"Bring Lei Guangshu?" Su Yanying was stunned for a moment, her heart moved, and she asked in a low voice: "Is the boss going to help me raise it again?"

"If you want to breed again, you have to pay more." Su Ping said: "Isn't this Lei Guangshu famous? Please come and take a video to prove that it was bred in my shop."

"Oh..." Su Yanying suddenly realized, her pretty face flushed, and she said, "I just happen to be looking for you in your shop, boss, boss, thank you very, very much, if you didn't help my Lei Guangshu, I may not be able to enter the final, although I still lost in the end, but it is not easy to enter the final, I am really grateful to the boss for your cultivation!"

"Oh." Regarding the words of thanks, Su Ping was a little perfunctory, and hung up the phone after being polite casually.

It's just that after hanging up, he suddenly realized that he seemed to have heard that the other party lost in the end?Just stop at the final?

"It's just a college competition, and there are beasts above the seventh rank?" Su Ping was a little surprised. If he can defeat the Lei Guangshu, it must be an adult high-level pet beast. Such strength belongs to the captain level among the pioneers. Oh, it's actually what a college student possesses?

He immediately searched for the final video of Fengshan College on various video sites.

Although the pet beast competition inside the famous school received less attention from the outside world, not as much attention as the elite pet beast competition and the King's League, but there were also some good people in the academy who took the video and posted it on the Internet.

It's just that the shooting is a little shaken and not clear enough.

Chapter 75 Exhibition

Su Ping picked a video with a high number of views and clicked on it.

The position of the photographer is relatively backward, but he can still see the situation on the field clearly.

On one side stood Su Yanying and her Lei Guangshu, and on the other side stood her opponent, a handsome and handsome young man. The pet beast in front of him was a silver snake thunder dragon beast with a ninth-level bloodline.

This is an extremely ferocious thunder-type pet beast. As a ninth-order bloodline, it is naturally a high-level pet skill that is gifted and inherited.

This is the final stage, and it is also a PK of thunder pet beasts!

It's just that one is a star pet of the ninth-level lightning system, and the other is an ordinary low-level lightning mouse. There is a huge difference.

But the cheers from the sidelines were more for Lei Guangshu, hoping to continue to witness miracles!

The position of the photographer on the video screen is far away, and the number of thunder horns on the head of the silver snake thunder dragon cannot be clearly seen in the video, but from the perspective of volume, Su Ping should be around the sixth to seventh order by visual inspection, which is far from reaching adulthood Expect.

If it is an adult Silver Snake Thunder Dragon Beast, its size alone can occupy the entire arena, so there is no need to compare.

At the beginning of the battle, Su Yanying on one side used the four major boosting skills for the Lightning Mouse, and then used the concealment technique to make the Lightning Mouse's aura concealed, making it harder to detect, and it could only be locked with the naked eye.

The Lei Guangshu rushed out quickly, and under Su Yanying's command, continuously used Thunder Flash to advance, and then cast four afterimages of thunder shadows, approaching the opponent.

During this process, it naturally caused a burst of exclamation from the outside. Although I have seen it several times before, it is still shocking.

And a lot of "???" also appeared in the barrage, all of them were stunned, and some seemed to be watching again, sending out the barrage of "Mighty Mouse Lord".

Su Ping turned off the barrage to avoid blocking the screen.

"It seems that she already has a little understanding of the Lei Guangshu's skills." Seeing Su Yanying's command in the video, Su Ping nodded slightly, and then looked at her opponent, only to see that the handsome young man also gave his own after the game started. The Silver Snake Thunder Dragon is covered with a boosted star pattern, the level of the star pattern is the same as Su Yanying's, and the power boost even reaches level five!

This is already beyond the level taught by the academy. It can be seen that this person is not only a genius, but also very smart, and has a strong background.

The moment the Lightning Rat rushed over, the Silver Snake Thunder Dragon Beast erupted with lightning. It was a thunder coat and a lightning-type defensive skill.

On the other side, the Lei Guangshu also applied the Lightning Armor to himself. This is an enhanced version of the Lightning Coat, and it is also a high-level pet skill. It has stronger defense and faster counterattacks!

The two beasts sprinted at the same time, and a lightning battle broke out in the middle of the arena.

The impact of lightning made the video shot a snow-white scene, and only the flying lightning was seen.

When the lightning paused for a while, Su Ping saw that the Lightning Mouse used Thunder Flash to rush forward, and then used Thunder Break to attack the Silver Snake Thunder Dragon Beast, but the Silver Snake Thunder Dragon Beast displayed an afterimage of Thunder Shadow. Although it was just an afterimage, it avoided it The Lei Guangshu attacked, and at the same time countered the Lei Guangshu with a thunder bite.

"Huh?" Su Ping frowned slightly.

