On this blue star, the base city where humans live is all wilderness, and the wilderness is divided into different areas. There are more than 500 wilderness areas in the world.

Deserted areas are not suitable for human habitation.

There are two reasons for the formation of barren areas. One is the trauma caused by human wars and technological pollution, making the land uninhabitable.

The other is that there are frequent cracks in the starry sky in this area, which is an unstable zone.

The so-called cracks in the starry sky are distorted space gaps, and these space gaps lead to unknown and mysterious places.

Some are strange lands suspended in the starry sky, with ferocious beasts inside.

Some are dead stars that have not been explored in the federal interstellar map, and there are no plants or creatures.

There are also stars that lead to the sun, once they enter, they will be destroyed!

In these unknown and mysterious places, most of the powerful star pets live, and the vast majority of star pets on the blue star also come from the unknown worlds in these cracks in the starry sky.

The crack in the starry sky is like a portal leading to these unknown places.

In these dangerous barren areas with cracks in the starry sky, defensive fortresses will basically be built, and federal troops will be stationed there to prevent untamed wild beasts in these barren areas from sneaking into the base cities where humans live and massacring them.

When barren areas appeared, the federal government also set up targeted special departments to clean up barren areas and maintain the stability of barren areas.

People in this department are collectively called pioneers.

Pioneering is an extremely dangerous profession, but equally, the rewards are great!

Pioneers live in the base city and have many benefits, as well as generous monthly allowances and rewards. In some special cases, they have the right to facilitate.

For ordinary people, the best way to gain money and power is to join the pioneer team and become a pioneer. Even if it is just an ordinary pioneer, the status is higher than that of a soldier. No, the mayor has to be polite.


Seeing that Su Ping was still thinking about it, Fan Yujing said quickly: "Boss, with your strength, don't you think it's too good to open a store here? Our Pioneering team is very short of masters like you. If you can come, all the treatment will be given to you." Do whatever you want, I believe that the money you can earn will definitely be more than a hundred times what you are doing now!"

Su Ping came back to his senses, and said indifferently: "Sorry, I'm not interested."

To pioneer?

Just kidding, if you can lie comfortably and make money, why would you take risks in such a dangerous place like a barren area?

If you die, your life will be gone.

You know, what is a barren area, there is no guarantee at all, okay?

In case of unlucky luck and encountering a monster of king beast level, it will be given for free.

Fan Yujing was stunned.

I didn't expect Su Ping to refuse so simply.

Doesn't he care about money?

That's right, with Su Ping's ability to abolish his arm before, it's not difficult to make money.

For such masters, perhaps they only want to do challenging things.

Fan Yujing thought for a while, and said: "Recently, in the barren area outside our base in Longjiang City, some changes seem to have taken place, and there are many more middle and high-level star pets. Interested?"


Su Ping looked at him like a fool.

Even with such a dangerous accident, you still ask me to go?

I'm afraid you have a hole in your head!

Still exercising?

I forged you uncle!

"I want to say three words," he said.

"Huh?" Fan Yujing's eyes lit up. Could it be that I want to?

Su Ping said expressionlessly: "Brother Wuen."

Fan Yujing was stunned.

"Why are you swearing?" Fan Xiaoyu who was next to him reacted and said angrily.

Su Ping said indifferently: "You guys should take a look at the goods. If there is nothing else, you can leave."

Fan Yujing looked at Su Ping's unwavering expression and smiled bitterly. He didn't expect that neither money nor challenges could arouse Su Ping's interest. His solicitation ended in failure.

Sighing, he said bitterly: "Actually, I had no choice but to invite the boss. Last night, a crack in the starry sky appeared in the barren area outside our base in Longjiang City.

Our team went to explore the wilderness inside, but because of the unfamiliar environment, two teammates were accidentally injured. Unfortunately, one of the beasts was accidentally lost inside, so we can only go again as soon as possible to find Back to his pet beast.

However, these two teammates were both injured, and we couldn't find other combat power to fill in for a while, so I thought of the boss, I thought the boss would be interested..."

Su Ping raised his eyebrows slightly, but there was no response.

This matter has nothing to do with him, and there is no need to get involved.


A little, but only limited to a little sympathy.

And this sympathy is not for their team, but for the beast that was lost in the crack in the starry sky.

Thinking about the lonely and helpless mood of the beast at the moment, Su Ping frowned even deeper. This team is rich in pioneering and exploring, and they are greedy when they are incompetent, but the beast is innocent.

"Sorry, there's nothing I can do." Su Ping refused coldly.

Fan Yujing was a little disappointed and didn't say anything.

Fan Xiaoyu glanced at Su Ping, but said nothing, and didn't blame him for being cold-blooded. She knew how dangerous pioneering was, and it was normal for Su Ping to be unwilling.


"Congratulations to the host for triggering a side mission to find the lost beast."

"Mission reward: A copy of the secret technique of body training for gods and demons."

"Mission failed: Host score decreased by 10 points."

The system's notification sound suddenly popped up in my mind.

Su Ping was stunned.

What happened, did this trigger it?

"System, you're not mistaken, what strength am I, let me help them find the lost pet beast, isn't it asking me to die?" Su Ping couldn't help but yelled in his heart.

The system said indifferently: "As the owner of the pet shop, you should not ignore any matters involving pets. Please complete the task as soon as possible."

