He smiled awkwardly, put an envelope on the tea table, and handed it to Aaron: "This is 180 pounds! You deserve it."

Before departure, Clark Dass had already paid a deposit of 20 pounds.

"Thank you!"

Aaron also showed a smile on his face, took the envelope, and counted the banknotes inside.

At the same time, he silently calculated in his heart: "According to the private divination before, although Clark can bring me danger at this time, it is still not that big... He should have opened the second essence. But because of the various bonuses of "History Retrospect", the combat power is equivalent to the third essence? Even if you have obtained part of the abilities of the extraordinary ghoul, you still cannot cross the huge threshold of the fourth essence..."

"Also, I want to take the secret history of Tata Village as a treasure of our lineage, so please don't spread it to outsiders."

Clark Dass warned.

"Of course, you and Bruce are my friends."

Aaron smiled kindly, but he affirmed in his heart that Clark Dass did not know contracts and notarization ceremonies, so he could not use rituals to restrain the maid Sylvia from going out and talking nonsense like himself.


When the steam train arrived at the station, it was already Sunday, August 8th!

"The trip went smoothly, but Bruce's continued investigation was delayed for a while... I rescued him twice during this period, and the employment mission was completed well..."

Aaron pressed his top hat, walked out of the steam train station, and bid farewell to Clark and Bruce.

Immediately, he walked to the subway area curiously and entered the ground.

This is the first subway line in Green Forest City. Of course, the plan will pass by the most important transportation hubs, such as the steam train station, such as... the Ewell Bridge area!

At the entrance of the subway, there are steel casting and shiny sliding railings, which are divided into three parallel entrances, and there are staff of the subway company on the side to maintain order.

Aaron lined up and saw a gentleman in a black trench coat and top hat in front of him take out a silver shilling coin and stuff it into the coin slot of a copper machine next to him.


The railing that originally blocked the front rotated a circle, allowing him to pass the barrier easily, and then stopped the next passenger until the other passenger put in a coin.

'It's very convenient to omit the process of buying tickets, but isn't the price of one shilling a bit expensive? '

"However, after entering the subway station with coins, in theory, as long as you don't leave the station, you can ride back and forth in the subway station for a day, until the staff come to drive you away after the business closes..."

"It always feels a bit one-size-fits-all, but the subway should be just a new thing, even the subway company may not be able to grasp it well, understandable..."

When it was Aaron's turn, he took out a shilling, walked through the process smoothly, and came to the platform.

On the white stop sign, the name of the next stop is simply written.

After waiting for a full 10 minutes, accompanied by the roar of the steam engine, two headlights flickered from the dark hole, and then a subway similar to a steam train came roaring to the platform like a giant steel worm. Down.

After the door was opened by the flight attendant, Aaron got on the subway and found that there were not many passengers, but there were still seats.

Most of them were gentlemen in suits or ladies in tiered dresses, veils and fans.

They looked around curiously and let out an exclamation when the train started.

Even, after arriving at the terminal platform, they are unwilling to get off the bus, and often continue to take the return journey.

Aaron sat in his seat, silently swearing: "This is not a subway, this is an underground sightseeing cable car, although there is no scenery..."

'I bet a penny that the Green Forest Subway Company will definitely cut prices and sell tickets in the future! '

Unlike those decent gentlemen and ladies who tried novelties, Aaron got off the subway and walked out of the subway station after arriving in the Ewell Bridge area.

The overcrowded, gray building squeezed in, and it seemed to be two worlds with the subway.

Aaron straightened his hat and started walking seemingly casually, inadvertently revealing the bulging gun holster around his waist, which effectively deterred some thieves and robbers.

When he passed a white wall, he glanced casually and saw some strange symbols.

They are like a child's scribbles, but they are the code words taught by Clark Dass to represent the opening of that party!

"Hmm... Tomorrow night, that is, Monday night, will a new round of gatherings start?"

Aaron thought about it secretly.

Due to going out to deal with employment tasks, he has not absorbed much of the spirituality of 'Yao' these days, but it is just a matter of delaying it for a few days.

It's the right time to buy the 'Muguangren' needs at the party in advance.

After seeing the information he wanted, Aaron didn't leave directly, which was too conspicuous.

He wandered a few more streets at random, and then he was going to call a cab back to the Rue d'Or.

At this moment, Aaron suddenly felt like he was being targeted.

He stopped at the entrance of a store, and saw two furtive figures through the reflection of the glass.

They obviously don't have much tracking experience, and their expressions are fierce, as if they are about to pounce on them in the next moment.

"It's not like the official staff, so the only one I've offended is...the money-sending gang...no, the gangster from the Iron Fist gang?"

Aaron smiled inwardly, and suddenly quickened his pace.

The two people behind them rushed over immediately and took out their daggers.

Obviously, after accepting the lessons of the previous failures, they have gained a brand new experience-to face the enemy, fight first, then talk!

Seeing Aaron turning into an alley, the two gang members immediately followed.

Immediately, one of the gangsters saw a black shadow coming towards him.


He was hit in the neck, his eyes rolled white and he passed out.

Aaron used the white crystal cane in his hand as a stick, turned around, and yanked it out at another member.


The cane picked up a gust of wind and hit another member directly on the forehead...


After a while, Aaron straightened his clothes, took a cane, and walked out from the other end of the alley.

He just got 200 pounds, so he doesn't have much interest in robbing gangsters.

Moreover, it is also clear that if a large number of people from the angered Iron Fists really come, it may turn into a street shootout.

