either."

"Huh?" Ye Hao and Su Yanying's eyes fell on Su Ping immediately. Su Yanying was stunned for a moment, her eyes lit up, and said, "Really?" Su Ping caused the change of Lei Guangshu, what she said to Su Ping Very convincing.

Moreover, she still remembered that there was a battle against the Dragon Dog before. At that time, the Dragon Dog used the deterrent technique mixed with Longwei, but it was ineffective against the Lei Guangshu. It can be seen that what Su Ping said was not aimless.

"This is?" Ye Hao frowned. He was polite to Su Yanying. It was because the other party was snatched by a first-class team and had a bright future, but he had never seen Su Ping before. He was not on the academy's combat power list. .

Moreover, Su Ping's tone was exaggerated. What is the concept of an adult king beast?By the time you see it in person, you may be dead.

This is one of the few monsters in the world, let alone the Lightning Rat, even the proud Silver Snake Thunder Dragon would tremble in front of the King Beast. Could it be that the Lightning Rat has a higher bloodline than the Silver Snake Thunder Dragon? Still proud?

Chapter 80 预约费

It was only then that Su Yanying realized that she forgot to introduce them to each other, and immediately said: "Ye Hao, this is Boss Su, my Lightning Mouse was bred from Boss Su's shop, and he can be regarded as the owner of half of the Lightning Mouse Well, speaking of it, maybe Boss Su knows Lei Guangshu better than I do. Boss Su, Ye Hao is the annual champion of our academy, the person who is most willing to spend money on pet beasts."

The second half of the sentence is obviously a hint to Su Ping.

"Boss Su?" Ye Hao was stunned for a moment, seeing Su Ping's face about his own age, who was even a few years younger than him, such a young boss?

Moreover, the Lei Guangshu was bred from his shop?Doesn't this mean that there is a nurturing master sitting in his shop?

Could it be someone from a big consortium or a big family who can let the nurturing master sit in charge at such a young age?

He didn't doubt Su Yanying's words. This lie was not good for Su Yanying. If it spread out, it would lower her score in the eyes of her instructor and the team. After all, everyone thought that the Lightning Mouse was trained by herself.

In this short moment, many thoughts appeared in his mind, the coldness on his face did not restrain himself, he still kept calm, and said with a slight smile: "It turns out that such an evil Lei Guangshu was bred in Boss Su's shop. I don’t know where Boss Su’s shop is? If there is a chance, I hope Boss Su can help me breed my Silver Snake Thunder Dragon Beast. I like it, but if there is anything else I need to do, I will definitely do my best, and my sincerity is absolutely sincere!"

Su Yanying and Lan Lele next to him heard his words and thought to themselves, you are mistaken, he just wants money.

Naturally, Su Ping would not refuse a business visit, and looking at this person, he was obviously a rich person. He nodded and said: "Since you are so sincere, I can consider it. If you give me [-] now, I will You can consider nurturing your pet beast first."

"One hundred thousand?" Su Yanying and Lan Lele next to them were startled when they heard Su Ping's lion speak loudly. They couldn't help but glance at Su Ping. Is this just a queuing fee?

They thought that Su Ping was already black-hearted before, but they didn't expect it to be even darker now. This is already a steal!

When Su Ping spoke, he had already asked the system in his heart and got the answer he wanted.

The system is only responsible for keeping an eye on the service fee in the store, but nothing else.

For example, thank you fee and queuing fee, these can be arranged and decided by Su Ping.

However, the system will not help convert the extra money that Su Ping collects into energy, so the money is just money.

Although money cannot buy items in the system store, money is very useful in the federation. It is almost omnipotent. Just like what Lan Lele said, as long as you have enough money, you can basically buy everything you can buy , Including those things in the pioneer warehouse, if you have enough money, you can also spend money to ask the pioneers to buy them with their merits, and then trade them to them.

This is what Su Ping thought of temporarily, but he didn't expect it to be feasible. This can be regarded as taking advantage of the system's loopholes and loopholes. After all, the system pricing is too rigid, and rigid things will have loopholes. Humans happen to be the most cunning creatures that can exploit loopholes .

What made Su Ping's heart ache was that it was a little late to think of this idea, otherwise he could have made more money from Su Yanying earlier.

However, considering that Su Yanying can't even afford the money for her cultivation now, she is poor and probably won't be able to earn much.

Thinking about it, Su Ping glanced at Su Yanying next to him.


Su Yanying looked puzzled.

Why did she feel as if she was being despised?

"One hundred thousand?" Ye Hao was stunned for a moment when he heard Su Ping's words, and gave him a strange look. It didn't mean that asking for money was strange, nor did he think it was a lot of money. On the contrary, he thought it was too little. up.

To be able to raise a low-level Lei Guangshu to this level must be a master breeder.

And the store where the master trainer is located, the queuing fee is only a mere one hundred thousand?

Is one hundred thousand money?

Not at all in his eyes.

In his cognition, those well-known cultivation shops with cultivation masters have to make reservations several years in advance, not to mention, if you want to jump in the queue, let alone a few hundred thousand starting, if you jump directly to the first place, it will even cost more than a million.

"No problem." Ye Hao nodded immediately. While agreeing, he glanced at Su Yanying and then at Lan Lele next to her. Although one hundred thousand is not money, it would be a bit silly to just give it away. Lele's family is rich anyway, so their words should be guaranteed.

Seeing that Ye Hao agreed so simply, Su Ping was stunned for a moment, and immediately regretted it.

What kind of people are poor and short-sighted!

It seems that the charge is too little!

He secretly sighed in his heart, but now he can't repent if he wants to. Could it be that he just admits it?He pondered for a while, and suddenly realized that what he said earlier was consideration, um, consideration.

Consider is a debatable word.

He glanced at Ye Hao and said, "Since you're so straightforward, I'll just let you rank tenth."

Su Yanying and Lan Lele beside them were once again in a daze.


Does anyone in your store make an appointment?

If they remember correctly, they remember that every time they went to Suping's store, the boss would lie on the counter with nothing to do, and the store was deserted, with no one at all.

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