"here we go!"

I don't know how long the time has passed, Lin Olivia said suddenly.

A strange look appeared in Motura's eyes, as if he had sensed something.

As the "Secret" Secretary, he has unique authority and vision for multiple histories.

At this moment, he could feel that the year in charge of October—the 'Keeper of Secrets' had fallen!

Do not!

Not falling, but being taken back!

A series of hidden histories have resurfaced, which are multiple histories, different possibilities for the direction of the world.

Even, every history is a unique parallel world!

Low-level extraordinary people can even travel through multiple historical gates to come to different worlds and experience different histories and lives!

However, at this very moment!

The multiple histories are collapsing, and the worms of history are running away in all directions. They can be compared to the immortals and even the imprinters, but in the end, like worms that have been run over by wheels, they explode one by one, flowing out fat juice...

Finally, from the history, an indescribable existence woke up.

No words can describe the majesty of this figure, words are so powerless at this moment.

Motura's eyes were bleeding and tears, and he closed his eyes with difficulty.

Commander of the 'secret'!

The great commander who once housed the key history of the death of the sun!

Wake up!


"Finally, the beginning of everything, the end of everything..."

Raven murmured, his figure was illusory, turning into countless basic and advanced knowledge of mysticism.

Each of its feathers is actually composed of knowledge far exceeding that of a library.

At this time, the endless ocean of knowledge turned into a torrent of information, and a behemoth that completely existed in the information came crashing down!

Commander of the 'tower'!

His existence itself is knowledge, wisdom, and everything!

Anyone who watched the Commander of the 'Tower' would be subjected to an incomparably terrifying torrent of knowledge in an instant, and a headshot is the easiest way to die.

In addition, there is also the Commander of the Underworld born in the death of all things!

[Twisted Bubble] that exists in shadows and distortions!

[Chrysalis] representing change and invariance!

The five major commanders awakened at the same time, bringing extremely profound influence and changes to the spirit world!

And this change is also reflected in the world!



On the street, an Extraordinary has spotted a certain rich gentleman and the bulging wallet in his pocket.

"Hungry, Greedy... Desire..."

"Damn it, since the association was destroyed, it has become more and more difficult for us to survive..."

The Extraordinary of 'Red' is the type that has difficulty controlling his own desires.

Moreover, without the protection of [Mother Tree of Flesh and Flesh] and Si Sui such as 'Mother of the Night' and 'Master of Hidden Skeleton', they lost the biggest support in the hidden world, and faced the doom of being besieged by many parties.

Up to now, the high-level and elites are all killed and injured, only the bottom-level fish that slipped through the net are still lingering.

The Extraordinary, who was nearly driven mad by the desire for flesh and blood and poverty, followed the gentleman all the way back to his home.

It was a nice two-story villa with a small garden.

Although the railings were high and there were hounds, it was very easy for Extraordinary to deal with them.

Finally, this Extraordinary broke into the house, ready to have a feast!


The next moment, the gentleman found the uninvited guest, and grabbed the shotgun hanging on the wall: "Don't move, or I will shoot."

"Weakness! Mortal... Your guns can't do me any harm at all."

The Extraordinary criminal laughed loudly and rushed towards the other party.


A shot went off.

The smoke cleared, and the criminal fell into a pool of blood, his face full of doubts: "Why... my ability?" '

"Are all burglars this stupid?"

The bewildered gentleman was equally bewildered, but that did not prevent him from calling the sheriff immediately.


In a secret room.

"Next, I will explain to you the knowledge of sacrifice and response... Remember, never pray to unknown beings, otherwise you will die very ugly."

The mentor of a secret organization is teaching the apprentices: "In the spiritual world, the elders are high above, and other than that, there are major hidden existences...but they are too strong. Our school has searched, analyzed, and tested... There are necessary sacrifices, and finally an existence that can stably respond to prayers has been determined-the three-pointed worm!"

"He likes the time from 11 o'clock at night to 1 o'clock in the morning, he likes calendula, rose essential oil... pray to him with enough precious metals and gemstones, and he will give back the 'water of forgetting'... this is the key of our school Supplies."

