

On the canal, a small steamer was emitting black smoke, carrying a boat of tourists upstream, heading straight for Jinshi.

"This small steam wheel, powered by a steam engine, runs water and fire, and it runs automatically without wind. It's amazing."

One person on the deck, wearing a short-sleeved shirt, leaned on the railing and couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

This person has regular facial features and thick lips, which are tightly pursed when not speaking, which can easily give people a sense of perseverance.

In the photo books, such people are often determined, and will have great achievements in business and politics in the future.

This person is Yang Fei, a student, and this time he went to Jinshi City to take the public examination.

"Brother Yang, is this the first time to ride a small steamer?"

A chubby businessman next to him smiled and said, "This is indeed a rare item. It was only researched by the Taishang Dao Academy three years ago... and it was put into commercial use after that, and it was only needed by some mines, but people always have whimsical ideas. Putting it on a boat, it can be equivalent to a dozen strong laborers rowing a boat, and it is still the kind of day and night... It is said that it will be used on the ground, but the laying of rails will cost a lot of money, and the court princes are still discussing..."

"Brother Zhen is worthy of being a businessman, and his horizons have broadened! The students have been educated."

Yang Fei sincerely thanked him.

"Hey...don't be so polite." The merchant Zhen Bao has a simple and honest appearance, and he doesn't seem to be deceiving at first glance. Such an appearance is most suitable for business.

At this time, his hands were shaking wildly: "Little brother, if you can go to Jinshi to test the public, in the past, you would be the emperor's disciple! How can I appreciate your gift?"

"What kind of emperor's disciple, but a small official... I also live close to Jinshi, so I was assigned to this large area for exams!"

Yang Fei said, feeling a little emotional.

Although the imperial examination clearly stipulates that all candidates who pass the examination should start from officials, but there are still differences from place to place.

For example, it is better to work in the sixth house in the state capital, even if it is just serving tea and water, than in the county.

As for being able to take the exam in Jinshi, let alone those who can directly supplement and enter the various ministries of the imperial court, the promotion is fast.

This also made Jinshi public examination several times more difficult than other regions.

Even so, there are still a large number of candidates who would rather spend huge sums of money to buy a house in Jinshi and change their household registration, but also to take the exam in Jinshi, resulting in several major corruption cases.

It can be said that although the Liang Dynasty entered a prosperous age, there were many problems that followed.

'I am under the tutelage of Mr. Junshan, and I must assist Mingzhu to do great things for the people of the world! '

Yang Fei held onto the railing, and couldn't help feeling new.

His teacher, Mr. Junshan, is said to have been a famous Confucian during the Song Dynasty, but the imperial court did not use the Four Books and Five Classics to select scholars, and the status of Confucian scholars plummeted.

Many directly shaved ordained to become monks, or became disheartened, and became Taoist priests, and even scattered into the mountains, known as "do not eat Liang Su"!

As a result, even monks and Taoists have to pay taxes, and those who enter the deep mountains can't bear to run back in despair, or die directly at the mouth of tigers and wolves.

The rest either went crazy or changed.

Mr. Jun Shan belongs to the more flexible kind. He has taught himself the way of science and taught and educated people in the countryside, but he can earn a living.

It's just that when teaching urchins how to read, I can't help but say some strange things about Zhe Ye and mock the clock.

As a result, Yang Fei has some cynical thoughts at such a young age. He only wants to meet the Ming Lord, take charge of the great government, and then reform!

He concealed his thoughts very well, at this moment he only chatted with Zhen Bao: "Brother Zhen has been doing business recently, how much profit has he made?"

"It's not bad, just barely making ends meet... The tax laws of the imperial court are quite careful, and you have to shed your skin after filing taxes layer by layer... Fortunately, you don't have to be exploited by checkpoints, road cards, local ruffians, and powerful... There are still some profits, Just not doing much."

Zhen Bao seemed to sigh: "Those wealthy businessmen who do business across states and even prefectures are always only successful for a while, and then they fail before they know it... The real profitable business is run by the imperial court! Hehe... the former scholar There is some truth in saying that you don’t compete with the people for profit.”

Just as Yang Fei was about to say something, he saw several children running on the deck, vying for a comic book.

This kind of thing is also called "comics", which Yang Fei also loved to read when he was a child.