Before using Thunderbolt to attack, Lei Guangshu should use Thunder Roar to distinguish the afterimage of Thunder Shadow, but it didn't, otherwise the attack would not fail.

This still growing Silver Snake Thunder Dragon Beast obviously didn't master the secret technique of 'Thunder Flash'.

When Lei Guangshu lost the opportunity, Silver Snake Thunder Dragon followed up with Thunder Hammer, Dragon Tail Swipe and other skills, all hit, and Lei Guangshu was soon scarred.

"Thunder Flash, Thunder Break, Multiple Thunder Shadow Afterimages, Thunder Armor, Ten Directions Thunder Prison... Does it only use these five skills?"

In the video, Su Ping saw that the Lei Guangshu was injured, and was struggling to dodge, and occasionally tried to use skills to fight back, but these five skills came back and forth, and he couldn't even use Thunderbolt.


Su Ping was a little puzzled. The Lightning Mouse had more than a dozen skills, and any combination of them could easily crush this Silver Snake Thunder Dragon Beast.

Through the battle, Su Ping also saw that the Silver Snake Thunder Dragon Beast was only at the top of the sixth rank.

In the end, after a lightning flash, the Lei Guangshu was found by the Silver Snake Thunder Dragon Beast, and a dragon's tail was whipped out of the field, and the game was declared over.

I actually lost...

Su Ping was a little speechless. He understood it. Su Yanying only knew that the Lei Guangshu had mastered these skills, so he let it use it frequently. But pet beasts obeyed the master's instructions first, so naturally they had no chance to display other skills. .

"Is this the pig teammate who can't even lie down..." Su Ping was speechless. With the strength of the Lei Guangshu, even if it was thrown there and let it play by itself, it would not be so miserable.

Su Ping clicked on the barrage, the game was over, and there was a sound of regret floating in the barrage, but more cheers, marveling at the strength of the Lei Guangshu.

Five skills, four are advanced pet skills, and one is a secret skill of the thunder system!

The so-called secret skills can only be comprehended by high-level beasts, and only king beasts can easily perform them.

Such a skill appeared on a Lei Guangshu, which was amazing enough.


Su Ping was smiling wryly.

What about the undead call?

What about swallowing souls?

What about life absorption?

These skills are all useless, even if you use a death to deceive, you may be overwhelmed, and then come back to kill!

This game made him a little frustrated.

Although it doesn't matter to him whether he wins the championship or not, it feels like... a good thing wasted!

What I gave you was a king, but you were beaten into bronze!

Su Ping was very depressed.


There was someone outside the store, Su Ping looked up, and it was Su Yanying who he called on the phone.

"Boss!" Seeing Su Ping at the counter, Su Yanying came to the store excitedly, "Boss, I've made it to the finals! It's all thanks to the Lightning Mouse you helped me to get in. I've long wanted to come and thank you in person. Thank you so much, thank you very much!"

The corner of Su Ping's mouth twitched slightly. The matter has come to an end, and it's useless for him to say more. He can't say, you lost the championship yourself, right?If you say it, you won't be able to win the championship.

He sighed and said, "Come on, let's make a video first."

Su Yanying's cheeks flushed slightly, and she asked curiously: "Boss, do you still need to promote this store? With your methods of cultivating pet beasts, don't you live a leisurely life here in the city?"

Su Ping's face darkened, who the hell is hiding in the city with you, do you want me to use love to generate electricity without money?

Seeing Su Ping's dark face and not speaking, Su Yanying was a little puzzled. She suddenly thought of something, her eyes lit up, and said, "By the way, boss, are you free? Our college's annual competition is over, and tomorrow is the last exhibition game , very lively, and there are fireworks to watch, I made it to the finals, all thanks to you, the boss, I want to invite you to come on stage with me in the exhibition match, is that okay?"

"Exhibition game?" Su Ping raised his eyebrows, "But I'm not from your academy."

"It's okay. The exhibition competition is mainly for meaning, mainly for beauty. Our participating students can also invite their family members to watch the ceremony." Su Yanying said happily.

Chapter 76 Propaganda, I Seriously

Su Ping thought for a moment, nodded slightly, "Yes."

Since it is publicity, it seems good to go directly to their colleges to promote it. The students of these famous star pet schools are the ones who are really willing to spend their money on pet beasts, unlike ordinary passers-by who just raise cats and dogs just for fun. It may take a lot of effort to cultivate.


Seeing that Su Ping agreed, Su Yanying's eyes lit up, and she was a little excited. In her eyes, Su Ping was very mysterious, and there must be an extremely powerful teacher behind him, probably those retired bosses. It is absolutely impossible to get involved with such a person. It is a harmless thing.

"Then I'll pick you up tomorrow?" Su Yanying hit the railway while it was hot.