"I have already taught you the complete ritual of prayer, communication, and gifting. Next... I will demonstrate it again, and then you come."

The mentor skillfully crafted a prayer ceremony with candles, daggers, and salt, and placed a ruby ​​in the center of the ceremony.

"The patron of the 'Mother of Worms'!"

"Lord of the Forgotten River!"

"The great three-pointed worm... Please accept my sacrifice and give me the water of oblivion..."


The instructor recited the mantra aloud in the language of the spirit world.


The candle burned steadily, and nothing happened.

Looking into the apprentice's eyes, the instructor smiled awkwardly: "What I demonstrated just now was a wrong approach, and I wanted you to find out what's wrong with it. Unfortunately, you didn't..."

"Feel sorry……"

The apprentice immediately became tense.

"Okay, let me try again, you can see clearly!"

The mentor flattened all the previous rituals, and then did it all over again.

The candle was burning brightly, but still nothing happened...

"Cough cough!"

A blush quickly appeared on the instructor's face: "Impossible... Obviously follow the most standard procedures... No, no, my spirituality?"

He screamed like a little girl who was robbed, feeling that the spirituality in his body was rapidly overflowing...

According to this level, it won't be long before he will drop to the original level, and even return to an ordinary person!

"Everything has animism, why is the spirituality dissipating?"

The spiritual tide in this world has been revived for too long, and there are no immortals. Except for a certain ghost, no extraordinary person has realized... Spirituality, it turns out, is something that does not exist in this world!

And when all this happened suddenly, it seemed extraordinarily cruel!


Green Forest City.

Inside the castle.

"All rituals lose their effect, spells and magical items, and even their own spirituality are passing away..."

Liliat muttered to herself, looking at the sky outside.

The sky is blue and the scenery outside is beautiful.

But only Extraordinary people know that a terrible change is affecting the entire hidden world, or the entire secular world!

The magical animals wailed, or died, or degenerated...

Even if Extraordinary people hunt and devour each other... they can only slow down the speed of spirituality a little...

It was as if a huge funnel suddenly appeared at the bottom of the whole world, allowing the spiritual water to disappear along the funnel!

"My lord... the spirit of falsehood!"

"You are an absolutely neutral existence, a silent observer..."

"You wield the power of destiny..."

"I pray to you, begging you to grant me protection!"

After silently reciting the prayer, Liliat suddenly felt a gaze fall.

Immediately, a new spirituality was generated in his body.

This just formed a balance with the spirituality that passed away before, allowing her to maintain her own rank.

"Praise my lord!"

After finishing the prayer, Liliat walked out of the gate, looked at the slightly flustered secretary and other subordinates: "Order... I'm going to start the military parade this afternoon!"


In the mysterious space.

Aaron responded to his believer's prayer, and suddenly felt a sense of loss: "A world without demons has arrived..."

At the same time, despite the changes in the world, the secret source in his body is still providing him with a steady stream of power, maintaining his status and even longevity!

Even, you can continue to sprint to the next level!

This is an ability that can only be obtained after being promoted to an immortal and mastering the golden finger!

"The engraving has been completed, and the next step is the secret ceremony..."

Aaron murmured, and got a response almost instantly.

"So... part of my secret ritual has already been completed? Well... the false spirit was originally believed in and propagated as a hidden existence..."

"It's the rest of the ceremony, which still needs to be considered...or in other words, it's not 'secret' enough!"

Aaron thought about it and snapped his fingers.


a cafe.

William saw a waitress with a curvy buttocks, and was about to go up to strike up a conversation, when his expression changed suddenly, and a voice appeared in his ear: "From today on, you must not spread false names to others!"

"The oracle of my lord!"

William covered his mouth with a look of shock on his face.


An ancient castle.

A large number of occult books were randomly piled up, and a large amount of occult knowledge was written on them in ancient Chinese, spiritual world, and other rare fonts.


"Spirituality is fading!"

"Many Si Sui and hidden beings no longer answer prayers!"

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