And the most popular book nowadays is "The Legend of Songliang Heroes", which describes the troubled times before.

"Give it to me quickly, I want to see General Tang defeat the golden soldiers!"

"No, I want to see civil servants strategizing the world. What's so good about martial arts? I'd rather be a high-ranking official, like Fan Dashi and Zhang Dashi...to change the world with one strategy, this is the demeanor of a top strategist..."

A little girl timidly said: "Didn't you say that King Liang still has immortals to help? I want to read the story of Hu Li Daxian..."

The other children all despised: "Taoists and immortals are all lies! Haven't you read the scientific deciphering of the Supreme Taoist Academy? The talisman paper can spontaneously ignite, it's just adding phosphorus, what kind of oil pan to withdraw money, just adding Borax and vinegar!"

"My father has already said that recently the emperor set up a pavilion of meritorious ministers, so there is nothing to do with the Great Immortal Huli..."


Tong Yan Wuji, Yang Fei was startled!

Although he doesn't believe in the saying that Xu Lingzi has Jiaoli Huozao, knows flying swordsmanship, can scatter beans into soldiers, and bring the dead back to life, but he also knows that Xu Lingzi was the prime minister of Liang Wang before, and he conquered gold and stone, beheaded Wu Wang, and gold. Wang, really made great contributions.

But now, it seems that she has been gradually marginalized by the imperial court!

Chapter 865 Retirement

Too much Taoism.

Taichong was dressed in a pure purple robe, and he floated in. Everyone he met knew that he had met a nobleman, and they all avoided and saluted.

There is a system in Daliang, first-rank officials use pure purple, third-rank officials use pure green, fifth-rank officials use bright yellow, seventh-rank officials use bright red, and ninth-rank officials use white red.

Seeing that he is only middle-aged, he has already become a first-rank official. He is definitely a prosperous official, and Jane is in the heart of the emperor.


In a square, the sound of thunder suddenly came, which made people jump.

But Tai Chong didn't care.

He went straight into a room and saw a short and fat middle-aged man, who looked like Taihe, and couldn't help laughing: "Junior brother, you're getting fat again! It's just that you don't pay attention to your body?"

"Ah... the weather is so hot now, so I don't care about that much... but I have a water conditioner in the Taoist monastery. After installing it in another day, I won't be afraid..."

Taoist Taihe's blue official uniform was open, revealing most of his chest, showing no demeanor: "People like me who work with Lei Fa every day, need this so much..."

Since Aaron even resigned from the position of the dean of the Taishang Taoist Academy five years ago, Taoist Taihe has taken over this position.


Taoist Taihe's eyes were dark: "Your Taishang Daoyuan's latest invention, the god fire blunderbuss and god artillery... Your Majesty has seen it, and the dragon's heart is very happy... I, Daliang, suppressed the three religions, and I needed the help of this sharp weapon... Last time I strangled Wutong Daoist, who refused to obey the king's law, only went to a team of Shenhuo Army, and was beaten into a beehive under a row of guns!"

"It's all thanks to the teacher, I'm just picking up people's teeth."

Speaking of the teacher, Taihe's expression became complicated: "Let's go... let's go see the teacher."

He tidied up his clothes, walked out of the monastery with Taihe, and got into a carriage.

In the carriage, there is a beautiful female crown waiting, years can not leave many traces on her body, she is still like a girl, just a pair of talking eyes, with a mature charm that girls do not have, she is the female crown of Taiyin !

"Junior Sister!"

Taichong said hello, and Taihe drove out of Jinshi City by himself, and came to Ziqing Mountain.

In the corner of Ziqing Mountain, there is a small Taoist temple that does not accept incense from the outside, but only a plum blossom is planted outside the Taoist temple, which looks very quiet.

The three of them got off the carriage at the edge of the plum blossom forest, climbed up the steps along the bluestone path, and came to the front of the Taoist temple.

On the gilded plaque, there are three big characters of "Cultivating the Mind" written in flamboyant patterns.

Looking at this word, although it is a little immature, it also has a majestic atmosphere, and there is a private seal next to it, which is "Jiangshan Zhaizhu".

This is the seal of His Majesty the Emperor!

Few people know that this Taoist temple was lived in seclusion by Prime Minister Xu Lingzi back then, and the plaque is a gift from the emperor, written by the current Emperor Liang himself!

