Percy was wearing a black formal suit with a serious expression, with a white lily pinned to his chest, watching the dark coffins being carried into the burial pit.

Relatives and friends wearing black dresses and mourning expressions surrounded the burial pit, throwing down funeral objects one by one.

"team leader……"

He closed his eyes, and he seemed to return to that night again, seeing the cloud of insects all over the sky, and teammates who fell one after another.

Even his captain, Hinderson Kappler, died heroically in that tragic battle.

And after paying so much, it was only for the fallen archbishop to retreat temporarily.

"I swear... I will kill him!"

Percy swore inwardly.

At this time, he saw a group of strangers appearing outside the cemetery.

There are men and women among them, all with extremely serious expressions, holding white or yellow bouquets in their hands.

"It's reinforcements from the headquarters!"

Beside Percy, a colleague was pleasantly surprised: "Did you see the leader? I saw his photo in the internal data. He is the director of the Bureau of Investigation——Jacob Jones, the real big man in the headquarters, a Inhuman existence..."

When it came to the end, the other party obviously lowered their voice: "There is also the 'Bell Bearer' Kaslo, who is in charge of an inhuman magical item... Oh my god, Ms. Fiona the 'Night Witch' is also here!"

"Captain, did you see that?" Percy suddenly felt his eyes heat up, "We will definitely avenge you this time!"

Chapter 150 Promotion and Investigation

Next door to Glamorgan Field, within Greenwood Investigations.

Middle-aged, with slightly gray temples, a resolute expression, and deep-featured features, Jacob Jones, director of the investigation bureau headquarters, handed over a letter of appointment to Percy with a serious voice: "Percy Anias, I With the appointment of the headquarters, you have been promoted to the captain of the inspection team of the Greenwood City Investigation Bureau, please continue to work hard."

"For the glory of Invensys!"

Percy raised his head and chest, clenched his fist with his right hand, put it on his chest, and saluted solemnly.

"very good!"

Jacob sat back in his seat, his unique amber eyes became mysterious and unwavering, and picked up a folder on his desk: "What do you think about Nicholas Enam's review report?"

"The priest's survival is full of coincidence factors. Although most of them are true after our investigation, we still have to cooperate with mystical investigations to make a judgment."

Percy said cautiously.

"It's good that you're vigilant..."

Jacob smiled. The last time he blocked Roberts, he caused huge casualties to the local Bureau of Investigation agents, especially the patrol team, which was almost empty. Otherwise, no matter how good Percy performed, it would not be his turn to take over. .

Although this young man is still a little immature, it makes him seem to see his former self.

He thought for a while, and handed over an official document: "This is the divination conclusion of the fortune-teller at the headquarters, please take a look."

Percy took it, and glanced at the end: "Most of the testimony is true and reliable, and the details are slightly vague. The description and rank of Roberts John Schaller are all true! It seems that the priest of Inam is hiding something. , do you need to continue the interrogation?"

"Don't be too demanding. Before I came, the Holy Spirit Sect had visited me... The depravity of an archbishop is already a scandal, and the backbone of the Diocese of Greenwood is almost completely destroyed. It is rare to have a pious one. The priest survived..."

Jacob said.

The Pope of the Holy Spirit Sect is very skilled, and at the same time has a certain influence in the upper echelon of the kingdom, he is the real big man in the kingdom.

"Boring politics."

Percy pouted secretly, as if recalling some bad things.

He was once asked to protect a nobleman who was clearly ignorant and arrogant.

That experience left a bad impression on him.

It now appears that this director also made a little compromise with the Holy Spirit Church.

'You're still a young man after all...'

Looking at Percy's expression, Jacob sighed silently in his heart, and turned to cheer up and said: "The priest is just an insignificant person, as long as he confirms that the testimony is generally true and reliable, our most important goal is still Roberts! According to the current According to the clues, the fortune teller at the headquarters has come to a conclusion - Roberts has not escaped from Greenwood, he is still here, still in this city!"