"your sister……"

Su Ping couldn't say it, and cried in his heart.

He's just a scum with a combat power of 3.5, let him go to open up wasteland, what's the difference between this and delivering food?

He immediately wanted to give up the mission.


Seeing the punishment for failure, he hesitated again.

When the score is not satisfactory, it will be obliterated.

This dog system has been scoring itself!

Moreover, that task reward seems to come from a lot...

After struggling with his thoughts for a long time, Su Ping gritted his teeth slightly, and asked Fan Yujing in front of him, "Tell me first, the situation in the world inside the crack in the starry sky, and what kind of beast did you lose?"

Fan Yujing was taken aback, his eyes lit up, and he said in surprise, "Boss, are you willing to join our team?"

Su Ping said with a gloomy face: "You answer me first."

Chapter 52 up to ninth order

"it is good!"

Fan Yujing's gaze immediately became serious, "The world inside the rift in the starry sky this time is a habitable world, suspended in an unknown star field outside the interstellar navigation chart. As for whether it is land or a planet, it is not yet clear know.

Here, there are a large number of indigenous star pets. Most of these star pets are demons, and they are extremely aggressive. Judging from the current peripheral situation of the entrance, they are generally low-level star pets, but the depth of our team's exploration , but met many middle and high-level beasts.

Among them, the strongest star pet I met was an eighth-order Youyan bone dragon. Fortunately, we noticed it in time and avoided it in advance. "

Speaking of this, Fan Yujing suddenly realized that he had said too much. The eighth-level Youyan Bone Dragon is not easy to provoke. Even though Su Ping is very strong, he is only in his early twenties after all. Eighth-rank star pet battle.

He took a sneak look at Su Ping's expression, but to his surprise, he didn't see any seriousness on Su Ping's face.

"How deep is the depth area you have entered?" Su Ping looked directly at him.

Fan Yujing said: "The entire area has not been explored yet, and we don't know how vast this world is. The so-called depth area is only relative, but judging from the information detected by our instruments, we should be close to The inner zone of this world.

According to our past exploration experience, there is definitely more than one eighth-level star pet living in this world, and there should be a high probability that there will be a ninth-level star pet! "

He is totally telling the truth.


He knew that what he said might dispel Su Ping's interest. After all, the ninth-level star pet is already the strongest star pet under the king, and even the first-class team among their pioneers is talking about it!

"Ninth order?"

Su Ping narrowed his eyes.

The only ones who can subdue the ninth-rank star pet are titled war pet masters, and there are only a handful of titled war pet masters in the entire Longjiang base city.

However, this is not what he cares about the most. He asked: "Is the highest level nine? Is it possible for the king beast to exist?"

If the ninth-level star pet is a bomb, then the king beast is a small nuclear bomb, and the gap is like cloud and mud!

A king beast can even destroy half of the base city!

"King Beast?" Fan Yujing's face changed slightly. For people like them who were on the verge of life and death, these two words were very taboo.

Seeing Su Ping's dignified appearance, Fan Yujing shook his head quickly, "Impossible, according to the principles of the food chain, if there are king beasts, then the number of eighth-rank star pets and ninth-rank star pets in it will be far more than what is found now. There must be more, otherwise the king beast will not be enough to eat, unless it is a herbivorous king beast.

However, this world is extremely dead, and there are almost no herbivorous star pets, let alone grow into king beasts. "

Su Ping stared at him, nodded slightly, and asked, "How is your team's strength?"

Fan Yujing said: "Our Pioneer team is a group of five. If you don't count my two injured teammates, the current combat strength is me and the captain, and there is another player. , my strongest star pet is the seventh lower level.

Our captain is the most powerful, he is a seventh-level senior battle pet master, he has an eighth-level star pet, but it is incomparable with a demon-type star pet like Youyan Bone Dragon, and the other companion is about the same strength as me. "

"So, the highest combat power barely reaches the eighth level?" Su Ping frowned.

This is too weak.

Not to mention encountering the King Beast, even in front of the ninth-rank star pet, they are powerless to resist.

Even a stronger eighth-order star pet can wipe them out!

Seeing Su Ping's palpable dissatisfaction and disgust, Fan Yujing froze, slightly embarrassed.

In fact, he felt quite proud when he said it. After all, they are considered a mid-tier team that can enter the cracks in the starry sky to explore, while most frontier teams can only explore in the third-class barren areas opened up on Blue Star.

Fan Xiaoyu next to her was a little annoyed when she saw that her brother was rejected. In her mind, since she was a child, her brother was always a genius ahead of others!

He was a man of the hour in the academy, and after leaving the academy, he reached his current strength and status in just a few years, and joined the second-tier team. It can be said that the future is boundless!

But now it is disliked!


If she hadn't thought that Su Ping could easily break her brother's arm, she would have retorted on the spot. However, the world speaks with strength. Although she was dissatisfied with Su Ping's attitude, she had to admit that this hateful boss was older than her. Brother is a stronger genius, moreover, he is an extremely weird genius!

It's a waste of talent to run here at a young age to open a store for the elderly, instead of pioneering and fighting for excellence!

Su Ping ignored the two's reactions, frowning, thinking about the risks of this trip.

"System, are there any life-saving props?" Su Ping asked silently in his heart.

System: "None."

Second Olympic!

This dog system is hopeless.

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