Chapter 41 Skeletron's Bloodline

Su Ping ignored these pet foods with three-digit prices, and directly counted those high-end pet foods.

"Purple Bamboo Xuanyin Flower, the price is 26000, one."

"Ghost core, priced at 10000, one piece."

"Dead Bone Lotus, price... 1200000!"

Seeing the string of zeros behind, Su Ping counted, and it turned out to be 120 million! !

Su Ping's breathing was a little short.

120 million!

Converted into energy, it is 1 points! !

This 'Dead Bone Lotus' alone earned all the 9000 energy tickets for the Chaos Necromancer Realm, and there was an extra 3000!

Moreover, this time it is free to enter, which is equal to pure income!

"Death bone lotus, the crystallization in the body of a king-level skeleton creature, contains a strong undead spirit, which can directly promote high-level undead pets to the first rank!

If it is used by a ninth-level pet beast, there is a 5% chance of being directly promoted to a king beast! "

Seeing this effect, Su Ping was stunned.

It turned out to be a promotional treasure of a high-level pet beast!

"Isn't this too precious?"

Su Ping was surprised and delighted. The treasures that allow pet beasts to advance directly are scarce, not to mention that they are used by high-level pet beasts. They are even more expensive and out of stock!

"It seems that this thing was picked up at the entrance of an ancient hall, and it was the little skull who discovered it first."

Su Ping still vaguely remembered the process of obtaining this object. It was one of the countless times they were killed. At that time, they were randomly resurrected in an ancient hall. The little skull picked up this object from a huge skeleton of more than ten meters at the door.

Through Xiaokulou's consciousness of being greedy for joy, Su Ping guessed that this thing might be useful, so he accepted it casually. Unexpectedly, it was really a treasure.

Unfortunately, not long after they picked it up, they were bombarded and killed by an inexplicable force before they had time to explore other places.

In the next dozen or so stubborn resurrections, Su Ping was ruthlessly obliterated every time he was resurrected, did nothing, and didn't even see the enemy, and finally had no choice but to leave.

"I didn't expect that this casually picked up thing is actually valuable, and those other pets that are guarded by monsters and obtained with great effort are actually rubbish!"

Su Ping saw some impressive pet food, but the price was several hundred, and felt a little helpless. He hated that he didn't have a pair of discerning eyes, and the level of pet food identification was too low.

On the shelf, apart from this "Dead Bone Lotus", there are some other pet foods that cost tens of thousands of dollars, and they all have their own special effects.

Su Ping moved the calculator over, added up the prices of all the pet food, and found that the total price reached more than 450 million!

In other words, if all these are sold, he can get [-] energy points!

Forty-five thousand...

You can directly upgrade the Chaos Spirit Pool to level three!

The third-level spiritual pool has a low probability of giving birth to a pet beast of the bloodline of the king beast!

"Unfortunately, these are the pet food of the undead. Undead pets have always been relatively unpopular, and few people use them. It is estimated that they will sell very slowly."

Thinking of the sales issue, Su Ping couldn't help frowning.

Girls nowadays like that kind of cute and cute, who can not only fight, but also be cute, and can also hug the ravaged 'multifunctional' pet beast.

Although the undead beast has good fighting ability, its appearance is too miserable. It is either a dead skeleton or a bloody ghost. If you take it out to fight, you will feel a little blush and feel mentally unhealthy.

Humans have always been superficial creatures that look at faces.

Pet animals living beside humans are naturally also implicated.

"However, if human beings don't look at their faces, wouldn't my handsome appearance be meaningless?"

Su Ping soon felt relieved.

Although things are a bit difficult to sell, as long as the goods are good, they can always be sold.

After stacking these pet foods on the counter, Su Ping's eyes fell on the remaining bloody orb.

This object has been identified by the system, it is called 'Blood Lingzhu', an ordinary name, but its value is not ordinary, the price is 500 million!

That's right, it's 500 million, more than ten times that of the 'Dead Bone Lotus'!

This is also the most valuable item harvested on this trip!

Strictly speaking, this thing is not pet food, but in the concept of the system, anything that can be absorbed can be classified as pet food!

This thing comes from the royal lineage of the skeleton species. The body of the skeleton king is the crystallization of life in the skeleton king, which is equivalent to the placenta of a human female!

The effect of this thing is very single, only one, that is, it can transform any skeleton species into the blood of the skeleton king!

The Skeleton King is the bloodline of the royal family among the skeleton species. The royal family here does not refer to the king beast, but the noblest and most powerful bloodline among all the skeleton species!

Su Ping didn't count this item in this batch of pet food, nor did he plan to sell it, although 500 million...a lot, is a sum of money that ordinary people can't make in their lifetime!

However, money can be made again when it is gone, but such a treasure is hard to come by!

In Su Ping's eyes, the bloodline of the Skeleton King is definitely more than 500 million, it's just that the system is rich and powerful.

"If you have strength, you will have your own financial resources."

In a top-level cultivation plane like the chaotic necromancer world, Su Ping has seen countless terrifying monsters, as well as some giants who have survived for an unknown number of years. He has seen how big and vast the world is.

Only strength is the only capital to be proud of the ages!

"This thing can just be used by little skeletons. Its aptitude is already at the upper-middle level, far superior to countless other low-level skeleton species. If it gets the blood of the Skeleton King, its explosive combat power will be even stronger!"

Su Ping is not stingy, and only with strength can he get more things. If he just saves money, he will put the cart before the horse.

Moreover, even if you sell this thing and exchange it for 15 energy, you won't be able to use it for a while. Upgrading the Chaos Spirit Pool to the fourth level requires a million energy, which is still far away.For him, the energy he got from selling the rest of his pet food is already enough.