Su Ping nodded slightly, "What time does it start?"

"There are several exhibition games, and Ye Hao and I are the finale at night." Su Yanying said immediately, with a little pride on her brows, after all, she made it to the finals. Although she was expecting to win the championship, she really passed all the way It was only then that she realized that without the Lightning Mouse, she would have stopped at the quarterfinals at most. There are too many hidden talents in the academy, and she doesn't usually notice it.

Because of this, she is especially grateful to Su Ping, the honor of entering the finals has brought her benefits beyond her imagination!

"Ye Hao?"

"It's our college's annual champion, the one who beat me." Su Yanying said with a grin, without the slightest resentment, she was convinced of the loss, after all, it was the Silver Snake Thunder Dragon Beast of the ninth-level bloodline, and the ninth-level is already considered a prince The strongest level!

Seeing her heartless appearance, the corners of Su Ping's mouth twitched slightly.

"Then I'll pick you up tomorrow night?" Su Yanying blinked her eyes with sincerity.

Su Ping thought for a while, and said, "In the afternoon, around four o'clock."

"Boss wants to go there early?" Su Yanying's eyes lit up, she could only get in touch with Su Ping and learn more about pet beasts, which was what she wished for.

Su Ping nodded slightly, "At that time, I will trouble you with something. By the way, is it not a violation of school regulations to distribute leaflets in your college?"

send flyer?Su Yanying's shoulders slumped, and she looked at Su Ping in astonishment. Could it be that the purpose of going there early was to distribute leaflets while she could still see them during the day?

Propaganda, are you serious?

Seeing Su Ping's serious expression, Su Yanying was finally convinced that the boss really wanted her to promote it. How could such a retired expert be short of money?

"Boss, in your capacity, isn't it appropriate to distribute leaflets?" Su Yanying asked weakly.

Su Ping nodded, "Of course."

Su Yanying breathed a sigh of relief, and I said, masters still have to face...

"I'm not suitable, but you can." Su Ping looked at her, "By the way, call the one who came with you before, I will print out the leaflet later, and you two will be responsible for handing it out. Remember to pick richer students, those If you are poor, don't look for it, so as not to waste your feelings."

Well, so realistic...

Su Yanying's eyes darkened, and she felt like she had fallen into a den of thieves, so she went to distribute leaflets by herself?

Wouldn't your wolf heart ache if you let a school belle distribute leaflets for you in the academy? !

"How?" Su Ping asked, as if asking for her thoughts.

Su Yanying really wanted to reply, it's not very good, but think about her Lei Guangshu, think about the kindness this boss has shown her...be patient!

"I see." Su Yanying replied in a dazed manner.

Su Ping nodded with satisfaction, "Is there anything else, do you want to buy something?"

Su Yanying glanced at the shelf subconsciously, and when she saw something priced at 120 million, her eyes felt like an electric shock, she quickly moved away, swallowed secretly, and said in a low voice, "For example, if you don't buy something, I'll still buy it." Can I give you a pet animal to be fostered and nurtured?"

Seeing her suddenly timid appearance, Su Ping was a little strange, and said, "Of course, but the subsequent cultivation is relatively normal, and the promotion is average."

Su Yanying raised her head and glanced at him, "Generally?"

"It's just to cultivate once, to comprehend at most one skill, or to increase the combat power a little by half to one level." Su Ping said casually.

Su Yanying was dumbfounded.

Is this still called ascension?

If it were a general training shop, it would be considered pretty good if it could increase its combat power by one-tenth. As for allowing pets to learn new skills, they would have to charge extra!

However, thinking of Lei Guangshu's monstrous combat power and the improvement span in between, Su Yanying soon realized that the strong in her own eyes and the strong in the boss's eyes were not the same concept.

What is an expert, this is called an expert!

His vision is higher than that of ordinary people, so it cannot be judged by common sense!

"I see, boss, I want to foster and nurture all my pet animals." Su Yanying said immediately, such a rare opportunity must be seized quickly. Fortunately, there is no business here now. If the business improves in the future, she would like to I'm afraid it will be very difficult to ask this boss to concentrate on nurturing.

Thinking of this, she suddenly felt a little regretful, and agreed to help Su Ping promote it.

It is best for such a retired master to know by himself, this is a treasure!

However, she also knows that paper can't hold fire, and sooner or later others will know about this store. What she has to do is to try to come here a few more times before others know about it.

"Boss, can you get a card here?" Su Yanying's thoughts turned.

Su Ping raised his brows, glanced at her, and saw through the other party's small thoughts at a glance, "No."

Su Yanying was a little disappointed.

"The cultivation fee is still the same as before. The first to third level is [-], and the fourth to sixth level is [-]." Su Ping asked: "How many do you want to breed?"

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