Chapter 9 Night Attack

Time moves forward a moment.

Roan Davis looked at the camp in Widow's Bay, his face was full of ferocity: "Damn, what a coincidence?"

As a member of the Davis family, he has a deep understanding of family strategy.

With a large force dragging the main force of the Sothos family, a small force goes down the river, and by surprise, Fort Sotos can be captured in one day, and then the inside and outside cooperate to completely destroy the Sotos family!

Who knows, there just happened to be a team blocking the only way.

The terrain of Widow Bay is too unfavorable. Once a water card is set up and a camp is set up, it will be difficult for hundreds of people to break through in a short time!

Fortunately, according to the intelligence of the spies, there is only one team stationed in Widow Bay, with a small number and weak combat power.

"These dozens of people set up a camp to guard, and it is very difficult to take them if they are attacked openly. They must be attacked secretly."

Roan looked at his team and felt a little confident. After all, he had a real knight following him!

"Uncle Saliba, it's up to you."

He looked at his side, the muscular knight who put on full armor before the battle, said softly.

"rest assured!"

Saliba showed a bloodthirsty smile: "It's easy to get lost when you move at night, but as long as I go in alone, the overall situation is settled!"

Group emotions are the most difficult to appease, and the night is accompanied by fear. Once an attack is launched, the enemy may scream directly and then collapse.

Aaron didn't yell for enemy attack immediately, and it was also out of this consideration.

He also knew that the militiamen under him were still farmers in essence, and if they were frightened, they would be easily confused, and then it would all be over.

But at this time, let the squad leaders call out one by one, and many militiamen took up their weapons. Although their expressions were tense, there was no confusion at all.

"There are enemies attacking at night, bring them closer before attacking!"

Aaron picked up a bow and arrow and ordered in a low voice.

Ancient people ate less meat, and basically had night blindness, so night attack was not easy.

As for why the night attack case is famous?That's purely because of rarity!

However, as a meat-eating nobleman, he didn't have this problem. With the help of the moonlight, he quickly determined the size of the enemy.

"There are less than a hundred people. We have a stronghold, occupy a good location, and it is night. Most of the enemies are blind, and some of them need to grab the people in front to walk..."

He slowly drew the bow and arrow, and identified two leaders.

One of them was wearing armor, skipped over it immediately, and aimed at another young man next to him.


"It's coming, it's coming soon..."

Luo An was extremely excited. As long as he wins this camp, he will be the biggest contributor to the family's capture of the Green Forest!

At that time, it is very possible to be canonized as a knight!

Roan rushed into the camp without hindrance, and opened a tent with the long sword in his hand, but there was no one in it.

His expression changed instantly, and his hair stood on end!

Just then, in all directions, torches were lit.

A row of peasants and soldiers who had already taken up their weapons, occupying a favorable terrain, were watching him with the eyes of a dead man.

"not good!"

Luo An yelled, and saw a young man on the opposite side condescendingly, with a bow and arrow in his hand.

call out!

An arrow flashed past and passed straight through his thigh, causing Roan to fall to the ground and scream.

"Close the gate and call me!"

Aaron watched this scene and gave an order coldly.

They occupy a good location, are condescending, and have fences. Even if there are only 50 people, they are enough to withstand hundreds of people!

And if the enemy's sneak attack is discovered, it is equivalent to throwing oneself into a trap, closing the door and beating the dog, dividing the enemy's forces, and dividing them again to defeat them.


A few hunters among the peasants and soldiers also bent their bows and set their arrows. Their aim was not as good as Aaron's, but they still hit the enemy, making the enemy even more chaotic.

"Oops, ambushed?"

Saliba stared wide-eyed, looking at the bewildered subordinates.

Their expressions were flustered, full of panic, and they all retreated, rushing towards the narrow gate of the camp. For this reason, they did not hesitate to step on their colleagues, and even pointed swords at their comrades. The only thought in their hearts was to run for their lives!

At this point, even if their quality is higher than that of the militia, it will not be of any use.

"Can't withdraw, withdrawing at this time is just in an ambush!"

As expected of a knight, Saliba quickly thought about everything. He waved the sword in his hand, chopped down a militiaman who dared to rush forward, and roared, "Follow me!"


All kinds of attacks fell on his armor, leaving only shallow traces, but this big man swung his big sword like a whirlwind, and he was about to break out of the encirclement, and even rushed directly to Aaron!

Green stood in the way of the knight, was slashed by the opponent, and staggered to the ground.

Seeing this scene, Aaron could only throw down his bow and arrow, and picked up his own cross sword: "Some mistakes..."

The quality of these subordinates is really bad to a certain extent. Not only in the downwind battle, they tend to collapse when they are rushed by the enemy warriors, and even the original action of falling down the gate of the village has not been implemented for a long time.

"However, it's also good, so that there is a glimmer of hope of escape, the enemy will not go all out, turning the closed door and beating the dog into a fight of trapped beasts..."

Aaron made a complaint, and rushed forward with the cross sword in his hand, and the sharp blade in his hand drew an arc.

Saliba immediately moved to the left, and the huge sword in his hand fell suddenly.

Aaron raised the cross sword, and the two great swords met in mid-air, making a violent metal friction sound.

