The bone knife suddenly slashed out, and there was a crackling sound, a dark black knife energy was released, and a deep ravine suddenly opened on the ground!

Chapter 57 拓荒仓库

Fan Ganglie, Fan Xiaoyu and the others were astonished.

Looking at the half-meter-wide black crack extending seven or eight meters away on the ground, they were a little shocked.

Such ferocious power, except for Fan Ganglie, probably couldn't be easily blocked by anyone present!

Is this the attack of this little skeleton?

Is this a low-level skeleton species? !

When their eyes fell on this little skeleton again, they quickly noticed that this little skeleton was a little different from ordinary skeletons.

The color of its bones is not pale, but dark black, and there is faint bloody light flowing inside the bones, which seems to be like blood. In addition, there is a thumb-sized red gem in its skull, like its soul, which is constantly emitting With a strange scarlet luster.

"This is……?"

Fan Ganglie came back to his senses, and couldn't help but look at Su Ping. A skeleton species that can create such a powerful one with a single knife is at least a medium pet beast!

Moreover, the skeleton species actually knows sword skills?Moreover, it is such a powerful knife technique, which shows that this skeleton species has received professional knife technique training!

Su Ping asked the little skull to put away the knife, and then said to several people: "Should it be enough?"

Fan Ganglie's eyes flickered. He believed that this move was definitely not the ultimate move of this skeleton species. It can be seen that its true strength has not yet been fully demonstrated, which also shows that this skeleton species is at least a very strong existence among medium-sized pet beasts.

Although this is somewhat different from what Fan Yujing said Su Ping was suspected to be a high-level battle pet master, but according to the standards of pioneers fighting, Su Ping is already qualified.

"no problem."

Fan Ganglie withdrew his thoughts, and said to Fan Yujing next to him, "Take him to register. After the registration is over, take him to the warehouse to pick a set of armor. When it's ready, we'll set off. It's not too late to delay." Go down, I'm afraid the blood fox will be in danger."

Fan Yujing came back to his senses, nodded, and said to Su Ping: "Brother Su, come with me."

Su Ping didn't take the little skull back into the beast space, but bent down to take out the blood spirit beads in its skull, so as not to accidentally hit it out and lose it during the battle when going to the crack in the starry sky later.

After putting the blood spirit bead into his pocket, he meditated on the storage space in his heart and stored the blood spirit bead in it.

After doing this, Su Ping followed Fan Yujing.

Fan Xiaoyu next to him yelled "Wait, wait" and also chased after him.

When he was far away from Xiaoping Building, Fan Xiaoyu looked curiously at the little skeleton who was stumbling behind Su Ping, and asked, "What kind of skeleton are you? It looks a little different."

"Different?" Su Ping said, "Are you as handsome as me?"

Fan Xiaoyu was stunned, and said with black lines all over his face, "Pretend I didn't ask."

It became quiet all the way.


They came to a majestic building in the center of the base. Fan Yujing took the lead to go in. The hall inside was very wide, but there were very few people. After all, it was late at night.

When he came to the self-service equipment next to the hall, Fan Yujing said to Su Ping: "Have you brought your ID card? If not, just stand on it and scan your iris. The system will record your identity and bind it to your identity in the Civil Affairs Bureau." , from now on all your data files will be turned into confidential documents."

Naturally, Su Ping didn't bring his ID card, so he stood on the pedal in front of the instrument according to his words, and Fan Yujing next to him helped him select "Registration Pioneer" → "Temporary Organization" → "Identity Verification" → "Iris Verify" and a series of operations.

A crane lens landed next to it and adjusted it to Su Ping's eyes.

The red light shone, and Su Ping's iris was also recorded.

At the same time, all Su Ping's information popped up on the screen.

Su Ping

Sex: Male

Age: 18

Schools attended: Lanlong Kindergarten, Shengying Primary School, Shengying Middle School, Baiwu High School

family environment:

Mother: Li Qingru.

Sister: Su Lingyue

Father: Su Yuanshan


Sister status...


When Su Ping saw the detailed identity information that was introduced to the point of hair, Su Ping was a little shocked, followed by a burst of horror.

In just one registration, not only his identity information from childhood to adulthood was collected, but even the information of his relatives around him was recorded in the file!

This shows that the pioneer's identity filing system has extremely high authority, and can directly retrieve relevant information from other departments at will.

When the Fan brothers and sisters next to them saw Su Ping's age, they were dumbfounded. They didn't expect that Su Ping really was, and he didn't lie.

"Registration is complete." Fan Yujing said, and directly closed the information form without looking at it.

Su Ping was taken aback, "Is this all right?"

Fan Yujing smiled, "Registration of temporary pioneers is simple, no review is required, as long as there is an invitation from the team, I invited you through the team's intranet, so you can register directly."

At this time, he tapped on the screen again, entered a string of passwords, and soon a team page popped up.

Above are five portraits.

Below the avatar is the option, which is Su Ping's avatar.

"From now on, you will be the temporary pioneer of our team. If you want to become a regular, you need to pass the audit at the base.

If you are a temporary pioneer, you will have no allowance in the base city, and you will not have exclusive chariot configuration, but the treatment in other respects is similar to that of a pioneer. If someone provokes you, as long as you take the initiative, you can just beat him up That's fine, but don't beat people to death easily, after all, you are not an official pioneer, and you will be punished a little. "Fan Yujing said with a smile.

Just a little punishment?

Su Ping was slightly stunned, and once again felt the power of the pioneers.

However, the pioneers guarded the base, and their status was higher than that of the army, so it was not unusual to have such power.

If an ordinary person can fight against the pioneers, it will inevitably cool the hearts of other pioneers, and the loss will be even greater for the top federal officials.

