"I understand, you continue to work hard."

Aaron picked up the exquisite glazed porcelain cup and tasted a sip of sweet and mellow cocoa.

"And...about the last letter delivery..."

Liliat vaguely mentioned the last incident about the Intelligence and Investigation Bureau.

"Now there is an updated progress... Speaking of which, have you heard about the terrible things that happened in the Witch's House?"

Aaron asked calmly.

This is something that the entire Green Forest City knows. It is something that has been widely discussed in the newspapers. Even gossip about the appearance of a large number of insects is flying all over the sky. Discussions in public will not attract much attention.

"I've heard of it... and I've done some investigations, and found that in the slums of Lusen City, similar things seem to have happened too many times, and there is a growing trend."

Liliat looked solemn: "Could it be...something bad is going to happen?"

She really couldn't figure out how that Roberts dared not run away after he was promoted, but instead stayed in the Green Forest area to do things!

"I'm afraid so..."

Aaron sighed and looked out the window.

At the end of September, even at night, there are still some people flowing under the gas lamps.

Most of them are street girls, and some itinerant vendors.

Aaron noticed a vendor pushing a small trolley. He was in his fifties, with gray hair and an unremarkable appearance, but the products he sold were very interesting—it was statues, head crowns and other handicrafts made from the branches of banyan trees.

"It's almost the Green Banyan Festival..."

Liliat looked at this scene, but she was very familiar with it: "In previous winters, the Green Forest would hold a grand celebration to worship the [Green Banyan Tree Grandmother]. The customs left behind, it has been integrated into the blood of all Green Forest citizens..."

"Later, with the spread of the Holy Spirit Church, the old grandmother was misrepresented as a green angel, but this custom had to be preserved. Now Green Forest City regards the last day of September as the birthday of the green banyan. Even if people don't participate in the celebration, they often I will buy a few green banyan products and put them at home..."

"This folk custom has been studied by many scholars, and in the mysterious world, it is widely believed that it has something to do with the Earl of Green Forest..."


"So it's like this..." Aaron pressed a banknote under the glazed porcelain cup and stood up: "Let's go for a walk!"

Inexplicably, Lilia felt that Mr. Yasuo seemed a little sad, which made her eyes sour, and felt very strange in her heart.

Still, she put on her coat and hat with a sheer curtain and followed Aaron.

At the end of September in Green Forest City, the weather has become extremely cold.

But those bankrupts and poor had to pawn off their overcoats that could keep out the cold, shivering in the cold wind, and had to keep stamping their feet to keep warm.

"Sir, buy an object that has been blessed by the green banyan tree, it will bless you."

Walking on the street, you can see small vendors selling green banyan products from time to time.

"This...what's the price?"

Aaron stopped in front of an old woman in unlined clothing with half-white hair, looked at the simple items in her basket, randomly picked out a forehead guard woven from green banyan branches, and asked casually.

"Five, no, only threepence!"

The old lady looked at Aaron expectantly.

Aaron was silent for a moment, took out five copper coins, handed them to her, and played with the forehead guard in his hand amidst the other party's gratitude.

"Thank you, kind sir."

The old lady thanked her repeatedly and seemed very polite, which made Lilia ask curiously: "Madam, you seem to be very educated, why did you fall to... sorry..."

"There's nothing to talk about. The business my husband invested in collapsed, and my family went bankrupt because of it..." The old lady sighed: "Fortunately, after selling the original house, we paid off the debt. A little, but by the time Cowles Jr graduates from college and gets a good job, everything will be fine."

"Everything will be fine, may the green banyan bless you!"

Liliat made a gesture, which Aaron recognized. It was an ancient etiquette when offering sacrifices to the green banyan tree.

"Grandmother will protect you." The old lady's eyes lit up, and she answered the same way.

Liliat was about to follow Aaron away when she suddenly heard a muffled sound behind her.

As soon as she turned around, she saw the old woman collapsed on the ground, fainted, her abdomen swelled rapidly, as if something was about to burst out of her body!

"This is……"

Liliat's pupils shrank, thinking of those terrible rumors that happened in the witch's house and the slums!

Chapter 154 Anger

"How to do how to do?"

At this moment, Liliat looked around helplessly, only to find that there were few pedestrians on this street.

Others saw an old woman lying on the side of the road from a distance, and they didn't have the slightest intention of stepping forward to cause trouble.

After all, it is no news that such bankrupts will die in batches in winter.

What's more, the other party looked like he was from a slum area, and there were rumors of a plague in the slum area recently!

"She was probably just too hungry, or too cold, and passed out! Pick her up."

At this time, Aaron's deliberately loud voice came from Liliat's ear.


Liliat quickly helped the old lady up and helped her to a corner.

Seeing that there were not many people paying attention, she was relieved and asked, "Mr. Yasuo, what should we do?"

"Take her to a place where no one is around, and I will purify her."

Aaron checked slightly and confirmed that the old lady only had some parasites in her body, but there was no strong pollution, which was much better than that of Nicholas.

And with his Extraordinary strength of 'Yao' who opened the second essence, it is not a problem to purify a little parasite.

Immediately, he took out a small bottle and poured the liquid in the bottle into the old woman's mouth.

Liliat helped her up and walked into an empty alley. Aaron looked around, nodded, and uttered a word in spiritual language: "Light!"