Fierce hatred bloomed in Percy's eyes: "It's great that he can stay here... I think about blowing his head off with my own hands all the time! Green Forest City is too big, with too many people, and the flow is too complicated. Can you invite that fortune teller to do more accurate fortune telling?"

He still asked reluctantly.


Sure enough, Jacob resolutely rejected this request: "The headquarters can allocate additional divination resources to us. If you go to Green Forest City, you won’t get more, those inhuman beings, their powerful spirituality, and their terrifying essence are the biggest source of interference in divination!”

Percy was a little reconciled.

In fact, if that fortune teller came to Green Forest City, many tasks would become much more convenient.

At least, without sending the leads to Pulmouth, and then sent back by the Bureau of Investigation.

This will save a lot of time!

But this is basically impossible!

Percy could only imagine how much those secret societies and occult groups hated the fortune teller.

Once the other party leaves the heavily guarded headquarters of the Bureau of Investigation, they will almost 100% be assassinated!

"Understood, I will intensify the search for Green Forest City!"

Percy saluted again and walked out.

The door of the office opened, and he saw two figures approaching, a man and a woman. They were the 'Bell Bearer' Caslo and the 'Night Witch' Fiona from the headquarters. They stepped aside immediately and bowed.

Castro is tall and fit, with a handsome face, and his body seems to be full of youthful vigor, with golden hair, like a lion.

Fiona was dressed in a jet-black robe, dressed as a traditional witch, with a hood covering most of her face, except for a pair of purple lipstick on half of her face.

Percy just glanced at it, and felt the darkness and horror of death. He didn't dare to keep watching, and quickly lowered his head and quickened his pace.

"Fiona, it seems that another man has fallen under your charm."

After entering the office and closing the door, Caslo smiled.

Fiona didn't speak, her character was very silent and indifferent.

"Okay... about Roberts, what's the result of the investigation?"

Jacob rubbed his forehead, seemed a little helpless, but his tone became a little softer.

"According to the clues of the witnesses, we conducted an investigation and confirmed that the target is the Extraordinary of the path of 'chrysalis', who turned to 'red' at the time of the fourth essence, which should belong to a new path created by ourselves..."

When Fiona spoke, her voice was as round and sweet as a yellow warbler, forming a mysterious contradiction with her temperament.

"Isn't it a specific secret transmission, but a forced transformation?"

The corners of Jacob's mouth curled up slightly, as if mocking.

This kind of guy who opens up a new road sounds like a pioneer, a fire thief, but actually lacks a macro perspective. Maybe he has gone astray and has no way forward.

For example, the 'worm nest' achieved by Roberts has obvious monster and crazy tendencies, and it is very likely that he will not be able to advance further.

Of course, it cannot be denied that although some special sequences cannot be promoted upwards, their abilities are quite strange and terrifying.

"By investigating the other party's fund flow, post office letters and other clues in the bank... I think that the other party has obtained the help of a secret association."

Castro put away his idle posture and made a solemn report.

In this regard, Jacob is not surprised, after all, there are many unreasonable places in Roberts' transformation and promotion.

"These mice must be found as soon as possible... After an inhuman being is promoted, he will often repay the sect that funded him, and even offer sacrifices to Si Sui..."

Jacob thought of several horrible disasters in history.

That is often caused by the coming of Si Sui and the hidden existence!

Although due to some unknown reasons, those otherworldly gods cannot manifest themselves in the world for too long, but every time they perform a miracle, it will cause a catastrophe that kills and injures tens of thousands of people!

Chapter 151 Painting Exhibition

9 month 25 day.

Golden Rose Street, No. 33.

Aaron pulled off the ceremony and looked at a brand new set of bullets.

The surface of the gray-brown bullet is engraved with a large number of weird and twisted patterns, and the bullet is oval in shape, with lightning-like jet-black cracks.