Fortunately, what he was holding was a cross sword. If it was the thin stabbing sword before, it would have been broken long ago.

Aaron's eyes did not fluctuate, as if he was practicing swordsmanship, he began to fight with Saliba.

His footsteps are very flexible, he dodges quickly, and he tries his best to avoid head-to-head confrontation with the opponent. This is the trace left by the usual use of the rapier.

And after swinging the huge sword a few times and failing to hit, Saliba's breathing became thicker.


Aaron dodged around to the back of the Saliba knight.

Although wearing armor has high defense, it is also inconvenient to move and consumes energy.

At this time, Saliba's speed was far worse than before. Aaron saw the opportunity and pierced his knee with a sword. The blade pierced through the gap between the plate armor, bringing out a large amount of blood.

Saliba screamed and knelt on the ground on one knee.

"A knight..."

Aaron gasped for a few low breaths, and did not relax his vigilance. Instead, he directly picked up the enemy's long sword and stabbed the blade through the window of the helmet.

A large amount of blood gushed out from the gap in the helmet, and the opponent's huge body fell directly.

"Knight Saliba is dead!"

"Saliba the bear is dead!"

Seeing this scene, the soldiers of the Davis family surrendered or fled at a faster speed, as if their faith had collapsed.


And at this time, Eight Fingers finally led the people, blocked the gate of the camp, and completely controlled the initiative...

Chapter 10 Counterattack

Widow's Cove Camp.

Outside the tent, there was a hustle and bustle.

Whether dealing with prisoners of war, treating the wounded, or counting losses, it takes time.

But Aaron has the privilege, he doesn't have to do it himself, just wait for the result.

At this time, he was in the tent, holding a notebook in his hand, and added a few lines of writing to it.

[On the 19th of the newborn month of the green banyan tree, I obtained extraordinary abilities in a dream, and named them 'extraordinary memory' and 'perception of danger'...]

[But after returning to reality, this extraordinaryness disappeared again... Fortunately, 'extraordinary memory' can be slowly learned and consolidated in dreams. 】

[About 'danger perception', it is speculated that it can only be obtained in dreams, and it can sense danger in reality, the range... not sure... this may be guessed from the enemy's sneak attack distance...]

[It seems that in this world, it is very difficult to obtain extraordinary, but it is not without opportunistic methods... Perhaps, I will become a "dream fortune teller" in the future? 】


After writing the Chinese characters that only he knew, Aaron shook his head, put away his notebook, and fell asleep.

His sleep quality has always been good, coupled with the fatigue from the war, he immediately felt a sense of falling.

When Aaron opened his eyes again, he saw the scarlet light again.

dream world.

"Well, I feel that my thinking is much more flexible, and it is really different from reality..."

Aaron sensed again and nodded with satisfaction: "There is no sense of danger, [Danger Perception] There is no warning, does it mean that it is generally safe in reality?"

Sleeping every day will increase the reserve of a mysterious energy unit in dreams, but there is a time limit.

During a day, there is only one unit.

Therefore, the idea of ​​brushing energy by dreaming multiple times a day is also unfeasible.

Because he had gained energy before, Aaron at this time did not feel the slightest generation of new energy.

"The laws of this dream world are worth exploring, and there are many rules that I haven't discovered..."

Aaron rested his chin on his hand and fell into deep thought.

Because of his active thinking, he likes to use his dream as a thinking room to make some important decisions.

"Although I have defeated the Davis family's conspiracy at this time, the war on the Black Crow Dune is still very uncertain. Once the Sotos family is defeated, there will be no eggs under the nest..."

"When the external conflicts overwhelm the internal conflicts, it's a joke to hide clumsiness. We must help the Sotos family and defeat the Davis family!"

"As for Colin's possible hostility? It can only be the lesser of two evils. Besides, why would I be afraid of him? Hehe..."

At this moment, Aaron had another subtle feeling.

"Not dangerous, but someone is coming."

He closed his eyes and woke up from the dream.

At this time, Bazhi and other team leaders just came in, with joy on their faces: "My lord, we defeated the conspiracy of the Davis family and won a brilliant victory."

It seems that through interrogation, they also know some conspiracy.

"Okay, let's talk about it carefully."

Aaron waved his hand.

The eight fingers rubbed the index finger: "Because my lord discovered in advance that we had very few casualties in this night attack, but the results were very rich...not only cut off more than 30 heads, but also captured more than 20 prisoners, the most important of which, It's Roan Davis, and congratulations, my lord, for beheading the Wild Bear Saliba Knight."

"As for the capture, there are still two large ships docked not far away. According to the account of the captives, once we are defeated, they will immediately take the boat to our territory and attack the castle..."

Having said that, Bazhi's forehead was also dripping with cold sweat. If the Davis family completes the sneak attack, I'm afraid they will not end well.

"Bring that Roan over here."

Aaron thought about it.

Not long after, a young nobleman was dragged up like a dead dog.

The arrow wound on his leg had already been bandaged briefly, but blood was still oozing from the bandage.

At this moment, Roan Davis looked up and looked at the young man who defeated him, with shock and disbelief on his face: "Is it you?"

When the marriage contract was made under the sacred green banyan tree, Aaron had seen each other before, so he couldn't help but smile: "Your Excellency Luo An, long time no see."

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