Golden Rose Street, No. 33.

Aaron returned to his room, but did not immediately pass the stone head statue to divination the location of the ruins.

"If this statue really comes from that mausoleum, this kind of divination is pretty sure for me, so I'm not in a hurry..."

He put the suitcase away and took out the iron black ring that belonged to 'The Beast'.

This is a weird thing!

At the same time that Aaron touched the ring, the ability of the 'Shining One' confirmed this matter.

But its corresponding abilities and negative effects are unknown, and it needs to be judged through divination.

After a lot of tossing, Aaron roughly figured out the ability of the ring.

It can create a phantom that is exactly the same as the main body, and even imitate the sound to deceive the enemy, but it has no real attack power.

In addition, the person who wears this ring will gain the ability to better hide himself in the dark.

"There is no doubt that this is a strange thing that belongs to the path of 'Shadow'!"

Aaron nodded: "As for its negative effect, there is only one, that is, the longer you wear it, the easier it is to get lost in the darkness... It is a complete secret, which is equivalent to being erased from this world..."

"There is something wrong with this negative effect... Maybe it was affected by a higher level of essence when it was formed..."

"Well, let's call it the 'Shadow Ring'..."

The ability of this monster is actually not bad. After all, if Aaron had no sense of danger, he would not be able to discover the falseness of the phantom of the beast.

"These wild Extraordinary people seem to have some arrogance that they consider themselves extraordinary... They don't bother to use ordinary people's weapons... If the 'beast' brings a gun, the battle tonight will be even more dangerous... Not everyone is like Clark So stupid..."

"However, if the 'beast' has a firearm, or finds a helper... The revelation I got from divination in the party bathroom before, should be that tonight is not suitable for hunting..."

"Actually, the 'beast' is quite strong. With this strange thing, even if surrounded by a dozen gunmen, they will only aim at the phantoms, and then they will be killed one by one by him hiding in the dark..."

"Sigh... I really don't want to kill the 'beast'... I'm missing a pawn to explore the tomb."

Aaron sighed and took out the big map of Green Forest City.

It includes some areas around the city, including fields, villages, and plantations. The area is quite large, almost like the green forest map of the year.

Immediately, Aaron glanced at the human head statue, took out a pendulum with a crystal hanging in his hand, and placed it on the map.

"The original location of this statue!"

"The original location of this statue!"

Accompanied by Aaron's murmurs, his spirituality was gradually consumed, and the pendulum also began to spin faster and faster.

In the end, it seemed to be attracted by an invisible force, pointing to somewhere on the edge of the map.

"So... is it here?"

Aaron stared at the map, his eyes lit up.

"Even if it doesn't come from Sotos' Mausoleum, that place should be full of 'Yao' spirituality, so it's worth exploring!"


The next morning.

The warm sunshine poured into the house.

After breakfast, Aaron was lying on the easy chair with a newspaper in his hand.

His eyes quickly skipped over some meaningless tidbits, and suddenly his expression became concentrated.

[Ogoff Auction House has acquired a batch of precious cultural relics from the Fabry Dynasty, which will be auctioned on August 8! 】


Aaron raised his hand to pick up a cup of lemon tea from the tea table next to him, and took a sip.

'The cultural relics of the Fabry dynasty...Although they should have been investigated, they may still be related to extraordinary things. For people in the mysterious world, they are a good attraction...bait?Or just a coincidence? '

'Will this attract those descendants of Sothoth? '

For these descendants, Aaron did not have much affection in his heart.

After all, it's not his direct lineage, and it's been an unknown number of generations.

So after waking up, there was no need to find them.

"Besides... I'm still too weak now, and they married the nobles and rooted their blood in the upper echelons of the Invensys Kingdom, so they should be doing well..."

'But the source of these cultural relics is a bit suspicious, why don't you find a detective to investigate? '

Due to the shortage of police force at this time, there are many various detectives and bounty hunters on the market, which played a certain supplementary role.

The income of some famous detectives is not much different from that of well-known lawyers and senior bank managers!

Chapter 118


There are a lot of homeless people crowded in dirty corners.

There is always a long queue outside the workhouse.

Investigation Bureau agent Percy Arnias uncomfortably tugged at the second-hand clothes he bought from the flea market, silently observing everything around him.

He saw a man in his thirties with an unshaven beard and a dirty, cheap formal suit go by.

The other party may have once belonged to the middle class, but a sudden illness or unemployment is enough to crush his family, make him bankrupt, and become a member of the homeless.

From the numb and desperate eyes of the other party, Percy felt that the other party might still owe a large debt. It was a kind of... silence and pain on the verge of an abyss.

'Unfortunately... I'm just an investigator, I can't do anything else...'

Percy knew that there were gentlemen and ladies who managed to maintain a semblance of decency when they were just broke.

For example, men go out early and return late, pretending that they still have a job, and wives tidy up their only set of clothes, lift their chins slightly when walking, maintain a false arrogance, and are unwilling to admit the cruel fact that they have fallen into class.

Then, the cold society will crush them step by step.

Because of unpaid wages, he was evicted from the rental house and became homeless.

I have to sell my coats and jewelry, but I have no warm clothes in winter.