These are the 'parasite bullets' he made using the pollution he removed from Nicholas before, except for the failed works, there are still four left.

"The effect is about the same as I estimated, strong pollution plus parasite eggs... the power should be similar to that of the 'Evil Spirit Cursed Bullet', so the strength of Roberts is close to that of Eau Claire's evil spirit..."

Aaron took out his revolver, loaded two brilliant bullets, two polluting bullets, one evil spirit bullet, and one parasite bullet, and put the gun on his waist.

Immediately, he put on a white shirt and jacket, and put the box containing the 'Ring of the Green Forest' in his pocket.

"This is fully armed, even if the investigation bureau besieges me, I can be forcibly killed..."

Aaron complained silently in his heart, and walked out of the gate.

At the door, the coachman Ramiz had already been waiting. Seeing him coming out, he immediately took off his hat and saluted: "Good day, master!"

Well, at the suggestion of the head maid, he has rented a carriage for a long time, as well as Ramiz the coachman, and spent a lot of gold pounds on it.

But for Aaron, these are nothing.

Anyway, the green forest is his territory, and he can 'collect taxes' if he wants more money.

'However, the resources I need now can't be bought with a few gold pounds... In real terms, at least thousands of pounds! '

Aaron secretly planned in his heart: "It is more reliable to get the dream world positioning method from Liliat, and then find it by yourself..."

"If the mysterious resources are not counted, even with the contribution of the Iron Fist Gang, I can maintain a high-class life..."

He sat in the four-wheeled carriage and leaned against the soft velvet cushion, and Ramiz's voice came from his ear: "Where are you going today?"

"Mr. Xilin's art exhibition, William Mark had an appointment before..."

Aaron gave an order, and the carriage set off immediately.

Xilin is an oil painting businessman. For this art exhibition, he invited many gentlemen and ladies of high society.

When Aaron came to the art exhibition, he even saw a carriage with a noble badge parked, and the badge on it looked familiar.

After recalling it carefully, I immediately remembered: 'Isn't that the carriage of the unlucky Lord Lake?His auction items have been destroyed by me and turned into evil spirits cursed bullets...'

"Now, even if he finds the most powerful fortune teller, he won't be able to find it back..."

"Here you come, my friend!"

William Mark looked a little depressed, but he still enthusiastically stepped forward and shook hands with Aaron.

"Mr. Mark, it's great to see you recover."

Aaron smiled too.

After the last auction, William Mark suffered from migraines. He has been treated with the help of a private doctor and rarely goes out to participate in activities.

This art exhibition can also be regarded as the announcement that the other party has returned to the social circle.

"I was so unlucky that I bumped my head at the auction. My friend, Dr. Hannibal, told me that it was a dangerous situation... Fortunately, he recovered well after taking his medicine."

William Mark walked into the exhibition with Aaron, and saw well-dressed gentlemen and ladies standing in front of the oil painting, constantly commenting.

If the clothes are not bright and do not fit the guy, the guard at the door will stop him directly.

Aaron actually doesn't understand oil painting, let alone the genres produced in this world.

Only through some landscapes and portraits, it can be generally confirmed that this painter is biased towards realistic style.

This is good, too abstract for him to appreciate it.

"Mr. Xilin is a businessman who is very good at marketing. This time, the talented painter he launched is named Sisyphus Solo. Judging from the colors, lines, and spaces of these works... I think the painting art of the other party is quite good. , especially in terms of lines, look at this line, which perfectly divides the proportions of characters and landscapes, and follows the golden principle..."

William Mark is very talkative, and seems to have a deep research on oil painting: "Painter Solo has the potential to become a master, Xilin is lucky this time..."

Aaron was noncommittal, lingering in front of the oil paintings.

The atmosphere in the gallery is relatively quiet, and the occasional conversation is also very low.

Eventually, he stopped in front of a painting called 'The Door'.

On the canvas, which is more than 3 feet long and wide, only a dark red door is depicted, surrounded by thick darkness.

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