Up to now...

The contestants who can pass the primary selection are almost all the top [-] outstanding students in the academy's combat power list, and there will be those rare and popular figures in the academy among them.

The gold content of the competition has obviously increased. The pet beasts that appear are at least third-tier, and there are very few second-tier pets.

When encountering those students who are fighting against each other, the atmosphere on the scene is often detonated to a turmoil!

"There are still ten minutes, no rush."

Su Yanying and Lan Lele also rushed to the arena. After finding the area of ​​their class, they immediately sat there.

At this moment, other competitions are going on on the field, and the two sides are also considered to be relatively strong students, and they are playing inextricably.

Su Yanying glanced twice, and suddenly felt a gaze falling on her. When she turned her gaze, she found that the source of the gaze was from the front, and there was a cold and straight figure sitting there, it was the one nicknamed 'Ice Cube' Jiang Hanxue.

She had nothing to do with the other party at first, but after being discussed by the people around her, it somehow became a competitive relationship.


after that.

She herself gradually cared about each other.

Over time, they really became rivals to each other.

The previous gaze was naturally from the other party. Su Yanying's eyes flashed with light. Now that she has tested the combat power of several pet beasts, she has absolute confidence that she can beat the other party, not as hard as before. The game is over!

"Yingying, you're almost here, be careful, I'll wait for your triumphant return." Lan Lele encouraged Su Yanying when she saw the display on the electronic card above.

Su Yanying smiled slightly, "Don't worry, I have figured out my opponent a long time ago, Luofeng alone can crush me."

At this time, the commentator also called out the names of Su Yanying and her opponent.

The audience also cheered together.

Su Yanying is still a celebrity in the academy, after all, she is in the top ten of the senior girls' combat power list, so she naturally attracts attention.

Soon, her opponent also took the stage, a pudgy boy.

"Student Su, if I win against you, can you sign me? Just sign it on my chest. I promise that I will never take a bath in my life!"

"Shut up!"

There were boos from the audience.

"Sister Su is ours, who dares to enjoy it alone!!" A group of animals roared.

Hearing the commotion, Su Yanying frowned, and said coldly, "Let's wait until you win."

"Okay!" The chunky boy seemed to be encouraged, and immediately summoned his pet beast, which was a water-type pet beast of medium blood, a hidden water beast.

This is a humanoid beast, its whole body is like a ball of water, and it is best at lurking and assassinating.

In the hands of this beast, there is also an elemental dagger, which can be turned into water together with its body.

Without even thinking about it, Su Yanying summoned Luofeng directly.


As soon as Luofeng's figure appeared, there was a burst of exclamation at the scene. After all, it is a pet beast of high bloodline. Once it reaches adulthood, it will naturally become a high-rank pet beast. It is extremely precious, and it is incomparable to other mid- and low-rank pet beasts.

Fiery flames lingered around Luofeng, like a divine bird in fire.

In the case of mutual restraint of attributes, it depends on whose combat power is stronger.

As soon as the referee announced the start, the pudgy boy conceded loudly.

Everyone was expecting this result.

Su Yanying felt that the other party was quite sensible, but suddenly saw a wishful smile on the other party's face when he put away the pet beast.

She frowned slightly, faintly feeling that something was wrong.

At this time, the chunky boy summoned a second pet beast, which was a rock-type pet beast.

In terms of attributes, it can't be restrained against Luofeng, but it also has great fire resistance.

"It's the ground trap!"

The moment Su Yanying saw this pet beast, Su Yanying's face changed slightly. The ground trap is a more prominent type of rock beast. Although it cannot restrain the fire beast, the ground trap is the nemesis of the flying beast!

"I'm sorry, student Su, I've searched all the competition information about you these days, and I basically know your pet beast situation well. Your Luofeng is the most difficult of all your pet beasts. The other rock ugly beast and Although the Hundred-tooth Tiger Beast is also very powerful, it is all head-on fighting type, and it only needs to be crushed head-on.

Only this Luofeng, even a fifth-order pet beast, would have difficulty defeating it, and would be consumed to death by her instead.

Of course, you still have that extremely talented little mouse, but in this kind of competition, it is useless. My ground trap alone can easily defeat it. "

The chunky boy smiled slightly, the game was basically decided.

Su Yanying's eyes darkened. She had also investigated the other party's information, but there was no wild animal in the other's pet beast, which was why she easily sent Luo Feng.

"Oh, I forgot to tell classmate Su that for this competition, I used up all the pocket money I had accumulated in the past three years. As early as a month ago, I rented this place to catch animals and my trump card. It's for this competition."

The chunky boy smiled lightly, looked out of the field, and said, "I want everyone to remember my name and know my existence after this competition is over! My graduation career will never continue to be unknown !"

Su Yanying took a light breath.

Three years of pocket money...

What concept?

"So, you haven't had any pocket money for three years?" Su Yanying couldn't help asking.