In the end, some of them died, and some became members of the street bum.

Percy walked by in silence, when suddenly he heard the sound of a heavy object falling to the ground and an exclamation from behind.

The crowd dispersed screaming, and he saw a man lying in a pool of blood, the same one who just passed by.

He jumped off the building...

After a while, a patrolman in black uniform arrived, checked briefly, and asked someone to carry away the body.

The crowd continued to move numbly, ignoring the pool of blood on the side of the road.

Percy silently stared at the pool of dark red blood, took off his hat...


"This is Glamorgan Police Station, Detective Percy!"

Percy took out the absolutely genuine certificate and waved it in front of an old man with slightly gray hair: "Are you the landlord here?"

"Yes, Mr. Inspector..."

Derian couldn't help taking off his hat, and asked nervously, "What can I do for you?"

"I'm looking for someone, El Lankey...Is he your tenant?"

asked Percy.

This is a clue he found after investigating the Benjamin case and checking a large number of people who had come into contact with Jack.

"Yes, Elrange!" Drian recalled: "He was a very energetic young man, from the countryside of South Deco County, but very hardworking... You know, in a place like ours, you can There are not many young people who rent a room alone and have not yet owed the rent..."

"How long has it been since you saw him?" Percy frowned.

"Two days? Three days... You know, I only pay attention to where my tenants are when it's time to collect rent." Derian replied a little embarrassed.

"Take me to his room." Percy ordered directly.

He followed Deryon to an old building, passing by rooms, and sometimes through the doors and windows, he could see the high and low beds and floor bunks that looked like a dormitory.

I have to say, compared to the boarding school dormitory, it looks messier.


Derian came to a room on the second floor, took out a bunch of brass spare keys from his pocket, and opened a door.

"Holy Spirit!"

Immediately, he was so frightened that he fell to the ground, kicking his legs, and kept retreating.

As early as when Deryon opened the door, Percy put his hand on his waist. At this moment, he flashed nimbly, took out the revolver, and aimed it at the door.

But there were no enemies or monsters inside the door, only a corpse lying on the ground.

It belonged to a flaxen-haired young male, facing the sky, with wide-eyed eyes and a stiff hand, as if he had rolled directly off the bed, trying to grab a water glass on the table.

"Go and call the patrolman."

Percy asked the landlord Drian to find more helpers, and entered the room with his vigilance undiminished.

"The death time did not exceed three days..."

He checked briefly, and after confirming that there was no danger, he retracted the gun and scanned the room.

This room, which is only a dozen square meters in size, is narrow and closed, with a clear view, except for the bed and the table, there is almost no room for anything else.

And at the bedside, Percy found a diary.

"On November 11th, I finally arrived in Lusen City. I must become a decent person here..."

"On the 8th, I found a porter job... I'm so tired, Ellanche, keep going!"

"On the 15th, I was kicked out of the house by the landlord... I have to find another rental house as soon as possible..."

"On the 26th, I lost my job..."

"December 12th, I have forgotten how long I haven't written a diary, but today is a memorable day, thanks to the gift of the Holy Spirit, I got the qualification to enter the workhouse..."

"On the 16th, I met an unlucky guy in the church workhouse. He called himself Jack. If he didn't talk about women and gambling, he was still an acceptable friend..."

"On the 19th, Priest Chris Toya is not as superficial as he appears, he is a kind gentleman..."

"On the 24th, thank the Holy Spirit! The Reverend Chris Toya introduced me to a job as a scribe at the Red Rose Company. The salary was 4 shillings a week, which was enough for me to rent a separate room... I finally Having a place in this city…”

"In January of the New Year, Jack came to see me. He seemed to be hiding something..."

"February, is what I saw real? Is that the truth of the world?"

"At the end of March, Jack came to say goodbye to me. He said he was going to do something big. I think he might want to rob a bank or take revenge on his previous employer..."

"In May, I was sick and I was getting weaker..."


Afterwards, the diary became more and more blurred, making it difficult to see clearly, and there were not many entries left.

"El Lanci, an aspiring young man from a small town... fell ill due to heavy work, but didn't have enough money to see a doctor, so he could only support himself... Then, he couldn't hold on anymore, and suddenly his illness worsened and he died. die?"

A few hours later, inside the Bureau of Investigation.

Percy frowned and looked at the coroner in front of him: "This is your conclusion, he died of a disease?"


The coroner is a tall man with a hooked nose and a cold temperament. He paused and continued: "But there is another piece of news... this young man is an Extraordinary, and he should have opened up the first essence, because the levels It is not high enough, so after death, the spirituality naturally overflows without condensation! In the low-level original essence, the proportion of natural overflow is very large, and condensation is a rare case..."

"Extraordinary... Sick and died?"

Percy wanted to laugh a little, but couldn't.

The training of the Bureau of Investigation made him know that, except for a few very special professions, low-level Extraordinary people are not much different from ordinary people. If they are shot, they will die, they will feel hungry and tired, and they will get sick...

"This is too absurd. I feel that he is more likely to be silenced by someone using a disease-related extraordinary ability! Like that mysterious mentor?"

Percy said coldly: "Fortunately, I have found a clue!"

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