This will undoubtedly attract the attention of Glamorgan Field and even the Bureau of Investigation.

Therefore, Aaron directly gave up this option and left in a low-key manner without even hiring a cab.

After all, these gangsters are quite capable of inquiring information, and they are local snakes, who are very likely to get their residence from the coachman.

Chapter 115 Party Newcomer

Monday night, August 8.

Aaron came to the Evil Bridge area again, in front of the iron ring wooden door in the alley.

dong dong!

He knocked on the door with an iron ring, and the small window on the door opened, revealing the deformed and ugly gatekeeper.

Seeing the 'sword' mask on Aaron's face, he opened the wooden door directly.

After entering the underground meeting point, Aaron sat down on a high-backed chair and scanned around. He didn't see Clark Dass, but found a familiar mask.

It belongs to the 'priest', that is, the choir priest of the Greenwood Cathedral whose true identity was discovered by Aaron in reality-Nicholas Inam!

In addition, Miss 'White Pigeon' and Mr. 'Beast' are also there.

After waiting for a while, I saw 'Knowledge' Clark Dass leading another newcomer in.

"Heh, knowledge... You like bringing new people very much recently."

'The Beast' put his legs on the table, very rough and authentic.

"This will make our gatherings more convenient..."

Clark did not respond to the provocation, and said with a smile: "This is an 'apprentice'!"

"Big... hello everyone."

The 'apprentice' spoke nervously, eliciting a burst of laughter that didn't know whether it contained good intentions or malice.

As soon as Aaron heard it, he knew that this 'apprentice' was Bruce Field.

"Haha... I like him!"

'The Beast' laughed and said, "He reminds me of a coward who often got his ass fucked when he was adventuring at sea... That's such a beautiful little guy!"

The 'apprentice' shrank his neck, seemed to be afraid, and was extremely uncomfortable with the environment here.

Then, he saw Aaron and nodded immediately.

Apparently, Clark had told him about Aaron's situation.

And the previous risky actions also made him feel quite at ease with Aaron.

The corners of Aaron's mouth under the mask twitched, but he nodded in response.

At this time, 'Jazz' had already come to the center of the venue with a silver candlestick in his hand. He looked around and said with a chuckle: "It seems that we have a new member, thanks to the contribution of 'Knowledge', now I Announce... the party begins!"

As he spoke, he took out a glass transparent vial: "The trading item I brought today is—exorcism oil! A very effective ointment, you only need to smear it on the silver weapon when you use it, It can bring certain damage to wraiths, ghosts and other spirits... a bottle of 50 pounds!"

Obviously, this 'jazz' seems to have come up with a unique potion in response to the needs of some customers last time.

"Those who want it can trade with me later. I brought a total of three bottles."

After 'Sir' finished speaking, he looked at Bruce: "Mr. Apprentice, it's your turn."

"I... I have no needs!"

Bruce stood up, stammering.

After he sat down, an Extraordinary next to him couldn't wait to stand up: "I need 500 grams of dried branches of willow..."

Traders stood up one by one, either selling materials or seeking knowledge.

Aaron noticed that when it was the turn of the 'priest', he chose to give up and no longer long for the inheritance of 'Yao'.

'Is this... has been satisfied elsewhere? '

He muttered to himself, and immediately heard the voice of the beast: "My last exploration operation was a great success! I found a tomb belonging to the Sotos family!"

Aaron's heart suddenly jumped: "Could it be that my tomb was discovered?" '

"It turned out to be the hidden tomb of the Sothos family!?"

He heard 'Knowledge' Clark exclaim, as if full of surprise and regret.

"That's right, it's the Extraordinary family that ruled an era. Just outside the mausoleum, I found a lot of precious funeral objects, including spiritual materials..."

The triumphant words of 'The Beast' came.

After Aaron heard it, he felt relieved: "A lot of funeral objects?Oh... that's all right. '

It has to be said that he is very poor, and there is nothing in the tomb, and there are no funerary objects at all.

In fact, the nobles of Green Forest are very poor, and there are no remarkable tombs.

It was after the establishment of the Fabry dynasty that the great nobles of Sotos became much richer and were able to build magnificent mausoleums.

This 'beast' was found in the tomb of a Sothos nobleman from the Fabry dynasty.

The other party obviously also considered the situation in case the Fabry Dynasty did not exist hundreds of years later, so they chose to build a secret mausoleum.

Unfortunately, clues were still found by later generations.

"Strictly speaking, that Ginny's descendants are just as unlucky as I am. They were dug out while they were sleeping soundly..."

Aaron was slandering, and heard the voice of 'Jazz': "Heh... the tomb of the nobles of Sothos... In fact, in the first 100 years of the Fabry Dynasty, the development of occultism was relatively slow, probably because it was in the early stage of the spiritual tide. ...If it is a great noble in the later period, then it is 100% related to the extraordinary, and there may be precious magical items and mystic books buried with him..."

"I can't determine the exact age of the mausoleum. That mausoleum has powerful organs and guardians... I can only walk around the periphery."

'The Beast' replied sullenly: "But this time, when I'm ready, I can definitely go deep into that mausoleum!"

He looked around: "Now, is there anyone else who wants to join? You can contact me later! I welcome..."

'Something is wrong, either the mausoleum is extremely dangerous, or the 'beast' has set up a trap, tricking leeks into killing them! '

Aaron woke up secretly and glanced at Clark.

I found that he was a little moved, but he didn't say anything, appearing very restrained.

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