The chunky boy raised his eyebrows and said calmly, "Not bad."

"Then don't you eat snacks?" Su Yanying couldn't imagine how terrible life would be without snacks such as potato chips, cola and fried chicken!

The chunky boy frowned, "Of course."

Is now the time to discuss this?

"Then why are you still so fat?" Su Yanying asked.

Boom, soul crit!

The short and fat boy felt as if he had been punched by a stand-in, and his chest felt tight. The corners of his mouth twisted and trembled seven or eight times, but he finally held back and said hoarsely: "Student Su, you will regret saying this."

"is it?"

Su Yanying raised her hand, and a gust of wind blessing wrapped around Luofeng's body, making Luofeng, who was already light and agile, fly even faster.

Although she met her nemesis, she still chose to fight.

"Hmph, courting death."

The pudgy boy's face was terribly gloomy, and he sent his thoughts to the trapper, "Imprisoned in the dungeon!"

Bang bang bang!

Dozens of ground thorns suddenly protruded from the ground of the arena, rushing towards Luofeng in mid-air.

"It's the best dungeon technique!" The guide exclaimed.

Su Yanying's eyes were full of fighting intent, how would she know who was strong and who was weak if she hadn't fought before?



But if it is strong enough, it will be enough to break the shackles that restrain oneself!

"Red Flame Bird!" Su Yanying asked Luofeng to attack.

"Flame breath cut!"

After launching two pet skills in a row, a flaming bird flew out from Luofeng's body, and swooped down on the short and fat boy.

The chunky boy sneered, "Ksitigarbha Guardian!"


Earth walls were erected on the ground, covering his body.

The red flame flying bird collided with the dirt wall, and instantly turned into sparks and dissipated.

And the Flaming Breath Slash that followed was also useless.

Su Yanying's expression changed slightly.

so hard.

Although the earth-type beast has extremely high fire resistance, the earth wall is too hard!

"It's time to end."

The short and fat boy used the 'Extended Observation Technique' to gain insight into the situation outside, and seeing that Luofeng's attack was futile, he sneered slightly, "Do you think that I spent all the pocket money I saved for three years just to buy a piece of junk?"

Su Yanying's extended view technique had already been used, and she was taken aback when she heard the words of the short and fat boy inside the earthen wall. When she looked at the animal trap again, her face suddenly changed color.

"It's adult hunting!"

"Tier five!"

Seeing the number of rocky corners in the jaws of the ground trapper, Su Yanying's face instantly became ugly.

If it was an ordinary third-tier animal hunter, even if its attributes were incompatible, her Luofeng would have the power to fight back, but fifth-tier... You know, her Luofeng is only at the top of third-tier!

"Come back." Su Yanying was depressed, she was tricked, and she gave up.

However, she still has the Lightning Mouse and the Hundred-toothed Tiger Beast, which are her trump cards for victory.

When she called, a resistance suddenly came from Luofeng's mind. At the same time, Luofeng on the field was quickly chased by the ground thorns and forced to a corner of the earth wall.

Luofeng breathed out flames and slashed, attacking left and right, but the flames hit the ground thorns, but did not cause much damage, it just burned the ground thorns to black.

"Come back." Su Yanying hurriedly activated the power of the contract.

At this moment, a long and angry cry full of arrogance suddenly rose into the sky!


A flame burst out suddenly, and at the same time, an extremely hot flame swept out suddenly, cutting off all the ground thorns that were flying and chasing in the field!

The commentator who was sighing in front of the microphone that Luofeng was being targeted and that it was hard to recover from his defeat suddenly froze when he was on the verge of speaking.

What did he see?

An eighth-level fire-type pet skill, extremely blazing ray? ! !

The entire battle hall fell into a brief moment of silence.

Chapter 47 The second surprise of genius


There was a sudden uproar in the stadium.

Blazing rays!

Fire-type advanced and rare skills!

The qualifications of high-level pets, whether they are rare or not, are often judged by some rare pet skills.

no doubt.

The Luofeng in front of me who has comprehended the 'extremely blazing ray' is considered to be an existence with excellent aptitude even in the group of 'Luofeng'.

"The eighth-level pet skill..."

In the auditorium, several imposing but introverted figures, with lightning-like eyes, looked at the flaming divine bird soaring angrily in the arena.

Judging from its size, this Luofeng is far from reaching adulthood.

Although it is a high-level bloodline, Luofeng's inherited pet skills do not have extremely incandescent rays.

Now that Luofeng was able to comprehend on his own during the process of growing up, such outstanding aptitude made them a little envious.

"Its owner, is that girl?"

"I seem to be a little impressed."

Compared with pets, as war pet masters, they pay more attention to the owners of pets.

After all, the changes and strengths of pet beasts are inseparable from their owners. Even if some pet beasts with monstrous aptitudes fall into the hands of trash masters, their original rare abilities will gradually be forgotten, making it difficult to display their combat power. In the end, all the beasts disappeared.

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