"Sure enough, strength is the kingly way. If you are an ordinary person who is unknown, there is no place that is safe in this troubled world."

Su Ping thought to himself, he dare not say that all the pioneers are good people, if they encounter a bad tempered person and shoot an ordinary person to death, the family members of the ordinary person will have no resistance at all!

This is the sorrow of the weak.

In any world, fate is not equal!

"Although they are temporary pioneers, Brother Su also has the basic rights of pioneers. Every time they perform a mission, meritorious service will be distributed according to their performance. When the meritorious service accumulates to a certain level, there will be different welfare benefits, and meritorious points can also be used. Buy everything you need."

Fan Yujing smiled slightly, and said to Su Ping: "I will take Brother Su to the Pioneering Exchange Warehouse to see if there is anything you need, Brother Su just pick it."

"Oh?" Su Ping's eyes moved, with some interest.

Soon, they came to another building, where they still logged in through the computer and entered the "Pioneering Exchange Warehouse" interface.

"There are frontier battle armor, weapons, and various cultivation methods. For example, the four basic skill enhancements taught in the academy only teach the first to fourth levels, but here, there are one to ninth level skill enhancement training methods." Fan Yujing said.

Chapter 58 Enter


Su Ping's eyes brightened slightly.

He has not been taught by the academy and knows nothing about augmentation skills.

As a battle pet master, this is obviously unqualified.

Fan Yujing next to him clicked on the frontier exchange interface on the screen for Su Ping, and saw a wide variety of things appearing on the list.

There are different categories such as weapons, skills, rare treasures, and beasts.

"Dragon scale battle armor, can be immune to the physical attacks of low-level star pets, and greatly weaken the damage of high-level pets..."

""Magic Ape Body Training Technique": After reaching a great achievement, you can dodge bullets and move quickly, comparable to the eighth-level star pet..."

"Thousand-grain ice heart fruit: It can double the skill power of high-level water-type pets..."

"Blue Dragon Pet: Qualifications have not yet been evaluated, exchange for [-] points."


Su Ping was dazzled by the many treasures. In addition to the augmentation techniques, there are also physical training techniques that the pet master needs, as well as training techniques for different weapons.

"Choose whatever you want, right?" Su Ping looked at Fan Yujing.

Seeing Su Ping's gaze, Fan Yujing suddenly realized that something was wrong, and said with a wry smile: "Brother Su, I can't afford these high-end items. I will try my best to satisfy you with the middle and low ones."

"it is good."

Su Ping didn't embarrass him, but just selected the 1st to 6th layers of the four basic exercises. This is the basic exercise and it is sold very cheaply.

"That's all?" Seeing that Su Ping had nothing else to ask for, Fan Yujing was a little surprised. He thought that Su Ping would at least choose a lot of middle and low-level rare treasures, which are things that pioneers like them are very greedy, and they are There is never too much consumables.

He thought for a while, and chose a medium armor for Su Ping, which could withstand the attacks of most fifth-tier star pets, and it was considered a little bit of protection.

After paying the merit points, a note was spit out from the device.

Fan Yujing asked Su Ping and Fan Xiaoyu to wait here, and he took the note to the warehouse to pick up the things.

A few minutes later, when he returned, he held a set of black armor in his hand.

"This is your technique." Fan Yujing handed Su Ping a small mobile hard drive.

Su Ping took a look at it, put it in his pocket, and sent it to the storage space.

"This is the battle armor." Fan Yujing handed the battle armor to Su Ping, and then took them back to Xiaopinglou.

After leaving the base, Fan Ganglie, Li Ying, and Fan Yujing all summoned their pets.


From the traces of the space contract, three behemoths landed, they were pet rock dragon lizards of the middle star.

After adulthood, the Rock Dragon Lizard is a Tier [-] star pet. Its combat power is relatively ordinary among Tier [-] pets, but it is an excellent means of transportation, and it can climb up even steep rocks.

The three turned over and sat on the rock dragon lizard's back. Seeing that Su Ping didn't have a beast to mount, Fan Yujing called out, "Brother Su, come to me."

Su Ping was also polite, and hugged the little skull at his feet, the star power was condensed on his legs, and he jumped to the back of the rock dragon lizard.

Feeling the strange smell on its back, the rock dragon lizard felt a little restless, flicked out its long and thin tongue, and seemed a little reluctant.

Fan Yujing gently stroked and comforted it for a while before the rock dragon lizard slowly became docile.

"Let's go."

Fan Ganglie grabbed the reins and set off first.

Fan Yujing and Li Ying followed closely behind.

In the darkness, they moved forward at high speed.

When he was about to lose sight of the pioneering base behind him, Li Ying's whole body surged with star power, and he opened the beast space again, calling out a flying beast.

It was a flying bird less than half a meter high. As soon as it appeared, it spread its wings and flew into the night ahead at an extremely fast speed, before disappearing in a blink of an eye.

After a while, Li Ying suddenly said, "There are small herds of animals five kilometers ahead."

"Detour." Fan Ganglie said without thinking.

The Rock Dragon Lizard climbed up the side mountain. On the steep mountain, Su Ping had to grab Fan Yujing's shoulder to keep himself from falling.

After half an hour.

Fire gradually appeared in Su Ping's sight.

On a plain, there were clusters of flames, and the crowd was shaking.

When I got closer, I saw that this was a temporary camp. At a height of seven or eight meters above the camp, there was a vertical pupil-shaped crack, more than 20 meters long and seven or eight meters wide, inside which was a rotating twisted space.

"Is this the crack in the starry sky?" Su Ping was slightly taken aback. This was the first time he saw the crack in the starry sky up close.

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