After becoming a 'Shepherd of Light', the purification ability of the original 'Shining One' has been enhanced again, and it can be controlled!

Under Aaron's control, Lilia watched in amazement the dots of light sources emerging, bright but not dazzling, like fireflies, surrounding the old woman.

Combined with the previous potion, the other party suddenly lay on the ground, gulping out a lot of dirt, including many white insect eggs.


Aaron checked it, put on his gloves, picked up an egg, put it in a glass bottle, and nodded.

Liliat immediately helped the old woman out.

At this time, the other party's expression became confused, but the bulging abdomen had subsided.

"I...what's the matter?" The old woman's eyes recovered, and she asked doubtfully.

"Madam, may I ask who you are?"

Aaron asked politely.

"You can just call me Dorora." The old woman said quickly, "I seem to have fainted, did you save me?"

"Yes, Mrs. Dolora, do you know about hypoglycemia? Your blood sugar is so low that you pass out..."

Aaron replied without blinking his eyes, helped the other party under the warm and radiant street lamp, and took out a 1 gold note: "After you go back, rest more and eat something good..."

"Thank you, kind sir! But money I can't..."

Mrs. Dolora wanted to say something, but found that the two kind-hearted people had quickly left.

"Huhu... so exciting, I'm really worried about meeting people from the investigation bureau!"

Liliat ran two streets before she let out a long breath. She caressed her chest with her palm and looked at her hat again: "I specially chose a hat with gauze curtains, no one should be able to see my true face Bar?"

"It's not a big problem."

Aaron, who was wearing a human skin mask all the time, tossed a coin and replied like this.

"Mr. Yasuo, you are a kind person. Mrs. Dorora is very lucky to meet you..." Liliat continued, her expression suddenly became a little sad: "But in the slums, it is said that this kind of thing recently There have been several…”

After a pause, she suddenly asked: "Is Roberts hiding in the slums? It is said that the main energy of the investigation bureau is there now..."

"I don't know, but he shouldn't be so stupid, polluting the people around him, revealing his whereabouts, unless he is already half crazy..."

Aaron's expression was not very good-looking. In fact, the anger in his heart had already begun to burn.

Originally, no matter what conflicts the Bureau of Investigation had with Roberts or even the lotus eaters, or how many casualties there were, he was just watching the show.

But now, it is too much for Roberts to attack a large number of civilians!

'What is this bastard trying to do to my city, my people, my property? '

'Does he want to die? '

Although Green Forest City belongs to the Invens Kingdom, subconsciously, Aaron still regards it as his own territory.

As for a lord, he can exploit his subjects heavily, rule cruelly, and be licentious, but no matter how weak and corrupt the lord is, if he encounters outsiders who dare to grab the territory, he will do his best!

"Mr. Yasuo, what are you thinking?"

Liliat looked at Aaron and suddenly shuddered.

"Liliat, do you want that archbishop to accept the sanction immediately?" Aaron asked calmly with a low laugh.

"Of course! But... even the Bureau of Investigation couldn't find him..."

Liliat said helplessly, then seemed to think of something, and looked expectantly at the angel.

As far as she knows, this envoy is very well informed!

"I need to find a safe environment that won't be disturbed first."

Aaron thought for a while, then pointed at a random place: "Well, let's go to the hotel and get a room."


Liliat agreed without even thinking about it, until the two of them entered a nearest hotel, and saw the wretched smile of the boss behind the counter, her expression suddenly froze on her face: "Oh my god... I actually met with you at night. If a man goes to a hotel to get a room, if someone recognizes him... my reputation will be ruined. '

Thinking of this, Lilia pressed down on her hat, covering most of her face under the gauze curtain.

"The second floor, room 209, I guarantee that it is the quietest place, no matter what you do, you will not be disturbed!"

The half-bald boss smiled and handed Aaron a brass key.

"Thank you."

Aaron took it and handed over a few shillings: "The rest is your tip!"


Room 209 on the second floor of the hotel.


After the door was closed, Liliat looked at the big bed, and her heartbeat suddenly accelerated.

At this time, she realized that she seemed to be a little too close to the envoy, and the breathing sound of the other party seemed to slap her directly on the face.

"You should have learned the preparations before the ceremony, right? The spiritual wall will be handed over to you."

Aaron looked at Liliat, assigned tasks casually, and then quickly took out ritual utensils.

Among them, the most critical is the glass bottle containing a white insect egg.

"Mr. Yasuo, do you want to...divination?"

Liliat had finished making the spiritual wall, and seeing Aaron lighting the candles, she couldn't help asking.

She was a little skeptical. After all, there are powerful fortune-tellers in the investigation bureau, which is well known in the mysterious world.

And even with the support of the other party, the investigation bureau did not find Roberts.

Could it be that the divine envoy's divination ability can surpass that who is almost the number one fortune teller in the kingdom?

"Yes, I will pray directly to my Lord, asking Him to enhance my divination ability."

Aaron placed a map of Green Forest on the table, holding a glass bottle in one hand, and took out a crystal pendant with the other hand.

His voice suddenly became ethereal, and he recited in the language of the spirit world:

"I beg...the existence that lives high above the sky, the illusory spirit that wanders in the unknown!"

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