Taiyin stepped forward and knocked on the door.

After a long time, only one person opened the door. It was a woman who looked about the same age as Taiyin.

But Taiyin knows that this is the current eldest princess, the aunt of His Majesty the Emperor, who later sacrificed her life to become a Taoist, and her Taoist name is 'Nongmei'!

"It was you."

With a calm expression, Xiao Zi opened the door of the Taoist temple: "Come in!"

Taichong and Taihe saluted, walked ahead, passed through the hall, and came to a side room.

"Cough cough!"

Before he got close, he heard a coughing sound.

"Meet the teacher!"

The three of Taichong hurriedly saluted outside the door.

"come in!"

Aaron's voice came from the door, with a hint of weakness.

Taichong and Taihe pushed the door and entered, Taiyin's eyes were sharp, and he saw a smear of blood on the gold-embroidered white handkerchief in Aaron's hand.

Looking at this scene, her pupils shrank slightly, thinking of the beginning.

After killing the Golden King, the teacher's health is not very good.

But among the officials, the royalist faction believed that this was the blessing of the country and the country. After all, if the prime minister returned with great achievements, the next step might be to force the emperor to abdicate.

Aaron's face was a little pale, but his appearance was still young, just like before.

He smiled, asked Xiao Zi to bring a pillow, leaned on the pillow, and looked at the three students: "What a good day today, I brought you all together."

Among the three, even Taiyin, who has the lowest official position, is also entangled in various affairs, and has gradually come less recently.

"Teacher Qi!"

Taichong gave a salute first: "Recently, a major event happened in the government. Zhang Jushi successfully entered the cabinet. Lu Xiaoyi not only failed to attack the cabinet, but also completely defeated in the literary world. But as we all know, Lu Xiaoyi has always been close to the teacher, and he is my junior brother. The court It's really chilling to do this..."

Taihe said: "Teacher... and Zhan Da, who has been following you and is the most loyal, died in battle for no reason when he was conquering the Southwestern Yi..."

In the previous battle in the north, the Liujia Shenbing suffered heavy losses.

In recent years, most of the generals from the line of Liujia Shenbing have also withered.

Although they all seem to be accidents, when you look at them together, there is a faint smell.

Coupled with the recent emperor's decree discussing the ranking of the Pavilion of Heroes, there is no Xu Lingzi, which is already a very dangerous signal!

It has to be said that the power of fame and righteousness is really incredible.

No matter how puppet Xiao Liang is, he has been a puppet for nearly 20 years. It is no longer what it used to be!

It can be said that it has become a climate!

Xiao Zi was at the side, her expression unchanged, listening quietly.

"Cough cough..."

Aaron waved his hands weakly, and started coughing again: "Zhan Da died too? Sigh... the old man is half dead... now in the army, who is in charge?"

"It's Tang Xun, Si Yunming, and Zheng Fang!"

Taichong replied: "Tang Xun is nothing more than that. Si Yunming and Zheng Fang are just false generals who got promoted by the prime minister and started their careers. Now they are shaking, especially in the navy to plant party members and cultivate confidants. , now even His Majesty finds it difficult to intervene... These two people and Tang Xun are collectively called the 'Three Elders', and they are the most arrogant!"

Aaron is also very clear about this personnel change.

As the chief general of an army, it is too easy to place one of his own people.

And Daliang won the country very quickly, as long as he joined early, or relatively early, he could get a lot of benefits.

For example, that Zhang Jushi actually joined the cabinet and became old.

"Ahem... Tang Xun wasn't young back then, is he in his fifties or sixties now? The outside world probably calls him old Tang Ge? Haha..."

Aaron laughed and didn't express any opinion on this, but waved his hand and asked the three disciples to quit: "Okay...you guys have seen each other today, as a teacher, this old bone is not dead yet, should we go? "

Taichong's heart trembled, and he bowed to his juniors and younger sisters: "Teacher Wanfu, I'll take my leave..."

After leaving the Mental Cultivation Temple, he looked back at the lonely Taoist Temple and sighed suddenly.

Now that the position is high and powerful, a lot of information can be read.

Although the teacher had amazing magical powers back then and helped the emperor win the world, he seemed to have been condemned by heaven. It's really hard to say how much Taoism is left... Otherwise, how dare some young people come to test it?

Chapter 866

gold stone.

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