If it doesn't work, just spend your own money to go to another cultivation plane.

When he came to the pet animal room, Su Ping saw that the little skull and the Lei Guangshu were sleeping soundly in the foster barrier.

Su Ping came to the little skull, woke it up, and handed the blood spirit bead to it while the little skull was in a daze.

When the little skull saw the blood spirit bead, scarlet color suddenly appeared in his pupils, and he was extremely excited.

After receiving the blood spirit bead, he immediately stuffed it into his head. Soon, the blood spirit bead seemed to be embedded in its skull, spinning quietly, emitting a faint bloodshot energy, flowing through the little skull's body, slowly changing its blood.

The consciousness of joy continuously came from the consciousness of the little skull, and he danced happily.

Su Ping felt the excitement from it, smiled slightly, and touched its small head, but this time he couldn't easily break its cervical vertebrae.

"Little guy, I'll depend on you from now on." Su Ping smiled.

The little skull seemed to understand Su Ping's words, nodded again and again, pulled out the bone knife inserted in his hip bone and waved it twice, as if to prove that he could be relied on.

Su Ping let it continue to rest, turned around and returned to the front desk of the store, waiting for customers while continuing the practice that was not completed last night.

time flies.

There are very few customers who come to visit today. One came here occasionally. I just came to the counter to ask for something. When I saw the prices of many things on the container, the lowest price was tens of dollars, and most of them were hundreds of dollars. I was immediately frightened. You have to turn around and leave.

For two days in a row, although there were people patronizing, they failed to sell a single item.

Day three.

Su Ping still came to the store normally, cleaned the dust on the counter, and practiced on his own.

It didn't take long before a guest came to the door.

"Boss, we're here to get the pet beast." A sweet voice sounded.

Su Ping looked up, and it was those two again.

Chapter 42 The Beast's Nostalgia

Seeing the signboard of the 'Little Naughty' pet shop, Su Yanying felt a little cordial. When she came to this mysterious little shop again, she was a little excited and looking forward to it, and at the same time missed it a little.

After three days away, she couldn't wait to hug her little ones.


Some of them are so huge that they can only be looked up.

But in her eyes, these beasts are her own children, and some of them were bought from childhood and raised by her. The size has also changed from being able to be easily picked up to being able to ride on the opponent.

"I don't know if this boss has taken good care of your pet beast."

Lan Lele followed Su Yanying, and this time she was still escorting her. By the way, she supervised her. After all, she paid a lot of money last time, so she couldn't be fooled by the boss.

Seeing these two people enter the store, Su Ping stopped practicing, and said expressionlessly: "Wait here."

After finishing speaking, he got up and went to the animal shop at the back, and woke up the three foster animals and the Lei Guangshu one by one.

"Come out."

Su Ping let them leave the foster care barrier.

Feeling Su Ping's tough thoughts, the beasts reluctantly came out of the foster care barrier.

As soon as they left the foster care barrier, they connected with Su Yanying's star power contract and sensed each other's existence.

"It's them." Su Yanying's eyes lit up, she was a little happy, and felt that her pet beast was behind the store, separated only by a wall.

She stood on tiptoe, expectant.

But after a few minutes, she saw a few beasts slowly walking out of the animal room at the back, the movements were extremely slow, and they stopped from time to time, looking back, it seemed that there was something extremely attractive behind them, which was extremely strange. Abandon.

Su Yanying was a little taken aback.

Through the star power contract, she can clearly feel the strong sense of reluctance of the pet beasts. After a few days, they are not excited to see her, but only the nostalgia of reluctance? !

Are you nostalgic here?

"Let's go." Su Ping waved impatiently.

Several beasts were spiritual, looking at him with big watery eyes, full of pleading.

But Su Ping didn't bother to watch, and urged them to walk faster.

The pet beasts were a little sad, and returned to Su Yanying dejectedly. When they saw their master, they rubbed her body symbolically, and lay down on the ground sullenly.

Su Yanying could feel the frustration of the pet beasts, and couldn't help being stunned.

It was completely different from the meeting she had imagined.

Shouldn't he be running over happily?

Shouldn't it be jumping and jumping around me?

Why do you feel so depressed when you see your master?

Su Yanying looked at the Lei Guangshu at her feet. It was very excited to see her last time, but now it is also downcast, with no emotion.

"This..." Su Yanying didn't know what to say for a while, she felt wronged and wanted to cry.

Su Ping also felt the frustration and reluctance of the pet beasts. He was a little surprised, but it was expected.

The primary foster care place is made of spiritual stones, and it is always nourished by the spiritual temperature. The feeling of a pet staying in it is no less than soaking in a hot spring in winter, and now it is suddenly pulled out by someone. It is not bad without getting angry.

"Boss, why are they listless?"

Lan Lele also saw that the pet beasts were a little strange, so she immediately questioned Su Ping.

Su Ping's face turned cold, and he said, "How do I know?"

"You took care of them, didn't you know?" An angry look appeared on Lan Lele's face.

Su Ping sneered, "How about I take care of you for two days, should I also know your emotions?"

"You!" Lan Lele stomped her feet angrily.

Su Yanying came back to her senses, hurriedly stopped the two people who were arguing, and said to Su Ping, "I'm sorry, boss, my friend is impatient."

"Yingying, this is obviously weird." Lan Lele said quickly.

Su Yanying shook her head slightly, "I only feel their nostalgia. They are like this because they are very attached to this place. It shows that the boss has not treated them badly, but has taken good care of them. I should thank the boss very much."

"Ah?" Lan Lele was stunned, "Nostalgic? They are nostalgic here?"

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